Which one is a civilised country ?

Looks like Sarkozy is running again - he has a good chance of being elected, I suspect, and he's not keen on the Islamist uniform, either.

Be French or GO HOME: Sarkozy launches scathing attack on immigration and EU’s rules

...If a foreigner does not integrate himself into society, he will not be granted French citizenship, he warned: “People cannot say ‘I want to be French, but in my own way’.”

The former head of state reiterated his intention to revoke birthright citizenship if a person born in France to foreign parents has a criminal record by the age of 18, and if his parents were illegal immigrants at the time of his birth.


Sarkozy said that wearing the burkini is 'a radical, political gesture'
The presidential candidate also commented on the burkini debate, which has come under intense scrutiny of late: “Wearing a burkini is a radical, political gesture, a provocation.

“The women who are choosing to wear it are testing the resilience of the Republic.” ...

Be French or GO HOME: Sarkozy launches scathing attack on immigration and EU’s rules
In this comparison FRANCE is in the right for forcing foreigners to conform to French standards rather than Scotland which is bowing to foreign influence.
So you are happy for the state to tell you what you can and cant wear ?

yes when it applies to everyone, but not as your neo marxist state would have it with certain people wearing distinctive clothing to single them out.
In this instance it is the state telling people what they can wear. Although I accept that society pressure is also a factor. Its tough being a woman.

I dont think that people anywhere should have their clothing dictated to by anyone. Either to wear a burqa or not.

It's the States, at the behest of the People.

Life is tough. Suck it up, cupcakes.

We'll have to disagree on the clothing issue.

You need to remember that in tainted's eyes only neo marxists are allowed an opinion these days, and they dont want the ban. But the majority of French people do
In this instance it is the state telling people what they can wear. Although I accept that society pressure is also a factor. Its tough being a woman.

I dont think that people anywhere should have their clothing dictated to by anyone. Either to wear a burqa or not.

It's the States, at the behest of the People.

Life is tough. Suck it up, cupcakes.

We'll have to disagree on the clothing issue.
The people havent requested it though. And in fact the French Courts have yet to decide if the ban is legal.

You really mean the neo marxists dont want it so this means the people dont either as they speak for all
The people havent requested it though. And in fact the French Courts have yet to decide if the ban is legal.

As I understand it from the news reports I've read (realizing I'm on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean and generally don't give a shit what happens in Europe) is that these 15 towns have reacted to concern from their citizens about people wearing distinctly religious garb in public after the recent terrorist attacks.

It is a form of incitement to violence by the muslims who want the French to attack the women in the tents so they can use them as propaganda.
what question tommy I am taken with the kind of photoshopped pictures that filth and scum use
Which one is a civilised country ?

France or Scotland ?

Looking at all the evidence it has to be France, seeing as Scotland is the most racist nation in the Union. Try walking through Edinboroug with a small union jack badge in your lapel........................

Tammy admits to beating up English supporters; evidently it made him feel more Welsh. Hooligans are like that.

That is not the case. I have never been involved in football violence.
Maybe, but violence, by your own admission, yes:

Tammy: " I am Welsh and in my younger days I liked nothing more than laying fists on our English oppressors."

Backing the Rebs !!

A lot of it went on back then when the Welsh kids started drinking shandy Bass and saw English toddlers having fun on their beaches. So like all cowards they ganged up on them and started fights, then the bigger boys got involved and beat the Welsh scum senseless. This left them with only a box of matches and a bottle of paraffin to set alight to English owned holiday homes. They called themselves after the Welsh group who fought the English many years before and shamed their name The Sons of Glindwr
Which one is a civilised country ?

France or Scotland ?

Looking at all the evidence it has to be France, seeing as Scotland is the most racist nation in the Union. Try walking through Edinboroug with a small union jack badge in your lapel........................

Tammy admits to beating up English supporters; evidently it made him feel more Welsh. Hooligans are like that.

That is not the case. I have never been involved in football violence.
Maybe, but violence, by your own admission, yes:

Tammy: " I am Welsh and in my younger days I liked nothing more than laying fists on our English oppressors."

Backing the Rebs !!

