Why do people still think the Bible was created at the Council of Nicaea?

No it isn't "off base". I studied for 20 plus years and although you may take offense to the wording that's what it amounts to. If you could take an objective view you'd agree.

Hebrew teaching was hard line and unforgiving. It didn't change until they could barely speak Hebrew anymore since they were so immersed in Greek culture. It was all God's plan, whooops, there goes another huge act of faith to cling to.

Ah, but the wording he used is subjective, is it not? As is the idea that Christianity would not have survived had it not been for Hellenized Jews. It did not take Hellenized Jews to insure the survival of Christianity. The final subjective idea in your post is that it was part of God's plan.
You missed a whole bunch then. I didn't say the Hellenized Jews insured Christianity's survival, I said they invented it. The Romans insured the survival when it was adopted as the official state religion and they killed those singing out of harmony. That's history. You choose to believe something else. Something that takes increasing amounts of faith to hold onto unless you simply shut down intellectually.
It would seem that a majority of the Catholic Church's effort over the past two thousands years has been keeping Scripture out of the common man's hands. Obama may want to take your gun but the Pope wants to take your Bible.
It would seem that a majority of the Catholic Church's effort over the past two thousands years has been keeping Scripture out of the common man's hands. Obama may want to take your gun but the Pope wants to take your Bible.

That old lie still around? Once upon a time, because the Catholic Church would only give its stamp of approval to Bibles that were correctly translated, the "Reformers" raised a hue and cry that people could translate and interpret Bibles on their own because of the help they would receive from the Holy Spirit.

Funny thing though. Today, people of the Reform faith will not put their stamp of approval of on the Bible translated by Jehovah Witnesses. Shame! Shame! Shame! The Reform faith must be trying to keep Bibles out of the hands of Jehovah Witnesses because otherwise they would approve this translation!
It would seem that a majority of the Catholic Church's effort over the past two thousands years has been keeping Scripture out of the common man's hands. Obama may want to take your gun but the Pope wants to take your Bible.

That old lie still around? Once upon a time, because the Catholic Church would only give its stamp of approval to Bibles that were correctly translated, the "Reformers" raised a hue and cry that people could translate and interpret Bibles on their own because of the help they would receive from the Holy Spirit.

Funny thing though. Today, people of the Reform faith will not put their stamp of approval of on the Bible translated by Jehovah Witnesses. Shame! Shame! Shame! The Reform faith must be trying to keep Bibles out of the hands of Jehovah Witnesses because otherwise they would approve this translation!
William Tyndale was burned at the stake for a typo?
Hilarious thread! People arguing about something that happened thousands of years ago, and no one alive today has ANY idea what the hell actually happened then!

This is why we as logical modern civilized human beings we need to throw out what our elders told us and question everything. If it doesn't make sense future men won't believe it.

And the next generation should question everything we tell them. If it doesn't make sense throw it out. Don't accept stories just because they make you feel comfortable.
William Tyndale was burned at the stake for a typo?

Ask Henry VIII, who declared himself head of the Church of England three years prior to Tyndale's death. It was Henry and his court that captured Tyndale and sentenced him to death for condemning Henry's divorce and remarriages. I don't know if Henry also objected to Tyndale's translations of scripture.
William Tyndale was burned at the stake for a typo?

Ask Henry VIII, who declared himself head of the Church of England three years prior to Tyndale's death. It was Henry and his court that captured Tyndale and sentenced him to death for condemning Henry's divorce and remarriages. I don't know if Henry also objected to Tyndale's translations of scripture.
William Tyndale was burned at the stake for a typo?

