Where is the MSM when 4 former EPA chiefs disagree with Obama global warming?

I have not read where many have said we are cooling. What I do read is that many say we have not warmed in 10 years, which is very true. If you wish for me to pass judgment on ANYTHING you need to post fact. Post what someone actually did say and we can discuss it. We know what Obama said is factually not true. Unless he was going back 14 years in his head and just forgot to tell us.

If I were you I would be arguing that CO2 obviously has moderated our temperature. Instead of the normal cycle down the temperature, as witnessed by NOAA's chart, has more or less stabilized. Maybe because there is equilibrium and an increase in CO2 can't cause temperature to increase. That certainly looks like what is happening to me. So in effect maybe a rise in CO2 levels was a good thing. Or maybe all the cooling towers we now have are putting more atmospheric moisture in the air which is really the biggest green house gas.

All that said, no matter what anyone else says, what Obama said was factually incorrect, according to NOAA.

Then you are completely out of touch with reality.

Forget global warming!? Earth undergoing global COOLING since 2002! Climate Scientist Dr. Judith Curry: ?Attention in the public debate seems to be moving away from the 15-17 year ?pause? to the cooling since 2002? | Climate Depot

Forget global warming!? Earth undergoing global COOLING since 2002!

DEMING: Another year of global cooling - Washington Times

Global warming is nowhere to be found. The mean global temperature has not risen in 17 years and has been slowly falling for approximately the past 10 years. In 2013, there were more record-low temperatures than record-high temperatures in the United States.

Finding data is really quite a chore. So here is a site that you can choose the date for monthly/yearly continental US, or just states or regions. I did a chart from 2002 to 2014 and in spite of a spike in 2012 it sure looks as if the chart is heading downward. But don't take my word for it look for yourself.

Climate at a Glance | National Climatic Data Center (NCDC)

You used the US data and not the GLOBAL data! Global Warming is GLOBAL, and we are talking about global warming, so was Obama and the deniers!

While the chart was pretty flat, of the 11 years following 2002, seven were higher than 2002 globally. There certainly was no cooling trend over the period.

You still havent admitted that the deniers who claim we are cooling are bigger liars than Obama.
Is the NOAA chart wrong also? Was it created by Republican appointees?

The NOAA chart is not wrong. It shows no global cooling for the past 100 years.

Well what does it tell you about the last 14?

It tells me that warming has slowed down in what used to be a natural cooling period, like from 1880 to 1910, and most likely when this flat period ends accelerated global warming will pick up from about the the same point where the last period of accelerated global warming left off.
Then you are completely out of touch with reality.

Forget global warming!? Earth undergoing global COOLING since 2002! Climate Scientist Dr. Judith Curry: ?Attention in the public debate seems to be moving away from the 15-17 year ?pause? to the cooling since 2002? | Climate Depot

Forget global warming!? Earth undergoing global COOLING since 2002!

DEMING: Another year of global cooling - Washington Times

Global warming is nowhere to be found. The mean global temperature has not risen in 17 years and has been slowly falling for approximately the past 10 years. In 2013, there were more record-low temperatures than record-high temperatures in the United States.

Finding data is really quite a chore. So here is a site that you can choose the date for monthly/yearly continental US, or just states or regions. I did a chart from 2002 to 2014 and in spite of a spike in 2012 it sure looks as if the chart is heading downward. But don't take my word for it look for yourself.

Climate at a Glance | National Climatic Data Center (NCDC)

You used the US data and not the GLOBAL data! Global Warming is GLOBAL, and we are talking about global warming, so was Obama and the deniers!

While the chart was pretty flat, of the 11 years following 2002, seven were higher than 2002 globally. There certainly was no cooling trend over the period.

You still havent admitted that the deniers who claim we are cooling are bigger liars than Obama.

Obama is POTUS and has at his disposal all the technical talent that anyone should want. I look at the data and I can easily say that it appears that there has been a drop since 2002, that is according to NOAA. Was it a big drop, no, perhaps none but certainly it is not what the models predicted. Obama must look at the same charts and he said categorically that the increase exceeded predictions. Now can you even pretend that his statement has any semblance of truth to it? Remember he is POTUS and I am just an internet poster.

