Who else is excited for Rand Paul's presidency?

The CONSTITUTION established a Judicial Branch to decide the scope and applicability of your CONSTITUTIONAL rights. Your rights are determined in a court of law, not on a political message board

True, an Article III Judicial branch was established.

Unfortunately , the same was abolished circa 1935.

Now we merely have impostors collecting a steady check and enjoying their Federal Blue Cross/Blue Shield. We are on our own.


More Libertarian hogwash

We are more free today
than in any time in our history. We have our judicial system to thank for that.

More socialist hogwash. You define "free" how .......Orwellian Terms, of course.

If Romney narrowly loses because just enough Paulite libertarians voted for Johnson or abstained, the Republican backlash against libertarians will get much worse.

Personally, I like Rand Paul and would love to see him as president. But libertarians are doing enormous damage to their stock in the GOP (1) by supporting Johnson and (2) by telling fellow libertarians not to vote for president if they're not going to vote for Johnson.

We didn't get in this mess overnight, and we're not going to get out of it overnight either. Romney would be a step in the right direction. But too many libertarians are demanding perfection at the expense of good, when perfection is impossible right now and when we'll be lucky to get good.

This is not "settling." This is facing REALITY.
I am. I only hope Romney doesnt fuck things up so bad that the country elects another Democrat. Really an Obama reelection might be in the best long term interest of the nation.

Is this SNL? Where is the hidden camera?
If Romney narrowly loses because just enough Paulite libertarians voted for Johnson or abstained, the Republican backlash against libertarians will get much worse.


Fine. Just so you know, we are armed and dangerous.


If Romney narrowly loses because just enough Paulite libertarians voted for Johnson or abstained, the Republican backlash against libertarians will get much worse.

Personally, I like Rand Paul and would love to see him as president. But libertarians are doing enormous damage to their stock in the GOP (1) by supporting Johnson and (2) by telling fellow libertarians not to vote for president if they're not going to vote for Johnson.

Libertarians that vote Republican aren't Libertarian.

Libertarians that vote Democrat aren't Libertarian.

Do I need to point out what Libertarians vote? Libertarian.

We didn't get in this mess overnight, and we're not going to get out of it overnight either. Romney would be a step in the right direction. But too many libertarians are demanding perfection at the expense of good, when perfection is impossible right now and when we'll be lucky to get good.

This is not "settling." This is facing REALITY.

Bullshit to the nth degree.

The mess we're in is because of the two party manipulation machine that preys from one election cycle to the next on the terrible state of affairs that it has created in order to sucker the simple-minded into feeding it more power to continue the cycle.

You're not going to fix anything by empowering the system that created the problem in the first place.
If Romney narrowly loses because just enough Paulite libertarians voted for Johnson or abstained, the Republican backlash against libertarians will get much worse.

Personally, I like Rand Paul and would love to see him as president. But libertarians are doing enormous damage to their stock in the GOP (1) by supporting Johnson and (2) by telling fellow libertarians not to vote for president if they're not going to vote for Johnson.

We didn't get in this mess overnight, and we're not going to get out of it overnight either. Romney would be a step in the right direction. But too many libertarians are demanding perfection at the expense of good, when perfection is impossible right now and when we'll be lucky to get good.

This is not "settling." This is facing REALITY.

If the primary season showed us anything it's that traditional Republicans hate us and don't want us to have anything to do with their party, so I really couldn't care less about Republican backlash from them getting exactly what they deserve.
If Romney narrowly loses because just enough Paulite libertarians voted for Johnson or abstained, the Republican backlash against libertarians will get much worse.


Fine. Just so you know, we are armed and dangerous.


And that is why you are unfit to govern and won't ever get to govern. The Dems learned ages ago to tactically compromise, to settle for little bits of their agenda at a time. That is the REALITY of politics.

Again, we didn't get into this mess overnight, and we're not going to get out of it overnight either.

If you people are so fanatical that you can't bring yourselves to vote for a guy like Romney over Obama, then the sooner you're purged from the GOP, the better.
And, by the way, Rand Paul has endorsed Romney and has campaigned for him at numerous events.

Rand Paul has a lot more common sense than many of his fellow libertarians:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3c5odNzKVbk]Rand Paul endorses Mitt Romney (Hannity, 6/7/12) - YouTube[/ame]
If you people are so fanatical that you can't bring yourselves to vote for a guy like Romney over Obama, then the sooner you're purged from the GOP, the better.
Purged? What, you want us sent to concentration camps and gassed with Zyklon B since we don't believe in supporting the destruction of American rights & values?

Yeah, you're so morally superior to us. Totally.
If you people are so fanatical that you can't bring yourselves to vote for a guy like Romney over Obama, then the sooner you're purged from the GOP, the better.
Purged? What, you want us sent to concentration camps and gassed with Zyklon B since we don't believe in supporting the destruction of American rights & values?

Yeah, you're so morally superior to us. Totally.

Apparently, on the one hand we should never be given any prominence in the party, and even purged, but should worry about backlash from Republicans on the other.
If you people are so fanatical that you can't bring yourselves to vote for a guy like Romney over Obama, then the sooner you're purged from the GOP, the better.

