Why Shouldn't We Have A Myanmar Styled Coup In The US??

"A former national security adviser for Donald Trump told attendees at a weekend conference in Dallas linked to the baseless QAnon conspiracy that what happened in Myanmar — where the military overthrew the government — “should happen” in the United States. During a question-and-answer session; an audience member asked Flynn, while mispronouncing the Southeast Asian nation’s name: “I want to know why what happened in Myanmar can’t happen here?' -- 'No reason,” Flynn responded as the crowd cheered. “I mean, it should happen here.”

Flynn is absolutely right -- there is no reason why it shouldn't happen here....and if Trump is going to be re-installed as Supreme Leader in August as he predicts; the easiest way to make this happen is with a military coup....Democrats have been able to get away with violent coups and government takeovers for decades -- so why shouldn't God's chosen be able to do it??

And there are many parallels to the coup in Myanmar -- that election was rigged and stolen from the rightful winner and therefore the military stepped in to make things right...and just think, almost 800 people over there have been killed for protesting and causing trouble -- can you imagine how awesome it would be if our military could mow down 800 Antifa and BLM thugs for trying to oppose a constitutionally protected coup?? Best part of it is, if the public reaction to a coup is negative; we can just blame it on Dems and claim they did it....it's a win win either way.

Are you an American? You have to ask why a violent, military overthrow of the United States is a bad thing to do?

Wjat makes you different from Anti-Fa? The Weather Underground? The Communist Party U.S.A.?

You label loyal Americans "traitors" while you advocate treason itself?

If Flynn and other conservative constitutional patriots tell us that a coup should happen here -- it is by definition not treason.....

Flynn is a military vet with a distinguished career.....how dare you disparage his service just a day after Memorial day!!!!
"Constitutonal patiot".

My, that's rich!
“It should happen,” Flynn declared of the violent, deadly military coup at a wild QAnon conference in Dallas for “patriots.”

Avowed QAnon disciple and confessed felon retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn has called for a Myanmar-like military coup in America.

“It should happen,” Donald Trump’s former national security adviser said in an astonishing declaration at a QAnon conference Sunday.

Myanmar’s military violently seized control of the country from its civilian government in late January, detained democratically elected leader Aung San Suu Kyi and top party members, and killed more than 700 protesters as of early this month. The military justified its action by claiming unproven “election fraud.”

Flynn presented his dark vision of a military coup and dictatorship in the U.S. in response to a question from the audience at the conference.

″I wanna know why what happened in Myanmar can’t happen here?” an unidentified member of the audience asked Flynn, though he pronounced the nation as “Minnimar.”

“No reason,” Flynn responded to wild screams of approval. “It should happen.”

Michael Flynn sounds like a deranged man. We are living in dangerous times. Personal safety and American democracy are both in great danger from domestic terrorists.

first off...FLYNN was railroaded by our corrupt FBI and DOJ. Lets stop pretending that he is a criminal.

Secondly, nothing Flynn said was wrong.

Flynn is a traitor to the uniform he wore.

Whatever you say CCP-Putin Puppet

You are a traitor if you support Flynn, Trump, The Pillow Biter etc, etc. The whole lot is traitorous scum.

Please CCP Stooge. No one listens to your Satanic Propaganda. Go back to picking Xi's dingleberries off of his ass and serving as Putin's Whittle Butt Plug.
“It should happen,” Flynn declared of the violent, deadly military coup at a wild QAnon conference in Dallas for “patriots.”

Avowed QAnon disciple and confessed felon retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn has called for a Myanmar-like military coup in America.

“It should happen,” Donald Trump’s former national security adviser said in an astonishing declaration at a QAnon conference Sunday.

Myanmar’s military violently seized control of the country from its civilian government in late January, detained democratically elected leader Aung San Suu Kyi and top party members, and killed more than 700 protesters as of early this month. The military justified its action by claiming unproven “election fraud.”

Flynn presented his dark vision of a military coup and dictatorship in the U.S. in response to a question from the audience at the conference.

″I wanna know why what happened in Myanmar can’t happen here?” an unidentified member of the audience asked Flynn, though he pronounced the nation as “Minnimar.”

“No reason,” Flynn responded to wild screams of approval. “It should happen.”

Michael Flynn sounds like a deranged man. We are living in dangerous times. Personal safety and American democracy are both in great danger from domestic terrorists.

first off...FLYNN was railroaded by our corrupt FBI and DOJ. Lets stop pretending that he is a criminal.

Secondly, nothing Flynn said was wrong.

