Zone1 Why Protestants annoy me (and other Catholics)


Platinum Member
Nov 28, 2022
They just dismiss the Catholic Church outright... based in larg part on what their pastors have told them (indoctrinatd them on) about the Catholic Church. Again, I am not referring to the Vatican which ceased being Catholic 65 years ago.

They often have NO interest in the OLDEST (and only) Christian Church...

Jesus established ONE Church and a lot of thm don't seem to care which one tht is
They just dismiss the Catholic Church outright... based in larg part on what their pastors have told them (indoctrinatd them on) about the Catholic Church. Again, I am not referring to the Vatican which ceased being Catholic 65 years ago.

They often have NO interest in the OLDEST (and only) Christian Church...

Jesus established ONE Church and a lot of thm don't seem to care which one tht is
Church of gay says what
They just dismiss the Catholic Church outright... based in larg part on what their pastors have told them (indoctrinatd them on) about the Catholic Church. Again, I am not referring to the Vatican which ceased being Catholic 65 years ago.

They often have NO interest in the OLDEST (and only) Christian Church...

Jesus established ONE Church and a lot of thm don't seem to care which one tht is
Good gawd, The Vatican is the Roman Catholic Church.

The Early church. Ever study up on it? The Church Fathers, Doctors of the Church? You sound so incredibly ignorant of Christianity, as most christians are.
I have no ill will against anyone. I wll say that in my experiences, those of Muslim and Jewish Faith have been more "Christian-like" than MANY Catholics I have met in my lifetime. Again, just in my personal experiences and i'm not attacking Catholics or any Faith. Many good Protestants might be more Christian-like. Maybe Jesuses words, lead through actions by us Christians and Catholics should have more value and attention assigned than ritual...
They just dismiss the Catholic Church outright... based in larg part on what their pastors have told them (indoctrinatd them on) about the Catholic Church. Again, I am not referring to the Vatican which ceased being Catholic 65 years ago.

They often have NO interest in the OLDEST (and only) Christian Church...

Jesus established ONE Church and a lot of thm don't seem to care which one tht is
The ARROGANCE of many of the Catholic posters here annoys me. You expect the rest of us to value your traditions just because you re devoted to the "saints" you worship.

I don't recognize the authority of your dead saints -- especially where their words contradict the Word of God. Deal with it.
They just dismiss the Catholic Church outright... based in larg part on what their pastors have told them (indoctrinatd them on) about the Catholic Church. Again, I am not referring to the Vatican which ceased being Catholic 65 years ago.

They often have NO interest in the OLDEST (and only) Christian Church...

Jesus established ONE Church and a lot of thm don't seem to care which one tht is
Who does Jesus love more, Catholics or Baptists?
Good gawd, The Vatican is the Roman Catholic Church.

The Early church. Ever study up on it? The Church Fathers, Doctors of the Church? You sound so incredibly ignorant of Christianity, as most christians are.
I'm WAY ahead of you but you can stick with your presumptuous malice and i'm sure you will.

I've studied far more about the Church than you have. I know this is so because you don't even know the history of Vatican II, where the Vatican was taken over by antiCatholics.
Who does Jesus love more, Catholics or Baptists?
I'm not going to answer a "dumb" question
Second oldest. Your church began when Peter threw out Simon Magus.
learn some history

Few even know who Magus is. I do, but he is irrelevant in Catholic history and the Catholic Church is THE Church founded by Christ. There is... hate to burst people's bubble... but there is only ONE Church Christ founded.
I'm not going to answer a "dumb" question

learn some history

Few even know who Magus is. I do, but he is irrelevant in Catholic history and the Catholic Church is THE Church founded by Christ. There is... hate to burst people's bubble... but there is only ONE Church Christ founded.
Ok I give up. Which Christian religion is the right one? What happens if you are in the wrong Christian religion?
I actually meant that MOST Protestants annoy me... There are a few exceptions but frankly, I ca nnot think of their names or handles right now... I mean, I have had little problem with some non-Catholics here... Rambunctious comes to mind. I don't think he is Catholic and there are one or 2 others...

but 1 or 2 is not many, to say the least..


You'd think that people who claim to love Jesus would want to know EVERYTHING about Him

and His Church

But no, a lot of people just write off the CC as though it never existed or is irrelevant...


I'm WAY ahead of you but you can stick with your presumptuous malice and i'm sure you will.

I've studied far more about the Church than you have. I know this is so because you don't even know the history of Vatican II, where the Vatican was taken over by antiCatholics.
Did you do a name change? You sound a lot like another Catholic evangelist
Which one are you in?
you would have to read a lot of my recent threads in Religion to even partially ascertain where I am at spiritually....

Sorry, but I don't have time or inclination to try to write it all out AGAIN!

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