Why is it that "whites" are the only race to vote in a diverse manner?

Therein lies the problem. ALL Americans need to abandon everything that sets them apart and become unhyphenated Americans. If you insist on airing 150 year old grievances and insisting on being treated special, you will be treated specially. Some will buy into the oppression bullshit and some will resent what they see as unfair treatment.

I agree...hyphenations need to be eliminated and there needs to be an understanding among races. For example...you say 150 year old grievances...I say some of those 'grievances' are not nearly that old. I would start out just by pointing at the Jim Crow era and go on to say that some of those grievances are legitimate today. If you can't get beyond that point...there can never be communication or the beginning of an understanding - because you think racism ended with slavery and I believe it did not.
I see people as people. Of course, I notice skin color, but I view my dark skinned brothers as Americans, not rivals. My rivals are Liberals, racists and the spineless pseudo Conservatives that claim to be "main stream Republicans" but are in reality closet progressives that want everyone to think they're as smart as they like to think they are.

Your rivals are liberals....that is fine...they shouldn't be rivals though - they are fellow Americans with different ideals and despite what you may think, they love this country too! But if you see liberals and everyone who doesn't think like you as rivals - then you will never be able to communicate with blacks who are - as you put it - your rivals!

Basically what you just said in your communication is that racism ended with slavery, quit crying about it. Think like me or you are my rival...and to top if off, if you are black - then you must be looking for special treatment.

Therein lies the problem...you are incapable of appreciating opposing opinion. You don't have to agree, but you have to, at the very least, show a little respect and listen and TRY to understand the opposing view before you say something like racism ended 150 years ago.
Sure. Blacks were treated poorly after the Civil War and through the 60's.
Since, blacks have been using slavery and Jim Crow as an excuse.
Look at me! I'm black! My ancestors were brought here on slave ships and bred to pick cotton. Sorry about that. You're no longer slaves. We've amended the Constitution and passed countless laws granting blacks equal status, yet they tend to be poorer, less educated, more apt to commit crimes and more apt to grow up without a father. They die from homicide and commit homicide at 6 times the rate of whites yet, somehow, it's the white man's fault.

Well, of course you are going to bring up a red herring. That, of course, is a sign of hate. What does homicide have to do with this conversation? We can get into that later if you can contain yourself (which I doubt...you already seem to be getting irrational and upset...proving that whites are not willing to have honest discussion about race.

Simple question...You just agreed that Jim Crow laws existed and blacks were treated poorly throughout the 60's. Being treated throughout the 60's...that is my father. Post civil war - my grandfather. Do you think my father and grandfather had the same opportunity as yours? (Be honest!)
Bullshit! If you want blacks to remain as they are, continue to vote for your Democrat plantation masters. They STILL own you. They feed you, make sure you have a place to stay. You're not picking cotton any more. All you need do for their benevolence is vote for them.
I will try to reel you back into rational discussion, but I think I am going to lose you. I am conservative...but many blacks vote democrat because of people like you. You can't have an honest discussion about race or race and politics when you immediately go to the plantation talking points. Do you think blacks would be comfortable associating with people who spew racist nonsense like you in the GOP? When you spew drivel, why would a black listen. Would you feel comfortable at a Black Panther meeting?
Grow a set! Take responsibility for your life. Stay in school. Get a degreeL or learn a trade and work your ass off.

:lol: Many, many blacks do stay in school, earn a trade and work their asses off. Again, you are a victim of racist teaper propaganda! And again, why would a black want to be GOP when you spew nonsense like that! You should be preaching this nonsense to ALL people...because, guess what...there are many trailer parks in this nation full of white trash that dropped out of school and never learned a trade. Not all blacks are poor...not all blacks fit your racist view of blacks.

We WANT you to earn equal wages. Welfare and crime raise our taxes. Poor people don't buy our products. We WANT you earning money and paying some of the tax burden. Once you wake the fuck up and realize that only you can improve your lot in life, I'm pretty damned confident that you will be voting GOP.

You don't get it...There are many, many blacks who are middle class or above and they STILL vote GOP AND - most blacks who are poor DON'T VOTE! Your message is wrong. It is racist, pushes away blacks, and repeats the circle of hate. Your assertion that only blacks are on welfare and commit crime is absolute nonsense. Your assertion that blacks want welfare is BS and your preaching is arrogant and offensive.

