why can't i get a straight answer ?


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2010
i want to know if there was a law, at the time of the presidents birth, that states "if only the mother is a u.s. citizen, she must have reside in the u.s. for ten years, five of which must be after the age of sixteen."
was there ever such a law ? at that time ?
not whether or not he was born in kenya... just this one law... is it true? is it a state law ? do other states have such laws ? can such a law trump or embellish the eligibility reqs in the constitution ?
any experts?... i know this is a beat subject, but google in this case is too vague.. thanks
Well Title 8 of the U.S code just says she had to live 5 years in the US. Of course I dont know if it means having lived in the US 5 years straight and then gave birth or what. Seems kind of up to interpretation.
If you are concerned about beating Obama have the Republicans start a new political party, dont waste your talking time on this.

A new name allows republicans to
1 distance themselves from their deficit spending problems
2 distance themselves from this states rights thing(they obviously dont support that either)
3 distance themselves from not doing anything about abortion (5 of 7 terms at one point and abortion is still legal?)

Only the week minded or easily fooled vote republican over them issues because the intelligent know they are being pandered to during elections then cast off.
Why don't we start a bash the other guy topic, that seems to be the point anyway. I see so much foul conversation but not one solution.
A state law can never-ever trump the US Constitution nor can a federal law ever trump the Constitution. Once you get that concept in your head you can work from there.
i want to know if there was a law, at the time of the presidents birth, that states "if only the mother is a u.s. citizen, she must have reside in the u.s. for ten years, five of which must be after the age of sixteen."
was there ever such a law ? at that time ?
not whether or not he was born in kenya... just this one law... is it true? is it a state law ? do other states have such laws ? can such a law trump or embellish the eligibility reqs in the constitution ?
any experts?... i know this is a beat subject, but google in this case is too vague.. thanks

Actually the law says...

Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952


Chapter 1 Nationality at Birth and By Collective Naturalization.

Nationals and Citizens of the United States at Birth

Sec. 301. (a) The following shall be nationals and citizens of the United States at birth:

(1) a person born in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof;


(7) a person born outside the geographical limits of the United States and its outlying possessions of parents one of whom is an alien, and the other a citizen of the United States who, prior to the birth of such a person, was physically present in the United States or its outlying possessions for a period or periods totaling not less than ten years, at least five of which were after attaining the age of fourteen years: Provided, That any periods of honorable service in the Armed Forces of the United States by such citizen parent may be included in computing they physical presence requirements of this paragraph.​

Also Section 309(c) is of interest as it states: "(c) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (a) of this section [WW's note: that means Sec 301(a) above], a person born, on or after the effective date of this Act, outside the United States and out of wedlock shall be held to have acquired at birth the nationality status of his mother, if the mother had the nationality of the United States at the time of such person's birth, and if the mother had previously been physically present in the United States or one of its outlying possessions for a continuous period of one year."


The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 is the law in effect at the time of Obama's birth.

If born in Hawaii, then paragraph (7) is irrelevant.

Paragraph (7) is based on the "parent" which could be mother or father.

I included Section 309(c) because in posses an interesting question. Obama Sr. was married in Africa prior to coming to the United States. Where he came from multiple wives were allowed and he remained married to his first wife while here. While in the United States he married Stanley Dunham, however if he were to be deemed already married, then that marriage would be invalid as Polygamy is not allowed. As such Stanley Dunham would have been an unwed mother at the time of Obama Jr's birth.

So if he was born in Hawaii, Dunham's age is irrelevant. If he was already married under the laws of Kenya, then Dunham could have had a child at any age and that child would have had her citizenship at birth since she was raised in Kansas, Oklahoma, and Washington.

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Well Title 8 of the U.S code just says she had to live 5 years in the US. Of course I dont know if it means having lived in the US 5 years straight and then gave birth or what. Seems kind of up to interpretation.

That's current law, which I believe was changed in the mid-80's.

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i want to know if there was a law, at the time of the presidents birth, that states "if only the mother is a u.s. citizen, she must have reside in the u.s. for ten years, five of which must be after the age of sixteen."
was there ever such a law ? at that time ?
not whether or not he was born in kenya... just this one law... is it true? is it a state law ? do other states have such laws ? can such a law trump or embellish the eligibility reqs in the constitution ?
any experts?... i know this is a beat subject, but google in this case is too vague.. thanks

Actually the law says...

Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952


Chapter 1 Nationality at Birth and By Collective Naturalization.

Nationals and Citizens of the United States at Birth

Sec. 301. (a) The following shall be nationals and citizens of the United States at birth:

(1) a person born in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof;


(7) a person born outside the geographical limits of the United States and its outlying possessions of parents one of whom is an alien, and the other a citizen of the United States who, prior to the birth of such a person, was physically present in the United States or its outlying possessions for a period or periods totaling not less than ten years, at least five of which were after attaining the age of fourteen years: Provided, That any periods of honorable service in the Armed Forces of the United States by such citizen parent may be included in computing they physical presence requirements of this paragraph.​

Also Section 309(c) is of interest as it states: "(c) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (a) of this section [WW's note: that means Sec 301(a) above], a person born, on or after the effective date of this Act, outside the United States and out of wedlock shall be held to have acquired at birth the nationality status of his mother, if the mother had the nationality of the United States at the time of such person's birth, and if the mother had previously been physically present in the United States or one of its outlying possessions for a continuous period of one year."


The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 is the law in effect at the time of Obama's birth.

If born in Hawaii, then paragraph (7) is irrelevant.

Paragraph (7) is based on the "parent" which could be mother or father.

