Why Children Should not "Choose their Gender"

Yes it is
Gender reassignment is much more successful if it started before puberty. Once puberty has occurred, you end up with Transexuals who still look like their former sex
You know, the ones Conservatives post pictures of and mock as freaks

Studies show, that 80% of all children, claiming gender dysphoria, if left alone, will self resolve as they grow into adulthood.

And interestingly enough. 2/3rds will identify as gay.

What part of this is beyond your perverted comprehension?

You would have made a great Nazi medical professional
A decision that is made too late to have successful transexual medical procedures
Once that child has been through puberty, they have already assumed their sexual characteristics

And 80% of the time they self resolve OUT OF THEIR GENDER CONFUSION knucklehead.

Children don't know enough to function as adults. That's part of being a child, so we don't let them choose not be educated.

Children are naive and easily manipulated. That's why we don't let them choose to have sex with adults.

Children don't understand long term consequences of decisions. That's why we don't let them alter their bodies to match their parents perception of their gender. At least in we don't in states that have not lost their ever-lovin' minds.

That little guy is so cute! That smile. If I have a grandson like that someday, c'mon, he's getting the whole box.
We don’t let Children choose their gender
But along with parents and medical professionals, we allow them to begin gender reaffirming procedures.
Generally beginning puberty blockers, psychological counciling and later hormone therapy
It almost NEVER involves genital surgery on children

This is gonna cost the Dems so bad politically.

No one deserves it more.

Children don't know enough to function as adults. That's part of being a child, so we don't let them choose not be educated.

Children are naive and easily manipulated. That's why we don't let them choose to have sex with adults.

Children don't understand long term consequences of decisions. That's why we don't let them alter their bodies to match their parents perception of their gender. At least in we don't in states that have not lost their ever-lovin' minds.

2 genders + 37 queer.jpg
Yes, let's let kids make life altering decisions that they don't understand!

And the lawsuits moving forward are almost ALL involving surgeries on CHILDREN.
this is starting to look like violations of the Nuremberg code.

As covered in another thread, there's a butcher in Portland that as much as admits to that, that he is using children as test subjects for experiments that are causing considerable harm to many of them, for little provable benefit, if any benefit at all.

Children are being sacrificed on this insane altar of “transgenderism”, and subhuman shit like WRONGwinger are perfectly fine with it.

Pink-haired Portland surgeon who performs sex-change surgery on trans CHILDREN admits they face lifetime of infertility, incontinence and sexual dissatisfaction, in now-deleted video​

This is Josef Mengele-level fucked-up.​
We don’t let Children choose their gender
But along with parents and medical professionals, we allow them to begin gender reaffirming procedures.
Generally beginning puberty blockers, psychological counciling and later hormone therapy
It almost NEVER involves genital surgery on children
That's insane.
That is the reality

Children are better off making the decision along with their parents and medical professionals than allowing Republicans (who hate Transexuals) to make the decision
It's not a Democrat or republican issue. It's a common sense issue. Puberty blockers are poison and children aren't capable of this decision. You creatures are insane.
Children do not make the decision but must have consent
Understood. Would you consent if your kid said he was a pirate and wanted his right leg amputated at the knee and a peg attached and his left eye taken out and a black patch over the hole?

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