Let me just add, you may or may not be racist...but your message certainly is as it lumps all blacks into your stereotype and is full of red herring arguments. Change your message...spewing the nonsense you spew now only pushes blacks and minorities away. The only way you can change your message is to have an HONEST dialogue. The only way to have an HONEST dialogue is lose the rhetoric.
Marketing works despite the viciousness and foulness of both major parties.
Blacks get the preponderance of federal money for housing, education, and food stamps. They abuse the system. Ask around. Talk to people in public education system. They want $$$$ for their "babies."
That is unequivocally a lie, but I have a feeling you don't know it!
I agree...hyphenations need to be eliminated and there needs to be an understanding among races. For example...you say 150 year old grievances...I say some of those 'grievances' are not nearly that old. I would start out just by pointing at the Jim Crow era and go on to say that some of those grievances are legitimate today. If you can't get beyond that point...there can never be communication or the beginning of an understanding - because you think racism ended with slavery and I believe it did not.

Your rivals are liberals....that is fine...they shouldn't be rivals though - they are fellow Americans with different ideals and despite what you may think, they love this country too! But if you see liberals and everyone who doesn't think like you as rivals - then you will never be able to communicate with blacks who are - as you put it - your rivals!

Basically what you just said in your communication is that racism ended with slavery, quit crying about it. Think like me or you are my rival...and to top if off, if you are black - then you must be looking for special treatment.

Therein lies the problem...you are incapable of appreciating opposing opinion. You don't have to agree, but you have to, at the very least, show a little respect and listen and TRY to understand the opposing view before you say something like racism ended 150 years ago.
Sure. Blacks were treated poorly after the Civil War and through the 60's.
Since, blacks have been using slavery and Jim Crow as an excuse.
Look at me! I'm black! My ancestors were brought here on slave ships and bred to pick cotton. Sorry about that. You're no longer slaves. We've amended the Constitution and passed countless laws granting blacks equal status, yet they tend to be poorer, less educated, more apt to commit crimes and more apt to grow up without a father. They die from homicide and commit homicide at 6 times the rate of whites yet, somehow, it's the white man's fault.

Well, of course you are going to bring up a red herring. That, of course, is a sign of hate. What does homicide have to do with this conversation? We can get into that later if you can contain yourself (which I doubt...you already seem to be getting irrational and upset...proving that whites are not willing to have honest discussion about race.

Simple question...You just agreed that Jim Crow laws existed and blacks were treated poorly throughout the 60's. Being treated throughout the 60's...that is my father. Post civil war - my grandfather. Do you think my father and grandfather had the same opportunity as yours? (Be honest!)

I will try to reel you back into rational discussion, but I think I am going to lose you. I am conservative...but many blacks vote democrat because of people like you. You can't have an honest discussion about race or race and politics when you immediately go to the plantation talking points. Do you think blacks would be comfortable associating with people who spew racist nonsense like you in the GOP? When you spew drivel, why would a black listen. Would you feel comfortable at a Black Panther meeting?
Grow a set! Take responsibility for your life. Stay in school. Get a degreeL or learn a trade and work your ass off.

:lol: Many, many blacks do stay in school, earn a trade and work their asses off. Again, you are a victim of racist teaper propaganda! And again, why would a black want to be GOP when you spew nonsense like that! You should be preaching this nonsense to ALL people...because, guess what...there are many trailer parks in this nation full of white trash that dropped out of school and never learned a trade. Not all blacks are poor...not all blacks fit your racist view of blacks.

We WANT you to earn equal wages. Welfare and crime raise our taxes. Poor people don't buy our products. We WANT you earning money and paying some of the tax burden. Once you wake the fuck up and realize that only you can improve your lot in life, I'm pretty damned confident that you will be voting GOP.

You don't get it...There are many, many blacks who are middle class or above and they STILL vote GOP AND - most blacks who are poor DON'T VOTE! Your message is wrong. It is racist, pushes away blacks, and repeats the circle of hate. Your assertion that only blacks are on welfare and commit crime is absolute nonsense. Your assertion that blacks want welfare is BS and your preaching is arrogant and offensive.

Let me just add, you may or may not be racist...but your message certainly is as it lumps all blacks into your stereotype and is full of red herring arguments. Change your message...spewing the nonsense you spew now only pushes blacks and minorities away. The only way you can change your message is to have an HONEST dialogue. The only way to have an HONEST dialogue is lose the rhetoric.

Damn son! You assume I must be a racist because I support the TEA Party's objectives, simply because the MSM seeks to paint us as racists. Sure! Any gathering of Conservatives will attract a few racists and conspiracy theorists like OWS attracts anarchists, rapists and assholes that shit on police cars, but that is not what the either group is about. From my personal experience, the TEA Party does a lot more to rid themselves of the fringe than OWS has to this point.

You claim I lump all blacks into some stereotype... Bullshit! I treat people as people. I simply point out some statistics that don't fit your agenda and you make assumptions.
I have no desire to push blacks and minorities away. I'm a business owner. I want their business.
I pay a lot of taxes. I'd appreciate some help.
Ernie has no real personal experience with both OWS and TPM.

He just shouts a lot.