A lot of it went on back then when the Welsh kids started drinking shandy Bass and saw English toddlers having fun on their beaches. So like all cowards they ganged up on them and started fights, then the bigger boys got involved and beat the Welsh scum senseless. This left them with only a box of matches and a bottle of paraffin to set alight to English owned holiday homes. They called themselves after the Welsh group who fought the English many years before and shamed their name The Sons of Glindwr
Yes, there was a lot of burning down of the English homes too. Wonder if Tammy 'approved' / approves of that too?
Well one has some of the finest cuisine and wines on the planet, the other cooks organs in a stomach and calls that food.

I'm going with France....
Its interesting to contrast the progressive and pragmatic approach of our Celtic friends with the confrontational and backward stance of the French.

The hijab is now an official part of police uniform in Scotland

How many armed cops does it take to get a woman to strip ?

View attachment 86861

Government sanctioned oppression in the workplace?

Not sure they should be bragging about that....
If you had read the article you will see that it is an initiative to attract more officers from ethnic minorities.
Its interesting to contrast the progressive and pragmatic approach of our Celtic friends with the confrontational and backward stance of the French.

The hijab is now an official part of police uniform in Scotland

How many armed cops does it take to get a woman to strip ?

View attachment 86861

With all due respect, Tommy...how many terror attacks has Scotland faced recently compared to the onslaught that has hit France? It's easy to be "civil" when people are being civil to you! The true test comes when that isn't the case. France finds itself in the cross hairs of Islamic terror and it's struggling with how to deal with that.

Its a few years back to the Glasgow Airport attack. And I take your point. However which of the recent atrocities involved the use of the Burqa ?

Its obvious that there is pressure on the French authorities but this isnt an answer and is likely to antagonise people.
Its interesting to contrast the progressive and pragmatic approach of our Celtic friends with the confrontational and backward stance of the French.

The hijab is now an official part of police uniform in Scotland

How many armed cops does it take to get a woman to strip ?

View attachment 86861

Government sanctioned oppression in the workplace?

Not sure they should be bragging about that....
If you had read the article you will see that it is an initiative to attract more officers from ethnic minorities.
They did that in Detroit decades ago, in an effort to get more minorities on the police force. They had to lower standards to get that accomplished. The consequences were most negative.
Its interesting to contrast the progressive and pragmatic approach of our Celtic friends with the confrontational and backward stance of the French.

The hijab is now an official part of police uniform in Scotland

How many armed cops does it take to get a woman to strip ?

View attachment 86861

Government sanctioned oppression in the workplace?

Not sure they should be bragging about that....
If you had read the article you will see that it is an initiative to attract more officers from ethnic minorities.
They did that in Detroit decades ago, in an effort to get more minorities on the police force. They had to lower standards to get that accomplished. The consequences were most negative.

let's wait and be patient and see what impact Policewomen in Burkas will have
Maybe, but violence, by your own admission, yes:

Tammy: " I am Welsh and in my younger days I liked nothing more than laying fists on our English oppressors."

Backing the Rebs !!
You silly cow. Its all part and parcel of growing up in a border town. And you try and make out that I am a hoolie on the back of that ?
You are fundamentally a dishonest person .
You were a violent racist by your own admission. It's not normal to be a violent racist.
Lol - you really are a shit stirring slag. Go and nuke some muslim babies instead.
I though you asked me to provide evidence for your violent tendencies :dunno:
And you havent. Get back to your racist mates and have a wankfest over some dead muslim kids.
I totally love that. I am Welsh and in my younger days I liked nothing more than laying fists on our English oppressors. Now I have matured I naturally disapprove of such naughtiness.

How many would be in your gang before you would assault said oppressors?

Its interesting to contrast the progressive and pragmatic approach of our Celtic friends with the confrontational and backward stance of the French.

The hijab is now an official part of police uniform in Scotland

How many armed cops does it take to get a woman to strip ?

View attachment 86861

Government sanctioned oppression in the workplace?

Not sure they should be bragging about that....
If you had read the article you will see that it is an initiative to attract more officers from ethnic minorities.

Oh so instead of fighting oppression the government is giving in and allowing their own employees to be oppressed.

Its interesting to contrast the progressive and pragmatic approach of our Celtic friends with the confrontational and backward stance of the French.

The hijab is now an official part of police uniform in Scotland

How many armed cops does it take to get a woman to strip ?

View attachment 86861

Government sanctioned oppression in the workplace?

Not sure they should be bragging about that....
If you had read the article you will see that it is an initiative to attract more officers from ethnic minorities.

