When Trump Becomes President, Then What ?

You don't have any idea of what you are trying to say when you try to equate your philosophy with what they lived with and how they might have evolved do you?

I wonder how they feel about the "constitution?"

Yeah, get the fuck out of my nation, it's not for your kind...
That's what the Constitution says. (Article 6, Section 2)
They were people living in a stone age existence. They were bound to overtaken. And how many of them today are willing to go without climate controlled buildings, indoor plumbing, electricity, TV, telephones, refrigerators, stoves, modern lighting, etc, etc ???????
Fast foward to late January 2017. Donald Trump is now president of the United States. The Congress is even more Republican than it was before. The Cabinet is filled with the 16 other members of the Republican presidential candidates. So what will happen then ? Here's some thoughts about it (Top 10) >>>

1. Obama and Hillary Clinton will be arrested for treason (if Hillary isn't already in jail by that time)

2. Mayors and top city officials of sanctuary cities will be arrested, convicted and imprisoned.

3. Mexican border double fence will begin construction, Mexico paying for it entirely.

4. A mass deportation program of illegal aliens will begin (Operation Wetback II) entirely paid for by the 4 top immigrant remittance receiving countries (Mexico, China, India, Phillipines)

5. Illegal aliens released by ICE, now will be rounded up, arrested and deported.

6. Birthright citizenship will be abolished, retroactive to 1995.

7. The Secure Communities Program dismantled by Obama, will be reinstated.

8. Employer violators of IRCA will be arrested by the thousands.

9. Tariffs will be placed on imports from China, Mexico, and some other countries.

10. The Iran nuclear deal will be abolished.

Emigration to Mexico by a few million Americans? Or would they go to Canada?
Probably Canada, its healthcare and wages are good.
Yeah, because we pay for their defense.

Uh, no. Canada doesn't swagger around the world stirring shit up, so it doesn't need that kind of "defense".

But we sure do lead the world in euphemisms.
You don't have any idea of what you are trying to say when you try to equate your philosophy with what they lived with and how they might have evolved do you?

I wonder how they feel about the "constitution?"

Yeah, get the fuck out of my nation, it's not for your kind...
That's what the Constitution says. (Article 6, Section 2)
They were people living in a stone age existence. They were bound to overtaken. And how many of them today are willing to go without climate controlled buildings, indoor plumbing, electricity, TV, telephones, refrigerators, stoves, modern lighting, etc, etc ???????
What they lived with was a stone age existence, so primitive that they didn't even have buildings. Thus, they couldn't even have jails for their criminal justice system, and had to resort to torture instead. The arrival of Europeans was a huge step UPWARD for them. Do you see them voluntarily going back to their former way of life, now that they have 21st century life ? I don't.
You don't have any idea of what you are trying to say when you try to equate your philosophy with what they lived with and how they might have evolved do you?

I wonder how they feel about the "constitution?"

Yeah, get the fuck out of my nation, it's not for your kind...
That's what the Constitution says. (Article 6, Section 2)
They were people living in a stone age existence. They were bound to overtaken. And how many of them today are willing to go without climate controlled buildings, indoor plumbing, electricity, TV, telephones, refrigerators, stoves, modern lighting, etc, etc ???????
What they lived with was a stone age existence, so primitive that they didn't even have buildings. Thus, they couldn't even have jails for their criminal justice system, and had to resort to torture instead. The arrival of Europeans was a huge step UPWARD for them. Do you see them voluntarily going back to their former way of life, now that they have 21st century life ? I don't.

Yeah, GENOCIDE was a step up for them.

Don't you love people's justification for genocide?
US declares bankruptcy.

Rest of world fails to notice due to laughing too hard.
Democrats get the bill for failed policies????

That should be good for at least 60% of the vote.

