White Kids Born Racist


Charter Member
May 8, 2004
Podunk, WI
September 8, 2009

Newsweek Declares White Babies to Be Racist

If you're Caucasian, don't think you're ever clean of the moonbat answer to original sin. According to Newsreek, even babies are racist.

At the Children's Research Lab at the University of Texas — located in liberal Austin, the Berkeley of the Southwest — Birgitte Vittrup attempted to measure how effective propaganda is at instilling multiculturalist ideology in small children. She found that despite parents' progressive intentions and the homogenous political correctness of everything they see on TV, children 5 to 7 years old tended to consider blacks but not whites to be "mean."

That this could have something to do with playground experiences was not even considered.

Another researcher discovered that white kids are racist at six months old. The article includes this gem of a quote:

It's horrifying to imagine kids being "proud to be white."

I think this is crap! The first time my son smiled was when I was watching the Bad Girls club and this crazy black lady was going off about something, the second time was during an LL Cool J video.
Racism is learned behavior.
I think this is crap! The first time my son smiled was when I was watching the Bad Girls club and this crazy black lady was going off about something, the second time was during an LL Cool J video.
Racism is learned behavior.

ITA... newsweek has lost ALL credibility.
I took socialogy last year a race and ethnic relations class, everything I read while in the class pointed to it being a learned behavior and with envirment being the biggest cause for racism.
and if newsweek posted this crap, yeah I think they are loosing come crediablity.
September 8, 2009

Newsweek Declares White Babies to Be Racist

If you're Caucasian, don't think you're ever clean of the moonbat answer to original sin. According to Newsreek, even babies are racist.

At the Children's Research Lab at the University of Texas — located in liberal Austin, the Berkeley of the Southwest — Birgitte Vittrup attempted to measure how effective propaganda is at instilling multiculturalist ideology in small children. She found that despite parents' progressive intentions and the homogenous political correctness of everything they see on TV, children 5 to 7 years old tended to consider blacks but not whites to be "mean."

That this could have something to do with playground experiences was not even considered.

Another researcher discovered that white kids are racist at six months old. The article includes this gem of a quote:

It's horrifying to imagine kids being "proud to be white."

Moonbattery: Newsweek Declares White Babies to Be Racist

This is just another example of elite media bashing the only peoples it is still acceptable to bash: whites and Christians.

Maybe they are trying to start a race war, similar to Charles Manson's plan, where once the battle is over, they come in and lead all the 'stupid' people that are still living?

Maybe they don't want to report on the events happening in the country, so are deliberately distracting the public away from the 'trickle up poverty' policies of the new administration. It must be really hard to write about positively and support plans that are going to ruin opportunity for your children and grandchildren.
Jesus Christ you people just continue to make the same ignorant ass mistake over and over.

NOTHING is completely learned behavior. And very little is completely non-learned.

Yes, racist attitudes are mostly the result of learned behavior. But to find it unfathomable that small children would identify more favorably with others like themselves is, in a word, FUCKING RETARDED.
This isn't about obama, even though he is a racist. It's about newsweek and their blatant white bashing. They're part of this ultra left wing, zealot PC fanatics, only whites can be racists, white guilt, it's fun and OK to bash white, Christian, males crowd. They've reduced themselves to irrelevancy, and there's nothing left to their pathetic magazine but printed trash.

I'd rather read a Enquirer. No doubt it would have more TRUTH in it.
Jesus Christ you people just continue to make the same ignorant ass mistake over and over.

NOTHING is completely learned behavior. And very little is completely non-learned.

Yes, racist attitudes are mostly the result of learned behavior. But to find it unfathomable that small children would identify more favorably with others like themselves is, in a word, FUCKING RETARDED.

relating to someone who looks like you is different from hating someone who doesn't.
Jesus Christ you people just continue to make the same ignorant ass mistake over and over.

NOTHING is completely learned behavior. And very little is completely non-learned.

Yes, racist attitudes are mostly the result of learned behavior. But to find it unfathomable that small children would identify more favorably with others like themselves is, in a word, FUCKING RETARDED.

relating to someone who looks like you is different from hating someone who doesn't.

In absolute terms maybe. But in relative terms, I don't see the difference.
This should actually be good news for William Joyce, Shittaro et al.

Now they can't be held responsible for their racist attitudes. They were born that way! :lol:
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Racist babies!

Occidental Observer

In a nutshell, the research recounted by Bronson and Merryman shows that children as young as 6 months are able to distinguish among the races, that they're troubled or puzzled by other races, and that as toddlers, they like to make generalizations and prefer the company of their own racial group.

In other words, everything that we as racially conscious whites could have predicted.

As Kevin MacDonald has written, this stuff goes all the way down to the amygdala.

And it tracks the research of figures like Harvard's Robert Putnam, who's found that racial diversity, rather than making us happier, makes us all anxious and distrustful —even of persons in our racial group.

Talk about inconvenient truths.

Discovery that decades of multiracial propaganda, from Sesame Street to Dora the Explorer, have been useless exercises must be confounding.

Amazingly, writers like Bronson and Merryman take this information and use it as a reason double-up racial mindwashing.

Where, pray tell, is the "naturalism" so beloved by liberals? The "let nature take its course" attitude that they apply to sexuality, for instance? Can you imagine a sharp concern about "is your baby gay?" and efforts to uproot that?

I can only hope that someone out there — unaware of the racial consciousness movement and its literature, but otherwise discerning — will take note of the concern over racist babies and dogs and think, "Wait, isn't this all just a little bit crazy?"

A pillar of the multiracialist movement is that "racism" is a conscious and evil choice, and that all that's needed to cure it is more "education." Racist babies complicate that narrative. Nobody really believes that babies are evil.

How nicely the absurdity of multiracialism is revealed, then.
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September 8, 2009

Newsweek Declares White Babies to Be Racist

If you're Caucasian, don't think you're ever clean of the moonbat answer to original sin. According to Newsreek, even babies are racist...

Another researcher discovered that white kids are racist at six months old.
Moonbattery: Newsweek Declares White Babies to Be Racist

CON$ervatives are pathological liars!!! They always try to RATIONALIZE their racism. :cuckoo:

Here's what Newsweek actually said:

Even Babies Discriminate: A NurtureShock Excerpt. | Newsweek Life | Newsweek.com

How do researchers test a 6-month-old? They show babies photographs of faces. Katz found that babies will stare significantly longer at photographs of faces that are a different race from their parents, indicating they find the face out of the ordinary. Race itself has no ethnic meaning per se—but children's brains are noticing skin-color differences and trying to understand their meaning.

Without even reading the article, I'm willing to bet it was misquoted in some way.

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