Oh so instead of fighting oppression the government is giving in and allowing their own employees to be oppressed.

Why would you say that ? If girls want to wear it then that should be their decision.The police are just removing a barrier to people joining.

Canada has adopted the same initiative.

Female Muslim Mounties can now wear hijab on the job
Overall though yes; there are major probs with assimilation and such but I really do not see why wearing a burkini is offensive. Unsightly maybe but so are many bathing suits especially if the bod is like mine.(...u...g..l..y). But cloth?

That is not to say that there aren't good reasons for banning face coverings especially in banks. But really; banning clothes?

aslo just thought; burkinis are an Aussie invention.


Aussie burkini inventor calls bans on swimsuit ‘unfair’

When asked about former French President, Nicolas Sarkozy’s comments where he called the burkini a provocation, she said: “Hasn’t he got anything better to talk about? Doesn’t he need to fix his country and not split it apart? This is a swim suit that represents freedom and sun and surf and happiness and swimming and leisure, family, happiness.”

Ms Zanetti has shipped 700,000 burkinis worldwide, and not just to the Middle East. Their biggest clients are in the UK, Canada and US.

I really can't see why it's an issue.

Its interesting to contrast the progressive and pragmatic approach of our Celtic friends with the confrontational and backward stance of the French.

The hijab is now an official part of police uniform in Scotland

How many armed cops does it take to get a woman to strip ?

View attachment 86861

With all due respect, Tommy...how many terror attacks has Scotland faced recently compared to the onslaught that has hit France? It's easy to be "civil" when people are being civil to you! The true test comes when that isn't the case. France finds itself in the cross hairs of Islamic terror and it's struggling with how to deal with that.

Its a few years back to the Glasgow Airport attack. And I take your point. However which of the recent atrocities involved the use of the Burqa ?

Its obvious that there is pressure on the French authorities but this isnt an answer and is likely to antagonise people.

You think the French are worried about "antagonizing" people? Come on, Tommy! You've got Islamic extremists slaughtering journalists...you've got Islamic extremists killing people attending rock concerts...you've got Islamic extremists slaughtering people attending a soccer game...you've got Islamic extremists slaughtering people who are just out to watch fireworks celebrating French independence! The burqa is nothing more than a symbol at this point...a symbol of Islamic hatred! France took these people into their country and were rewarded with what's going on now. I'm all for religious tolerance but at some point enough is enough. Islam is being perverted into a religion of sadism and intolerance by extremists and there is going to be a backlash against non-extreme Muslims. I'd feel more sympathy for those non-extreme Muslims if they had done more to keep the extremists under control.
Its interesting to contrast the progressive and pragmatic approach of our Celtic friends with the confrontational and backward stance of the French.

The hijab is now an official part of police uniform in Scotland

How many armed cops does it take to get a woman to strip ?

View attachment 86861

With all due respect, Tommy...how many terror attacks has Scotland faced recently compared to the onslaught that has hit France? It's easy to be "civil" when people are being civil to you! The true test comes when that isn't the case. France finds itself in the cross hairs of Islamic terror and it's struggling with how to deal with that.

Its a few years back to the Glasgow Airport attack. And I take your point. However which of the recent atrocities involved the use of the Burqa ?

Its obvious that there is pressure on the French authorities but this isnt an answer and is likely to antagonise people.

You think the French are worried about "antagonizing" people? Come on, Tommy! You've got Islamic extremists slaughtering journalists...you've got Islamic extremists killing people attending rock concerts...you've got Islamic extremists slaughtering people attending a soccer game...you've got Islamic extremists slaughtering people who are just out to watch fireworks celebrating French independence! The burqa is nothing more than a symbol at this point...a symbol of Islamic hatred! France took these people into their country and were rewarded with what's going on now. I'm all for religious tolerance but at some point enough is enough. Islam is being perverted into a religion of sadism and intolerance by extremists and there is going to be a backlash against non-extreme Muslims. I'd feel more sympathy for those non-extreme Muslims if they had done more to keep the extremists under control.

There is much being done already.

French fighter of YPG: I came to Syria to fight ISIS and prevent renewed terror attacks in France - ARA News
Turkey sends tanks into Syria in operation aimed at Isis and Kurds

If they can't ban obese blokes wearing lycra then no; don't ban burkinis.


Not banned in France????????????????


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