Zone1 When Is A Baby Considered Alive?

Keep your womb closed, full stop, stop giving access to men you aren't willing to raise children with, same with the man don't want children keep it in your pants. The biggest problem in society is people not having control of themselves.
See J6 and maga looney
Here's what is going on from my perspective. Statists see the government as the be-all, end-all of human society. The final arbiter in matters of moral conscience. They believe government can, and should, prevent all that is evil and promote all that is good. They have no appreciation of the fact that government can't prevent all evil - that it can't even come close. But they think the government should always try, even when the necessary tactics and policing practices would run roughshod over individual rights and create an intrusive police state in the process.
My perspective is we have become a completely selfish society, where we believe self gratification is most important, self control, and common sense are gone, it should be taboo to even talk about killing the unborn but secularism has risen beyond comprehension! Everything has become sexualised to the point young people feel unaccomplished until they have conquest over one another, girls used to sluts to be avoided, boys used to be players who broke hearts and should be avoided, that goes both ways of course
An e.g. 6 weeks old FETUS is a FETUS and NOT a baby.

Personally I am AGAINST abortion anchored in "making one's life easy". However it doesn't change the fact, that ONLY the pregnant women has the right to decide.
Wrong, it already has it's own separate DNA and is a separate person has it's own heartbeat different from the mother. The pregnant woman had a choice as did the man it's called self control
And many believe life begins at conception so you value their opinions? How kind.

Absolutely. If you think that, you are perfectly free to have a funeral for your tampon.

Just leave everyone else alone.

Keep your womb closed, full stop, stop giving access to men you aren't willing to raise children with, same with the man don't want children keep it in your pants. The biggest problem in society is people not having control of themselves.

You see, you have it exactly in reverse. We have complete control of ourselves now.

Back in the bad old days when women were little better than property, they were expected to keep pumping out babies, knowing most of them wouldn't survive childhood. Now that we've crushed polio, smallpox, measles, etc. there's really no good reason for a woman to keep having babies hoping a few of them will survive long enough to take care of you when you are old.

you just have one or two, they go on their way after 18 years, and you get to retire.

Abortion is a good thing, because it returns control to people. As an added bonus, it pisses off religious assholes.
I gave you an answer. If you didn't like that, that's on you.

You really are a whiny little bitch, aren't you?

Anyway, moving on to people who have something to add to a conversation...

It's no deflection at all, guy, you go on with the silly mantra "the bitch should keep her legs closed" or some such misogynistic nonsense. It honestly sounds like you are upset they ain't opening their legs for you.

Scratch an anti-abortionist, find a misogynist, always.

Actually, they forget WHY they passed Roe to start with.

One of the lies the anti-choice right tells itself is that America in 1972 was a happy land of no abortions. This simply wasn't true. By 1972, most OB/GYNs were performing abortions in their offices and writing down something else on the charts. This is why the birth rate didn't drop in 1973 or 1974 (and actually went up in 1975)

The Supremes probably thought that ending the remaining abortion laws was no more controversial than when they had overturned all the contraception laws 8 years earlier in Griswold v. Connecticut. They were dumb laws; no one was enforcing them, and no one was following them.

The problem was the Evangelical right was upset about Jimmy Carter ending segregation in the Churches, but they needed a new issue to get people upset about. This is how this became a political issue when it never should have been.
The man, and the woman should show personal self control to avoid the issue coming up! They passed Roe, based on a lie of how many back ally abortions were being done, they played on the judges heartstrings by inflating the actual number by 10. More abortions are being done with Roe gone, you should be happy. Currently we are behind in birthrate.
Absolutely. If you think that, you are perfectly free to have a funeral for your tampon.

Just leave everyone else alone.

You see, you have it exactly in reverse. We have complete control of ourselves now.

Back in the bad old days when women were little better than property, they were expected to keep pumping out babies, knowing most of them wouldn't survive childhood. Now that we've crushed polio, smallpox, measles, etc. there's really no good reason for a woman to keep having babies hoping a few of them will survive long enough to take care of you when you are old.

you just have one or two, they go on their way after 18 years, and you get to retire.

Abortion is a good thing, because it returns control to people. As an added bonus, it pisses off religious assholes.
What a crock, most wouldn't survive childbirth but reaching in and cutting up a baby to pul it out is safer :laughing0301:
My perspective is we have become a completely selfish society, where we believe self gratification is most important, self control, and common sense are gone, it should be taboo to even talk about killing the unborn but secularism has risen beyond comprehension! Everything has become sexualised to the point young people feel unaccomplished until they have conquest over one another, girls used to sluts to be avoided, boys used to be players who broke hearts and should be avoided, that goes both ways of course

Well, it seems to me that if you are going to use terms like "sluts" and "players", you are setting a double standard. No one wants to be called a slut, a lot of people would be happy to be called a "player".

