Who didn't see this coming?


Platinum Member
Jun 23, 2013

Biden will not debate! The Media will pave the way for him not to by thinking of absurdities to blame it on Trump.

Nobody will buy it---not even foolish Democrats, but they have to take the chance. Letting him out of the basement is worse.

Old Adage: "Sometimes only evil choices are available to human wisdom."

When your presidential candidate has dementia, only evil choices are available.

And CNN as usual doesn't talk about that so the whole world doesn't know what's really going on. this shitty channel

It is to be expected when, instead of being purveyors of impartial information to the public, as the founding fathers intended when they gave the Media special protections---they are instead the Propaganda Arm of a single Political Party. Its Pravda in the failed Soviet Union all over.

Dangerous situation, but, note that polls rank the Media down there with Cockroaches, Congress, Head Lice, etc. Lawyers and used car salesmen rank higher.
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View attachment 370676

Biden will not debate! The Media will pave the way for him not to by thinking of absurdities to blame it on Trump.

Nobody will buy it---not even foolish Democrats, but they have to take the chance. Letting him out of the basement is worse.

Old Adage: "Sometimes only evil choices are available to human wisdom."

When your presidential candidate has dementia, only evil choices are available.

View attachment 370673

You mean this one?

07/27/2020 04:49 PM EDT
The Commission on Presidential Debates, the nonprofit that has conducted the general election debates for decades, announced on Monday that Case Western Reserve University and Cleveland Clinic will co-host the first presidential debate on Sept. 29 between President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden.

Sounds like it is still on, as far as I can tell.
And CNN as usual doesn't talk about that so the whole world doesn't know what's really going on. this shitty channel

It is to be expected when, instead of being purveyors of impartial information to the public, as the founding fathers intended when the gave the Media special protections---they are instead the Propaganda Arm of a single Political Party. Its Pravda in the failed Soviet Union all over.

Dangerous situation, but, note that polls rank the Media down there with Cockroaches, Congress, Head Lice, etc. Lawyers and used car salesmen rank higher.
Here in France everyone will say bad things about Trump, they are really ignorant they buy into everything that is said on the channels but I tell them they are wrong but the damage is done.
View attachment 370676

Biden will not debate! The Media will pave the way for him not to by thinking of absurdities to blame it on Trump.

Nobody will buy it---not even foolish Democrats, but they have to take the chance. Letting him out of the basement is worse.

Old Adage: "Sometimes only evil choices are available to human wisdom."

When your presidential candidate has dementia, only evil choices are available.

View attachment 370673

Hey, Joe is perfectly free to forego a campaign, forego a convention, forego public appearances, forego press interviews and forego meeting on stage in front of the national light to go toe to toe in debates with his opponent! That will simply invalidate Biden's run from office as a legitimate candidate dropping him out of the race leaving Trump the automatic, unchallenged de facto winner.


Funny how Biden thought debates were a GOOD thing several months ago when there were 11 candidates and he was like number FIVE.
Biden is brain damaged
...way too far left
....alienated 100 traditionally Democrat police orgs
... is going to raise taxes
... is going to implement Anti-carbon Globalony Warming regs
...will defund/redirect funding for police
... will expand Section 8 housing in suburbs
...will put Butthead O'Rourke in charge of gun confiscation
...put AOC in charge of anti-carbon regs
... will go back to Obama era defense deconstruction
...will advance Chicom interest over American
...resume cultural degeneracy of Obama.

Why vote for that senile loser?
PROGS need all the advantages they can get, and they take them all because they're lacking honor & dignity.

It's not enough they own the propaganda. It's not enough they fix and host the debates, and it's not enough their special candidates receive the questions early so they can prepare. It's not enough tough questions are avoided, and it's not enough the stage is set for a win.....................

Only to see a loss, cuz they're PROGS.
View attachment 370676

Biden will not debate! The Media will pave the way for him not to by thinking of absurdities to blame it on Trump.

Nobody will buy it---not even foolish Democrats, but they have to take the chance. Letting him out of the basement is worse.

Old Adage: "Sometimes only evil choices are available to human wisdom."

When your presidential candidate has dementia, only evil choices are available.

View attachment 370673

You mean this one?

07/27/2020 04:49 PM EDT
The Commission on Presidential Debates, the nonprofit that has conducted the general election debates for decades, announced on Monday that Case Western Reserve University and Cleveland Clinic will co-host the first presidential debate on Sept. 29 between President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden.

Sounds like it is still on, as far as I can tell.

What an Ass you are.

It's still scheduled, but the game is on to get it cancelled. That's what the O.P. is about. An maybe you know that and were just "deflecting"---a customary tactic for Wanna-Be-Bolsheviks like you. But, you might just be a Dumb-ass. That's always a likelihood.

Here's another that is on point---unlike your response.

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Dems are such chicken shits, they FEAR president Trump. What's the matter lefties too cowardly to face us in front of a live audience of the American people? Scared to face voters backlash against your policies? Anyone too gutless to show up for a debate isn't worthy of leading this great country.
Not sure why anyone who supports Biden thinks pressing him on not debating TRUMP is a good idea or will help Biden. Whining about Biden can't debate TRUMP because he lies, will only insure TRUMP to challenge Biden and the moderators over Biden's many lies.
TRUMP knows how the MSM works and how they will try and give the appearance of being impartial, TRUMP will call them out and bring up the stuff about Biden that they will try and ignore or downplay.
Biden is brain damaged
...way too far left
....alienated 100 traditionally Democrat police orgs
... is going to raise taxes
... is going to implement Anti-carbon Globalony Warming regs
...will defund/redirect funding for police
... will expand Section 8 housing in suburbs
...will put Butthead O'Rourke in charge of gun confiscation
...put AOC in charge of anti-carbon regs
... will go back to Obama era defense deconstruction
...will advance Chicom interest over American
...resume cultural degeneracy of Obama.

Why vote for that senile loser?

PLEASE! JIM! You're giving the Left such boners they will rip through their pants!
The above is ALL GOOD NEWS to them!

McCarthy was right. Should've murdered every last commie at first sight of them.

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