Flynn is a traitor to the uniform he wore.

Whatever you say CCP-Putin Puppet

You are a traitor if you support Flynn, Trump, The Pillow Biter etc, etc. The whole lot is traitorous scum.

Please CCP Stooge. No one listens to your Satanic Propaganda. Go back to picking Xi's dingleberries off of his ass and serving as Putin's Whittle Butt Plug.

See? Embarrassing gaslighting that fools nobody. And you don't care. You are here to soothe yourself.
“It should happen,” Flynn declared of the violent, deadly military coup at a wild QAnon conference in Dallas for “patriots.”

Avowed QAnon disciple and confessed felon retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn has called for a Myanmar-like military coup in America.

“It should happen,” Donald Trump’s former national security adviser said in an astonishing declaration at a QAnon conference Sunday.

Myanmar’s military violently seized control of the country from its civilian government in late January, detained democratically elected leader Aung San Suu Kyi and top party members, and killed more than 700 protesters as of early this month. The military justified its action by claiming unproven “election fraud.”

Flynn presented his dark vision of a military coup and dictatorship in the U.S. in response to a question from the audience at the conference.

″I wanna know why what happened in Myanmar can’t happen here?” an unidentified member of the audience asked Flynn, though he pronounced the nation as “Minnimar.”

“No reason,” Flynn responded to wild screams of approval. “It should happen.”

Michael Flynn sounds like a deranged man. We are living in dangerous times. Personal safety and American democracy are both in great danger from domestic terrorists.

first off...FLYNN was railroaded by our corrupt FBI and DOJ. Lets stop pretending that he is a criminal.

Secondly, nothing Flynn said was wrong.

Flynn is a traitor to the uniform he wore.

Whatever you say CCP-Putin Puppet

You are a traitor if you support Flynn, Trump, The Pillow Biter etc, etc. The whole lot is traitorous scum.

Please CCP Stooge. No one listens to your Satanic Propaganda. Go back to picking Xi's dingleberries off of his ass and serving as Putin's Whittle Butt Plug.

See? Embarrassing gaslighting that fools nobody. And you don't care. You are here to soothe yourself.

I soothe myself with the tears of lying liberals who will be haunted by their crimes of a stolen election, and being owned by the CCP and Putin forever.
If the voting fraud is conclusively proven then strong measures need to be taken to redress and assure future elections are above suspicion. The military should be called upon only if fraud is proven and the perpetrators seek to maintain the fraud.


The military gets involved...then what? Another election immediately then, right?

You DO realize that the entire election would have to be thrown out if this isn't just going to be a power grab by a sore loser amorphous blob....every seated Senator who was elected, every seated house member, every governor, state legislator, councilman...every measure that was passed will have to be re-done....nationwide. What about all of those elections? Who becomes the Rep. from (just to pick a seat), the CO-2nd District?

I support rectifying a wrong if proven. Although I greatly appreciate many of Trump's policies I do not believe justice would be served or faith in our system be restored simply by returning Trump to office. I believe that another election would be warranted and if deemed appropriate at all levels of government. Elections could be staggered so as to allow the choice of candidates so as not to fully deplete the government.

Again, if fraud is proven our goal must be to restore faith in the system. If we fail to do that we are finished as a country.

Yeah, that's called a coup d'é·tat

Throwing out illegitimate politicians that used fraud to reach office is a coup d'etat?? You are fking funny.

Using the military to install a person as the leader is....

The only people who don't have faith in our system are the cult members. I urge all of them to embrace it fully and refrain from voting in all elections going forward.

Blind faith in any government is rarely rewarded. It would benefit all of us to be a bit more skeptical of whose interests government is pursuing.

Faith, put simply, is the belief in something without evidence.

Where is the evidence of serious amounts of voter fraud?
Where are the arrests?
All 50 states certified their elections.
Every re-count revealed zero massive voter fraud.
These partisan audits are going nowhere and proving nothing.

If you don't have faith in the system..by all means..don't vote. But you can't honestly say that your skepticism is based on evidence. You have none. Zero.

So you shouldn't have any problem with full audits of the vote. You have faith and I prefer verification with a full audit.

Who is going to conduct this audit? Trump Humpers.
“It should happen,” Flynn declared of the violent, deadly military coup at a wild QAnon conference in Dallas for “patriots.”

Avowed QAnon disciple and confessed felon retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn has called for a Myanmar-like military coup in America.

“It should happen,” Donald Trump’s former national security adviser said in an astonishing declaration at a QAnon conference Sunday.