Failed policies....hmmmm...like going into an unfunded war, that cost trillions so far, while being told hideous lies to GO to war with a nation and with along 911, when 15 out of 19 hijackers were from Saudi Arabia(the bushes multi generation friends) and as the war drags on and thousands of family's are shattered and 10 of thousands of military dead or maimed ( and thats just American lives)as KBR, haliburton and a host of others get stupid rich and the war isn't reported "over" until the 5 American oil companies are up and pumpin'.
That kind of failed policy??
Lets say that obamas healthcare IS a failure....at least we haven't paid trillions to have good people slaughtered..
US declares bankruptcy.

Rest of world fails to notice due to laughing too hard.
Democrats get the bill for failed policies????

That should be good for at least 60% of the vote.

Failed policies....hmmmm...like going into an unfunded war, that cost trillions so far, while being told hideous lies to GO to war with a nation and with along 911, when 15 out of 19 hijackers were from Saudi Arabia(the bushes multi generation friends) and as the war drags on and thousands of family's are shattered and 10 of thousands of military dead or maimed ( and thats just American lives)as KBR, haliburton and a host of others get stupid rich and the war isn't reported "over" until the 5 American oil companies are up and pumpin'.
That kind of failed policy??
Lets say that obamas healthcare IS a failure....at least we haven't paid trillions to have good people slaughtered..
You do realize that the Democrats voted for that war too, don't you???

Now tell us who voted for Obozo's illegal wars.
When Trump Becomes President, Then What ?

Since Hell would have frozen over first the shortages of warm clothing will be the only story that matters.

Trump declares the US bankrupt and immediately sets out to buy much of the now distressed property for pennies on the dollar. There is a new emerging industry in evicting people from Trumps new acquisitions.
You don't have any idea of what you are trying to say when you try to equate your philosophy with what they lived with and how they might have evolved do you?

I wonder how they feel about the "constitution?"

Yeah, get the fuck out of my nation, it's not for your kind...
That's what the Constitution says. (Article 6, Section 2)
They were people living in a stone age existence. They were bound to overtaken. And how many of them today are willing to go without climate controlled buildings, indoor plumbing, electricity, TV, telephones, refrigerators, stoves, modern lighting, etc, etc ???????
What they lived with was a stone age existence, so primitive that they didn't even have buildings. Thus, they couldn't even have jails for their criminal justice system, and had to resort to torture instead. The arrival of Europeans was a huge step UPWARD for them. Do you see them voluntarily going back to their former way of life, now that they have 21st century life ? I don't.

"They couldn't even have jails" :rofl:

Ethnocentric much? "Why those poor savages, they don't have coffee percolators or Twitter accounts or even color TV!
"Obviously we must vanquish them in the name of the Lord!"

I love that image. I have it on a T-shirt that I wear every Thanksgiving.
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Protectionist simply does not understand Trump. On the first day of a Trump presidency,

1. Obama and Hillary Clinton will be feted at the White House: all three are close friends.

2. Mayors and top city officials of sanctuary cities will be informed that federal laws concerning illegal immigrants will be enforced and to assist the federales.

3. No border fence will be started, but American troops will be sent to train on the border with the power to detain and transport illegals back to border crossings.

4. No mass deportation program of any sort will started.

5. Specific nativist agitators like Protection will be sent to the nearest Walmart-FEMA camp and incarcerated in the gardening center.

6. Birthright citizenship will be declared unequivocally the l

7. The Secure Communities Program will by EO never be restored.

8. Business managers and owners who violate hiring laws will be arrested. Their companies will be sold off. All dividend retro to 1995 will be paid as fines to the federales.

