Where's That $4000 Raise Republicans Promised Workers?


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
When Republicans in Congress passed a big, fat tax break bill in December, they insisted it meant American workers would be singing “Happy Days Are Here Again” all the way to the bank.

The payoff from the tax cut would be raises totaling $4,000 to $9,000, the President’s Council of Economic Advisors assured workers.

But something bad happened to workers on their way to the repository. They never got that money.

In fact, their real wages declined because of higher inflation. At the same time, the amount workers had to pay in interest on loans for cars and credit cards increased. And, to top it off, Republicans threatened to make workers pay for the tax break with cuts to Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid.

Where’s that $4,000 Raise the GOP Promised Workers?
When Republicans in Congress passed a big, fat tax break bill in December, they insisted it meant American workers would be singing “Happy Days Are Here Again” all the way to the bank.

The payoff from the tax cut would be raises totaling $4,000 to $9,000, the President’s Council of Economic Advisors assured workers.

But something bad happened to workers on their way to the repository. They never got that money.

In fact, their real wages declined because of higher inflation. At the same time, the amount workers had to pay in interest on loans for cars and credit cards increased. And, to top it off, Republicans threatened to make workers pay for the tax break with cuts to Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid.

Where’s that $4,000 Raise the GOP Promised Workers?

"...average U.S. household would earn more than $4,000 in additional annual wage and salary income by Year 4 and $9,000 in additional annual wage and salary income by Year 7"

https://www.whitehouse.gov/sites/whitehouse.gov/files/documents/Tax Reform and Wages.pdf Page 8 on the unread document

Carlos Slim's vanity publication getting it wrong again
Eight years of bad economics policy under Obama does not justify continued bad economics under Trump. It would be as good as saying it's okay to beat your wife because the guy before you beat her too.
Where's my 8 years of $2500/year Obamacare savings?
I did good under Obama. You did too.
But under Trump we all get fuked.

Yes, I did do good under Obama. I’m doing even better under Trump, but that really all has to do with me, not with either of them. You see, I actually work hard at my job and I am a valuable asset to my company, so I get good raises and promotions. I don’t sit around like a worthless parasite waiting for the government to make my life better. Maybe that’s your problem
Where's my 8 years of $2500/year Obamacare savings?
I did good under Obama. You did too.
But under Trump we all get fuked.

He was good for my stock market investments, but he promised another $2500/year.
So pay up.

The topic of the post is the $4000 promised to workers that hasn't materialized.

Did you have any comment on that skippy or are you really ass fucking ignorant as you come off, and therefor nothing remotely intelligent can be expected?
Republican workers got that raise... not so much Democrat workers...

As for "doing good", things haven't been the same since Slick Willie, Bush Jr. was neutral, and I took a two year hit under Obama. Trump... jury is not ready to return a verdict since, for now, nothing for me has changed, financially, since he took office...
Where's That $4000 Raise Republicans Promised Workers?

hiding behind the smoke and mirrors ..
“Where’s that $4,000 Raise the GOP Promised Workers?”

It went to corporations to increase profits and enrich investors.

Only an idiot would believe Trump and his false claim that the GOP tax scam would in any way benefit workers.
The topic of the post is the $4000 promised to workers that hasn't materialized.

Did you have any comment on that skippy or are you really ass fucking ignorant as you come off, and therefor nothing remotely intelligent can be expected?

Are you really calling someone else ignorant after you just created a thread whining about a promised income increase after just six months when it wasn't predicted to materialize for another few years?
“Where’s that $4,000 Raise the GOP Promised Workers?”

It went to corporations to increase profits and enrich investors.

Only an idiot would believe Trump and his false claim that the GOP tax scam would in any way benefit workers.

There seems to be a wealth of those on this board.
When Republicans in Congress passed a big, fat tax break bill in December, they insisted it meant American workers would be singing “Happy Days Are Here Again” all the way to the bank.

The payoff from the tax cut would be raises totaling $4,000 to $9,000, the President’s Council of Economic Advisors assured workers.

Not necessarily a "raise" but I've definitely seen an increase in income with the Trump Market reaching higher and higher levels.

The people are doing great, a lot of folks more than that, Trump's unemployment rate is at record lows, particular with blacks.

The next election will be a referendum for the black population, do they want to continue to work and earn- or do they want to return to poverty , idleness and hopelessness they had under the Big O? Maybe they see it as "funemployment" and will choose the "D" and go back on the dole.
“Where’s that $4,000 Raise the GOP Promised Workers?”

It went to corporations to increase profits and enrich investors.

Only an idiot would believe Trump and his false claim that the GOP tax scam would in any way benefit workers.

It's benefitted my family pretty well. Of course, we have jobs. Maybe that's your problem.
When Republicans in Congress passed a big, fat tax break bill in December, they insisted it meant American workers would be singing “Happy Days Are Here Again” all the way to the bank.

The payoff from the tax cut would be raises totaling $4,000 to $9,000, the President’s Council of Economic Advisors assured workers.

But something bad happened to workers on their way to the repository. They never got that money.

In fact, their real wages declined because of higher inflation. At the same time, the amount workers had to pay in interest on loans for cars and credit cards increased. And, to top it off, Republicans threatened to make workers pay for the tax break with cuts to Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid.

Where’s that $4,000 Raise the GOP Promised Workers?
/——-/ Looks like you need a serious sit down with your McDonalds supervisor. Get that raise to $15.
The topic of the post is the $4000 promised to workers that hasn't materialized.

Did you have any comment on that skippy or are you really ass fucking ignorant as you come off, and therefor nothing remotely intelligent can be expected?

Are you really calling someone else ignorant after you just created a thread whining about a promised income increase after just six months when it wasn't predicted to materialize for another few years?

So your question is am I calling someone ignorant who out of one side of their face claims to have lost money on rising healthcare costs, that were slowed under a previous President, while out of the other says he made plenty of money on the stock market under that same President?


But now that you've brought it to my attention, I must also add fool.'

And wasn't it you that stated earlier that you had already seen a drastic savings in your pay?

So are you a fool like the other poster or just a liar?
Where's my 8 years of $2500/year Obamacare savings?
I did good under Obama. You did too.
But under Trump we all get fuked.

He was good for my stock market investments, but he promised another $2500/year.
So pay up.

The topic of the post is the $4000 promised to workers that hasn't materialized.

Did you have any comment on that skippy or are you really ass fucking ignorant as you come off, and therefor nothing remotely intelligent can be expected?

The topic of the post is the $4000 promised to workers that hasn't materialized.

It wasn't promised in the first 6 months after the tax cut.
Obama said every family, every year would save $2500.

It hasn't materialized, 8 fucking years later. Are you too stupid to admit Obama lied?

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