When Trump Becomes President, Then What ?

Fast foward to late January 2017. Donald Trump is now president of the United States. The Congress is even more Republican than it was before. The Cabinet is filled with the 16 other members of the Republican presidential candidates. So what will happen then ? Here's some thoughts about it (Top 10) >>>

1. Obama and Hillary Clinton will be arrested for treason (if Hillary isn't already in jail by that time)

2. Mayors and top city officials of sanctuary cities will be arrested, convicted and imprisoned.

3. Mexican border double fence will begin construction, Mexico paying for it entirely.

4. A mass deportation program of illegal aliens will begin (Operation Wetback II) entirely paid for by the 4 top immigrant remittance receiving countries (Mexico, China, India, Phillipines)

5. Illegal aliens released by ICE, now will be rounded up, arrested and deported.

6. Birthright citizenship will be abolished, retroactive to 1995.

7. The Secure Communities Program dismantled by Obama, will be reinstated.

8. Employer violators of IRCA will be arrested by the thousands.

9. Tariffs will be placed on imports from China, Mexico, and some other countries.

10. The Iran nuclear deal will be abolished.

Emigration to Mexico by a few million Americans? Or would they go to Canada?
Probably Canada, its healthcare and wages are good.
Yeah, because we pay for their defense.
Such a lack of intelligence, our defense spending is more then the next top 10 countries, many are our allies. Idiot. The U.S. imperialist ventures protect.. Corporations?
Do you have a point? By "point", I mean something that would apply on this planet.
Fast foward to late January 2017. Donald Trump is now president of the United States. The Congress is even more Republican than it was before. The Cabinet is filled with the 16 other members of the Republican presidential candidates. So what will happen then ? Here's some thoughts about it (Top 10) >>>

1. Obama and Hillary Clinton will be arrested for treason (if Hillary isn't already in jail by that time)

2. Mayors and top city officials of sanctuary cities will be arrested, convicted and imprisoned.

3. Mexican border double fence will begin construction, Mexico paying for it entirely.

4. A mass deportation program of illegal aliens will begin (Operation Wetback II) entirely paid for by the 4 top immigrant remittance receiving countries (Mexico, China, India, Phillipines)

5. Illegal aliens released by ICE, now will be rounded up, arrested and deported.

6. Birthright citizenship will be abolished, retroactive to 1995.

7. The Secure Communities Program dismantled by Obama, will be reinstated.

8. Employer violators of IRCA will be arrested by the thousands.

9. Tariffs will be placed on imports from China, Mexico, and some other countries.

10. The Iran nuclear deal will be abolished.

Emigration to Mexico by a few million Americans? Or would they go to Canada?
Probably Canada, its healthcare and wages are good.
Yeah, because we pay for their defense.
Such a lack of intelligence, our defense spending is more then the next top 10 countries, many are our allies. Idiot. The U.S. imperialist ventures protect.. Corporations?
Do you have a point? By "point", I mean something that would apply on this planet.
The point is, we aren't paying for Canada's defense.
1. Obama and Hillary Clinton will be arrested for treason (if Hillary isn't already in jail by that time) it will never happen

2. Mayors and top city officials of sanctuary cities will be arrested, convicted and imprisoned. they will be threatened and the media will cry until the criminals are allowed to stay. but it might happen

3. Mexican border double fence will begin construction, Mexico paying for it entirely. :lol: they won't pay

4. A mass deportation program of illegal aliens will begin (Operation Wetback II) entirely paid for by the 4 top immigrant remittance receiving countries (Mexico, China, India, Phillipines) :lol: they won't pay

5. Illegal aliens released by ICE, now will be rounded up, arrested and deported. that's their job

6. Birthright citizenship will be abolished, retroactive to 1995. you don't get to remove someones citizenship, that's fucking tyranny

7. The Secure Communities Program dismantled by Obama, will be reinstated. maybe, maybe improved upon

8. Employer violators of IRCA will be arrested by the thousands.

9. Tariffs will be placed on imports from China, Mexico, and some other countries. long overdue and will probably be done

10. The Iran nuclear deal will be abolished. we signed it, we have to honor it until we know Iran broke it.
Emigration to Mexico by a few million Americans? Or would they go to Canada?
Probably Canada, its healthcare and wages are good.
Yeah, because we pay for their defense.
Such a lack of intelligence, our defense spending is more then the next top 10 countries, many are our allies. Idiot. The U.S. imperialist ventures protect.. Corporations?
Do you have a point? By "point", I mean something that would apply on this planet.
The point is, we aren't paying for Canada's defense.
Who is, then? And don't say Canada.

