Which begs the obvious question: why WOULDN'T you?


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
Scott Walker Points to Wisconsin Model for Why Republicans Should Follow Through on Promises

Ok....let's break this down logically. You campaigned on a platform. That platform laid out what your views where, what you support, etc. If you won the electron - that means the majority of the people liked and agreed with your platform. So why in the hell would you reverse course after getting into office? It is idiotic to think you can start appeasing everyone. Stick with what got you there.

Scott Walker Says Republicans Must Uphold Promises
What's more funny about your post is the reality that you'd use federal power to silence the press and state power to arrest more people then any other country on this planet...Talk about freedom...Fix that and I might stop laughing in your face.
What's more funny about your post is the reality that you'd use federal power to silence the press and state power to arrest more people then any other country on this planet...Talk about freedom...Fix that and I might stop laughing in your face.
Exactly which press outlet has been silenced with federal powers?

You're chock full of hyperbole and BS
What's more funny about your post is the reality that you'd use federal power to silence the press and state power to arrest more people then any other country on this planet...Talk about freedom...Fix that and I might stop laughing in your face.
Scott Walker Points to Wisconsin Model for Why Republicans Should Follow Through on Promises

Ok....let's break this down logically. You campaigned on a platform. That platform laid out what your views where, what you support, etc. If you won the electron - that means the majority of the people liked and agreed with your platform. So why in the hell would you reverse course after getting into office? It is idiotic to think you can start appeasing everyone. Stick with what got you there.

Scott Walker Says Republicans Must Uphold Promises

Trump won the election, and yet those who voted for the Democrat, the Green and the Libertarian nominees cast MILLIONS of more votes than did those who voted for Trump. That seems to be a very hard concept for the fools to comprehend, which I why I can call them fools without any concern that its use is an ad hominem; the claim by the OP's author is foolish, dishonest and wrong.

No POTUS, and no policy has ever please or appeased everyone. Trump's success depends on the obsequious inner circle continuing to kiss his ass, and the success of his BIG LIE, that the Free Press is the enemy of the people.
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What's more funny about your post is the reality that you'd use federal power to silence the press and state power to arrest more people then any other country on this planet...Talk about freedom...Fix that and I might stop laughing in your face.

Who's talking about arresting anyone? If properly carried out, DEATH is the proper punishment for most criminals.

Freedom is a farce and a lie. Most human beings are incapable of living properly in a Free society. Therefore Freedom itself is a problem.
Trump won the election, and yet those who voted for the Democrat, the Green and the Libertarian nominees cast MILLIONS of more votes than did those who voted for Trump. That seems to be a very hard concept for the fools to comprehend
One can always count on Guy Catcher to say something completely irrational and bizarre. Snowflake - Trump won. And he won based on his platform. So long as he delivers on that platform, he will win again. Especially considering the Dumbocrats don't have one single person to run against him. Not one.
Here is one reason I wouldn't want to follow his pro-corporate ideas...Wait for it!

...There's NO developed country that uses your idea and remains developed with a high quality of living for its citizens. Answer me that.
The U.S. has and does - and every nation in the world is chasing us. Thanks to you hatriots, they are getting close to catching us now. That's why the American people elected Donald Trump.
Trump won the election, and yet those who voted for the Democrat, the Green and the Libertarian nominees cast MILLIONS of more votes than did those who voted for Trump. That seems to be a very hard concept for the fools to comprehend
One can always count on Guy Catcher to say something completely irrational and bizarre. Snowflake - Trump won. And he won based on his platform. So long as he delivers on that platform, he will win again. Especially considering the Dumbocrats don't have one single person to run against him. Not one.

You're an unabashed liar, just like Trump. Trump's mandate is with deplorable people like you, and the fools who actually believe what he says is true, or possible. I'm not sure if you are stupid, and I mean that in a clinical way, or simply a pathological liar, and I mean that in a clinical way too.
I'm not sure if you are stupid, and I mean that in a clinical way, or simply a pathological liar, and I mean that in a clinical way too.
Well I am sure. I am sure you are projecting. And I mean that in a clinical way as well.

Really, did your shrink explain projection to you, before or after s/he administered your meds? Denial is a defense mechanism and seems to be at play in your response sans rebuttal. You're pitiful.
Scott Walker Points to Wisconsin Model for Why Republicans Should Follow Through on Promises

Ok....let's break this down logically. You campaigned on a platform. That platform laid out what your views where, what you support, etc. If you won the electron - that means the majority of the people liked and agreed with your platform. So why in the hell would you reverse course after getting into office? It is idiotic to think you can start appeasing everyone. Stick with what got you there.

Scott Walker Says Republicans Must Uphold Promises

Begging the question is a fallacious form of arguing in which one assumes what one claims to be proving.

Thus, what is claimed in this OP is not logical and the claim of the author is more evidence (is more needed?) to prove P@triot is an uneducated partisan hack.
Here is one reason I wouldn't want to follow his pro-corporate ideas...Wait for it!

...There's NO developed country that uses your idea and remains developed with a high quality of living for its citizens. Answer me that.

Um, yeah, there are, actually. You might want to get out more.

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