But he will admit the OP is fail because to say otherwise undermines that TP claim that blacks and other minorities are represented in the TPM.
Sure. Blacks were treated poorly after the Civil War and through the 60's.
Since, blacks have been using slavery and Jim Crow as an excuse.
Look at me! I'm black! My ancestors were brought here on slave ships and bred to pick cotton. Sorry about that. You're no longer slaves. We've amended the Constitution and passed countless laws granting blacks equal status, yet they tend to be poorer, less educated, more apt to commit crimes and more apt to grow up without a father. They die from homicide and commit homicide at 6 times the rate of whites yet, somehow, it's the white man's fault.

Well, of course you are going to bring up a red herring. That, of course, is a sign of hate. What does homicide have to do with this conversation? We can get into that later if you can contain yourself (which I doubt...you already seem to be getting irrational and upset...proving that whites are not willing to have honest discussion about race.

Simple question...You just agreed that Jim Crow laws existed and blacks were treated poorly throughout the 60's. Being treated throughout the 60's...that is my father. Post civil war - my grandfather. Do you think my father and grandfather had the same opportunity as yours? (Be honest!)

I will try to reel you back into rational discussion, but I think I am going to lose you. I am conservative...but many blacks vote democrat because of people like you. You can't have an honest discussion about race or race and politics when you immediately go to the plantation talking points. Do you think blacks would be comfortable associating with people who spew racist nonsense like you in the GOP? When you spew drivel, why would a black listen. Would you feel comfortable at a Black Panther meeting?

:lol: Many, many blacks do stay in school, earn a trade and work their asses off. Again, you are a victim of racist teaper propaganda! And again, why would a black want to be GOP when you spew nonsense like that! You should be preaching this nonsense to ALL people...because, guess what...there are many trailer parks in this nation full of white trash that dropped out of school and never learned a trade. Not all blacks are poor...not all blacks fit your racist view of blacks.

We WANT you to earn equal wages. Welfare and crime raise our taxes. Poor people don't buy our products. We WANT you earning money and paying some of the tax burden. Once you wake the fuck up and realize that only you can improve your lot in life, I'm pretty damned confident that you will be voting GOP.

You don't get it...There are many, many blacks who are middle class or above and they STILL vote GOP AND - most blacks who are poor DON'T VOTE! Your message is wrong. It is racist, pushes away blacks, and repeats the circle of hate. Your assertion that only blacks are on welfare and commit crime is absolute nonsense. Your assertion that blacks want welfare is BS and your preaching is arrogant and offensive.

Let me just add, you may or may not be racist...but your message certainly is as it lumps all blacks into your stereotype and is full of red herring arguments. Change your message...spewing the nonsense you spew now only pushes blacks and minorities away. The only way you can change your message is to have an HONEST dialogue. The only way to have an HONEST dialogue is lose the rhetoric.

Damn son! You assume I must be a racist because I support the TEA Party's objectives, simply because the MSM seeks to paint us as racists. Sure! Any gathering of Conservatives will attract a few racists and conspiracy theorists like OWS attracts anarchists, rapists and assholes that shit on police cars, but that is not what the either group is about. From my personal experience, the TEA Party does a lot more to rid themselves of the fringe than OWS has to this point.
:lmao: You should read your posts. Every time you refer to blacks...replace it with whites and tell me if you wouldn't call it racist.
You claim I lump all blacks into some stereotype... Bullshit! I treat people as people. I simply point out some statistics that don't fit your agenda and you make assumptions.
I have no desire to push blacks and minorities away. I'm a business owner. I want their business.
I pay a lot of taxes. I'd appreciate some help.

LOL read your posts. Did you just infer blacks don't pay taxes? You, like the racist teaper movement, assume that all blacks are on welfare and don't work. You and the rest of the teapers are ignorant assholes who should pay more attention to the trailer trash whites if you are that concerned. There are more than them committing crimes and on welfare. You can play with proportions all you want...but when it comes down to it...you have an issue - especially considering whites never faced institutionalized racism. Yes, Jim Crow doesn't exist anymore...but did you expect everything to change overnight for blacks? :lmao: You should hold whites to the same standard you hold blacks.
Well, of course you are going to bring up a red herring. That, of course, is a sign of hate. What does homicide have to do with this conversation? We can get into that later if you can contain yourself (which I doubt...you already seem to be getting irrational and upset...proving that whites are not willing to have honest discussion about race.

Simple question...You just agreed that Jim Crow laws existed and blacks were treated poorly throughout the 60's. Being treated throughout the 60's...that is my father. Post civil war - my grandfather. Do you think my father and grandfather had the same opportunity as yours? (Be honest!)

