Portland surgeon who performs sex-change surgery on trans CHILDREN admits they face lifetime of infertility, incontinence and sexual dissatisfaction…

Bob Blaylock

Diamond Member
Aug 22, 2015
38°29′ North 121°26′ West

He says he's 'figuring out what works' and that his team will know more in the next 'five-to-10 years.'

He is as much as openly admitting that he uses children as test subjects, in risky medical experiments that are likely to cause them serious, permanent harm.

This is Josef-Mengele-level shit.

He doesn't belong in the medical profession; he belongs in prison. Preferably among the general population, with all of his fellow prisoners aware of what he is in for; and ready to dispense the kind of much-needed justice against this piece of shit that our society is too “civilized” to dispense in an official manner.

He says he's 'figuring out what works' and that his team will know more in the next 'five-to-10 years.'

He is as much as openly admitting that he uses children as test subjects, in risky medical experiments that are likely to cause them serious, permanent harm.

This is Josef-Mengele-level shit.

He doesn't belong in the medical profession; he belongs in prison. Preferably among the general population, with all of his fellow prisoners aware of what he is in for; and ready to dispense the kind of much-needed justice against this piece of shit that our society is too “civilized” to dispense in an official manner.

Do these children understand that pretending to be the opposite sex means having to wear a diaper for the rest of their sorry little life?

No, they don't.

This thing pretending to be a doctor needs to face a firing squad.


He says he's 'figuring out what works' and that his team will know more in the next 'five-to-10 years.'

He is as much as openly admitting that he uses children as test subjects, in risky medical experiments that are likely to cause them serious, permanent harm.

This is Josef-Mengele-level shit.

He doesn't belong in the medical profession; he belongs in prison. Preferably among the general population, with all of his fellow prisoners aware of what he is in for; and ready to dispense the kind of much-needed justice against this piece of shit that our society is too “civilized” to dispense in an official manner.
Remember what Camel Toe Harris said "Reducing the Population, will make our kids live longer".

Do these children understand that pretending to be the opposite sex means having to wear a diaper for the rest of their sorry little life?

No, they don't.

This thing pretending to be a doctor needs to face a firing squad.


You don't hear about that stuff. Or like dudes that get fake pussies have to constantly keep them stretched out or they start to close up like a pierced ear with no earring in it.

Or the fact your performing surgery in areas of the body with incredibly high amounts of nerve endings that may result in numbness.
You don't hear about that stuff. Or like dudes that get fake pussies have to constantly keep them stretched out or they start to close up like a pierced ear with no earring in it.

Or the fact your performing surgery in areas of the body with incredibly high amounts of nerve endings that may result in numbness.

Or a condition called "neuralgia", which means nerve pain. I have neutalgia in the trigeminal nerve in my face and it is agony.


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