Who's Who At The Values Voter Summit 2015. Starting this weekend!


Platinum Member
Jun 11, 2015
The commie infested, queer loving liberal NE USA
Yup, Republican candidates will be there licking the boots and sniffing behind the craziest of the crazies on the religious right! Trump has now confirmed also!

Next weekend, GOP presidential contenders and top lawmakers will mingle with some of the most extreme Religious Right activists in the country at the Values Voter Summit, an annual event in Washington, D.C., sponsored by the Family Research Council, the American Family Association, American Values, and others. Scott Walker, Ted Cruz, Rick Santorum, Bobby Jindal, Mike Huckabee, Lindsey Graham and Ben Carson have all confirmed that they will be speaking at the event. Carly Fiorina, Marco Rubio, Rand Paul, Chris Christie and John Kasich have been invited but have not yet confirmed their attendance, according to the event’s website. Jeb Bush, who was snubbed by FRC at last year’s event, declined to attend but will send a video address. Donald Trump is the only presidential candidate to have publicly turned down the invitation, provoking the ire of FRC’s president, Tony Perkins. - See more at: Who’s Who At The Values Voter Summit 2015

Candidates who attend the Values Voter Summit choose to align themselves with some of the most radical activists and organizations working to dehumanize LGBT people, erode reproductive rights, demolish the separation between church and state, and eliminate First Amendment rights for religious minorities. The Family Research Council routinely smears LGBT people with false and degrading pronouncements and campaigns for a United States ruled by the dicta of a small faction of fundamentalists Christians. Another principal sponsor of the summit, the American Family Association, has an equally extreme record. - See more at: Who’s Who At The Values Voter Summit 2015

Stay tuned for updates as they speak!!
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These things create wonderful fodder for the Democrats

Can you believe what he said?
The Republicans have their games, the Democrats have theirs.

Take "Black Lives Matter", for instance.
Republicans and social conservatism

Gets Democrats elected every time
I just love the lies leftist tell each other, knowing it's a lie but agreeing with each other.

I predict that calling the night sky 'black' will be declared racist and or insensitive within 2 years.

if you pussies don't feel that already
So...what is the agenda?

1. Defund Planned Parenthood
2. End same sex marriage
3. Ban abortion even in cases of rape or jeopardizing the mothers health
4. Allow Christians to ignore civil rights
5. Persecute Muslims

Each Republican will try to go even farther to the right than his opponents. What is said will eventually be used to hang on the GOP nominee
So...what is the agenda?

1. Defund Planned Parenthood
2. End same sex marriage
3. Ban abortion even in cases of rape or jeopardizing the mothers health
4. Allow Christians to ignore civil rights
5. Persecute Muslims

Each Republican will try to go even farther to the right than his opponents. What is said will eventually be used to hang on the GOP nominee

What an ugly comment.
So...what is the agenda?

1. Defund Planned Parenthood
2. End same sex marriage
3. Ban abortion even in cases of rape or jeopardizing the mothers health
4. Allow Christians to ignore civil rights
5. Persecute Muslims

Each Republican will try to go even farther to the right than his opponents. What is said will eventually be used to hang on the GOP nominee

What an ugly comment.
it's accurate though

1/ should have been done by corp welfare hating leftist, but their evil nature got in the way
2/ religious cons are little more than tyrants that want to force what they want on others, just like leftist
3/ is complete bullshit and he knows it
4/ forcing Christians to perform services is ok, but it's not ok to force muslims
5/ muslims are a victim class, and leftist will stand up for them even as they saw off their heads
I just love the lies leftist tell each other, knowing it's a lie but agreeing with each other.

I predict that calling the night sky 'black' will be declared racist and or insensitive within 2 years.

if you pussies don't feel that already
What lies are those bubba?
the ones with the large letters.

I'll stick to the op, the actual list is so damn long, I'm certain to miss most of it.
So...what is the agenda?

1. Defund Planned Parenthood
2. End same sex marriage
3. Ban abortion even in cases of rape or jeopardizing the mothers health
4. Allow Christians to ignore civil rights
5. Persecute Muslims

Each Republican will try to go even farther to the right than his opponents. What is said will eventually be used to hang on the GOP nominee

What an ugly comment.
The truth hurts sometimes. In the case of Republicans and the religious right -all of the time
The Republicans have their games, the Democrats have theirs.

Take "Black Lives Matter", for instance.
Comparing Black Lives Matter to the Values Voter Summit is like comparing MLK's I Have a Dream Speech to a KKK rally.
and there's a lie every leftist will agree with, even though they know it's a lie.

good example,well done, well done indeed
The Republicans have their games, the Democrats have theirs.

Take "Black Lives Matter", for instance.
Comparing Black Lives Matter to the Values Voter Summit is like comparing MLK's I Have a Dream Speech to a KKK rally.
and there's a lie every leftist will agree with, even though they know it's a lie.

good example,well done, well done indeed
Please kind sir, explain how it's a lie. And don't lie trying to explain it.
So...what is the agenda?

1. Defund Planned Parenthood
2. End same sex marriage
3. Ban abortion even in cases of rape or jeopardizing the mothers health
4. Allow Christians to ignore civil rights
5. Persecute Muslims

Each Republican will try to go even farther to the right than his opponents. What is said will eventually be used to hang on the GOP nominee

But these are all very basic civil rights issues and have no impact on most US citizens. I'm sure they will have serious meetings devoted to those things that impact millions of lives.

I'm certain this list is more accurate:

Job creation
Economic recovery
Childhood hunger
Veterans health care, jobs and housing
And of course, how best to insure that the US Constitution remains intact and a guiding light for all
These are the types of events that yield "legitimate rape" and "rape is Gods will" comments
Ask me again if I give a rat's ass what you have heard before.

Your equalization of Black Lives Matter with Dr. King's speech indicates that you are either stupid, ignorant or a combination of the two.

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