Ask Henry VIII, who declared himself head of the Church of England three years prior to Tyndale's death. It was Henry and his court that captured Tyndale and sentenced him to death for condemning Henry's divorce and remarriages. I don't know if Henry also objected to Tyndale's translations of scripture.
No? It took you ten minutes, give or take, to come up with that response off the top of your head? Don't get me wrong. I can appreciate the doctrine that the layperson should not directly partake of the Word of God. That it is too much for the plough boy in the field. That studying the Word directly can make one go insane. Kind of like females and mathematics. One has to wonder though, who has been putting those ideas in Obama's head that the greatest terrorist threat to America is the Bible thumpin' Protestants. :eusa_think:
William Tyndale was burned at the stake for a typo?

Ask Henry VIII, who declared himself head of the Church of England three years prior to Tyndale's death. It was Henry and his court that captured Tyndale and sentenced him to death for condemning Henry's divorce and remarriages. I don't know if Henry also objected to Tyndale's translations of scripture.
No? It took you ten minutes, give or take, to come up with that response off the top of your head? Don't get me wrong. I can appreciate the doctrine that the layperson should not directly partake of the Word of God. That it is too much for the plough boy in the field. That studying the Word directly can make one go insane. Kind of like females and mathematics. One has to wonder though, who has been putting those ideas in Obama's head that the greatest terrorist threat to America is the Bible thumpin' Protestants. :eusa_think:
I don't think they are the greatest threat but they are a threat.
These people always ask you to do their work when its all right there.

Same way they don't read the bible they just let their preachers tell them what's in it.

We should make allowances for memory. People remember that the Catholic Church was against people translating the Bible, but forget what the Church was against were weak translations. They remember that Tyndale was put to death and they remember he offered a translation made from Greek not Latin manuscripts and reach the conclusion the Catholic Church must have put him to death for these translations.

What is forgotten is that Tyndale was an English subject who criticized his ruler and the head of the Church of England (King Henry VIII) and the King did not take it kindly. Still, he was executed for heresy, not treason.
These people always ask you to do their work when its all right there.

Same way they don't read the bible they just let their preachers tell them what's in it.

We should make allowances for memory. People remember that the Catholic Church was against people translating the Bible, but forget what the Church was against were weak translations. They remember that Tyndale was put to death and they remember he offered a translation made from Greek not Latin manuscripts and reach the conclusion the Catholic Church must have put him to death for these translations.

What is forgotten is that Tyndale was an English subject who criticized his ruler and the head of the Church of England (King Henry VIII) and the King did not take it kindly. Still, he was executed for heresy, not treason.
The people probably wouldn't have liked him being murdered for treason but say he was talking blasphemy who would publicly defend him.

They use religion to manipulate us. Did you hear abortion and divorce are OK now with the Pope? Times they are a changing. Adapt and evolve with society or go extinct. The church wants to survive.
That's an evasion. Does the bread and blood become Jesus' body?
Not an evasion at all, a simple statement that Catholics believe and trust Christ's statements of "This is my body...This is my blood." This faith and trust naturally includes the belief that Christ's body and blood are present in the bread and wine.
There's nothing natural about that, it's crazy talk. You said earlier that is was purely symbolic but if you believe it becomes a physical reality it's much more than just symbolism. It's right up there with Voodoo.
It would seem that a majority of the Catholic Church's effort over the past two thousands years has been keeping Scripture out of the common man's hands. Obama may want to take your gun but the Pope wants to take your Bible.

That old lie still around? Once upon a time, because the Catholic Church would only give its stamp of approval to Bibles that were correctly translated, the "Reformers" raised a hue and cry that people could translate and interpret Bibles on their own because of the help they would receive from the Holy Spirit.

Funny thing though. Today, people of the Reform faith will not put their stamp of approval of on the Bible translated by Jehovah Witnesses. Shame! Shame! Shame! The Reform faith must be trying to keep Bibles out of the hands of Jehovah Witnesses because otherwise they would approve this translation!
The JW Bible is unorthodox in many regards, namely Jesus just being a god. It wasn't even translated by scholars. But I never heard of anyone trying to take their bibles away, what's' your source?
These people always ask you to do their work when its all right there.

Same way they don't read the bible they just let their preachers tell them what's in it.