Defense Budget by Country
Yeah, get the fuck out of my nation, it's not for your kind...
That's what the Constitution says. (Article 6, Section 2)
Article 6, Clause 2


This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding.

where does it say we can force a religion to leave?
Fast foward to late January 2017. Donald Trump is now president of the United States. The Congress is even more Republican than it was before. The Cabinet is filled with the 16 other members of the Republican presidential candidates. So what will happen then ? Here's some thoughts about it (Top 10) >>>

1. Obama and Hillary Clinton will be arrested for treason (if Hillary isn't already in jail by that time)

2. Mayors and top city officials of sanctuary cities will be arrested, convicted and imprisoned.

3. Mexican border double fence will begin construction, Mexico paying for it entirely.

4. A mass deportation program of illegal aliens will begin (Operation Wetback II) entirely paid for by the 4 top immigrant remittance receiving countries (Mexico, China, India, Phillipines)

5. Illegal aliens released by ICE, now will be rounded up, arrested and deported.

6. Birthright citizenship will be abolished, retroactive to 1995.

7. The Secure Communities Program dismantled by Obama, will be reinstated.

8. Employer violators of IRCA will be arrested by the thousands.

9. Tariffs will be placed on imports from China, Mexico, and some other countries.

10. The Iran nuclear deal will be abolished.

Emigration to Mexico by a few million Americans? Or would they go to Canada?

I hope they go to Mexico, so they can enjoy what they want the US to be.
Any nation that survived 'W' (though just barely), can survive Trump. Despite the fact that he would be a terrible President, even he would be better than Obama's predecessor.
Emigration to Mexico by a few million Americans? Or would they go to Canada?
Probably Canada, its healthcare and wages are good.
Yeah, because we pay for their defense.
Such a lack of intelligence, our defense spending is more then the next top 10 countries, many are our allies. Idiot. The U.S. imperialist ventures protect.. Corporations?
Do you have a point? By "point", I mean something that would apply on this planet.
The point is, we aren't paying for Canada's defense.

simply idiotic. we have a strong relationship regarding defense with Canada. and even though Canada is larger than the USA who do you think provides most of the funds for the US-CANADA defence relationship? who do you think would do most of the heavy lifting if Canada were threatened?
Any nation that survived 'W' (though just barely), can survive Trump. Despite the fact that he would be a terrible President, even he would be better than Obama's predecessor.

and Trump would be better than Obama of course. just about anybody would
12, The DNC is ruled a hate group and dis-banded. Their money is used to pay reparations for slavery and Jim Crowe.
No, their money will be used to pay for reparations TO MILLIONS OF WHITE AMERICANS for Affirmative Action losses$$$, caused by the those Democrats. I agree with the rest of your post.
13. ALL work visas will be revoked, aliens sent home (deported), and Americans rehired to the jobs they were fired from to make room for the cheap, foreign labor.

14. New rule for work visas. None to be issued except for foreigners bringing in large amounts of capital with which to open businesses and create jobs (for Americans), or immigrants bring top notch skills that we need or would benefit greatly from (although this would probably be rare)
This nation was never meant for your kind. Find another and move, ASAP. You are an American in name only...
Forget it your goofball days of boosting up minority races, sex perverts, criminals, foreign invaders, and assorted other miscreants is over. WE the people are about to TRUMP your filth society, and clean up America, and make it great again. You are history.

The Democrat presidential campaign is in disarray. Obama's Justice Dept (the FBI) is now going after Hillary, as well as inspector generals and court judges. She's as good as in jail now. The Demmies have already declared Biden to be their candidate, but he has no chance. He's starting too late. The campaign $$ have already gone to Hillary, and she's already spent most of it. The there's Bernie who will run as a 3rd party candidate, because he and his supporters (like Nader and his Green Party) consider Biden to be just another Republican.

In all, the Democratic Party (and having already lost the Congress) is in free fall, from which they will never recover. To boot, Trump will pick Ben Carson as VP, adding more votes (since Blacks will vote for anyone with a dark skin), or Carli Fiorina to pick up more women votes.

Face it, PYH. You are DONE.
Article Six of the United States Constitution establishes the laws andtreaties of the United States made in accordance with it as the supreme law of the land, forbids a religious test as a requirement for holding a governmental position and holds the United States under the Constitution responsible for debts incurred by the United States under the Articles of Confederation.
The part in blue bold is what disqualifies the supremacist ideology of Islam from being legal in America.>>

"This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof; and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land; and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby, anything in the constitution or laws of any state to the contrary notwithstanding."

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