When the citizenry and our politicians were ‘american’ could the POTUS have worked for Mexico’s people and against us?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
Didn’t every single action taken and policy implemented have to be of clear benefit to the bulk of the American Public?
Could Presidents have rolled out policy that was sure to fuck Americans over while benefiting Mexicans, Central and South Americans?
When did Americans start taking such pride in being suckered? When did the citizenry start hoping to lose while other countries gain?
$28 trillion in debt, wide spread extreme poverty and homelessness, Veterans pissing, shitting and dying in our streets, a middle class that can’t save a nickel or get ahead, blue collar trades destroyed, kids with publicly funded degrees they can’t use, wages frozen in time, lawlessness and criminality at an all time high...What kind of an American actually believes we deserve more illiterate thirdworlders to be thrown in our laps?
That's why no one wants a failed state on their border. So, rational leaders help their neighbors move up in the world.
“A failed state”?
There are lots of failed nations plagued by their own citizens.
These nations are comprised of low-grade human beings with cultural deficiencies that can’t be improved or overcome with money....FORCING American taxpayers to foster the people of neighboring nations as a method to stop them from invading and robbing Americans is just plain fucking retarded...We have the worlds most powerful military for a reason...lets use it to protect our own. Simple shit.
“A failed state”?
There are lots of failed nations plagued by their own citizens.
These nations are comprised of low-grade human beings with cultural deficiencies that can’t be improved or overcome with money....FORCING American taxpayers to foster the people of neighboring nations as a method to stop them from invading and robbing Americans is just plain fucking retarded...We have the worlds most powerful military for a reason...lets use it to protect our own. Simple shit.

That's just self defeating. Like Israel and the Palestinians or Israel and Lebanon or Israel and Syria. Its stupid policy.
That's just self defeating. Like Israel and the Palestinians or Israel and Lebanon or Israel and Syria. Its stupid policy.
Aggressively defending our people and our sovereignty is “self defeating“? Does that really make sense to you?
Why do you believe that a defended border has to be a hostile border?
Aggressively defending our people and our sovereignty is “self defeating“? Does that really make sense to you?
Why do you believe that a defended border has to be a hostile border?

Trump did the unthinkable.. He fought against remittances by foreign workers.. That's real hostile .. No other country confiscates the money they send home to extended family.

That about as cheesy as you can get.

He also labeled them rapists, drug addicts and criminals.
I believe a balance must be stuck between being a Christian nation and fiscal responsibility. The Bible led me to feel uncomfortable with Trump's way. I don't see Biden having any answers either.
Trump did the unthinkable.. He fought against remittances by foreign workers.. That's real hostile .. No other country confiscates the money they send home to extended family.

That about as cheesy as you can get.

He also labeled them rapists, drug addicts and criminals.
“He fought against remittances by foreign workers.”
Haha....weird that you people always seem to forget to include the word ILLEGAL.
What Trump did was be unapologetically honest with the people, what he did was put Americans first by any means necessary, what he did was stop incentivizing Mexico’s people.

“He also labeled them rapists, drug addicts and criminals”
No he did not....again, he was honest, he believes Americans deserve honesty.

Trump- “When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people”
I believe a balance must be stuck between being a Christian nation and fiscal responsibility. The Bible led me to feel uncomfortable with Trump's way. I don't see Biden having any answers either.

Biden is trying to stop the bleeding out in the Middle Class. If we don't, we'll be Venezuela.
Biden is trying to stop the bleeding out in the Middle Class. If we don't, we'll be Venezuela.
And he’s going to get that done by allowing a million plus illegals in to compete for jobs, destroy the energy sector and cause inflation with massive money printing?

Tell me how that helps the middle class.
I believe a balance must be stuck between being a Christian nation and fiscal responsibility. The Bible led me to feel uncomfortable with Trump's way. I don't see Biden having any answers either.
Did the Bible lead you to vote for the party of abortion, immorality, indecency and lawlessness as well?
May I suggest you read the Bible rather than run with cherrypicked CNN sound-bites?

I would cite you to the Apostle Paul and his clear and wise command in Romans 13, to obey the laws of the government because God has ordained them for the purpose of order. “Orderly and lawful processes are good in themselves and protect the weak and lawful.”

“Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves.”

Is it not biblical to enforce the law?
And he’s going to get that done by allowing a million plus illegals in to compete for jobs, destroy the energy sector and cause inflation with massive money printing?

Tell me how that helps the middle class.
They can’t...so they won’t.
Just like they can’t tell us how illegals help pry their pet human black folk off the taxpayer tit.
An American that loves his cheap labor.
We both know the Dem plan is importing millions of poor illegals they can purchase votes from with government handouts after they gift them amnesty. Thereby RIGGING our elections by canceling out the votes of millions of Americans with votes purchased from poor desperate people on government assistance.
We both know the Dem plan is importing millions of poor illegals they can purchase votes from with government handouts after they gift them amnesty. Thereby RIGGING our elections by canceling out the votes of millions of Americans with votes purchased from poor desperate people on government assistance.
They sure as hell wouldn’t have been let in wearing Trump shirts.

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