Who was Deon Kay? 18-year-old shot dead by Washington DC cops as his mother cries, ‘I need my son back’


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Who was Deon Kay? 18-year-old shot dead by Washington DC cops
as his mother cries, ‘I need my son back’

3 Sep 2020 ~~ By Jyotsna Basotia

The dark days of gun violence in America don't seem to end anytime soon. An 18-year-old Black man was fatally shot on Wednesday, September 2, at 4 pm and led to nationwide protests. As per a Washington Post report, the district police chief said a DC police officer shot dead a young man in Southeast Washington’s Congress Heights neighborhood.
Relatives soon identified the young boy as Deon Kay and there are now calls for justice after the horrific incident took place in the 200 Block of Orange Street SE. As per the same report, he lived with his mother barely half-a-mile away from the spot where he was shot. “They took my baby, they just took my baby from me,” his mother, Natasha Kay, said hours after the shooting. “I need my son back,” she cried. “I want my son back.”
A Daily Mail report quoted Police Chief Peter Newsham: "Uniformed police officers had information that there were guys in the neighborhood with guns, specifically. That's what they were looking for and evidently that's what they found. We believe the subject had a gun at the time." Two guns were spotted at the scene. When the chief was asked if Kay was unarmed, Newsham said that would be determined in the investigation but “we believe the suspect had a gun at the time.”

Wow... Once again we have another felon made saint by the Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrat Commie Left.
Sure he was turning his life around and while in prison he got he GED.
Was he a bad kid.. Hmm..., to hear his mentor and mother No!. Let's see what the police blotter says....
18 year olds with guns are “babies” now?

Kyle will be relieved.
When it comes to mothers, all their children, regardless of age, are their babies and no matter how rotten to the core the kids are, they will always say that he/she was a good boy/girl......who made a mistake, or was innocent. Hitler's mother loved him. Mussolini's mother loved him. Ted Bundy's mother loved him and Jesse James' mother loved him. Fathers on the other hand, can be realistic about their criminal kids.
You racists are sad and pathetic. "He had a gun" is not, "he pulled a gun on me." But to show just how pathetic you racists are:

He ran past the police with a gun and still lives. He killed 2 people. You racists call him a hero, but the black kid who killed no one is dead and a criminal. One of you even asked this question:

18 year olds with guns are “babies” now?
You racists are sad and pathetic. "He had a gun" is not, "he pulled a gun on me." But to show just how pathetic you racists are:

He ran past the police with a gun and still lives. He killed 2 people. You racists call him a hero, but the black kid who killed no one is dead and a criminal. One of you even asked this question:

18 year olds with guns are “babies” now?

Defending violent criminals again? Why do all your heros suck?
18 year olds with guns are “babies” now?

Kyle will be relieved.
When it comes to mothers, all their children, regardless of age, are their babies and no matter how rotten to the core the kids are, they will always say that he/she was a good boy/girl......who made a mistake, or was innocent. Hitler's mother loved him. Mussolini's mother loved him. Ted Bundy's mother loved him and Jesse James' mother loved him. Fathers on the other hand, can be realistic about their criminal kids.
The sad thing these days, is that we have dumb yet evil activist judges, defense lawyers, governor's, mayor's, Democrat prosecutor's etc, who then buy into or either use the (sympothetic to her child) "mother" in order to accomplish political goals, commit falsehoods, commit deception, and other bad things that somehow justify these bad character's who are or were intent on hurting everything or everyone around them (including the mother) sadly enough.

Done seen it to many times.
You racists are sad and pathetic. "He had a gun" is not, "he pulled a gun on me." But to show just how pathetic you racists are:

He ran past the police with a gun and still lives. He killed 2 people. You racists call him a hero, but the black kid who killed no one is dead and a criminal. One of you even asked this question:

18 year olds with guns are “babies” now?

The problem usually ends up (depending on the situation), to either kill or be killed in a critical situation, and that is why smart societies avoid the lead up to the situations by being proactive instead of reactive or rather they have investigation's that figure out these things properly afterwards, instead of this bullcrap that has developed in this nation here now, where mob rule is figuring the issues out now.

How stupid have we allowed ourselves to become is the question looking back for years now. The people see the root of it now, and the Democrat's should be shaking in their boots come November, because Trump will win by a landslide.
18 year olds with guns are “babies” now?

Kyle will be relieved.
When it comes to mothers, all their children, regardless of age, are their babies and no matter how rotten to the core the kids are, they will always say that he/she was a good boy/girl......who made a mistake, or was innocent. Hitler's mother loved him. Mussolini's mother loved him. Ted Bundy's mother loved him and Jesse James' mother loved him. Fathers on the other hand, can be realistic about their criminal kids.
The sad thing these days, is that we have dumb yet evil activist judges, defense lawyers, governor's, mayor's, Democrat prosecutor's etc, who then buy into or either use the (sympothetic to her child) "mother" in order to accomplish political goals, commit falsehoods, commit deception, and other bad things that somehow justify these bad character's who are or were intent on hurting everything or everyone around them (including the mother) sadly enough.

Done seen it to many times.
There's an old saying, "All's fair in love and war." The politicians just added politics to the saying.
The dark days of gun violence in America don't seem to end anytime soon. An 18-year-old Black man was fatally shot on Wednesday, September 2, at 4 pm and led to nationwide protests. As per a Washington Post report, the district police chief said a DC police officer shot dead a young man in Southeast Washington’s Congress Heights neighborhood.

Relatives soon identified the young boy as Deon Kay…

An 18-year-old man is not a “young boy”.

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