9. No tariffs will be placed on imports from China, Mexico, and some other countries.

10. The Iran nuclear deal will be accepted by Trump.
Fast foward to late January 2017. Donald Trump is now president of the United States. The Congress is even more Republican than it was before. The Cabinet is filled with the 16 other members of the Republican presidential candidates. So what will happen then ? Here's some thoughts about it (Top 10) >>>

1. Obama and Hillary Clinton will be arrested for treason (if Hillary isn't already in jail by that time)

2. Mayors and top city officials of sanctuary cities will be arrested, convicted and imprisoned.

3. Mexican border double fence will begin construction, Mexico paying for it entirely.

4. A mass deportation program of illegal aliens will begin (Operation Wetback II) entirely paid for by the 4 top immigrant remittance receiving countries (Mexico, China, India, Phillipines)

5. Illegal aliens released by ICE, now will be rounded up, arrested and deported.

6. Birthright citizenship will be abolished, retroactive to 1995.

7. The Secure Communities Program dismantled by Obama, will be reinstated.

8. Employer violators of IRCA will be arrested by the thousands.

9. Tariffs will be placed on imports from China, Mexico, and some other countries.

10. The Iran nuclear deal will be abolished.

Yeah, GENOCIDE was a step up for them.

Don't you love people's justification for genocide?
They fought a war. They lost. But you can use the propagandists word if you choose. And yeah, modern society is a VERY big step up for them. Go live in a teepee for a year. You;ll see.
Yeah, GENOCIDE was a step up for them.

Don't you love people's justification for genocide?
They fought a war. They lost. But you can use the propagandists word if you choose. And yeah, modern society is a VERY big step up for them. Go live in a teepee for a year. You;ll see.

Propaganda words? You mean calling genocide genocide is propaganda? Of course, the US were the good guys, getting rid of the evil native americans, yeah, I got it. You're wrong, but I understand your desire to pretend it didn't happen and then if you do acknowledge it to pretend it was just a war.

Just like Iraq was a war. Who gives a feck about the Iraqis right? Oh, unless it serves your purpose, like with the Kurds.

How about this for "propaganda", right from Washington

"I would recommend, that some post in the center of the Indian Country, should be occupied with all expedition, with a sufficient quantity of provisions whence parties should be detached to lay waste all the settlements around, with instructions to do it in the most effectual manner, that the country may not be merely overrun, but destroyed.

But you will not by any means listen to any overture of peace before the total ruinment of their settlements is effected."

December 29th U.S. Cavalry Massacre More than 150 Lakota Native Americans Including Women and Children Near Wounded Knee Creek

Or this

"On this day in history, 1890, the Seventh Cavalry opened fire on a Lakota Native American encampment with four rapid fire Hotchkiss guns, killing 150-300 of the group, including women and children. Along with the dead Lakota, around 25 of the cavalry troops themselves were killed with another 39 wounded, largely due to friendly fire, particularly from the Hotchkiss guns."

I could go on all day and show it's genocide.

Sometimes people on here claim the US HAD to go into Iraq in 2003 to rid the Iraqis of Saddam, because he killed lots of Iraqi people. Like these people gave a damn about the Iraqi people. Similar people call for the atomic bombing of Iraq.
Propaganda words? You mean calling genocide genocide is propaganda? Of course, the US were the good guys, getting rid of the evil native americans, yeah, I got it. You're wrong, but I understand your desire to pretend it didn't happen and then if you do acknowledge it to pretend it was just a war.

Just like Iraq was a war. Who gives a feck about the Iraqis right? Oh, unless it serves your purpose, like with the Kurds.

How about this for "propaganda", right from Washington

"I would recommend, that some post in the center of the Indian Country, should be occupied with all expedition, with a sufficient quantity of provisions whence parties should be detached to lay waste all the settlements around, with instructions to do it in the most effectual manner, that the country may not be merely overrun, but destroyed.

But you will not by any means listen to any overture of peace before the total ruinment of their settlements is effected."

December 29th U.S. Cavalry Massacre More than 150 Lakota Native Americans Including Women and Children Near Wounded Knee Creek

Or this

"On this day in history, 1890, the Seventh Cavalry opened fire on a Lakota Native American encampment with four rapid fire Hotchkiss guns, killing 150-300 of the group, including women and children. Along with the dead Lakota, around 25 of the cavalry troops themselves were killed with another 39 wounded, largely due to friendly fire, particularly from the Hotchkiss guns."