I agree. The Republicans need to grow a pair and stop pretending they give a shit about freedom and limited government.
Because the representative will of the We the People in the legislature assembled will not be able to regulate certain behaviors. Children should not be forced to work. Men and women should be paid the same salary for the same job. The work place must be safe for the worker. Workers must have the right to collectively bargain. If a person uses publlic facilities, institutions, roads, services, etc, then the individual must contribute his or her fair share.

The incoherence comes from you freaks trying to pretend that human nature's bad side will not rise up if the Rule of Law is lessened.

That is why the great majority of folks laugh at Randism, at objectivism, at the outright unreality of such a dizzy philosophy.

The deciding factor is the representative legislature of We the People assembled, not the war lords of the 'socieites of equals' who will oppress the people.

Libertarianism will oppress the people as surely as did the communists, whom you guys idolize for the power of the cadres.

Excuse moi Vern, but you are a tad incoherent.

Explain how libertarianism will oppress....

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If Romney narrowly loses because just enough Paulite libertarians voted for Johnson or abstained, the Republican backlash against libertarians will get much worse.


Fine. Just so you know, we are armed and dangerous.


And that is why you are unfit to govern and won't ever get to govern. The Dems learned ages ago to tactically compromise, to settle for little bits of their agenda at a time. That is the REALITY of politics.

Again, we didn't get into this mess overnight, and we're not going to get out of it overnight either.

If you people are so fanatical that you can't bring yourselves to vote for a guy like Romney over Obama, then the sooner you're purged from the GOP, the better.

That's fine by me.

Were are supposed to be a FREE PEOPLE, not semi-free nor freer than the Venezuelans.

The federal government is supposed to follow the Constitution all the time not when they are in the mood or when is convenient.

A presidential candidate must abide by those principles. If he won't he won't get my support.

The gross mismagement will cause the system to eventually collapse. 17 TTTTTTTTTTTtrillion in the hole. How much longer can they last?!?!?!?

You are not free to oppress others in the name of your fictitious individualism.

Don't want you in the GOP. Can't tolerate your bozo ideas.

Move to Somalia, Conty, where you can practice all of your heart's wishes.
If you people are so fanatical that you can't bring yourselves to vote for a guy like Romney over Obama, then the sooner you're purged from the GOP, the better.
Purged? What, you want us sent to concentration camps and gassed with Zyklon B since we don't believe in supporting the destruction of American rights & values?

That's ridiculous drivel. You're saying you want support a guy who as governor of a state with a legislature that was 85% Democrat did the following:

* Balanced the budget 4 years in a row after inheriting a sizable deficit.
* Held state spending to nearly zero real growth (2.2% AFI).
* Cut property taxes for seniors.
* Rebated $275 million in capital gains taxes back to taxpayers.
* Improved the state's bond rating.
* Increased the state's reserve fund.
* Improved the state's job-creation ranking from 47th to 28th.
* Brought the state's unemployment rate down to below 5% (below the national average).
* Made it easier to get gun permits.
* Vetoed over 800 bills in 4 years.
* Blocked the state from joining a regional cap-and-trade scheme.

You're saying, "Nah, that's not good enough for me! So I'm gonna abstain or vote for Johnson, even though I know that means I'll be helping Obama."
Dr. Strange House is talking about poison gas because he does not get his way?

Don't want Uncle Creepy like him in the GOP. Won't tolerate the crap anymore.
You are not free to oppress others in the name of your fictitious individualism.

True enough. The problem is when you go Orwellian with your definitions in order to justify your all-powerful state. No one is being "oppressed" if I don't want to serve them in my restaurant. Oppression is authoritarian in nature - essentially the meat and potatoes of the kind government you advocate.

Don't want you in the GOP. Can't tolerate your bozo ideas.

I hear ya. Don't wanna be in the same party with you either.

Move to Somalia, Conty, where you can practice all of your heart's wishes.

Somalia!!!!!..... I think Godwin needs to study this shrill pronouncement. It's the rallying cry of fascists everywhere. "If you don't like our jack-boots - go to Somalia!!!" Sorry. Libertarians aren't anarchists. You're simply lying - deliberately and repeatedly - when you that insinuate we are.
If you people are so fanatical that you can't bring yourselves to vote for a guy like Romney over Obama, then the sooner you're purged from the GOP, the better.
Purged? What, you want us sent to concentration camps and gassed with Zyklon B since we don't believe in supporting the destruction of American rights & values?

That's ridiculous drivel. You're saying you want support a guy who as governor of a state with a legislature that was 85% Democrat did the following:

* Balanced the budget 4 years in a row after inheriting a sizable deficit.
* Held state spending to nearly zero real growth (2.2% AFI).
* Cut property taxes for seniors.
* Rebated $275 million in capital gains taxes back to taxpayers.
* Improved the state's bond rating.
* Increased the state's reserve fund.
* Improved the state's job-creation ranking from 47th to 28th.
* Brought the state's unemployment rate down to below 5% (below the national average).
* Made it easier to get gun permits.
* Vetoed over 800 bills in 4 years.
* Blocked the state from joining a regional cap-and-trade scheme.

You're saying, "Nah, that's not good enough for me! So I'm gonna abstain or vote for Johnson, even though I know that means I'll be helping Obama."

Source it from somewhere with a halfway believable reputation instead of some Republicunt propaganda machine and I'll consider it, but throwing out a bunch of claims doesn't do anything for your cause when you're talking to people that have obviously rejected the sheeple practice of just believing the latest thing they're told.

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