Zone1 When Is A Baby Considered Alive?

Keep your womb closed, full stop, stop giving access to men you aren't willing to raise children with, same with the man don't want children keep it in your pants. The biggest problem in society is people not having control of themselves.
At least you're honest. Precious few anti-abortion nazis give a shit about the "sanctity of life". They just want to punish "loose women". How about mind your own fucking business????
At least you're honest. Precious few anti-abortion nazis give a shit about the "sanctity of life". They just want to punish "loose women". How about mind your own fucking business????
How about you kiss my arse baby killer! Men get a woman pregnant, she keeps it, he pays. Woman gets pregnant father wants to keep and raise it tough shiiite is that about right no rights for Fathers so shove that up your arse
Ok ghoul I mean does it get you excited when a baby is killed or maby you have had a few and feel the guilt
Yes. It turns me on. I'm a satanic, demonic baby killer. It least I don't rape grandmothers like you do.
Don't you have any kids? You would know this, if you did.

I think Life starts with a heartbeat.

Yes, I know what the guy is saying. But I am sure it is a rare case for a few that don't have a heartbeat and still alive.

Most cases, when a baby starts forming a heartbeat, she/he is usually "officially" alive.

I wonder if those babies who don't have a heartbeat, and still alive, actually go on living a normal life? I a sure they would need some medical device to keep the "heart" pumping somehow.

Mortis??? Hmmm interesting name for a pro-choicer.
Immigration is healthy for any society....

But that 1.6 number is of 2nd generation Americans. It does not include immigrants. Meaning that those people who immigrate here stop having children as well.

So? The planet is already overpopulated and running out of resources. A decline in global populations would be a good thing.

Italy has just crossed the line of sustainability. Zero births last year for most of the nation. Meaning there won't be any Italians very soon.

Really? Because Italy had 379,890 births last year.

So they bring in immigrants. The immigrants learn Italian, and become Italian citizens. Give them advanced classes in waiving their hands around while they talk...


Meanwhile there exists an epidemic of loneliness for most of the Westernized society. The UK, France, Germany, Austria, and etc are all under the same position. No 2nd generation even among immigrants. The ONLY nations reproducing are Muslim extremist and African nations. Not Asian people either.
That's it....

So your problem is the "wrong kinds" of people are reproducing, not that the human race is doomed to extinction. This sounds like a personal problem.

Take your own advice and leave me alone.
Stop being an asshole, and I will happily leave you alone.
So? The planet is already overpopulated and running out of resources. A decline in global populations would be a good thing.

Really? Because Italy had 379,890 births last year.

So they bring in immigrants. The immigrants learn Italian, and become Italian citizens. Give them advanced classes in waiving their hands around while they talk...

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So your problem is the "wrong kinds" of people are reproducing, not that the human race is doomed to extinction. This sounds like a personal problem.

Stop being an asshole, and I will happily leave you alone.
You just embarrassed yourself. We need more people not less. You don’t know basic stats, economics and finance. I am embarrassed for you. Just cause you didn’t reproduce (thankfully) doesn’t mean the rest of us shouldn’t
Fine call men sluts women still need to stay away from such, we are not animals quit making comparisons. Abortion can be done away with by self control, and contraception.

I agree, men will try to play God, they already do!

There is no God, let's not pretend there is.

I am all for policies that reduce the number of abortions, but if someone needs one or even just wants one, I'm not going to get in the way, and I don't want the government to get in the way, either.

It still is has it's own separate DNA and is a separate being.

Okay, let's look at that argument.

A fertilized zygote has it's own DNA and is a separate being. But 2/3rds of fertilized Zygotes never attach to the Uterine wall. About 25% of the ones that do attach still miscarry. 30% of them end in abortion.

More self control during dating would end a lot of the divorce issues, the couple would have to have an actual relationship instead of just a sexual one.

I guess. We don't live in an ideal world.

As a Christian man I fully support sexual education in the setting of a health class just like I had it! problem is they have bastardized it into are you sure you are the right gender instead of actually teaching sex ed I know this to be true.

Thank God for that.

I went to Catholic Schools for 12 years, with their "moralizing" of a frustrated lesbian lecturing us about sex. Fortunately, I grew up straight, I would hate to see how they would have messed with my head if I had been born otherwise.
You just embarrassed yourself. We need more people not less. You don’t know basic stats, economics and finance. I am embarrassed for you. Just cause you didn’t reproduce (thankfully) doesn’t mean the rest of us shouldn’t

No, guy, we don't.

The planet cannot sustain 10 billion people with fossil fuels probably running out in 50 years.
They are? 50 yrs. Who told you that? China tried their one child policy. How is that working out for em? LOL

They'll have a rough patch.

They can easily fix that by allowing more immigration, though.

(I do think the OCP was going too far, BTW).

Doesn't take away from my main point... The world as a whole is overpopulated. We don't have enough resources to sustain 10 billion people, and we'd need three planets to sustain the current population if everyone lived like an American.
They'll have a rough patch.

They can easily fix that by allowing more immigration, though.

(I do think the OCP was going too far, BTW).

Doesn't take away from my main point... The world as a whole is overpopulated. We don't have enough resources to sustain 10 billion people, and we'd need three planets to sustain the current population if everyone lived like an American.
Ahhh therein lies the rub. More Muslims.


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