CDZ Why is George Soros such a demonised figure ?

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras
I understand that many people dont like centre left politics and resent his support for the same.

But it is surely a positive thing that a rich man wants to help the poor and downtrodden ?

Is it because he is Jewish ?
I understand that many people dont like centre left politics and resent his support for the same.

But it is surely a positive thing that a rich man wants to help the poor and downtrodden ?

Is it because he is Jewish ?


It has to do with the candidates he backs for office.

It has to do with the policies he supports by the backing he gives to those running for office.

Also Soros is Atheist...
I understand that many people dont like centre left politics and resent his support for the same.

But it is surely a positive thing that a rich man wants to help the poor and downtrodden ?

Is it because he is Jewish ?

He helps the poor and downtrodden by trying to bring everyone else in the world down to their level. There's a world of difference between creating wealth for the poor and downtrodden, and redistributing wealth to them.

True story, bro.
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I understand that many people dont like centre left politics and resent his support for the same.

But it is surely a positive thing that a rich man wants to help the poor and downtrodden ?

Is it because he is Jewish ?
It’s because Soros Finances Democrats and Roger Ailes considered him the enemy and declared war against him. All the puppets just follow with the talking points.
I understand that many people dont like centre left politics and resent his support for the same.

But it is surely a positive thing that a rich man wants to help the poor and downtrodden ?

Is it because he is Jewish ?
His goal isn't altruistic nor are his goals to help the poor and down trodden. He is a greedy asshole who panders to special interest groups which separate him from the poor. His special interest groups are his attempts to insulate himself from the poor while he keeps them working as serfs and plays the markets to strip away any wealth they may have accumulated. Its all a big control scam he has devised.
Many of the memes used to demonise him have their roots in anti Semitic images dating back to the Rothschilds.
I understand that many people dont like centre left politics and resent his support for the same.

But it is surely a positive thing that a rich man wants to help the poor and downtrodden ?

Is it because he is Jewish ?
His goal isn't altruistic nor are his goals to help the poor and down trodden. He is a greedy asshole who panders to special interest groups which separate him from the poor. His special interest groups are his attempts to insulate himself from the poor while he keeps them working as serfs and plays the markets to strip away any wealth they may have accumulated. Its all a big control scam he has devised.
How does playing the market strip the wealth away from poor people?
I understand that many people dont like centre left politics and resent his support for the same.

But it is surely a positive thing that a rich man wants to help the poor and downtrodden ?

Is it because he is Jewish ?

You obviously have no clue about who and what George Soros is or the damage he has done globally.

Tell you what, Taint, go read up on some of the things he's done, not just the good things that will fit your narrative. All of it. When you're done with that, if you are capable of being intellectually honest and set aside your bias', you may understand why so many look down on Mr. Soros.

"I am basically there to make money. I cannot and do not look at the social consequences of what I do."
- George Soros, 1998, 60 Minutes
I understand that many people dont like centre left politics and resent his support for the same.

But it is surely a positive thing that a rich man wants to help the poor and downtrodden ?

Is it because he is Jewish ?
Only conservatives attempt to demonize him; it’s part of the right’s campaign of conspiracy theories, misinformation, disinformation, fake news, and lies.

It’s classic rightwing fearmongering and demagoguery.

And yes – for far too many on the right, their contempt for Soros is a consequence of anti-Semitism.
I understand that many people dont like centre left politics and resent his support for the same.

But it is surely a positive thing that a rich man wants to help the poor and downtrodden ?

Is it because he is Jewish ?
His goal isn't altruistic nor are his goals to help the poor and down trodden. He is a greedy asshole who panders to special interest groups which separate him from the poor. His special interest groups are his attempts to insulate himself from the poor while he keeps them working as serfs and plays the markets to strip away any wealth they may have accumulated. Its all a big control scam he has devised.
How does playing the market strip the wealth away from poor people?
By law and many employers make sure that even the poor must put their accrued retirement savings into a account that is generally ran by financiers (fund managers) or they pay a penalty. Those at the top play and strip wealth off the top. They know which companies they are going to make and break long before the average Joe.
I understand that many people dont like centre left politics and resent his support for the same.

But it is surely a positive thing that a rich man wants to help the poor and downtrodden ?

Is it because he is Jewish ?
Only conservatives attempt to demonize him; it’s part of the right’s campaign of conspiracy theories, misinformation, disinformation, fake news, and lies.

It’s classic rightwing fearmongering and demagoguery.

And yes – for far too many on the right, their contempt for Soros is a consequence of anti-Semitism.

Anyone who knows Soros knows he is not Jewish.

Yes, his family was but he is Atheist and let me be clear Lenin and Trotsky taught him well but Stalin would have killed him...
I understand that many people dont like centre left politics and resent his support for the same.

But it is surely a positive thing that a rich man wants to help the poor and downtrodden ?

Is it because he is Jewish ?

You obviously have no clue about who and what George Soros is or the damage he has done globally.

Tell you what, Taint, go read up on some of the things he's done, not just the good things that will fit your narrative. All of it. When you're done with that, if you are capable of being intellectually honest and set aside your bias', you may understand why so many look down on Mr. Soros.

"I am basically there to make money. I cannot and do not look at the social consequences of what I do."
- George Soros, 1998, 60 Minutes
I have just been watching a documentary about him. His enemies seem to be trashy folk like Orban. His supporters are people like Deborah Lipstadt who seems a lady worthy of respect.

The quote you produce doesnt make him a saint but it doesnt make him a demon either.

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