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I’m not apologizing for Facebook and Twitter. They can do whatever they want. I don’t pay attention to those sites. I also don’t get in a hissy over what BS OAN Newsmax or Fox pumps out. Same for MSNBC and other MSM outlets. They are all doing their thing making money, playing the game.
You seem kind of stupid, like you get your news from CNN or MSNBC. I could care less whether you use Facebook and Twitter however there are millions that do and when they censor a story that's as important as the hunter Biden laptop it has the ability to change outcomes in an election. Just take this as a loss and stop advocating censorship and propaganda.
You can do whatever you want. But when you post a link then ignore my rebuttal of that link then post it again I don’t know what kind of a response you expect besides ridicule
You lost this debate long ago. I was just supplementing my argument. I really don't know why I am still having dialogue with you. They use censorship and propaganda in communist and totalitarian countries and you should really rethink your position.
My ego isn’t big enough to need constant feeding from fictitious victories. I see you need that while you repetitively claim wins for yourself. That’s fine. If that’s what you need then go right ahead. Doesn’t bother me any.
And I think that is what really bothers Trump supporters....that they can’t fathom folks who just tell it like it is. Their “us versus them” mentality is all they have and if you don’t play by their primal instinct rules...they really hate it.
So if it wasn’t’ve got nothing but your whining to lean on then, right?

Do you plan to ever stop whining like a little bitch?
I really don't know that it wasn't illegal, I know it was censorship. Right up your communist alley ignorant fool. Go cry somewhere else.
Nothing forces Facebook to report everything it hears. Its a private company.

Cry? LOL... I’m laughing my ass off at all of the calories you’re burning trying to prop up your blob.
Oh but they blocked people from posting about the laptop. They censored people.

Oh admit it, you're a crying little bitch. Your TDS is too much for you.

"Free thinking " .... you are a hoot ain't ya ? You don't really believe that, do you? Because anyone on this site would certainly disagree. You are as bias as the FBI.
I’ll take that. I’m like you actually have respect for our institutions and law-enforcement
All I know is you're a proponent of propaganda and censorship.
That’s your label. Not even close to the truth. It seems to be how you operate… in your own little fantasyland. Back in reality I know my beliefs and the things I support so when I hear you blatantly and ignorantly proclaiming otherwise it makes it impossible to take you seriously.
But yet you are apologetic to the propaganda and censorship I've presented to you. The only reason that could be would be ignorance. Congratulations
Again you’re using false labels. I’m not apologizing for anything let alone propaganda and censorship.

I see the game you’re playing. It is very transparent. No at all effective
That’s your label. Not even close to the truth. It seems to be how you operate… in your own little fantasyland. Back in reality I know my beliefs and the things I support so when I hear you blatantly and ignorantly proclaiming otherwise it makes it impossible to take you seriously.
Why would you go on and on defending the 51 intelligence agents collected by Anthony blinken claiming Russian disinformation on the laptop? Then Joe Biden uses the information in his election campaign . I have to think that propaganda is okay with you. Facebook and Twitter wouldn't allow anybody to talk about the hunter Biden laptop. Pure censorship. Yet that's okay with you. I know you'd like to come off as Noble and nonpartisan but actually you're biased and closed-minded.

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