I could go on all day and show it's genocide.

Sometimes people on here claim the US HAD to go into Iraq in 2003 to rid the Iraqis of Saddam, because he killed lots of Iraqi people. Like these people gave a damn about the Iraqi people. Similar people call for the atomic bombing of Iraq.
All you are doing is pointing to one or 2 incidents. There were thousands of incidents of Indians committing genocide against settlers, but oh, that wouldn't be politically correct to talk about, is that it ?

Here's a little EDUCATION FOR YOU about American Indians and "genocide", since that's what you seem to like to talk about >>

The overwhelming majority of contacts between White Europeans and American Indians were peaceful. The great majority of 19th century American Indians lived their entire lives many miles away from White settlements, and never laid eyes on a white person.

The genocide that you speak of is true, but it was relatively small in number, and is exaggerated due to the dime store novel industry, which made a fortune selling books to Easteners about the wild west. It was only the warring and violence books that sold the most copies. The ones about peace, trading, intermarriage, etc, didn't sell well. Consequently, people thought that the violence was all there was, due to the prevelance of it in the books they read.

As for genocide against American Indian tribes, they suffered that far more from other rival tribes, for hundreds of years, before a single European ship arrived in the "New World"

The Indians fought vicious wars among themselves, read about the Beaver Wars of the 17th Century, wars initiated by the Iroquois over control of the fur trade and which had the Great Lakes country in an uproar for over 50 years.

Note that the Sioux were hard pressed by the Chippewas who along with their allies the Ottawa and Potawatomi (the Three Fires alliance) were the eventual victors of the Beaver Wars. In their quest to control the furs of the upper Great Lakes, the Chippewas drove the Sioux out of the Great Lakes country; many of the Sioux on the Great Plains had been woodland dwellers previously.

As for their later years on the plains, the Sioux being quite a large and numerous nation, i.e. powerful, was in the business of encroaching on others, rather than being encroached upon — until these White people turned up. The Sioux had pretty stable alliances with the Arapho and the Cheyenne. They also had a list of stable enemies, like the Crow and the Pawnee, who in turn were allied with the US Army in the Indians wars of the 1870s, to the extent that Pawnee warriors even wore US Army uniforms and boots, along with their beads & feathers.

No charge for the tutoring.
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10,11 are no go. The rest I like though. Along with getting rid of Jews and jewish influence from the US. Give all non whites free food,tv,drugs etc and set them up on reservations as long as they voluntarily become sterilized. Those that won't are shot on sight. :)
.Sometimes people on here claim the US HAD to go into Iraq in 2003 to rid the Iraqis of Saddam, because he killed lots of Iraqi people. Like these people gave a damn about the Iraqi people. Similar people call for the atomic bombing of Iraq.

Now, in 2015, the rise of ISIS, the enormous wealth they have accumulated, and territory, and their specific ambitions to obtain nuclear weapons, shows very clearly why the US military needs to be in Iraq, and absolutely never should have been withdrawn in 2011, one of the biggest blunders of the past 10 years.
You want to stand by this? You are someone that see the future and the way others would evolve.

You don't have any idea of what you are trying to say when you try to equate your philosophy with what they lived with and how they might have evolved do you?

I wonder how they feel about the "constitution?"

Yeah, get the fuck out of my nation, it's not for your kind...
That's what the Constitution says. (Article 6, Section 2)
They were people living in a stone age existence. They were bound to overtaken. And how many of them today are willing to go without climate controlled buildings, indoor plumbing, electricity, TV, telephones, refrigerators, stoves, modern lighting, etc, etc ???????
What they lived with was a stone age existence, so primitive that they didn't even have buildings. Thus, they couldn't even have jails for their criminal justice system, and had to resort to torture instead. The arrival of Europeans was a huge step UPWARD for them. Do you see them voluntarily going back to their former way of life, now that they have 21st century life ? I don't.

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