I included Section 309(c) because in posses an interesting question. Obama Sr. was married in Africa prior to coming to the United States. Where he came from multiple wives were allowed and he remained married to his first wife while here. While in the United States he married Stanley Dunham, however if he were to be deemed already married, then that marriage would be invalid as Polygamy is not allowed. As such Stanley Dunham would have been an unwed mother at the time of Obama Jr's birth.

So if he was born in Hawaii, Dunham's age is irrelevant. If he was already married under the laws of Kenya, then Dunham could have had a child at any age and that child would have had her citizenship at birth since she was raised in Kansas, Oklahoma, and Washington.


WOW, I'M IMPRESSED... thank you !
and to the guy belittling the asking of the question; one person's waste of time is another's revelation. i don't think you're even sure of what a waste of time is.
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Well Title 8 of the U.S code just says she had to live 5 years in the US. Of course I dont know if it means having lived in the US 5 years straight and then gave birth or what. Seems kind of up to interpretation.

That's current law, which I believe was changed in the mid-80's.


so W.W. what's your opinion on the subject?
i want to know if there was a law, at the time of the presidents birth, that states "if only the mother is a u.s. citizen, she must have reside in the u.s. for ten years, five of which must be after the age of sixteen."
was there ever such a law ? at that time ?
not whether or not he was born in kenya... just this one law... is it true? is it a state law ? do other states have such laws ? can such a law trump or embellish the eligibility reqs in the constitution ?
any experts?... i know this is a beat subject, but google in this case is too vague.. thanks

A state law can never-ever trump the US Constitution nor can a federal law ever trump the Constitution. Once you get that concept in your head you can work from there.

That about sums it up as far as I know... Requirements are 35 birthdays in the rear-view mirror and a US birth certificate.
if i had to prove this case in court, there would be a shadow of a doubt within the burden of proof (exculpatory).
this would be the greatest scandal in american history.
why won't this story die ?
Well Title 8 of the U.S code just says she had to live 5 years in the US. Of course I dont know if it means having lived in the US 5 years straight and then gave birth or what. Seems kind of up to interpretation.

That's current law, which I believe was changed in the mid-80's.


so W.W. what's your opinion on the subject?

My opinion, is that he was probably born in Hawaii, but that is opinion as there has been no way to establish fact based on Hawaiian documents as none have been released to the public in a verifiable manner. I don't consider JPG's posted on a website to be verifiable. Verifiable would be official documents presented to election officials or to the court, which hasn't happened.

Seeing as how the issue was raised before the election, but no state had a document submission law I place greatest blame for the continuation of the goat roping circus squarely on the shoulders of the Congress. All that would have had to happen is one Senator and one Representative to submit and objection, in writing, to the President of the Senate (Vice-President Chaney (R)) before (or during) the counting of the electoral votes. At that point the counting would have stopped, each house would have adjourned to it's respective chambers and resolved the situation. The resolution could easily have occurred by Congress exercising it's subpoena power to order the State of Hawaii to deliver an office birth document under the States Seal to the Congress and would not have been in violation of their statutes. The Congress could then determine the validity of the objection based on either (a) birth location or (b) two citizen parents. However, not one objection was raised.

Personally I think Obama was probably born in Hawaii and has the documentation to prove it. So why not release it? Because there is no political gain. Obamaites were/are going to vote for him no matter what. Conservatives are going to vote against him no matter what. So he plays birthers like a fiddle, knowing he can produce a Hawiian birth document and making the birther appear as a wacko fringe group. If one of the birther bills passes and become State law he provides the documentation and plays the victim card hoping to sway moderates and fence sitters into his camp against the evil Republicans.

But that's just my opinion of course.

verifiable. "Verifiable would be official documents presented to election officials or to the court, which hasn't happened.

no objections were raised."

these sound like red flags to me. could this be the tip of the iceburg of another watergate?
isn't the president required to satisfy the credentials department before the run? where's the birth certificate ?
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verifiable. "Verifiable would be official documents presented to election officials or to the court, which hasn't happened.

no objections were raised."

these sound like red flags to me. could this be the tip of the iceburg of another watergate?
isn't the president required to satisfy the credentials department before the run? where's the birth certificate ?

Feel free to link to any state or federal law that required the candidates to submit documented proof of eligibility prior to the election and lets discuss.

Look, but I don't think you will find any.

verifiable. "Verifiable would be official documents presented to election officials or to the court, which hasn't happened.

no objections were raised."

these sound like red flags to me. could this be the tip of the iceburg of another watergate?
isn't the president required to satisfy the credentials department before the run? where's the birth certificate ?

Feel free to link to any state or federal law that required the candidates to submit documented proof of eligibility prior to the election and lets discuss.

Look, but I don't think you will find any.

right ... this is so nebulous, i'm going to keep shopping around for answers. cheers
verifiable. "Verifiable would be official documents presented to election officials or to the court, which hasn't happened.

no objections were raised."

these sound like red flags to me. could this be the tip of the iceburg of another watergate?
isn't the president required to satisfy the credentials department before the run? where's the birth certificate ?

Feel free to link to any state or federal law that required the candidates to submit documented proof of eligibility prior to the election and lets discuss.

Look, but I don't think you will find any.

right ... this is so nebulous, i'm going to keep shopping around for answers. cheers

To the question of your life you are the answer, and to the problems of your life you are the solution. ~Joe Cordare

Best of luck in your search.

i was reading through bodee's thread of similar subject and i see the word conceal alot.
the other thing is that there may have been money available for such said acts. i'm interested in any story that people tell me to forget about. move along... there's nothing to see here, only except this time maybe there is.

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