I will try to reel you back into rational discussion, but I think I am going to lose you. I am conservative...but many blacks vote democrat because of people like you. You can't have an honest discussion about race or race and politics when you immediately go to the plantation talking points. Do you think blacks would be comfortable associating with people who spew racist nonsense like you in the GOP? When you spew drivel, why would a black listen. Would you feel comfortable at a Black Panther meeting?

:lol: Many, many blacks do stay in school, earn a trade and work their asses off. Again, you are a victim of racist teaper propaganda! And again, why would a black want to be GOP when you spew nonsense like that! You should be preaching this nonsense to ALL people...because, guess what...there are many trailer parks in this nation full of white trash that dropped out of school and never learned a trade. Not all blacks are poor...not all blacks fit your racist view of blacks.

You don't get it...There are many, many blacks who are middle class or above and they STILL vote GOP AND - most blacks who are poor DON'T VOTE! Your message is wrong. It is racist, pushes away blacks, and repeats the circle of hate. Your assertion that only blacks are on welfare and commit crime is absolute nonsense. Your assertion that blacks want welfare is BS and your preaching is arrogant and offensive.

Let me just add, you may or may not be racist...but your message certainly is as it lumps all blacks into your stereotype and is full of red herring arguments. Change your message...spewing the nonsense you spew now only pushes blacks and minorities away. The only way you can change your message is to have an HONEST dialogue. The only way to have an HONEST dialogue is lose the rhetoric.

Damn son! You assume I must be a racist because I support the TEA Party's objectives, simply because the MSM seeks to paint us as racists. Sure! Any gathering of Conservatives will attract a few racists and conspiracy theorists like OWS attracts anarchists, rapists and assholes that shit on police cars, but that is not what the either group is about. From my personal experience, the TEA Party does a lot more to rid themselves of the fringe than OWS has to this point.
:lmao: You should read your posts. Every time you refer to blacks...replace it with whites and tell me if you wouldn't call it racist.
You claim I lump all blacks into some stereotype... Bullshit! I treat people as people. I simply point out some statistics that don't fit your agenda and you make assumptions.
I have no desire to push blacks and minorities away. I'm a business owner. I want their business.
I pay a lot of taxes. I'd appreciate some help.

LOL read your posts. Did you just infer blacks don't pay taxes? You, like the racist teaper movement, assume that all blacks are on welfare and don't work. You and the rest of the teapers are ignorant assholes who should pay more attention to the trailer trash whites if you are that concerned. There are more than them committing crimes and on welfare. You can play with proportions all you want...but when it comes down to it...you have an issue - especially considering whites never faced institutionalized racism. Yes, Jim Crow doesn't exist anymore...but did you expect everything to change overnight for blacks? :lmao: You should hold whites to the same standard you hold blacks.
I said poor people. Having trouble with reading?

I hold everyone to the same standards. It's a shame you thing some groups should get a free pass.
Damn son! You assume I must be a racist because I support the TEA Party's objectives, simply because the MSM seeks to paint us as racists. Sure! Any gathering of Conservatives will attract a few racists and conspiracy theorists like OWS attracts anarchists, rapists and assholes that shit on police cars, but that is not what the either group is about. From my personal experience, the TEA Party does a lot more to rid themselves of the fringe than OWS has to this point.
:lmao: You should read your posts. Every time you refer to blacks...replace it with whites and tell me if you wouldn't call it racist.
You claim I lump all blacks into some stereotype... Bullshit! I treat people as people. I simply point out some statistics that don't fit your agenda and you make assumptions.
I have no desire to push blacks and minorities away. I'm a business owner. I want their business.
I pay a lot of taxes. I'd appreciate some help.

LOL read your posts. Did you just infer blacks don't pay taxes? You, like the racist teaper movement, assume that all blacks are on welfare and don't work. You and the rest of the teapers are ignorant assholes who should pay more attention to the trailer trash whites if you are that concerned. There are more than them committing crimes and on welfare. You can play with proportions all you want...but when it comes down to it...you have an issue - especially considering whites never faced institutionalized racism. Yes, Jim Crow doesn't exist anymore...but did you expect everything to change overnight for blacks? :lmao: You should hold whites to the same standard you hold blacks.
I said poor people. Having trouble with reading?

I hold everyone to the same standards. It's a shame you thing some groups should get a free pass.

Ernie...where did I ever say that? Seriously...you always come SOOOO close to having an honest and interesting discussion and you ruin it by attributing false arguments and making blanket statements about groups of people. Why are you so blinded? Seriously...we actually agree on most everything if you take the racial insults and stereotypes out. That is why I have a problem with teapers.
:lmao: You should read your posts. Every time you refer to blacks...replace it with whites and tell me if you wouldn't call it racist.

