Whites fascination with Civil War Confederate war heroes.


Gold Member
Jun 18, 2008
Why are some white people fascinated with many racists Civil War Confederate war generals? Are they upset that they lost the War. Are they for slavery rape, and the murder of Black Americans.?? Get over it. the Black Unionist northern yankees kicked your white racist asses. Stop the insane glorification of the losers Confederates.!!
Why are some white people fascinated with many racists Civil War Confederate war generals? Are they upset that they lost the War. Are they for slavery rape, and the murder of Black Americans.?? Get over it. the Black Unionist northern yankees kicked your white racist asses. Stop the insane glorification of the losers Confederates.!!
Why is it you prog slaves always leave out the most important part "Southern White & Black Democrats" lost in the civil war. Today with BLM/ANTIFA the same murder of blacks and burning of black businesses, really outdoes the KKK after the civil war.
The vast majority of Confederate generals and citizen soldiers didn't own slaves.
They had joined the army to protect their families from the Union soldiers who had invaded the state where they lived. ... :cool:
Robert E. Lee never owned any slaves. He inherited slaves upon the death of his wife. Having no use of them, he freed them all.

Stonewall Jackson and his wife opened a school for the children of slaves so they could be taught to read and write.

Our schools teach nonsense.
The vast majority of Confederate generals and citizen soldiers didn't own slaves.
They had joined the army to protect their families from the Union soldiers who had invaded the state where they lived. ... :cool:
Robert E. Lee never owned any slaves. He inherited slaves upon the death of his wife. Having no use of them, he freed them all.

Stonewall Jackson and his wife opened a school for the children of slaves so they could be taught to read and write.

Our schools teach nonsense.
His wife did, unfortunately so guilt by association. When you fight on the side that wanted to leave the US and defend those who wanted to keep slavery, then you were on the wrong side.

Robert E. Lee was a Southern Gentleman, but he did fight on the wrong side.
The vast majority of Confederate generals and citizen soldiers didn't own slaves.
They had joined the army to protect their families from the Union soldiers who had invaded the state where they lived. ... :cool:
Robert E. Lee never owned any slaves. He inherited slaves upon the death of his wife. Having no use of them, he freed them all.

Stonewall Jackson and his wife opened a school for the children of slaves so they could be taught to read and write.

Our schools teach nonsense.
There's Maj. Gen. Thomas Jonathan Jackson who stands like a Stonewall.
The vast majority of Confederate generals and citizen soldiers didn't own slaves.
They had joined the army to protect their families from the Union soldiers who had invaded the state where they lived. ... :cool:
Robert E. Lee never owned any slaves. He inherited slaves upon the death of his wife. Having no use of them, he freed them all.

Stonewall Jackson and his wife opened a school for the children of slaves so they could be taught to read and write.

Our schools teach nonsense.
His wife did, unfortunately so guilt by association. When you fight on the side that wanted to leave the US and defend those who wanted to keep slavery, then you were on the wrong side.

Robert E. Lee was a Southern Gentleman, but he did fight on the wrong side.
They fought on the side against the northern mills that wanted to control the cotton industry. When the south started negotiating directly with European mills, war was inevitable.
Union solders were just as racist as southern soldiers in regards to black people. It was the way people thought and acted in those days.
If the Federal government had came out at the start of the war and announced the goal of the war with the south was to free the negro and make them equal to white citizens.
The Union army soldiers would have deserted in mass and went back home. ... :cool:
Why are some white people fascinated with many racists Civil War Confederate war generals? Are they upset that they lost the War. Are they for slavery rape, and the murder of Black Americans.?? Get over it. the Black Unionist northern yankees kicked your white racist asses. Stop the insane glorification of the losers Confederates.!!
The irony is many blacks on these forums claim the Civil War wasn’t about freeing slaves, yet they want statues removed. If it wasn’t about slavery, what’s the issue against Confederate soldier statues?
Why are some white people fascinated with many racists Civil War Confederate war generals? Are they upset that they lost the War. Are they for slavery rape, and the murder of Black Americans.?? Get over it. the Black Unionist northern yankees kicked your white racist asses. Stop the insane glorification of the losers Confederates.!!
The irony is many blacks on these forums claim the Civil War wasn’t about freeing slaves, yet they want statues removed. If it wasn’t about slavery, what’s the issue against Confederate soldier statues?
It's ALL statues and monuments. Not just Confederate ones.
Why are some white people fascinated with many racists Civil War Confederate war generals? Are they upset that they lost the War. Are they for slavery rape, and the murder of Black Americans.?? Get over it. the Black Unionist northern yankees kicked your white racist asses. Stop the insane glorification of the losers Confederates.!!
The irony is many blacks on these forums claim the Civil War wasn’t about freeing slaves, yet they want statues removed. If it wasn’t about slavery, what’s the issue against Confederate soldier statues?
Biden made Juneteenth a National Holiday. That's enough of that crapola.
Calling these generals and war heroes "racist" is both ridiculous and true. If "racism" (in context) is a firm belief that Negroes were an inferior sort of humans to virtually everyone else, then everyone on both sides of the Civil War was a "racist." That goes from Abe Fucking Lincoln himself to the buckest buck private on either side of the conflict. They were not memorialized for their racial sensitivities but rather for their military exploits, which were considerable.
Why are some white people fascinated with many racists Civil War Confederate war generals? Are they upset that they lost the War. (sic)
Bitch - you can't even stick around for an hour to protect your argument.
Yes, and no. The Confederates were winning the war for much of it. You have heard of the "high water mark" of the Battle at Gettysburg"?
Are they for slavery rape, and the murder of Black Americans.??
Perhaps, but more generally they are convinced that black people are not too bright.
Get over it. the Black Unionist northern yankees kicked your white racist asses. Stop the insane glorification of the losers Confederates.!!
Not bad, but black people are not seeking refuge in any other country than the United States.

Wake the fuck up stupid. Black people cannot organize community, otherwise, you would be there.
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Why are some white people fascinated with many racists Civil War Confederate war generals? Are they upset that they lost the War. Are they for slavery rape, and the murder of Black Americans.?? Get over it. the Black Unionist northern yankees kicked your white racist asses. Stop the insane glorification of the losers Confederates.!!
I grew up in the HEART of the Deep South and I've never heard a single person mentioning any of these generals or soldiers in some kind of awed respect. Most southerners don't have a clue or an interest in who these men were or why they fought.

What does that say about you? Why are you so hung up on the issue? BTW, when statues honoring these "racists" (Democrats to a man, BTW) were being removed, did you approve of the flawless transition from confederate generals to the same treatment for Washington, Jefferson, and Frederick Douglass? Care to try to justify THAT little bit of ass-hattery?

Could it be these Marxist cadres are simply doing what Marxists have always done?
The irony is many blacks on these forums claim the Civil War wasn’t about freeing slaves, yet they want statues removed. If it wasn’t about slavery, what’s the issue against Confederate soldier statues?

that these men had more honor, morals and ethics than any 1000 leftists today.
Why are some white people fascinated with many racists Civil War Confederate war generals? Are they upset that they lost the War. Are they for slavery rape, and the murder of Black Americans.?? Get over it. the Black Unionist northern yankees kicked your white racist asses. Stop the insane glorification of the losers Confederates.!!

It's called history.
Something you leftist want to erase.

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