We should make allowances for memory. People remember that the Catholic Church was against people translating the Bible, but forget what the Church was against were weak translations. They remember that Tyndale was put to death and they remember he offered a translation made from Greek not Latin manuscripts and reach the conclusion the Catholic Church must have put him to death for these translations.

What is forgotten is that Tyndale was an English subject who criticized his ruler and the head of the Church of England (King Henry VIII) and the King did not take it kindly. Still, he was executed for heresy, not treason.
The people probably wouldn't have liked him being murdered for treason but say he was talking blasphemy who would publicly defend him.

They use religion to manipulate us. Did you hear abortion and divorce are OK now with the Pope? Times they are a changing. Adapt and evolve with society or go extinct. The church wants to survive.
Not to defend the guy in the clown costume but he OKed the forgiveness of the sins, he didn't say the sins were no longer sins.
The people probably wouldn't have liked him being murdered for treason but say he was talking blasphemy who would publicly defend him.

They use religion to manipulate us. Did you hear abortion and divorce are OK now with the Pope? Times they are a changing. Adapt and evolve with society or go extinct. The church wants to survive.

Abortion is not okay. It is still an excommunication offense. Excommunication requires a bishop to reinstate, or a bishop authorizing a priest to reinstate. The pope (Bishop of Rome) said in cases of abortion any priest is now able to forgive/reinstate (which many bishops in the US have told their priests for years, decades). Divorce has never been a problem for Catholics. Remarriage to a different person after the divorce is the problem--and is still the problem. Nothing has changed in that regard.

Here is the thing with Pope Francis. Nothing he says is news to practicing Catholics. To us, he is reminding those who don't know what has always been Catholic practice. The fact that the news media thinks something new and different is being set forth is pretty funny. What has changed is that back in the day, the news media would do a little investigation, discover nothing has changed, and would pass on what the Pope said as old news. The Catholic Church is benefiting from the news media no longer doing its job.
There's nothing natural about that, it's crazy talk. You said earlier that is was purely symbolic but if you believe it becomes a physical reality it's much more than just symbolism. It's right up there with Voodoo.

I did not say, "purely symbolic". I said sacraments are "visible signs of the invisible reality."

Here is the deal, when people in his day walked away from Christ when he said the same thing back then, he didn't go chasing after them. So don't expect a Catholic go chasing after you. We're sticking with Christ and what he said, but fully understand why you choose to walk.
The JW Bible is unorthodox in many regards, namely Jesus just being a god. It wasn't even translated by scholars. But I never heard of anyone trying to take their bibles away, what's' your source?

Re-read my post and take note of the satire. The Catholic Church wouldn't approve a poorly translated Bibles and it is announced by Protestants as the Catholic Church not wanting the common people to read/have Bibles. Evangelicals won't approve the JW translation for the same reason, so shouldn't they be accused of not wanting JW to read/have bibles?
These people always ask you to do their work when its all right there.

Same way they don't read the bible they just let their preachers tell them what's in it.

We should make allowances for memory. People remember that the Catholic Church was against people translating the Bible, but forget what the Church was against were weak translations. They remember that Tyndale was put to death and they remember he offered a translation made from Greek not Latin manuscripts and reach the conclusion the Catholic Church must have put him to death for these translations.

What is forgotten is that Tyndale was an English subject who criticized his ruler and the head of the Church of England (King Henry VIII) and the King did not take it kindly. Still, he was executed for heresy, not treason.
Is Elijah Catholic? Is the Catholic Church going to welcome Elijah with open arms? Some might worry that the Catholic Church is the modern equivalent of the Pharisees. What do you think? Just asking.
Not to defend the guy in the clown costume but he OKed the forgiveness of the sins, he didn't say the sins were no longer sins.

Do you describe Quaker and Shaker attire as clown costumes? Clerical attire, like Quaker and Shaker attire, is simply attire from another time. In their time (and probably in future times), it would/will be us in modern day attire described as clowns.

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