LOL read your posts. Did you just infer blacks don't pay taxes? You, like the racist teaper movement, assume that all blacks are on welfare and don't work. You and the rest of the teapers are ignorant assholes who should pay more attention to the trailer trash whites if you are that concerned. There are more than them committing crimes and on welfare. You can play with proportions all you want...but when it comes down to it...you have an issue - especially considering whites never faced institutionalized racism. Yes, Jim Crow doesn't exist anymore...but did you expect everything to change overnight for blacks? :lmao: You should hold whites to the same standard you hold blacks.
I said poor people. Having trouble with reading?

I hold everyone to the same standards. It's a shame you thing some groups should get a free pass.

Ernie...where did I ever say that? Seriously...you always come SOOOO close to having an honest and interesting discussion and you ruin it by attributing false arguments and making blanket statements about groups of people. Why are you so blinded? Seriously...we actually agree on most everything if you take the racial insults and stereotypes out. That is why I have a problem with teapers.

Yup, three times.
Try to imagine what other ethnic groups have faced in the United States. Racists fought a "civil" war against the United States in order to keep their slaves, and some of them have still not given up their hatred of everyone else on Earth. Racists were so small-minded that they were willing to kill and die by the hundreds of thousands to keep black people as property. And it took over 100 years from the end of slavery until stupid southern Confederate racists would allow black people to vote or use public drinking fountains.

Perhaps if the stupid southern white trash Confederate racists in the neo-Confederate red states weren't so racist, then perhaps other ethnic groups wouldn't feel the need to "stick to their own kind" so much.

The simple fact is that white people can't play the victim in American history.

White people never had to walk to school through a gauntlet of police dogs, fire hoses, and people who hate you for existing. That wasn't that long ago when you really think about it. It wasn't some ancient bygone era. We had photography.





You do understand the political party that was ordering the actions displayed in your little photos right? Hint....Democrat George Wallace was the Governor of Alabama......the B F D on the firemen's jackets stands for Birmingham Fire Department. You Democrats are racist fucks!
:lmao: You should read your posts. Every time you refer to blacks...replace it with whites and tell me if you wouldn't call it racist.

LOL read your posts. Did you just infer blacks don't pay taxes? You, like the racist teaper movement, assume that all blacks are on welfare and don't work. You and the rest of the teapers are ignorant assholes who should pay more attention to the trailer trash whites if you are that concerned. There are more than them committing crimes and on welfare. You can play with proportions all you want...but when it comes down to it...you have an issue - especially considering whites never faced institutionalized racism. Yes, Jim Crow doesn't exist anymore...but did you expect everything to change overnight for blacks? :lmao: You should hold whites to the same standard you hold blacks.
I said poor people. Having trouble with reading?

I hold everyone to the same standards. It's a shame you thing some groups should get a free pass.

Ernie...where did I ever say that? Seriously...you always come SOOOO close to having an honest and interesting discussion and you ruin it by attributing false arguments and making blanket statements about groups of people. Why are you so blinded? Seriously...we actually agree on most everything if you take the racial insults and stereotypes out. That is why I have a problem with teapers.

But you make your own blanket statements. "Racist teapers" You see nothing wrong there, do you? You seem to imply that blacks aren't racist because of passed wrongs committed against them but statistics pointing out that many of them are at least in part, to blame for their poverty and stereotypes held against them, are. Statistics aren't racist, my friend.
Perhaps I should be more careful to say many or some so you won't mistake "blacks" for "all blacks", but I didn't think I needed to. You seem relatively intelligent, though you do have a bit of an attitude problem.
I said poor people. Having trouble with reading?

I hold everyone to the same standards. It's a shame you thing some groups should get a free pass.

Ernie...where did I ever say that? Seriously...you always come SOOOO close to having an honest and interesting discussion and you ruin it by attributing false arguments and making blanket statements about groups of people. Why are you so blinded? Seriously...we actually agree on most everything if you take the racial insults and stereotypes out. That is why I have a problem with teapers.

But you make your own blanket statements. "Racist teapers" You see nothing wrong there, do you? You seem to imply that blacks aren't racist because of passed wrongs committed against them but statistics pointing out that many of them are at least in part, to blame for their poverty and stereotypes held against them, are. Statistics aren't racist, my friend.
Perhaps I should be more careful to say many or some so you won't mistake "blacks" for "all blacks", but I didn't think I needed to. You seem relatively intelligent, though you do have a bit of an attitude problem.

Where have I ever denied statistics? Again, you attribute an argument to me that I never made! Typical teaper nonsense. Perhaps you SHOULD be more careful with your blanket statements if you don't want to be perceived as a racist teaper!
Try to imagine what other ethnic groups have faced in the United States. Racists fought a "civil" war against the United States in order to keep their slaves, and some of them have still not given up their hatred of everyone else on Earth. Racists were so small-minded that they were willing to kill and die by the hundreds of thousands to keep black people as property. And it took over 100 years from the end of slavery until stupid southern Confederate racists would allow black people to vote or use public drinking fountains.