Myanmar’s military violently seized control of the country from its civilian government in late January, detained democratically elected leader Aung San Suu Kyi and top party members, and killed more than 700 protesters as of early this month. The military justified its action by claiming unproven “election fraud.”

Flynn presented his dark vision of a military coup and dictatorship in the U.S. in response to a question from the audience at the conference.

″I wanna know why what happened in Myanmar can’t happen here?” an unidentified member of the audience asked Flynn, though he pronounced the nation as “Minnimar.”

“No reason,” Flynn responded to wild screams of approval. “It should happen.”

Michael Flynn sounds like a deranged man. We are living in dangerous times. Personal safety and American democracy are both in great danger from domestic terrorists.

first off...FLYNN was railroaded by our corrupt FBI and DOJ. Lets stop pretending that he is a criminal.

Secondly, nothing Flynn said was wrong.

Flynn is a traitor to the uniform he wore.

Whatever you say CCP-Putin Puppet

You are a traitor if you support Flynn, Trump, The Pillow Biter etc, etc. The whole lot is traitorous scum.

Please CCP Stooge. No one listens to your Satanic Propaganda. Go back to picking Xi's dingleberries off of his ass and serving as Putin's Whittle Butt Plug.

See? Embarrassing gaslighting that fools nobody. And you don't care. You are here to soothe yourself.

I soothe myself with the tears of lying liberals who will be haunted by their crimes of a stolen election, and being owned by the CCP and Putin forever.

No, you sit there and pull your taffy and peer though your basement blinds, inventing little boogeymen, cause ya can't get it up without them, you nauseating freak.
We should not have a Myanmar-style coup in the US.

I hate cleaning guns every time I shoot them and besides, they depreciate in value when you use them.
I doubt if you will be doing any shooting from your bedroom closet.

Probably not, seeing how it's full of ammo and other shit.
Haha, another impotent gun nut living out his Walker Texas Ranger fantasies on the internet....
“It should happen,” Flynn declared of the violent, deadly military coup at a wild QAnon conference in Dallas for “patriots.”

Avowed QAnon disciple and confessed felon retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn has called for a Myanmar-like military coup in America.

“It should happen,” Donald Trump’s former national security adviser said in an astonishing declaration at a QAnon conference Sunday.

Myanmar’s military violently seized control of the country from its civilian government in late January, detained democratically elected leader Aung San Suu Kyi and top party members, and killed more than 700 protesters as of early this month. The military justified its action by claiming unproven “election fraud.”

Flynn presented his dark vision of a military coup and dictatorship in the U.S. in response to a question from the audience at the conference.

″I wanna know why what happened in Myanmar can’t happen here?” an unidentified member of the audience asked Flynn, though he pronounced the nation as “Minnimar.”

“No reason,” Flynn responded to wild screams of approval. “It should happen.”

Michael Flynn sounds like a deranged man. We are living in dangerous times. Personal safety and American democracy are both in great danger from domestic terrorists.

first off...FLYNN was railroaded by our corrupt FBI and DOJ. Lets stop pretending that he is a criminal.

Secondly, nothing Flynn said was wrong.

Flynn is a traitor to the uniform he wore.

Whatever you say CCP-Putin Puppet

You are a traitor if you support Flynn, Trump, The Pillow Biter etc, etc. The whole lot is traitorous scum.

Please CCP Stooge. No one listens to your Satanic Propaganda. Go back to picking Xi's dingleberries off of his ass and serving as Putin's Whittle Butt Plug.

Your inability to address the subject at hand is duly noted...
We should not have a Myanmar-style coup in the US.

I hate cleaning guns every time I shoot them and besides, they depreciate in value when you use them.
I doubt if you will be doing any shooting from your bedroom closet.

Probably not, seeing how it's full of ammo and other shit.
I doubt yer rifle can hold more than one buwet at a time, heheheheh, you skrewy wabbit. Will you be using dat gun for fun or on Flynn when he shows up at yer door to kill off rifle owners in the new order?
Is that it? Does the radical left and the moderate left really think the rumble in Washington in January was really an attempt to overthrow the government? If so they shouldn't be too concerned because the "revolution" was a freaking dud. What happened indicates that we don't have to worry about a right wing revolution but we have the very institution that used a foreign informant to commit treason in charge and rounding up political dissidents. Why am I not concerned?
In case anyone noticed:

