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Why DO you or why DONT you bash AOC?

1. Freedom of speech is sometimes a bitch, cuz it requires tolerance of opposing views. In her case, what she says and thinks may be due to ideological naivete born of inexperience.

2. IMHO, her views are foolish concepts that cannot work in reality and will not provide her desired outcomes even if such policies were to be enacted, which they won't. But foolishness is not in short supply in this country, particularly in DC.

3. And it is not restricted to one party either, although I have to say that IMHO the Left is outnumbering the Right in this regard.

4. I know nothing about AOC, except how young she is. When she spouts off we are getting a glimpse into the minds of many in her age group. There's value in knowing that, maybe the GOP can eventually find ways to peel off a few voters.
Like her or not, you can't deny she's
a genius when it comes to getting free publicity.
Almost as good as Donald.
That's a very negative commentary on the media, that they prefer the ridiculous rants of this twit to substantial news about the important issues.

How long have you been out of touch with reality? You may disagree with her opinions, but the issues she brings to light are a polemic well worth debate.
She is an embarrassment to reasonable Democrats. She brings nothing to light. Her idiotic Green New Deal contributed nothing to the discussion over climate change and her knee jerk support for anti semitic rants by ignorant bigots like Tlaib and Omar is dragging the Party down. The reality you are missing is that since the Party gave up all its other values to embrace identity politics, the level of thinking among Democrats has devolved down to the nonsense she spews.
She is an embarrassment to reasonable Democrats. She brings nothing to light. Her idiotic Green New Deal contributed nothing to the discussion over climate change and her knee jerk support for anti semitic rants by ignorant bigots like Tlaib and Omar is dragging the Party down. The reality you are missing is that since the Party gave up all its other values to embrace identity politics, the level of thinking among Democrats has devolved down to the nonsense she spews.
The only thing I've heard her get completely wrong is being onboard with
the Democrats trying to impeach the president. And the Green New Deal is nothing but a spin on a Green Party idea from several years ago. ( something else that's never mentioned )
She is an embarrassment to reasonable Democrats. She brings nothing to light. Her idiotic Green New Deal contributed nothing to the discussion over climate change and her knee jerk support for anti semitic rants by ignorant bigots like Tlaib and Omar is dragging the Party down. The reality you are missing is that since the Party gave up all its other values to embrace identity politics, the level of thinking among Democrats has devolved down to the nonsense she spews.
The only thing I've heard her get completely wrong is being onboard with
the Democrats trying to impeach the president. And the Green New Deal is nothing but a spin on a Green Party idea from several years ago. ( something else that's never mentioned )
Her Green New Deal would make air travel, trans Atlantic and trans Pacific commerce and the major part of our defense establishment impossible. She is a socialist who is trying to create a climate of fear to justify the government taking over the economy. She now has Pelosi and other Democrats trying to dodge the issue by idiotically saying her Green New Deal is aspirational.
Her Green New Deal would make air travel, trans Atlantic and trans Pacific commerce and the major part of our defense establishment impossible. She is a socialist who is trying to create a climate of fear to justify the government taking over the economy. She now has Pelosi and other Democrats trying to dodge the issue by idiotically saying her Green New Deal is aspirational.
She asks questions most others in Congress won't which makes her more like Rand Paul than anyone.

She ascribes to the cult of “scarcity” these people are afraid to live and enjoy, they are too mired in social justice guilt bullshit.
I do wonder why wingers "bash" in the first place.

Do they think that vicious personal insults and childish name-calling is going to actually yield something positive?
I find no reason to step in and distract from someone embarrassing the hell out of themselves. The best thing to do with AOC is do nothing...

Can someone please let me know; however, when we have replaced air travel with high speed rail, begun to rebuild or upgrade every building in the US, outlawed the internal combustion engine, ended all use of fossil fuels, and when mass production of bovine rectal plugs has begun to combat deadly bovine flatulence...?

She is an embarrassment to reasonable Democrats. She brings nothing to light. Her idiotic Green New Deal contributed nothing to the discussion over climate change and her knee jerk support for anti semitic rants by ignorant bigots like Tlaib and Omar is dragging the Party down. The reality you are missing is that since the Party gave up all its other values to embrace identity politics, the level of thinking among Democrats has devolved down to the nonsense she spews.
The only thing I've heard her get completely wrong is being onboard with
the Democrats trying to impeach the president. And the Green New Deal is nothing but a spin on a Green Party idea from several years ago. ( something else that's never mentioned )
Her Green New Deal would make air travel, trans Atlantic and trans Pacific commerce and the major part of our defense establishment impossible. She is a socialist who is trying to create a climate of fear to justify the government taking over the economy. She now has Pelosi and other Democrats trying to dodge the issue by idiotically saying her Green New Deal is aspirational.