The only reason I used US data is that I could not find the source for the NOAA data of land-sea global temperature data. The US should be representative.
The NOAA chart is not wrong. It shows no global cooling for the past 100 years.

Well what does it tell you about the last 14?

It tells me that warming has slowed down in what used to be a natural cooling period, like from 1880 to 1910, and most likely when this flat period ends accelerated global warming will pick up from about the the same point where the last period of accelerated global warming left off.

So you admit that it is something else controlling the temperature.

Fact is CO2 lags temperature rise and temperature fall so it is really hard to believe that it is CO2 driving temperature.

Something else is going on here. Maybe the leveling off is because the data is getting better? More uniform? Pointing to spikes as an indicator of trend, either way, is disingenuous in my opinion.
My Bad.

I looked at the site again and there is another tab for global temperatures and it is all there. You can search the data base, which I did for land-sea, global. From the chart the difference between 2002 and 2013 is .o2 deg C. Hardly a difference at all. Depending on what year is selected on could argue it did cool very slightly. From 2002 to 2012 there was a .04 C change downward. But that is cherry picking. What I actually see is no real change from 2002 to 2013.

Climate at a Glance | National Climatic Data Center (NCDC)

Climate at a Glance | National Climatic Data Center (NCDC)
The purpose of the thread was asking why the MSM doesn't show these 4 EPA chiefs NOT agreeing with Obama's global warming statements.

Wouldn't this be news? Or because it doesn't support what the MSM "BELIEVES" don't show!

Once again this shows WHY only 82% of Americans don't believe the network news!

The purpose of your thread is to deceive by selective editing. The four agreed that global warming is undeniable, the only disagreement is the pace. So you cite only their disagreement with the pace Obama presented.

How about this "selective editing"???

So you admit it? Then why are you openly lying about it?
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cdxaxJNs15s]Global Warming Panic explained - YouTube[/ame]

Obama lied, bald eagles died.
When asked this question by Jeff Sessions..

Senator Jeff Sessions says:

poor paid shill...

all four are republican appointees\

p.s. Ruckelshaus campaigned for Obama because he said you loons are irrational on environmental issues.

Please deal with facts not speculation ok?

that was fact. i realize it's difficult for you to recognize fact when you see it because it doesn't work in the propaganda mill.
poor paid shill...

all four are republican appointees\

p.s. Ruckelshaus campaigned for Obama because he said you loons are irrational on environmental issues.

Please deal with facts not speculation ok?

that was fact. i realize it's difficult for you to recognize fact when you see it because it doesn't work in the propaganda mill.

Four EPA chiefs disagree with a seriar liar and they are the ones spewing propaganda. Funny.
All the reason-based people just talk about the science.

All the deniers constantly scream hysterically about politics. Says all you need to know. Those who can talk about science, do. Deniers can't. It's really for the best that they don't try, given they stink so badly at science, logic and common sense.

Remember, denialism itself isn't the cult. The cult is the kook right wing fringe nutter cult. Denialism is just one of the many bizarre mandatory religious beliefs of that cult.
All the reason-based people just talk about the science.

All the deniers constantly scream hysterically about politics. Says all you need to know. Those who can talk about science, do. Deniers can't. It's really for the best that they don't try, given they stink so badly at science, logic and common sense.

Remember, denialism itself isn't the cult. The cult is the kook right wing fringe nutter cult. Denialism is just one of the many bizarre mandatory religious beliefs of that cult.

People like you think SCIENCE SAYS so it must be true.

