When Trump Becomes President, Then What ?

Such a lack of intelligence, our defense spending is more then the next top 10 countries, many are our allies. Idiot. The U.S. imperialist ventures protect.. Corporations?
The US is the # 1 VICTIM of imperialism in the world today. $123 Billion/year in remittances$$$$ + welfare $$$ to the imperialist countries (China, Mexico, India, Phillipines, Nigeria, Guatemala, etc)

Remittance Flows Worldwide in 2012 Pew Research Center
I wonder how they feel about the "constitution?"

Yeah, get the fuck out of my nation, it's not for your kind...
That's what the Constitution says. (Article 6, Section 2)
1. Obama and Hillary Clinton will be arrested for treason (if Hillary isn't already in jail by that time) it will never happen

2. Mayors and top city officials of sanctuary cities will be arrested, convicted and imprisoned. they will be threatened and the media will cry until the criminals are allowed to stay. but it might happen

3. Mexican border double fence will begin construction, Mexico paying for it entirely. :lol: they won't pay

4. A mass deportation program of illegal aliens will begin (Operation Wetback II) entirely paid for by the 4 top immigrant remittance receiving countries (Mexico, China, India, Phillipines) :lol: they won't pay

5. Illegal aliens released by ICE, now will be rounded up, arrested and deported. that's their job

6. Birthright citizenship will be abolished, retroactive to 1995. you don't get to remove someones citizenship, that's fucking tyranny

7. The Secure Communities Program dismantled by Obama, will be reinstated. maybe, maybe improved upon

8. Employer violators of IRCA will be arrested by the thousands.

9. Tariffs will be placed on imports from China, Mexico, and some other countries. long overdue and will probably be done

10. The Iran nuclear deal will be abolished. we signed it, we have to honor it until we know Iran broke it.
You're out of your league. Your refutations fail.

1. It's ALREADY happening. Obama's Justice Dept (FBI) is already going after Hillary. She's under the bus. Biden is now the Democratic candidate, flanked by Sanders. Watch the News.

2. I forgot the media. Trump will make oatmeal out of them. Sanctuary city folks will be in chains.

3 & 4. They will be FORCED to pay. US remittances is Mexico's # 1 source of income. The loss of that ($23 Billion/year) IS their payment + the loss of the US paying their poverty bill (no more US welfare to Mexicans, no more anchor baby racket, no more false documentation) we could retain some of the Mexicans and threaten Mexico with the deportation of them, from which they would lose more money than paying for the fence. his is probably how Trump has it figured. The after they build the fence, we deport those Mexicans anyway. This is business hardball, New York City style. You don't ask others to do things. YOU FORCE them (plus there's also the threat of another 1848 style ASS-KICKING)

5. Yes, rounding up, arresting and deporting illegals is ICE's job. But under Obama, instead, they've been RELEASING them back into American society. That will stop. Now ICE will really do its job.

6. FALSE! The 14th amendment was never made to allow foreigners to become citizens, So said Jacob Howard, author of the amendment in 1866.

7. Definitely.

8. & 9 You agreed. OK.

10. Bullshit. That stupid thing isn't worth the paper it;s written on. "WE" did not sign anything. Obama signed it and he will be in jail, Iran will be lucky if they are not invaded with hundreds of thousands of US troops + coalition countries troops, and I suspect that is what will probably happen.
11. Islam will be declared illegal (all mosques closed down; all Korans eliminated) Muslim Brotherhood banned.
that's ignorant and unamerican on a scale that has not been seen since fdr put Asians in camps
You are ignorant. Islam is illegal due to its supremacy. Read the Constitution (Supremacy Clause Article 6, Section 2)
That's what the Constitution says. (Article 6, Section 2)
Article 6, Clause 2

This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding.

where does it say we can force a religion to leave?
See Post # 38. IF Islam is considered to be a religion (many don't accept that notion) it still is not able to be supreme over the Constitution. NOTHING can do that (as Islam demands)
I wonder how they feel about the "constitution?"

