When has a union created a job?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Or for that matter.. when has a group of poor people created jobs?

Or why don't we declare ALL businesses are NONPROFIT!

Which means there will be committees , i.e. central planners in D.C. that will tell all oil, transportation, manufacturers how often they will drill, or pump or when cars can be on the roads, or how many iPads can be built because
Central planning" says there isn't enough lithium available for the batteries because Central planning hasn't signed the Afghanistan agreement from China!

NOT for profits meaning NO Federal income/state/local/sales or property taxes!

Come on all of you are in favor of withdrawing from these evil profit making banks and putting into those kindly nonprofit credit unions right???
AFter all they have "union" in their name!

So who will pay the property taxes after all NONPROFITS are exempt!

Again.. tell me all you OWS supporters.. why not do away with ALL evil for profit companies?

Because that seems to be the logical extension!
When has a union created a job?

Or for that matter.. when has a group of poor people created jobs?

Or why don't we declare ALL businesses are NONPROFIT!

Which means there will be committees , i.e. central planners in D.C. that will tell all oil, transportation, manufacturers how often they will drill, or pump or when cars can be on the roads, or how many iPads can be built because
Central planning" says there isn't enough lithium available for the batteries because Central planning hasn't signed the Afghanistan agreement from China!

NOT for profits meaning NO Federal income/state/local/sales or property taxes!

Come on all of you are in favor of withdrawing from these evil profit making banks and putting into those kindly nonprofit credit unions right???
AFter all they have "union" in their name!

So who will pay the property taxes after all NONPROFITS are exempt!

Again.. tell me all you OWS supporters.. why not do away with ALL evil for profit companies?

Because that seems to be the logical extension!

I think "business agent" is a job created by unions.


They've probably created jobs for lawyers also.
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Or for that matter.. when has a group of poor people created jobs?

Or why don't we declare ALL businesses are NONPROFIT!

Which means there will be committees , i.e. central planners in D.C. that will tell all oil, transportation, manufacturers how often they will drill, or pump or when cars can be on the roads, or how many iPads can be built because
Central planning" says there isn't enough lithium available for the batteries because Central planning hasn't signed the Afghanistan agreement from China!

NOT for profits meaning NO Federal income/state/local/sales or property taxes!

Come on all of you are in favor of withdrawing from these evil profit making banks and putting into those kindly nonprofit credit unions right???
AFter all they have "union" in their name!

So who will pay the property taxes after all NONPROFITS are exempt!

Again.. tell me all you OWS supporters.. why not do away with ALL evil for profit companies?

Because that seems to be the logical extension!
That's funny, everyone I ever worked for swore up and down on a stack of bibles that they were poor and not making a profit. :eusa_whistle:

Priceless. A bureaucracy of nonconstructive jobs to facilitate more and more money coming to the unions to further buttress the bureaucracy.

I'm trying to think of the right phrase. "Orwellian" comes to mind but so does "Rube Goldberg". There's another more appropriate one floating near the tip of my tongue.

Anyway ... beautiful list. Thanks for finding that!

Priceless. A bureaucracy of nonconstructive jobs to facilitate more and more money coming to the unions to further buttress the bureaucracy.

I'm trying to think of the right phrase. "Orwellian" comes to mind but so does "Rube Goldberg". There's another more appropriate one floating near the tip of my tongue.

Anyway ... beautiful list. Thanks for finding that!

Amazing isnt it? Lots of jobs that the union has created..... jobs in and of for themselves for and by the unions, to make more union dues to pay themselves more with....

When 3 trucks pulled up to a jobsite of mine in Floridastan with loads of drywall and the owner was forced to "call the hall" since there were only journeyman on the job and unloading of trucks was work for laborers.

Priceless. A bureaucracy of nonconstructive jobs to facilitate more and more money coming to the unions to further buttress the bureaucracy.

I'm trying to think of the right phrase. "Orwellian" comes to mind but so does "Rube Goldberg". There's another more appropriate one floating near the tip of my tongue.

Anyway ... beautiful list. Thanks for finding that!

Amazing isnt it? Lots of jobs that the union has created..... jobs in and of for themselves for and by the unions, to make more union dues to pay themselves more with....

I clicked on a few! I might even apply!
Two common denominators I found was "community organizer(ing) a plus" and there didn't appear to be any type of educational requirements :eek:
See? We CAN do it, we CAN get rich like Bill Gates did! :eusa_shhh:
...and it's blatantly obvious that unions and union organizers are marxist. If you agree with marxism, I'd like to say more power to you and what have you- but in all honesty- get out of our country.

Here is a FACT about unions that is little known or mentioned-

In a non-union job - a salary might be say, 25 or 26 $ per hour, right?

In a union job, that same position would cost the employer 43-46 $ per hour.
Or for that matter.. when has a group of poor people created jobs?

Or why don't we declare ALL businesses are NONPROFIT!

Which means there will be committees , i.e. central planners in D.C. that will tell all oil, transportation, manufacturers how often they will drill, or pump or when cars can be on the roads, or how many iPads can be built because
Central planning" says there isn't enough lithium available for the batteries because Central planning hasn't signed the Afghanistan agreement from China!

NOT for profits meaning NO Federal income/state/local/sales or property taxes!

Come on all of you are in favor of withdrawing from these evil profit making banks and putting into those kindly nonprofit credit unions right???
AFter all they have "union" in their name!

So who will pay the property taxes after all NONPROFITS are exempt!

Again.. tell me all you OWS supporters.. why not do away with ALL evil for profit companies?

Because that seems to be the logical extension!

I think you miss the point.

The purpose of unions are not to "create" jobs. Unions don't create jobs, and neither do corporations. Consumer demand creates jobs- either in the free market or through public expediture.

The free market might put six flavors of Pepsi on your shelf, but the public sector is the only one that can put a road to the supermarket.

So the real conflict between management and unions are to fairly divide the proceeds of an enterprise.

Overall, this is good, because you can only really have consumer demand if people are making decent enough money to afford nice things. The problem is, in our investment/creditor economy, the money people make go to paying interest on loans and credit cards rather than buying consumer goods, creating demand and jobs. Where it falls apart is when a union or a corporation maximizes its profits irregardless of the needs of the market.

Example- When Detroit kept making big cars when the the market demanded smaller ones. So they ended up with whole lots of SUV's they couldn't sell, because no one wanted to spend $80.00 for a fillup. Big cars are more profitable.

Example- When teacher unions insist on keeping bad teachers because they have seniority, even though they are failing to meet even the most basic standards.

So the OWS people have a valid point, which is that there is already a wealth redistribution happening.

Where they fall short on reason is in finding solutions. They will go home and eventually use all their corporate made goods and have a quiet, enjoyable life compared to most of the world.
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