Although I asked when I reported it - I still don't know who changed my thread title and moved this thread from Politics to Current Events. A merger doesn't make any sense - because the first two posts are mine. Ordinarily I wouldn't much care - but this is an important topic. The new thread title sounds like it was written by a deranged right-winger. Anyway, here was my original thread title:

Trump’s Ex-National Security Adviser Michael Flynn Calls For Myanmar-Type Coup In U.S.​

Is that it? Does the radical left and the moderate left really think the rumble in Washington in January was really an attempt to overthrow the government? If so they shouldn't be too concerned because the "revolution" was a freaking dud. What happened indicates that we don't have to worry about a right wing revolution but we have the very institution that used a foreign informant to commit treason in charge and rounding up political dissidents. Why am I not concerned?
Yes, I believe it was and it feel apart.
“It should happen,” Flynn declared of the violent, deadly military coup at a wild QAnon conference in Dallas for “patriots.”

Avowed QAnon disciple and confessed felon retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn has called for a Myanmar-like military coup in America.

“It should happen,” Donald Trump’s former national security adviser said in an astonishing declaration at a QAnon conference Sunday.

Myanmar’s military violently seized control of the country from its civilian government in late January, detained democratically elected leader Aung San Suu Kyi and top party members, and killed more than 700 protesters as of early this month. The military justified its action by claiming unproven “election fraud.”

Flynn presented his dark vision of a military coup and dictatorship in the U.S. in response to a question from the audience at the conference.

″I wanna know why what happened in Myanmar can’t happen here?” an unidentified member of the audience asked Flynn, though he pronounced the nation as “Minnimar.”

“No reason,” Flynn responded to wild screams of approval. “It should happen.”

Michael Flynn sounds like a deranged man. We are living in dangerous times. Personal safety and American democracy are both in great danger from domestic terrorists.

Happy Memorial Day!

Isn't there a law against calling for an armed insurrection in this country? If not there should be.
“It should happen,” Flynn declared of the violent, deadly military coup at a wild QAnon conference in Dallas for “patriots.”

Avowed QAnon disciple and confessed felon retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn has called for a Myanmar-like military coup in America.

“It should happen,” Donald Trump’s former national security adviser said in an astonishing declaration at a QAnon conference Sunday.

Myanmar’s military violently seized control of the country from its civilian government in late January, detained democratically elected leader Aung San Suu Kyi and top party members, and killed more than 700 protesters as of early this month. The military justified its action by claiming unproven “election fraud.”

Flynn presented his dark vision of a military coup and dictatorship in the U.S. in response to a question from the audience at the conference.

″I wanna know why what happened in Myanmar can’t happen here?” an unidentified member of the audience asked Flynn, though he pronounced the nation as “Minnimar.”

“No reason,” Flynn responded to wild screams of approval. “It should happen.”

Michael Flynn sounds like a deranged man. We are living in dangerous times. Personal safety and American democracy are both in great danger from domestic terrorists.

Happy Memorial Day!

Isn't there a law against calling for an armed insurrection in this country? If not there should be.

There apparently is - but it can be a gray area to actually prosecute. I heard various experts talk about it earlier this evening. One was a JAG lawyer who said that what Flynn said over the weekend, combined with some of his previous comments, "could" be enough to prosecute him under the UCMJ.
Maybe we should have a Santiago-styled coup.

Is that it? Does the radical left and the moderate left really think the rumble in Washington in January was really an attempt to overthrow the government? If so they shouldn't be too concerned because the "revolution" was a freaking dud. What happened indicates that we don't have to worry about a right wing revolution but we have the very institution that used a foreign informant to commit treason in charge and rounding up political dissidents. Why am I not concerned?
Trump's war on this country on the 6th was the worst thing I've ever seen. Hard to believe anyone could take it lightly but then we have millions of people in the USA who hate the rest of us and it looks like you're one of them. Luckily we out number your kind.
If the voting fraud is conclusively proven then strong measures need to be taken to redress and assure future elections are above suspicion. The military should be called upon only if fraud is proven and the perpetrators seek to maintain the fraud.


The military gets involved...then what? Another election immediately then, right?

You DO realize that the entire election would have to be thrown out if this isn't just going to be a power grab by a sore loser amorphous blob....every seated Senator who was elected, every seated house member, every governor, state legislator, councilman...every measure that was passed will have to be re-done....nationwide. What about all of those elections? Who becomes the Rep. from (just to pick a seat), the CO-2nd District?