I find no reason to step in and distract from someone embarrassing the hell out of themselves. The best thing to do with AOC is do nothing...

Can someone please let me know; however, when we have replaced air travel with high speed rail, begun to rebuild or upgrade every building in the US, outlawed the internal combustion engine, ended all use of fossil fuels, and when mass production of bovine rectal plugs has begun to combat deadly bovine flatulence...?


Again, you guys need to stop with the fear mongering. No, the Green New Deal isn't something that is going to be binding, it is something for the country to ASPIRE to, meaning they should try and make the effort to see if it's possible. There are no binding resolutions on it, nor are there any punishments for not following it.
I like her because she seems strong, bright and decent...albeit, almost ridiculously unrealistic.

Her Green New Deal was rendered silly by it's naivety and total ignorance of fiscal responsibility.

But, I like her guts, brightness, ethics...and her femininity. I admire women who are tough and feminine.

If she ever embraces fiscal discipline (doubtful)...I hope she runs for POTUS.

Yea, that naivety and total ignorance make it pretty tough to be bright.

Once again you prove to be the antithesis of a thinker. Being naive and ignorant is a sign of youth; Trump, BTW is not young, and he is incapable of learning by experience.

No kidding, here I was under the impression this thread was about AOC. Do try to pay attention, dumbass.
Her Green New Deal would make air travel, trans Atlantic and trans Pacific commerce and the major part of our defense establishment impossible. She is a socialist who is trying to create a climate of fear to justify the government taking over the economy. She now has Pelosi and other Democrats trying to dodge the issue by idiotically saying her Green New Deal is aspirational.
She asks questions most others in Congress won't which makes her more like Rand Paul than anyone.

While I am no fan of Rand Paul, in your clip he is raising consitutional issues related the powers of the Presidency and she is only spreading mud about a bank. Clearly, they are not alike in any way.
While I am no fan of Rand Paul, in your clip he is raising consitutional issues related the powers of the Presidency and she is only spreading mud about a bank. Clearly, they are not alike in any way.
Mud ? So you don't think the American people have a right to know that Wells Fargo, who we taxpayers bailed out in 2008- 2009, has used some of those billions to not only foreclose on our homes, and buy out our local banks but also invest in for-profit prisons in the US ??
She is an embarrassment to reasonable Democrats. She brings nothing to light. Her idiotic Green New Deal contributed nothing to the discussion over climate change and her knee jerk support for anti semitic rants by ignorant bigots like Tlaib and Omar is dragging the Party down. The reality you are missing is that since the Party gave up all its other values to embrace identity politics, the level of thinking among Democrats has devolved down to the nonsense she spews.
The only thing I've heard her get completely wrong is being onboard with
the Democrats trying to impeach the president. And the Green New Deal is nothing but a spin on a Green Party idea from several years ago. ( something else that's never mentioned )
Her Green New Deal would make air travel, trans Atlantic and trans Pacific commerce and the major part of our defense establishment impossible. She is a socialist who is trying to create a climate of fear to justify the government taking over the economy. She now has Pelosi and other Democrats trying to dodge the issue by idiotically saying her Green New Deal is aspirational.

I find no reason to step in and distract from someone embarrassing the hell out of themselves. The best thing to do with AOC is do nothing...

Can someone please let me know; however, when we have replaced air travel with high speed rail, begun to rebuild or upgrade every building in the US, outlawed the internal combustion engine, ended all use of fossil fuels, and when mass production of bovine rectal plugs has begun to combat deadly bovine flatulence...?


