Zone1 When Is A Baby Considered Alive?

Well, not after it's aborted.

Guy, stop money-grubbing, it doesn't make you look good. You're confirming all the worst stereotypes.

They aren't children and it isn't murder.

Even when abortion was illegal in this country, it was never charged as murder, and the women weren't charged at all.

The day you try to throw a woman in prison for having an abortion is the day you guys are done.
You continue to completely ignore the the fact that no one is forcing women to be pregnant. No one is forcing them to lay down ad spread their legs the control that. To then be able to murder that child, based on her, and his lack of control, is wrong and should be illegal.
Again, viability outside the womb.

See Roe where the Supreme Court set the law.

Have to kind of step in here.

The problem with the 'viability' standards set down in Roe is that they were immediately set aside in Doe v. Bolton, which was issued on the same day as Roe. Doe allowed for an abortion after viability if the doctor determined it was any threat to the mother's health (not just her life), including her mental health.

You continue to completely ignore the the fact that no one is forcing women to be pregnant. No one is forcing them to lay down ad spread their legs the control that. To then be able to murder that child, based on her, and his lack of control, is wrong and should be illegal.

Dude, I have to ask, when was the last time you got laid?
You continue to completely ignore the the fact that no one is forcing women to be pregnant. No one is forcing them to lay down ad spread their legs the control that. To then be able to murder that child, based on her, and his lack of control, is wrong and should be illegal.
You need to face the fact, that many women are just as dumb, reckless, egoistic or self-centered as those MAGA dolts.
And just as one can't change those - one can't change those women. Especially NOT via governmnet introduced laws - since that is exactly as to what MAGA dolts oppose and absolutely reject.

Individual FREEDOM pure according to the US constitution - right? no matter if it's the 2nd amendment or the 14th - right?

The US Supreme Court
recognized that the right to abortion is a fundamental liberty protected by the Fourteenth Amendment of the Constitution.
If you are working on the question, "When does an individual human life begin", my answer is, "When the mother decides to carry it to term."
That is factually and provably false, as has been pointed out multiple times.
Some day you'll be able to add to a conversation...

Today isn't that day and tomorrow isn't looking promising.
Take your own advice.

When does life begin? That was the question. Not “did” but does. You tried humor. Failed. You then went on your anti abortion rant when I did not ask for that. You then went on an ad hominem attack. You received what you deserved. Why don’t you report me again. That worked so well the prior 100x or so that you did it.

Have to kind of step in here.

The problem with the 'viability' standards set down in Roe is that they were immediately set aside in Doe v. Bolton, which was issued on the same day as Roe. Doe allowed for an abortion after viability if the doctor determined it was any threat to the mother's health (not just her life), including her mental health.

Dude, I have to ask, when was the last time you got laid?
Quit deflecting. Do you understand the post made? No one is forcing the woman or the man into sex. They both participate he and she should have better self control.
You need to face the fact, that many women are just as dumb, reckless, egoistic or self-centered as those MAGA dolts.
And just as one can't change those - one can't change those women. Especially NOT via governmnet introduced laws - since that is exactly as to what MAGA dolts oppose and absolutely reject.

Individual FREEDOM pure according to the US constitution - right? no matter if it's the 2nd amendment or the 14th - right?

The US Supreme Court
recognized that the right to abortion is a fundamental liberty protected by the Fourteenth Amendment of the Constitution.
Yeah and they recently fixed their mistake. I am for the freedom of that baby to grow up and realize life liberty and pursuit of happiness. This isn't about politics, although it has been made to be that, it's the difference between right, and wrong, killing the unborn in the womb is wrong, full stop!
Yeah and they recently fixed their mistake. I am for the freedom of that baby to grow up and realize life liberty and pursuit of happiness. This isn't about politics, although it has been made to be that, it's the difference between right, and wrong, killing the unborn in the womb is wrong, full stop!
Someone else's womb is none of your business, full stop!
Yeah and they recently fixed their mistake. I am for the freedom of that baby to grow up and realize life liberty and pursuit of happiness. This isn't about politics, although it has been made to be that, it's the difference between right, and wrong, killing the unborn in the womb is wrong, full stop!
Here's what is going on from my perspective. Statists see the government as the be-all, end-all of human society. The final arbiter in matters of moral conscience. They believe government can, and should, prevent all that is evil and promote all that is good. They have no appreciation of the fact that government can't prevent all evil - that it can't even come close. But they think the government should always try, even when the necessary tactics and policing practices would run roughshod over individual rights and create an intrusive police state in the process.
Yeah and they recently fixed their mistake. I am for the freedom of that baby to grow up and realize life liberty and pursuit of happiness. This isn't about politics, although it has been made to be that, it's the difference between right, and wrong, killing the unborn in the womb is wrong, full stop!
An e.g. 6 weeks old FETUS is a FETUS and NOT a baby.

