Today America, besides the rest of her moral decay, has too many churches that once were true places of Faith,but now they became as places for all whoremongers,especially the denominations that accept the worth sin condemned in The Bible,homosexuality.Here is the example that applies at Episcopelian Church that became as a dog kennel by daring to ordain an openly gay bishop Gene Robinson.This filthy pervert left his normal wife and two daughters and went along with his boyfriend.Here goes another example with old Catholicism with her perverted popes and notorious gay-pedophile priests who do their sex orgies on underage school boys.There are hundreds of whore churches of many denominations that replaced all traditional values of Faith with performing gay marriages, straight marriages after divorces(God hates divorce and remarriage),and other abominable things.Their deluded members,pastors,and supporters are fools who are on their way to Hell.