I support rectifying a wrong if proven. Although I greatly appreciate many of Trump's policies I do not believe justice would be served or faith in our system be restored simply by returning Trump to office. I believe that another election would be warranted and if deemed appropriate at all levels of government. Elections could be staggered so as to allow the choice of candidates so as not to fully deplete the government.

Again, if fraud is proven our goal must be to restore faith in the system. If we fail to do that we are finished as a country.

Yeah, that's called a coup d'é·tat

Throwing out illegitimate politicians that used fraud to reach office is a coup d'etat?? You are fking funny.

Using the military to install a person as the leader is....

The only people who don't have faith in our system are the cult members. I urge all of them to embrace it fully and refrain from voting in all elections going forward.

Blind faith in any government is rarely rewarded. It would benefit all of us to be a bit more skeptical of whose interests government is pursuing.

Faith, put simply, is the belief in something without evidence.

Where is the evidence of serious amounts of voter fraud?
Where are the arrests?
All 50 states certified their elections.
Every re-count revealed zero massive voter fraud.
These partisan audits are going nowhere and proving nothing.

If you don't have faith in the system..by all means..don't vote. But you can't honestly say that your skepticism is based on evidence. You have none. Zero.

So you shouldn't have any problem with full audits of the vote. You have faith and I prefer verification with a full audit.

None at all.

Let me know when there is evidence to back up your skepticism.....because right now; you have nothing but paranoia.

You love to paint people as crazy. Why are you so afraid of someone having questions or having a different opinion? Sorry but my role isn't to reduce your anxiety. You will find many people in life that don't share your opinion and you would do well to confront you fears rather than demand others conform to your views.

No one is calling for a full audit.

That is incorrect.

All bullshit designed to garner support from gullible Trump cultists for new laws to suppress voter turnout. Everyone knows this.

You need to prove your identity for so many reasons: to cash a check, deal with most government institutions including the IRS (which affects everybody), get a job, buy alcohol or cigarettes, go to a hospital, and so many other reasons that affect all our lives.

The claim that requiring ID to vote is an unnecessary and restrictive burden on voters is pure bullshit.

If the voting fraud is conclusively proven then strong measures need to be taken to redress and assure future elections are above suspicion. The military should be called upon only if fraud is proven and the perpetrators seek to maintain the fraud.


The military gets involved...then what? Another election immediately then, right?

You DO realize that the entire election would have to be thrown out if this isn't just going to be a power grab by a sore loser amorphous blob....every seated Senator who was elected, every seated house member, every governor, state legislator, councilman...every measure that was passed will have to be re-done....nationwide. What about all of those elections? Who becomes the Rep. from (just to pick a seat), the CO-2nd District?

I support rectifying a wrong if proven. Although I greatly appreciate many of Trump's policies I do not believe justice would be served or faith in our system be restored simply by returning Trump to office. I believe that another election would be warranted and if deemed appropriate at all levels of government. Elections could be staggered so as to allow the choice of candidates so as not to fully deplete the government.

Again, if fraud is proven our goal must be to restore faith in the system. If we fail to do that we are finished as a country.

Yeah, that's called a coup d'é·tat

Throwing out illegitimate politicians that used fraud to reach office is a coup d'etat?? You are fking funny.

Using the military to install a person as the leader is....

The only people who don't have faith in our system are the cult members. I urge all of them to embrace it fully and refrain from voting in all elections going forward.

Blind faith in any government is rarely rewarded. It would benefit all of us to be a bit more skeptical of whose interests government is pursuing.

Faith, put simply, is the belief in something without evidence.

Where is the evidence of serious amounts of voter fraud?
Where are the arrests?
All 50 states certified their elections.
Every re-count revealed zero massive voter fraud.
These partisan audits are going nowhere and proving nothing.

If you don't have faith in the system..by all means..don't vote. But you can't honestly say that your skepticism is based on evidence. You have none. Zero.

So you shouldn't have any problem with full audits of the vote. You have faith and I prefer verification with a full audit.


How many recounts and full audits? I think Trump should pay for them..

One full audit for each State. We're pissing away money now with Biden's $6 trillion dollar budget, so we got it covered.


Trump should be paying for all these recounts and audits. We've been at it six months so far and there is still nothing but his senile lies.

I wish I could decide what we pay for with our tax dollars. I would cancel 90% of the spending in Biden's $6 trillion dollar budget. I guess we'll both have to be unhappy about the spending.

Well that would make you the most incompetent leader in modern history, likely resulting in your immediate impeachment and immediate exile from any future public office.

Sadly there is no line item veto available to a president and that is a mistake that needs to be corrected.


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