Does this make me a bad person?

If I saw you coming, I'd be looking for a military grade gas mask.
Remember during the Ebola outbreak Fauci said lockdowns were counterproductive AND encouraged infected people to board crowded commercial airplanes bound for major metropolitan areas
It's this stupid perception that their politics may differ from you. It doesn't matter whether the people have an actual issue, it's the perception that matters.
It's also insecurity. The same populist insecurity that drives hatred of the "educated elite". They're afraid the mask wearers are looking down on them, that they're "too good to breathe to same air as the rest of us". and it makes them angry.
Walking around Rockefeller Preserve Park, 2 weeks past peak Peonies blossom

While talking on the phone with Mrs Crusader I notice 2 women around my age - or less (I’ve been a senior for a while) one was wearing the stupid fucking blue mask

I start coughing and loudly

I bend over a bit to get the most of it

As assumed, the women, Felix Ungar germaphobes, start to cautiously walk past me like I’m a Biden imported Leper from Mexico.

I chuckled as I walked on

Does this make me a bad person?

Don't think so, just good clean fun as far as I'm concerned.

gone to hell.jpg
I wear a mask everyday for the last 5 years. Dialysis patient and recent cancer survivor. I have not been sick with cold or flu since I started wearing the mask. But I don't want to get the more serious diseases. So I protect myself :)

Hope things continue well for you. Sounds like a plateful.
As another poster pointed out, maybe they're just protecting their immune system? I have an aunt going through chemo and she rarely goes out because of how compromised her immune system is and the idea that some ignorant Bingo would make a point of needlessly antagonizing her and making her uncomfortable on purpose because she's wearing a mask is just indicative of who these deplorable fucking MAGAts are.
Remember during the Ebola outbreak Fauci said lockdowns were counterproductive AND encouraged infected people to board crowded commercial airplanes bound for major metropolitan areas
And Ebola is one of the few viruses where a lockdown actually WILL work. It burns itself out so fast, that if there is no contact to keep it going it dies out.

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