Perhaps if the stupid southern white trash Confederate racists in the neo-Confederate red states weren't so racist, then perhaps other ethnic groups wouldn't feel the need to "stick to their own kind" so much.

The simple fact is that white people can't play the victim in American history.

White people never had to walk to school through a gauntlet of police dogs, fire hoses, and people who hate you for existing. That wasn't that long ago when you really think about it. It wasn't some ancient bygone era. We had photography.





You do understand the political party that was ordering the actions displayed in your little photos right? Hint....Democrat George Wallace was the Governor of Alabama......the B F D on the firemen's jackets stands for Birmingham Fire Department. You Democrats are racist fucks!

People, not political parties, ordered those actions. Because the same political party opposed Wallace and his ilk and forced him to stand aside. That's in fact why they got up and left it.

What you have here is an association fallacy. "I have a car, and it's blue -- therefore all cars are blue". Doesn't work that way Homer. Wallace and his ilk were Democrats at the time -- because the entire South was Democrats. It was a one-party state (and still pretty much is) comprising the ultraconservative wing of two vastly different wings. That's the difference between a political party and a political philosophy; the latter is specific, like the particular brand of dish detergent you buy; the former is like the Wal-Mart that carries that dish detergent, and others that compete with it. Just because you buy Ajax dish detergent at Wal-Mart, that doesn't make Wal-Mart a store that only sells Ajax dish detergent.

And I might add:

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The Democratic officials of the state and cities ordered the brutal actions.

Members of the Democratic Party in the state and nationally opposed the brutality.
Try to imagine what other ethnic groups have faced in the United States. Racists fought a "civil" war against the United States in order to keep their slaves, and some of them have still not given up their hatred of everyone else on Earth. Racists were so small-minded that they were willing to kill and die by the hundreds of thousands to keep black people as property. And it took over 100 years from the end of slavery until stupid southern Confederate racists would allow black people to vote or use public drinking fountains.

Perhaps if the stupid southern white trash Confederate racists in the neo-Confederate red states weren't so racist, then perhaps other ethnic groups wouldn't feel the need to "stick to their own kind" so much.

The simple fact is that white people can't play the victim in American history.

White people never had to walk to school through a gauntlet of police dogs, fire hoses, and people who hate you for existing. That wasn't that long ago when you really think about it. It wasn't some ancient bygone era. We had photography.





You do understand the political party that was ordering the actions displayed in your little photos right? Hint....Democrat George Wallace was the Governor of Alabama......the B F D on the firemen's jackets stands for Birmingham Fire Department. You Democrats are racist fucks!

People, not political parties, ordered those actions. Because the same political party opposed Wallace and his ilk and forced him to stand aside. That's in fact why they got up and left it.

What you have here is an association fallacy. "I have a car, and it's blue -- therefore all cars are blue". Doesn't work that way Homer. Wallace and his ilk were Democrats at the time -- because the entire South was Democrats. It was a one-party state (and still pretty much is) comprising the ultraconservative wing of two vastly different wings. That's the difference between a political party and a political philosophy; the latter is specific, like the particular brand of dish detergent you buy; the former is like the Wal-Mart that carries that dish detergent, and others that compete with it. Just because you buy Ajax dish detergent at Wal-Mart, that doesn't make Wal-Mart a store that only sells Ajax dish detergent.

And I might add:


People, not political parties, ordered those actions. Because the same political party opposed Wallace and his ilk and forced him to stand aside. That's in fact why they got up and left it.

Leaders of the Democratic Party who believed in the "Old Way"of doing things ordered those actions. The other school of thought within the party came to the realization that you can't continue pissing against the tide and hope to win. They fell in line behind a new strategy which was somewhat outlined by LBJ in a speech he made to fellow Democrats and never intended for Public dissemination -

These Negroes, they're getting pretty uppity these days and that's a problem for us since they've got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now, we've got to do something about this; we've got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference. for if we don't move at all, then their allies [The Republicans] will line up against us and there will be no way of stopping them, we'll lose the filibuster and there will be no way of putting the brake on all sorts of wild legislation, it'll be reconstruction all over again - Lyndon Johnson

To this very day, a large majority of African Americans continue to support the Democratic party which continues to enslave Blacks under an increasingly sophisticated methodology. The type of slavery has changed, it was once forced servitude where now it is a slavery to handouts.
You do understand the political party that was ordering the actions displayed in your little photos right? Hint....Democrat George Wallace was the Governor of Alabama......the B F D on the firemen's jackets stands for Birmingham Fire Department. You Democrats are racist fucks!

People, not political parties, ordered those actions. Because the same political party opposed Wallace and his ilk and forced him to stand aside. That's in fact why they got up and left it.