Here's the thing. Monogamy is actually contrary to nature. In nature, the male is hard wired to drop his seed into as many females as he can, the female is hard-wired to only select the best males. Most of their young don't survive until adulthood.

Today, we have contraception and abortion, which means we have control of the process. We conquered most diseases.

I suspect, someday in the future, sex will be exclusively for recreation, and procreation will be done in a lab, where the best genes are selected and implanted. We might even have artificial wombs at some point, removing the need for pregnancy altogether.

Wrong, it already has it's own separate DNA and is a separate person has it's own heartbeat different from the mother. The pregnant woman had a choice as did the man it's called self control

Deciding to have an abortion is self-control. It's certainly better than the woman who has four different babies by three different baby-daddies and expects the government to take care of that.
What a crock, most wouldn't survive childbirth but reaching in and cutting up a baby to pul it out is safer

It is for the woman.

No one gives a shit about the fetus except the religious fanatics, who stop caring after it's born.

Wrong, it already has it's own separate DNA and is a separate person has it's own heartbeat different from the mother. The pregnant woman had a choice as did the man it's called self control
Go and read up some scientific literature - instead of babbling nonsense.

What size should an embryo be at 6 weeks?

The blastocyst (embryo) now measures between 2.1mm and 4.2mm. The blood vessels that will later form the umbilical cord are continuing to form and develop during this week. The beginnings of the digestive system are also forming, with the first cells of the stomach and intestines developing.

Why do many embryos stop growing at 7 weeks?

There are many reasons why an embryo might stop developing. The embryo could have reduced metabolic activity or slow development and as a result, degenerate. In addition, embryos can stop growing during different stages of development. They may fail to reach the blastocyst stage for several reasons.

Cardiac tissue starts to pulse at around 5–6 weeks of pregnancy, registering as a heartbeat on the ultrasound, though the heart has not developed yet.

As for your propagated and envisioned self-control :
Current U.S. Divorce Rate. As of 2024, the U.S. divorce rate remains between 40% to 50% for first marriages.

- so much for self-control in regards to humping around DURING marriage -

Furthermore you should propagate and support sex-education classes in the USA - something that MAGA and religious dolts reject and constantly oppose and decry.

USA abortion rate per 1000 pregnant women is 11.9
German abortion rate per 1000 pregnant women is 5.5
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I've been saying when they get a heartbeat for years but this guy makes a valid point. Plants are alive and they don't have heartbeats. They're alive because they're growing. So I guess a fetus can be alive in that sense.

Unless there happens to be a massive change in societal norms....

The last generations are on their way now.

Babies and children need to be the norm again.

Italy is leading the EU in population collapse. They had the smallest year on record for new live births. (Vatican prohibits the use of contraception)
Meaning soon there will no longer be any Italians. That race is evaporating.

America is not far behind the EU in population collapse either. A 1.6 live birth rate for every woman (and shrinking rapidly) is not good enough for stasis much less growth.

We are desperate for live births.
Unless there happens to be a massive change in societal norms....

The last generations are on their way now.

Babies and children need to be the norm again.

Italy is leading the EU in population collapse. They had the smallest year on record for new live births. (Vatican prohibits the use of contraception)
Meaning soon there will no longer be any Italians. That race is evaporating.

America is not far behind the EU in population collapse either. A 1.6 live birth rate for every woman (and shrinking rapidly) is not good enough for stasis much less growth.

We are desperate for live births.

Or you just accept immigrants and assimilate them into your society. That works, too. It's kind of what America has been doing for 250 years.

My personal ancestry includes German, Irish, Dutch, English, and Cherokee Indian. My extended family through marriage includes Polish, Lithuanian, Mexican, and Chinese.
Or you just accept immigrants and assimilate them into your society. That works, too. It's kind of what America has been doing for 250 years.

My personal ancestry includes German, Irish, Dutch, English, and Cherokee Indian. My extended family through marriage includes Polish, Lithuanian, Mexican, and Chinese.
Immigration is healthy for any society....

But that 1.6 number is of 2nd generation Americans. It does not include immigrants. Meaning that those people who immigrate here stop having children as well.

There is not any desire by people for a living legacy anymore. Children have become like an accessory/furnishing instead of a means to build a unique legacy.

Children are also viewed as an expensive interruption for life goals....generally speaking. Not specifically. And parents to a child with birth defects or genetic anomalies are considered similar to being incarcerated in prison.

Italy has just crossed the line of sustainability. Zero births last year for most of the nation. Meaning there won't be any Italians very soon.

Meanwhile there exists an epidemic of loneliness for most of the Westernized society. The UK, France, Germany, Austria, and etc are all under the same position. No 2nd generation even among immigrants. The ONLY nations reproducing are Muslim extremist and African nations. Not Asian people either.
That's it....