Again, you guys need to stop with the fear mongering. No, the Green New Deal isn't something that is going to be binding, it is something for the country to ASPIRE to, meaning they should try and make the effort to see if it's possible. There are no binding resolutions on it, nor are there any punishments for not following it.
lol Really? Do you aspire to no more air travel? No more trans Atlantic or trans Pacific commerce? No more Air Force? No more military tanks, etc.? Try to face the facts: the Democratic Party has so lost itself in identity politics and trying to embarrass the President that an airheaded twit like Ocasio- Cortez is now writing its agenda.
While I am no fan of Rand Paul, in your clip he is raising consitutional issues related the powers of the Presidency and she is only spreading mud about a bank. Clearly, they are not alike in any way.
Mud ? So you don't think the American people have a right to know that Wells Fargo, who we taxpayers bailed out in 2008- 2009, has used some of those billions to not only foreclose on our homes, and buy out our local banks but also invest in for-profit prisons in the US ??
Are you trying to sound stupid? All the money from the bail out has been repaid with interest so that taxpayers actually made a profit on it, and while Wells Fargo did extend credit to two companies that had built prisons, the bank was already in the process of separating from these companies long before the twit began ranting about it.
While I am no fan of Rand Paul, in your clip he is raising consitutional issues related the powers of the Presidency and she is only spreading mud about a bank. Clearly, they are not alike in any way.
Mud ? So you don't think the American people have a right to know that Wells Fargo, who we taxpayers bailed out in 2008- 2009, has used some of those billions to not only foreclose on our homes, and buy out our local banks but also invest in for-profit prisons in the US ??

Maybe you should move back to South Korea or Shang Hai.
She is an embarrassment to reasonable Democrats. She brings nothing to light. Her idiotic Green New Deal contributed nothing to the discussion over climate change and her knee jerk support for anti semitic rants by ignorant bigots like Tlaib and Omar is dragging the Party down. The reality you are missing is that since the Party gave up all its other values to embrace identity politics, the level of thinking among Democrats has devolved down to the nonsense she spews.
The only thing I've heard her get completely wrong is being onboard with
the Democrats trying to impeach the president. And the Green New Deal is nothing but a spin on a Green Party idea from several years ago. ( something else that's never mentioned )
Her Green New Deal would make air travel, trans Atlantic and trans Pacific commerce and the major part of our defense establishment impossible. She is a socialist who is trying to create a climate of fear to justify the government taking over the economy. She now has Pelosi and other Democrats trying to dodge the issue by idiotically saying her Green New Deal is aspirational.

I find no reason to step in and distract from someone embarrassing the hell out of themselves. The best thing to do with AOC is do nothing...

Can someone please let me know; however, when we have replaced air travel with high speed rail, begun to rebuild or upgrade every building in the US, outlawed the internal combustion engine, ended all use of fossil fuels, and when mass production of bovine rectal plugs has begun to combat deadly bovine flatulence...?


Again, you guys need to stop with the fear mongering. No, the Green New Deal isn't something that is going to be binding, it is something for the country to ASPIRE to, meaning they should try and make the effort to see if it's possible. There are no binding resolutions on it, nor are there any punishments for not following it.
lol Really? Do you aspire to no more air travel? No more trans Atlantic or trans Pacific commerce? No more Air Force? No more military tanks, etc.? Try to face the facts: the Democratic Party has so lost itself in identity politics and trying to embarrass the President that an airheaded twit like Ocasio- Cortez is now writing its agenda.

The fact that AOC suggested that the United States slit its own economic throat by outlawing any usage of fossil fuels and use of the Internal Combustion Engine is insane enough before you realize this air-headed socialist 'Barbie' did not even consider the consequences of doing so, specifically the approximate 50 Million jobs that would be lost, from everything from auto manufacturers / dealers / mechanics, auto-parts manufacturers, and so much more.....

So on top of the insane cost of 'The Socialist New Deal' requiring every tax dollar we can squeeze out of every working American throw in the sudden job loss (and tax revenue source) of 50+/- Million Americans who are dependent on Tax-funded social program.....

The US will set the new Socialist Record for going from being one of the richest/most powerful nations in the world to 3rd (or 4th) world collapsed beggar nations.....
Again, you guys need to stop with the fear mongering. No, the Green New Deal isn't something that is going to be binding, it is something for the country to ASPIRE to, meaning they should try and make the effort to see if it's possible. There are no binding resolutions on it, nor are there any punishments for not following it.
Something the country can 'ASPIRE' to?


The 'Green New Deal' was / is a child's fantasy created in a moment of playing 'Grown-Up' - 'If I were grown up and ran the country, this is what I would do.....she just left out the part about every child having a Unicorn.

'EVERY' building would be 'REBUILT' or 'UPGRADED'....
-- We can stop right there.


Welcome to abandoned sections of Detroit - you remember, the city Obama said he would never just abandon as he drove manufacturing jobs overseas..... Does ANYONE seriously - for 1 second - believe the United States Govt, that can't even pass an infrastructure bill to get some much-needed bridges built, is going to REBUILD OR UPGRADE EVERY BUILDING IN THE UNITED STATES?

...and that is only 1 of the examples of 'Neverland' BS in the 'GND'....
I'm not bothering to bash or defend her against the obvious. I mean, I like cauliflower......

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