Respected theologians the people the masses looked to for direction forced an old man of 69 who in his defense referred to his "pitiable state of bodily indisposition," Galileo was charged with "vehement suspicion of heresy." He had to renounce "with sincere heart and unfeigned faith" his belief that the sun, not Earth, was the center of the universe and that Earth moved around the sun and not vice versa, as ecclesiastical teaching dictated." Again respected people held in highest opinion.. as scientists are today...
Washingtonpost.com: Horizon Section

NOT ONE respected scientist will say it is a definite FACT like gravity that human beings are causing global warming.
They may say more indicators point to that or all factors considered but NOT one will come out like you DEFENSIVE unscientific
oriented people and claim ADAMANTLY and with evangelic fervor "GLOBAL WARMING caused by HUMANS is a FACT!

Come get a little skepticism in your life!
I for one have a real problem with the whole basis of global warming being a recent phenomenon caused by humans when
they are hunting for oil in the arctic circle, i.e. oil comes from decaying plants that need warm climates to grow. How come
there were plants in a climate that today is cold?
Just seems to show that as any scientist (true scientist!) make qualified opinions based on known data but don't make cast in
concrete you will go to hell if you don't believe this evangelistic responses.

Have an open mind at least!
Just explain one thing... temperature readings prior to digital transmission capabilities were done by 'human eye".
Were all the people that read the thermometers before digital transmission tested to verify their vision was accurate?
Because 50+ years ago thermometers were very very hard to read ACCURATELY to the 1/10th of a degree!
Have those potential discrepancies been accounted for?
Well what does it tell you about the last 14?

It tells me that warming has slowed down in what used to be a natural cooling period, like from 1880 to 1910, and most likely when this flat period ends accelerated global warming will pick up from about the the same point where the last period of accelerated global warming left off.

So you admit that it is something else controlling the temperature.

Fact is CO2 lags temperature rise and temperature fall so it is really hard to believe that it is CO2 driving temperature.

Something else is going on here. Maybe the leveling off is because the data is getting better? More uniform? Pointing to spikes as an indicator of trend, either way, is disingenuous in my opinion.

Neither I never nor any climate scientist has denied that there are MULTIPAL factors controlling global temperature. That is just a deniers Straw Man.

Sometimes you have all or most of the temperature factors causing warming and sometimes you have all or most of the factors causing cooling. As a result the natural cycle was a series of warming and cooling cycles.

But something has changed, one of the warming factors has become so dominent that even when all or most of the other factors were in a cooling phase, we did not get a cooling cycle over the last 100 years. The most combined cooling factors seem to be able to do is flatten the warming trend. When those cooling factors return to their warming phase we get another accelerated warming trend that begins at about the same level that the previous warming trend left off at.
And since the o/p is a shill... i think it's important to point out that the former EPA heads ALL said that it was time to stop ignoring climate change. What they said could be debated was how quickly it is occurring... not that it isn't occurring like the idiot right keeps saying.
Please deal with facts not speculation ok?

that was fact. i realize it's difficult for you to recognize fact when you see it because it doesn't work in the propaganda mill.

Four EPA chiefs disagree with a seriar liar and they are the ones spewing propaganda. Funny.

they ALL agreed climate change is occurring.... that's why you actually need to stop listening to shills.

now go back to tokin'
that was fact. i realize it's difficult for you to recognize fact when you see it because it doesn't work in the propaganda mill.

Four EPA chiefs disagree with a seriar liar and they are the ones spewing propaganda. Funny.

they ALL agreed climate change is occurring.... that's why you actually need to stop listening to shills.

now go back to tokin'

"They all AGREED"!
They all agreed that Obama was wrong when
on November 14th 2012 said, ‘The temperature around the globe is increasing faster than was predicted, even ten years ago.’
And then on May 29th last year he also said - quote - ‘We also know that the climate is warming faster than anybody anticipated five or ten years ago.’ Close quote.
So I would ask each of our former Administrators if any of you agree that that’s an accurate statement on the climate.
So if you do, raise your hand.” "Thank you," said Senator Sessions. "The record will reflect no one raised their hand."