There exists a fundamental flaw in Westernized ideals that needs to be remedied. Because if things continue there will not be a Westernized society.
People can personally believe what ever they want - Science can define LIFE via the first heartbeat or the Brain neurons being activated.

By the ninth week of pregnancy, the embryo develops into a fetus. The neural tube (later the brain develops from week 6/7 onward.
The fetal stage of development begins around the ninth week - This is when the embryo officially turns into a fetus. The fetus gets its assigned sex around nine weeks of pregnancy.

Therefore before week 9 - the sex (which is so important to MAGA's to later refute and bash onto gender surgery) isn't even defined.

And a Fetus with a heartbeat but no brain neurons being active, is dead meat.
So when do you believe life begins, little cup? So far you provided a bunch of bs. Point is brain activity will develop.

When do YOU believe life begins? Zero to do with MAGA. You fruitcake.
Absolutely. If you think that, you are perfectly free to have a funeral for your tampon.

Just leave everyone else alone.

You see, you have it exactly in reverse. We have complete control of ourselves now.

Back in the bad old days when women were little better than property, they were expected to keep pumping out babies, knowing most of them wouldn't survive childhood. Now that we've crushed polio, smallpox, measles, etc. there's really no good reason for a woman to keep having babies hoping a few of them will survive long enough to take care of you when you are old.

you just have one or two, they go on their way after 18 years, and you get to retire.

Abortion is a good thing, because it returns control to people. As an added bonus, it pisses off religious assholes.
Take your own advice and leave me alone. Fair? Instead you and your fat ugly women keep screaming my body my choice.
People can personally believe what ever they want - Science can define LIFE via the first heartbeat or the Brain neurons being activated.

By the ninth week of pregnancy, the embryo develops into a fetus. The neural tube (later the brain develops from week 6/7 onward.
The fetal stage of development begins around the ninth week - This is when the embryo officially turns into a fetus. The fetus gets its assigned sex around nine weeks of pregnancy.

Therefore before week 9 - the sex (which is so important to MAGA's to later refute and bash onto gender surgery) isn't even defined.

And a Fetus with a heartbeat but no brain neurons being active, is dead meat.
Dead doesn't continue to grow and develop.
Well, it seems to me that if you are going to use terms like "sluts" and "players", you are setting a double standard. No one wants to be called a slut, a lot of people would be happy to be called a "player".

Here's the thing. Monogamy is actually contrary to nature. In nature, the male is hard wired to drop his seed into as many females as he can, the female is hard-wired to only select the best males. Most of their young don't survive until adulthood.

Today, we have contraception and abortion, which means we have control of the process. We conquered most diseases.

I suspect, someday in the future, sex will be exclusively for recreation, and procreation will be done in a lab, where the best genes are selected and implanted. We might even have artificial wombs at some point, removing the need for pregnancy altogether.

Deciding to have an abortion is self-control. It's certainly better than the woman who has four different babies by three different baby-daddies and expects the government to take care of that.
Fine call men sluts women still need to stay away from such, we are not animals quit making comparisons. Abortion can be done away with by self control, and contraception.

I agree, men will try to play God, they already do!
Go and read up some scientific literature - instead of babbling nonsense.

What size should an embryo be at 6 weeks?

The blastocyst (embryo) now measures between 2.1mm and 4.2mm. The blood vessels that will later form the umbilical cord are continuing to form and develop during this week. The beginnings of the digestive system are also forming, with the first cells of the stomach and intestines developing.

Why do many embryos stop growing at 7 weeks?

There are many reasons why an embryo might stop developing. The embryo could have reduced metabolic activity or slow development and as a result, degenerate. In addition, embryos can stop growing during different stages of development. They may fail to reach the blastocyst stage for several reasons.

Cardiac tissue starts to pulse at around 5–6 weeks of pregnancy, registering as a heartbeat on the ultrasound, though the heart has not developed yet.

As for your propagated and envisioned self-control :
Current U.S. Divorce Rate. As of 2024, the U.S. divorce rate remains between 40% to 50% for first marriages.

- so much for self-control in regards to humping around DURING marriage -

Furthermore you should propagate and support sex-education classes in the USA - something that MAGA and religious dolts reject and constantly oppose and decry.

USA abortion rate per 1000 pregnant women is 11.9
German abortion rate per 1000 pregnant women is 5.5
Ahem hold my soft drink!
It still is has it's own separate DNA and is a separate being.
More self control during dating would end a lot of the divorce issues, the couple would have to have an actual relationship instead of just a sexual one.
As a Christian man I fully support sexual education in the setting of a health class just like I had it! problem is they have bastardized it into are you sure you are the right gender instead of actually teaching sex ed I know this to be true.

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