Why exactly does America need the Republican Party?


Why exactly does America need partisan ideologues?

^^This. WHY do we need parties at all? Washington warned us in his farewell speech to avoid them. Billy isn't a student of history, nor does he care. He's a partisan hack.

No democracy has ever functioned without parties. Anywhere. You may think that sad but it's true.
WE aren't a Democracy. Problem for your reasoning, isn't it?
Tell me. What good has it done for this country? Tax cuts have been proven to cause more harm than good. That has always seemed to be their biggest selling point. Guess what? It wasn't tax cuts that created economic growth during Reagan's years. If it was, we would have seen massive job growth during Bush Jr.'s years. We didn't. Job growth was pitiful until Obama came into office. In fact, we wouldn't have had the economic collapse in 2008 in the first place if republican policies worked. 2.5x more private sector jobs were created in Obama's 5 years than in Bush's 8. Guess what saved the economy, Pubs? DEMAND side economics. That was Obama's stimulus package. It has proven to be much more successful than supply side. The obvious reason why the unemployment rate is higher under Obama is because the economic collapse happened 4 month before Obama was sworn in! Obviously the several millions of jobs we lost would translate into a higher unemployment rate in his years. Whether you cons want to admit it or not, Obama inherited a steaming mess. Luckily Obama's stimulus turned the free fall into growth. Unfortunately, we still have a way to go. Obama himself has admitted that. Slow is better than nothing.

Why Extended Federal Unemployment Benefits Boost the Economy

(Explains why tax cuts do more harm than good and why Obama's demand side economics were such a success).

Obama?s Numbers, October Update

More Jobs Created Under Obama Than Bush, Non-Partisan Report Finds | Politics And Regulation | Minyanville's Wall Street

Come on. This is the party that convinced their base that tax cuts pay for themselves. Knuckle dragging logic. I don't pretend that democrats are the heroes, but there is no denying that democratic economic policies have worked.

So tell me repubs. What do you have to show for yourselves? Reagan? Please. That was decades ago. Nowadays you got nothing. There is no evidence republicanism has done this country any good. Bush jr. drove this country into the ground.

Tell me what would Romney have accomplished? Government spending would have continued under his reign. Private sector job growth was already happening under Obama. And healthcare? RomneyCare? Tell me, what exactly made Romney/Heritage's healthcare system any better than Obama's? Answer: nothing. Why? Because it is the same damn plan!

Oh, and the massive income disparity in this country? The massive gap between the middle class and the wealthy? We can easily blame that on republicanism. Since 2009, 95% of income gains have gone to the wealthiest Americans despite the massive productivity that the lower classes have accomplished.

95% Of Income Gains Since 2009 Went To The Top 1%. Here's What That Really Means. - Business Insider

You need us to clean up after you make a mess of everything. :cool:

When are you going to realize rhetoric like this is not supported by facts whatsoever?

Where are the facts in your OP?
Tell me. What good has it done for this country? Tax cuts have been proven to cause more harm than good. Well that's a lie. Tax cuts have done harm to the government. Dems increased spending even though they had less coming in.That has always seemed to be their biggest selling point. and freedom Guess what? It wasn't tax cuts that created economic growth during Reagan's years. If it was, we would have seen massive job growth during Bush Jr.'s years. We didn't.we had 4-5% UE, retard Job growth was pitiful until Obama came into office.UE is huge under obama lying fuck In fact, we wouldn't have had the economic collapse in 2008 in the first place if republican policies worked. 2.5x more private sector jobs were created in Obama's 5 years than in Bush's 8. Guess what saved the economy, Pubs? DEMAND side economics. That was Obama's stimulus package. another lie, it didn't do shit, obama was told it didn't work and thought it was funny Shovel-Ready BS Obama - YouTube It has proven to be much more successful than supply side. The obvious reason why the unemployment rate is higher under Obama is because the economic collapse happened 4 month before Obama was sworn in! its been 5 years and you pussies are still blaming Bush? cowardly fuck Obviously the several millions of jobs we lost would translate into a higher unemployment rate in his years. Whether you cons want to admit it or not, Obama inherited a steaming mess. Luckily Obama's stimulus turned the free fall into growth. Unfortunately, we still have a way to go. Obama himself has admitted that. Slow is better than nothing.

Why Extended Federal Unemployment Benefits Boost the Economy

(Explains why tax cuts do more harm than good and why Obama's demand side economics were such a success).

Obama?s Numbers, October Update

More Jobs Created Under Obama Than Bush, Non-Partisan Report Finds | Politics And Regulation | Minyanville's Wall Street

Come on. This is the party that convinced their base that tax cuts pay for themselves. Knuckle dragging logic. I don't pretend that democrats are the heroes, but there is no denying that democratic economic policies have worked.

So tell me repubs. What do you have to show for yourselves? Reagan? Please. That was decades ago. Nowadays you got nothing. There is no evidence republicanism has done this country any good. Bush jr. drove this country into the ground.

Tell me what would Romney have accomplished? Government spending would have continued under his reign. Private sector job growth was already happening under Obama. And healthcare? RomneyCare? Tell me, what exactly made Romney/Heritage's healthcare system any better than Obama's? Answer: nothing. Why? Because it is the same damn plan!

Oh, and the massive income disparity in this country? The massive gap between the middle class and the wealthy? We can easily blame that on republicanism. Since 2009, 95% of income gains have gone to the wealthiest Americans despite the massive productivity that the lower classes have accomplished.

goddamn, you're a sheep

Four legs good
Two legs better

Don't be stupid about this. Just because unemployment rate was decent BEFORE the economic collapse in 08, it doesn't mean he created any jobs. Everything else you said is complete non sense.
I see in you someone who has been well indocterated in the Democrat machine. God bless you when you finally find out the truth if you have the balls to keep searching. .

I only bring up the merits of Obama which are glaring. I am not concerned with the Democratic Party in general.

Are you using the word "merits" sarcastically?
Well the far left Obama drones are now showing their true colors in wanting only One party ion control.

Does anyone know what that is called?
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Public sector= general society like your roads, epa= clean water and air, defense, ssi, public education, police, etc. God bless them....Heck, a large percentage of science from the noaa, nhc, nasa, nsf is public!

Private sector= businesses with good idea's and innovation. The little guy can become something big.

There isn't a reason to oppose either.
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Yes YouTube videos. Always compelling evidence of....I'm not really sure.

Huh, I didn't think it was evidence of anything except a humorous and fitting response to britpat's post...

But hey, if you find it compelling, I'm not surprised...

Sort of like the way they think The Daily Show is real news that is never taken out of context......

Besides maybe college stoners, I have never once met a liberal or otherwise who think the Daily Show is real news.
Public sector= general society like your roads, epa= clean water and air, defense, ssi, public education, police, etc. God bless them....Heck, a large percentage of science from the noaa, nhc, nasa, nsf is public!

Private sector= businesses with good idea's and innovation. The little guy can become something big.

There isn't a reason to oppose either.

Of course there is. Government is force. Everything it does is based on the use of force against innocent people. That fact along should be sufficient cause to avoid using it whenever possible. More bad than good always comes from initiating force against the innocent.
Because we were not the Democrats?

You know the guys that brought us the KKK, the Jim Crow Laws? Those guys?

Why does it matter what democrats did decades ago?

why does it matter what Republicans done at anytime in American History, specifically Reagan and Bush II which you liberfools always refer to ?

you just proved to me why you have 000 behind your name.., most libertards are simply ZEROS.., you are a triple ZERO :up: ... :lmao: ... :up: ... :lmao: ... :up: ... :lmao: ... :up: ... :lmao: ... .

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