That’s a 100 per cent consensus that the President’s words were not an “accurate statement”.
- See more at: Four former EPA chiefs refuse to endorse Obama's claims about global warming | Poor Richard's News

In 1633, he was found guilty of heresy; his book was banned;
he was forced to claim that he had been wrong, that the Earth did not move; and he was placed under house arrest for the rest of his life.
It is sometimes reported that after admitting that the Earth did not move, he said under his breath, "But it does move."

4 former EPA chiefs agreed. The President. The person Americans look to as knowing what is going on. The person Americans trust with
their lives. This person these 4 former EPA chiefs say is full of shit!

That's the point of the thread. And where is the MSM in all of this?
Why didn't ABC,CBS,NBC..show the American people this? Because it made Obama out to be wrong!
That's the point of the THREAD!
poor paid shill...

all four are republican appointees\

p.s. Ruckelshaus campaigned for Obama because he said you loons are irrational on environmental issues.

Please deal with facts not speculation ok?

that was fact. i realize it's difficult for you to recognize fact when you see it because it doesn't work in the propaganda mill.

Answer me this, if you can not go on the facts and you can't trust someone just because you are not of the same party they how do you expect anyone to believe YOUR party? It is actually the democrats that are caught more times in lies, deceit, cheating on their wife, exposing themselves on the Internet, and all other kinds of dishonesty. So if we don't go by the facts posts like yours just divide us all the more.

But then again, I think that is the liberal's goal.
All the reason-based people just talk about the science.

All the deniers constantly scream hysterically about politics. Says all you need to know. Those who can talk about science, do. Deniers can't. It's really for the best that they don't try, given they stink so badly at science, logic and common sense.

Remember, denialism itself isn't the cult. The cult is the kook right wing fringe nutter cult. Denialism is just one of the many bizarre mandatory religious beliefs of that cult.

See this type of horse manure does not solve anything. The OP dealt with Obama making a statement about GW. In this thread both sides have been argued concerning the statement Obama made. On the side that calls what he said BS, evidence has actually been presented. I personally quoted NOAA which absolutely shows no GW or very, very, little GW for the last 14 or so years. Which invalidates Obama's statement. HE can do a google and look up the information the same as I did. HE doesn't have to so either he is not even looking at the information, his aides are lying to him, or NOAA is wrong.

So which do you think it is? The answer has nothing to do with those you call deniers it has everything to do with Obama who made a false statement, and if you think it not then present the evidence.
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It tells me that warming has slowed down in what used to be a natural cooling period, like from 1880 to 1910, and most likely when this flat period ends accelerated global warming will pick up from about the the same point where the last period of accelerated global warming left off.

So you admit that it is something else controlling the temperature.

Fact is CO2 lags temperature rise and temperature fall so it is really hard to believe that it is CO2 driving temperature.

Something else is going on here. Maybe the leveling off is because the data is getting better? More uniform? Pointing to spikes as an indicator of trend, either way, is disingenuous in my opinion.

Neither I never nor any climate scientist has denied that there are MULTIPAL factors controlling global temperature. That is just a deniers Straw Man.

Sometimes you have all or most of the temperature factors causing warming and sometimes you have all or most of the factors causing cooling. As a result the natural cycle was a series of warming and cooling cycles.

But something has changed, one of the warming factors has become so dominent that even when all or most of the other factors were in a cooling phase, we did not get a cooling cycle over the last 100 years. The most combined cooling factors seem to be able to do is flatten the warming trend. When those cooling factors return to their warming phase we get another accelerated warming trend that begins at about the same level that the previous warming trend left off at.

Well the global warming fear mongers are the ones that think they can explain everything but apparently they can not. None of their models work and none predicted a 10 year flat line of temperatures. So instead of questioning me who provided you with evidence why don't you question a President that says something so patently false?

You are speculating, driven by a point you want to make.
And since the o/p is a shill... i think it's important to point out that the former EPA heads ALL said that it was time to stop ignoring climate change. What they said could be debated was how quickly it is occurring... not that it isn't occurring like the idiot right keeps saying.

But they are Republicans, surly you must then believe just the opposite of what they say. If they are shills then they lie about everything. Or is it you who really is the............well you know.

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