What you have here is an association fallacy. "I have a car, and it's blue -- therefore all cars are blue". Doesn't work that way Homer. Wallace and his ilk were Democrats at the time -- because the entire South was Democrats. It was a one-party state (and still pretty much is) comprising the ultraconservative wing of two vastly different wings. That's the difference between a political party and a political philosophy; the latter is specific, like the particular brand of dish detergent you buy; the former is like the Wal-Mart that carries that dish detergent, and others that compete with it. Just because you buy Ajax dish detergent at Wal-Mart, that doesn't make Wal-Mart a store that only sells Ajax dish detergent.

And I might add:


People, not political parties, ordered those actions. Because the same political party opposed Wallace and his ilk and forced him to stand aside. That's in fact why they got up and left it.

Leaders of the Democratic Party who believed in the "Old Way"of doing things ordered those actions. The other school of thought within the party came to the realization that you can't continue pissing against the tide and hope to win. They fell in line behind a new strategy which was somewhat outlined by LBJ in a speech he made to fellow Democrats and never intended for Public dissemination -

These Negroes, they're getting pretty uppity these days and that's a problem for us since they've got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now, we've got to do something about this; we've got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference. for if we don't move at all, then their allies [The Republicans] will line up against us and there will be no way of stopping them, we'll lose the filibuster and there will be no way of putting the brake on all sorts of wild legislation, it'll be reconstruction all over again - Lyndon Johnson

To this very day, a large majority of African Americans continue to support the Democratic party which continues to enslave Blacks under an increasingly sophisticated methodology. The type of slavery has changed, it was once forced servitude where now it is a slavery to handouts.

---- and that's another bogus quote.

Don't believe me?

Go ahead -- find documentation.


Now what does it say about your position that you have to completely make shit up to support it?

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There is no unequivocal, corroborated documentation for LBJ's alleged speech. Period. Pogo is right, Greenbean is wrong.

However, Greenbean Snow has collectedly described the threat that threatens our wonderful GOP from the unholy alliance on the far right from the reactionary social cons, neo-cons, and corporatists: "The other school of thought within the party came to the realization that you can't continue pissing against the tide and hope to win."

If we in the party keep letting the far right piss against the tide, we will all drown politically.
People, not political parties, ordered those actions. Because the same political party opposed Wallace and his ilk and forced him to stand aside. That's in fact why they got up and left it.

What you have here is an association fallacy. "I have a car, and it's blue -- therefore all cars are blue". Doesn't work that way Homer. Wallace and his ilk were Democrats at the time -- because the entire South was Democrats. It was a one-party state (and still pretty much is) comprising the ultraconservative wing of two vastly different wings. That's the difference between a political party and a political philosophy; the latter is specific, like the particular brand of dish detergent you buy; the former is like the Wal-Mart that carries that dish detergent, and others that compete with it. Just because you buy Ajax dish detergent at Wal-Mart, that doesn't make Wal-Mart a store that only sells Ajax dish detergent.

And I might add:


Leaders of the Democratic Party who believed in the "Old Way"of doing things ordered those actions. The other school of thought within the party came to the realization that you can't continue pissing against the tide and hope to win. They fell in line behind a new strategy which was somewhat outlined by LBJ in a speech he made to fellow Democrats and never intended for Public dissemination -

These Negroes, they're getting pretty uppity these days and that's a problem for us since they've got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now, we've got to do something about this; we've got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference. for if we don't move at all, then their allies [The Republicans] will line up against us and there will be no way of stopping them, we'll lose the filibuster and there will be no way of putting the brake on all sorts of wild legislation, it'll be reconstruction all over again - Lyndon Johnson

To this very day, a large majority of African Americans continue to support the Democratic party which continues to enslave Blacks under an increasingly sophisticated methodology. The type of slavery has changed, it was once forced servitude where now it is a slavery to handouts.

---- and that's another bogus quote.

Don't believe me?

Go ahead -- find documentation.


Now what does it say about your position that you have to completely make shit up to support it?


These Negroes, they're getting pretty uppity these days and that's a problem for us since they've got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now, we've got to do something about this; we've got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference. for if we don't move at all, then their allies [The Republicans] will line up against us and there will be no way of stopping them, we'll lose the filibuster and there will be no way of putting the brake on all sorts of wild legislation, it'll be reconstruction all over again - Lyndon Johnson

Reported by Johnsons Fellow Democrat Senator Richard Russell, Jr. (D-GA)
Reported in Lyndon Johnson and the American dream By Doris Kearns Page 155

[ame=http://www.amazon.com/Lyndon-Johnson-American-Dream-Kearns/dp/0451140826/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1406000809&sr=8-1&keywords=0451140826]Lyndon Johnson and the American Dream: Doris Kearns: 9780451140821: Amazon.com: Books[/ame]

I'll have them ******* voting Democratic for two hundred years. ....
Said to two governors regarding the Civil Rights Act of 1964, "Inside the White House". page 33.