Yeah, get the fuck out of my nation, it's not for your kind...
That's what the Constitution says. (Article 6, Section 2)
They were people living in a stone age existence. They were bound to overtaken. And how many of them today are willing to go without climate controlled buildings, indoor plumbing, electricity, TV, telephones, refrigerators, stoves, modern lighting, etc, etc ???????
Fast foward to late January 2017. Donald Trump is now president of the United States. The Congress is even more Republican than it was before. The Cabinet is filled with the 16 other members of the Republican presidential candidates. So what will happen then ? Here's some thoughts about it (Top 10) >>>

1. Obama and Hillary Clinton will be arrested for treason (if Hillary isn't already in jail by that time)

2. Mayors and top city officials of sanctuary cities will be arrested, convicted and imprisoned.

3. Mexican border double fence will begin construction, Mexico paying for it entirely.

4. A mass deportation program of illegal aliens will begin (Operation Wetback II) entirely paid for by the 4 top immigrant remittance receiving countries (Mexico, China, India, Phillipines)

5. Illegal aliens released by ICE, now will be rounded up, arrested and deported.

6. Birthright citizenship will be abolished, retroactive to 1995.

7. The Secure Communities Program dismantled by Obama, will be reinstated.

8. Employer violators of IRCA will be arrested by the thousands.

9. Tariffs will be placed on imports from China, Mexico, and some other countries.

10. The Iran nuclear deal will be abolished.
What a delusion!!

There aren't enough angry bible thumping whites to elect a republican president
Fast foward to late January 2017. Donald Trump is now president of the United States. The Congress is even more Republican than it was before. The Cabinet is filled with the 16 other members of the Republican presidential candidates. So what will happen then ? Here's some thoughts about it (Top 10) >>>

1. Obama and Hillary Clinton will be arrested for treason (if Hillary isn't already in jail by that time)

2. Mayors and top city officials of sanctuary cities will be arrested, convicted and imprisoned.

3. Mexican border double fence will begin construction, Mexico paying for it entirely.

4. A mass deportation program of illegal aliens will begin (Operation Wetback II) entirely paid for by the 4 top immigrant remittance receiving countries (Mexico, China, India, Phillipines)

5. Illegal aliens released by ICE, now will be rounded up, arrested and deported.

6. Birthright citizenship will be abolished, retroactive to 1995.

7. The Secure Communities Program dismantled by Obama, will be reinstated.

8. Employer violators of IRCA will be arrested by the thousands.

9. Tariffs will be placed on imports from China, Mexico, and some other countries.

10. The Iran nuclear deal will be abolished.
What a delusion!!

There aren't enough angry bible thumping whites to elect a republican president

You underestimate the bible thumping black and Hispanics who are just as angry.
Fast foward to late January 2017. Donald Trump is now president of the United States. The Congress is even more Republican than it was before. The Cabinet is filled with the 16 other members of the Republican presidential candidates. So what will happen then ? Here's some thoughts about it (Top 10) >>>

1. Obama and Hillary Clinton will be arrested for treason (if Hillary isn't already in jail by that time)

2. Mayors and top city officials of sanctuary cities will be arrested, convicted and imprisoned.

3. Mexican border double fence will begin construction, Mexico paying for it entirely.

4. A mass deportation program of illegal aliens will begin (Operation Wetback II) entirely paid for by the 4 top immigrant remittance receiving countries (Mexico, China, India, Phillipines)

5. Illegal aliens released by ICE, now will be rounded up, arrested and deported.

6. Birthright citizenship will be abolished, retroactive to 1995.

7. The Secure Communities Program dismantled by Obama, will be reinstated.

8. Employer violators of IRCA will be arrested by the thousands.

9. Tariffs will be placed on imports from China, Mexico, and some other countries.

10. The Iran nuclear deal will be abolished.

Then pigs will be flying.
Fast foward to late January 2017. Donald Trump is now president of the United States. The Congress is even more Republican than it was before. The Cabinet is filled with the 16 other members of the Republican presidential candidates. So what will happen then ? Here's some thoughts about it (Top 10) >>>

1. Obama and Hillary Clinton will be arrested for treason (if Hillary isn't already in jail by that time)

2. Mayors and top city officials of sanctuary cities will be arrested, convicted and imprisoned.

3. Mexican border double fence will begin construction, Mexico paying for it entirely.

4. A mass deportation program of illegal aliens will begin (Operation Wetback II) entirely paid for by the 4 top immigrant remittance receiving countries (Mexico, China, India, Phillipines)

5. Illegal aliens released by ICE, now will be rounded up, arrested and deported.

6. Birthright citizenship will be abolished, retroactive to 1995.

7. The Secure Communities Program dismantled by Obama, will be reinstated.

8. Employer violators of IRCA will be arrested by the thousands.

9. Tariffs will be placed on imports from China, Mexico, and some other countries.

10. The Iran nuclear deal will be abolished.
What a delusion!!

There aren't enough angry bible thumping whites to elect a republican president

There aren't enough angry bible thumping whites to elect a republican president

There never has been.

And yet, in the last 50 years, we've had Nixon, Reagan, Bush, and Bush.

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