Personally I am AGAINST abortion anchored in "making one's life easy". However it doesn't change the fact, that ONLY the pregnant women has the right to decide.
When does life begin? That was the question. Not “did” but does. You tried humor. Failed. You then went on your anti abortion rant when I did not ask for that. You then went on an ad hominem attack. You received what you deserved. Why don’t you report me again. That worked so well the prior 100x or so that you did it.

I gave you an answer. If you didn't like that, that's on you.

You really are a whiny little bitch, aren't you?

Anyway, moving on to people who have something to add to a conversation...

Quit deflecting. Do you understand the post made? No one is forcing the woman or the man into sex. They both participate he and she should have better self control.

It's no deflection at all, guy, you go on with the silly mantra "the bitch should keep her legs closed" or some such misogynistic nonsense. It honestly sounds like you are upset they ain't opening their legs for you.

Scratch an anti-abortionist, find a misogynist, always.

Yeah and they recently fixed their mistake. I am for the freedom of that baby to grow up and realize life liberty and pursuit of happiness. This isn't about politics, although it has been made to be that, it's the difference between right, and wrong, killing the unborn in the womb is wrong, full stop!

Actually, they forget WHY they passed Roe to start with.

One of the lies the anti-choice right tells itself is that America in 1972 was a happy land of no abortions. This simply wasn't true. By 1972, most OB/GYNs were performing abortions in their offices and writing down something else on the charts. This is why the birth rate didn't drop in 1973 or 1974 (and actually went up in 1975)

The Supremes probably thought that ending the remaining abortion laws was no more controversial than when they had overturned all the contraception laws 8 years earlier in Griswold v. Connecticut. They were dumb laws; no one was enforcing them, and no one was following them.

The problem was the Evangelical right was upset about Jimmy Carter ending segregation in the Churches, but they needed a new issue to get people upset about. This is how this became a political issue when it never should have been.
I gave you an answer. If you didn't like that, that's on you.

You really are a whiny little bitch, aren't you?

Anyway, moving on to people who have something to add to a conversation...

It's no deflection at all, guy, you go on with the silly mantra "the bitch should keep her legs closed" or some such misogynistic nonsense. It honestly sounds like you are upset they ain't opening their legs for you.

Scratch an anti-abortionist, find a misogynist, always.

Actually, they forget WHY they passed Roe to start with.

One of the lies the anti-choice right tells itself is that America in 1972 was a happy land of no abortions. This simply wasn't true. By 1972, most OB/GYNs were performing abortions in their offices and writing down something else on the charts. This is why the birth rate didn't drop in 1973 or 1974 (and actually went up in 1975)

The Supremes probably thought that ending the remaining abortion laws was no more controversial than when they had overturned all the contraception laws 8 years earlier in Griswold v. Connecticut. They were dumb laws; no one was enforcing them, and no one was following them.

The problem was the Evangelical right was upset about Jimmy Carter ending segregation in the Churches, but they needed a new issue to get people upset about. This is how this became a political issue when it never should have been.
Nope. You still have yet to answer. Are
You going to tattle again? Talk about whiny bitch.
I gave you an answer, you just didn't like it.

This sounds like your problem, not mine.
You went back 4bn years. The answer is…follow me…it’s subjective and we don’t have consensus. So how can we protect life when we don’t have consensus in terms of when it begins.

Aren’t you tired of me embarrassing you constantly and consistently?
You went back 4bn years. The answer is…follow me…it’s subjective and we don’t have consensus. So how can we protect life when we don’t have consensus in terms of when it begins.

Aren’t you tired of me embarrassing you constantly and consistently?

You only embarrass yourself by proving every bad stereotype...

I agree it's subjective. It's entirely subject to the opinion of the woman that fetus is inside.
You only embarrass yourself by proving every bad stereotype...

I agree it's subjective. It's entirely subject to the opinion of the woman that fetus is inside.
And many believe life begins at conception so you value their opinions? How kind.
And many believe life begins at conception so you value their opinions? How kind.
People can personally believe what ever they want - Science can define LIFE via the first heartbeat or the Brain neurons being activated.

By the ninth week of pregnancy, the embryo develops into a fetus. The neural tube (later the brain develops from week 6/7 onward.
The fetal stage of development begins around the ninth week - This is when the embryo officially turns into a fetus. The fetus gets its assigned sex around nine weeks of pregnancy.

Therefore before week 9 - the sex (which is so important to MAGA's to later refute and bash onto gender surgery) isn't even defined.

And a Fetus with a heartbeat but no brain neurons being active, is dead meat.
Someone else's womb is none of your business, full stop!
Keep your womb closed, full stop, stop giving access to men you aren't willing to raise children with, same with the man don't want children keep it in your pants. The biggest problem in society is people not having control of themselves.

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