You might also want to have a gander at some of the following articles




Any other questions asshat -and ..... would ya like a little TEA with your humble Pie ?
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Leaders of the Democratic Party who believed in the "Old Way"of doing things ordered those actions. The other school of thought within the party came to the realization that you can't continue pissing against the tide and hope to win. They fell in line behind a new strategy which was somewhat outlined by LBJ in a speech he made to fellow Democrats and never intended for Public dissemination -

To this very day, a large majority of African Americans continue to support the Democratic party which continues to enslave Blacks under an increasingly sophisticated methodology. The type of slavery has changed, it was once forced servitude where now it is a slavery to handouts.

---- and that's another bogus quote.

Don't believe me?

Go ahead -- find documentation.


Now what does it say about your position that you have to completely make shit up to support it?


These Negroes, they're getting pretty uppity these days and that's a problem for us since they've got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now, we've got to do something about this; we've got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference. for if we don't move at all, then their allies [The Republicans] will line up against us and there will be no way of stopping them, we'll lose the filibuster and there will be no way of putting the brake on all sorts of wild legislation, it'll be reconstruction all over again - Lyndon Johnson

Reported by Johnsons Fellow Democrat Senator Richard Russell, Jr. (D-GA)
Reported in Lyndon Johnson and the American dream By Doris Kearns Page 155

[ame=http://www.amazon.com/Lyndon-Johnson-American-Dream-Kearns/dp/0451140826/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1406000809&sr=8-1&keywords=0451140826]Lyndon Johnson and the American Dream: Doris Kearns: 9780451140821: Amazon.com: Books[/ame]

I'll have them ******* voting Democratic for two hundred years. ....
Said to two governors regarding the Civil Rights Act of 1964, "Inside the White House". page 33.

That's a link to buy a book, not a documentation.

And I already know the second one was claimed by one writer who has no corroboration at all. Anyone can do that. Watch this:

"GreenBean eats babies".

Oh look, there it is. Must be true. Easy, innit?
---- and that's another bogus quote.

Don't believe me?

Go ahead -- find documentation.


Now what does it say about your position that you have to completely make shit up to support it?


These Negroes, they're getting pretty uppity these days and that's a problem for us since they've got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now, we've got to do something about this; we've got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference. for if we don't move at all, then their allies [The Republicans] will line up against us and there will be no way of stopping them, we'll lose the filibuster and there will be no way of putting the brake on all sorts of wild legislation, it'll be reconstruction all over again - Lyndon Johnson

Reported by Johnsons Fellow Democrat Senator Richard Russell, Jr. (D-GA)
Reported in Lyndon Johnson and the American dream By Doris Kearns Page 155

[ame=http://www.amazon.com/Lyndon-Johnson-American-Dream-Kearns/dp/0451140826/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1406000809&sr=8-1&keywords=0451140826]Lyndon Johnson and the American Dream: Doris Kearns: 9780451140821: Amazon.com: Books[/ame]

I'll have them ******* voting Democratic for two hundred years. ....
Said to two governors regarding the Civil Rights Act of 1964, "Inside the White House". page 33.

That's a link to buy a book, not a documentation.

And I already know the second one was claimed by one writer who has no corroboration at all. Anyone can do that. Watch this:

"GreenBean eats babies".

Oh look, there it is. Must be true. Easy, innit?

You just keep proving how "Special" you are with every new post - It's a link to a book silly little Pogo -lol-

The Author is Doris Kearns - a Pulitzer Prize winning biographer and historian. She is the author of ........

Lyndon Johnson and the American Dream
The Fitzgeralds and the Kennedys
No Ordinary Time: Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt
The Home Front in World War II
The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln
The Bully Pulpit
She also taught government at Harvard University

Her husband was a speech writer for Both JFK and LBJ

She was once accussed of Plagiarism , for failing to use a footnote on several pages of one of her books , but no Historian or colleague has ever challenged her on any facts - she is extremely respected and her work is beyond repute - But I'll write her and tell that her career is in the trash because POGO says so :cuckoo:


Quote # 2

I'll have those ******* voting Democratic for the Next 200 years

The quote was reported by Historian Ronald Kessler, and was a conversation LBJ had with two Democratic governors on AF One - of course there is no Youtube video - it wasn't recorded - but here's an LBJ quote that was recorded .

"Son, when I appoint a ****** to the court, I want everyone to know he's a ******."

Kessler does not have a gleaming record such as that of Doris Kearns - but his credentials certainly do outweigh some random clown jumping around on a POGO stick .

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