What's Up With Obama's Love For American-Killing Criminals and Terrorists?


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
After taking an oath to protect and defend the Constitution and enforce the Rule of Law, President Obama has done anything BUT do those things, at the cost of American lives.

Obama refuses to enforce immigration law, weakened - not secured - the border, engaged in human trafficking to bring illegals here, dumped them al lover the US without warning local and state authorities, was found in Contempt of Court for refusing to divulge those locations, ordered illegals committing crimes below the level of a 'Felony' NOT be arrested / convicted, has let violent arrested illegals out of jail - refusing to deport them, protects criminal federal law-violating US Sanctuary Cities that provide safe haven to violent illegals who prey upon US citizens, refused to sign Kate's Law, armed Mexican Drug Cartels who are responsible for the deaths of over 500 people, to include 2 US citizens and a US Border Patrol Agent, a group Obama has all but tied their hands so they can not stop aiding and abetting illegals to come into the US.

As a result of Obama's refusal to secure our borders, provide for the safety of US citizens, directly putting them in jeopardy by providing criminals weapons, and of refusing to enforce US law while BREAKING US law, many Americans have fallen victim to his Illegal hoard - a lot of dead Americans because Obama has chosen to embrace criminals / illegals, break the law, and make illegals a higher priority than American citizens.

Before Libs falsely scream 'BS', maybe they should read the names of a few of the Americans who have died at the hands of illegals Obama has helped bring into this country:

Victims of Illegal Aliens Memorial
After arming terrorists who for years from Libya had hired Jihadists to go to Afghanistan and Iraq to kill Americans, Obama dragged the United States into the middle of a civil war, supporting terrorists over a dictator, using our military without Congressional approval to help AL QAEIDA - the perpetrators of 9/11/01, who killed thousands of Americans - take over their own country...resulting in the needless deaths of 4 Americans due to a failed attempt to maintain the false perception of truth regarding Obama's re-election year lies that 'Al Qaeida is on the run' and 'The war on terror is over'.
Let 'em go...let 'em go...Let 'em go from Gitmo. I think Obama watches too many movies with his kids.
After his embarrassing 'Red Line' fiasco on the world stage Obama became obsessed with Assad and Syria, determined to make amends for his buffoonery, He started his own personal proxy war, supplying, arming, training, and protecting 'rebels' - ISIS - to go against Assad. He spent millions supplying, arming, and training 6 (SIX) 'rebels', only to have 5 join ISIS and 1 be killed by Russian troops. He called them a 'JV Team', tried to claim they were no threat, created a massively failed policy of 'containment' instead of having the intent of defeating them, and allowed them to freely flow into Iraq UN-OPPOSED to take over much of the country that had been liberated by our military AT GREAT COST. In their wake, ISIS left a trail of thousands of beheaded, burnt, drowned, and otherwise dead bodies and families / lives ruined.

He arrogantly claimed HE had 'contained' them from France....the night before ISIS humiliated him while devastating France by perpetrating the largest attack upon France since WWII, killing and wounding many. Obama had declared that it had been his policy all along to 'Contain', not defeat, ISIS, and Paris bore the brunt of the attack that underscored just how failed Obama's policy had been.

In the wake of the attack, while French and Russian planes took off the ground, enroute to deliver payback to ISIS, Obama had US troops drop leaflets down to ISIS to warn them of the pending attack. Where I come from, in the military I served / serve in that is called 'Treason'!
After taking an oath to protect and defend the Constitution and enforce the Rule of Law, President Obama has done anything BUT do those things, at the cost of American lives.

Obama refuses to enforce immigration law, weakened - not secured - the border, engaged in human trafficking to bring illegals here, dumped them al lover the US without warning local and state authorities, was found in Contempt of Court for refusing to divulge those locations, ordered illegals committing crimes below the level of a 'Felony' NOT be arrested / convicted, has let violent arrested illegals out of jail - refusing to deport them, protects criminal federal law-violating US Sanctuary Cities that provide safe haven to violent illegals who prey upon US citizens, refused to sign Kate's Law, armed Mexican Drug Cartels who are responsible for the deaths of over 500 people, to include 2 US citizens and a US Border Patrol Agent, a group Obama has all but tied their hands so they can not stop aiding and abetting illegals to come into the US.

As a result of Obama's refusal to secure our borders, provide for the safety of US citizens, directly putting them in jeopardy by providing criminals weapons, and of refusing to enforce US law while BREAKING US law, many Americans have fallen victim to his Illegal hoard - a lot of dead Americans because Obama has chosen to embrace criminals / illegals, break the law, and make illegals a higher priority than American citizens.

Before Libs falsely scream 'BS', maybe they should read the names of a few of the Americans who have died at the hands of illegals Obama has helped bring into this country:

Victims of Illegal Aliens Memorial

there should be a memorial for victims of white christian supremacist terrorists.
Helping the Muslim Brotherhood take power in Egypt, helping Al Qaeida take over Libya, aiding / abetting / protecting ISIS, giving a visa to a terrorist so she could come to the US to kill 12 Americans WHILE he was mocking Americans over their concerns for our national security and their safety, KNOWING that illegals and terrorists he was letting into the country were killing Americans but STILL continued and refused to exercise caution, sending out his Attorney General to threaten Americans if they exercised their 1st Amendment rights after the terrorist to whom Obama's administration gave a visa and allowed into the country killed 12 Americans...?!
there should be a memorial for victims of white christian supremacist terrorists.
Yeah, 'cause there is a massive epidemic of THAT going on in the world, dwarfing the Islamic Extremist threat or even the number of Americans being killed at home by illegals right now....

After taking an oath to protect and defend the Constitution and enforce the Rule of Law, President Obama has done anything BUT do those things, at the cost of American lives.

Obama refuses to enforce immigration law, weakened - not secured - the border, engaged in human trafficking to bring illegals here, dumped them al lover the US without warning local and state authorities, was found in Contempt of Court for refusing to divulge those locations, ordered illegals committing crimes below the level of a 'Felony' NOT be arrested / convicted, has let violent arrested illegals out of jail - refusing to deport them, protects criminal federal law-violating US Sanctuary Cities that provide safe haven to violent illegals who prey upon US citizens, refused to sign Kate's Law, armed Mexican Drug Cartels who are responsible for the deaths of over 500 people, to include 2 US citizens and a US Border Patrol Agent, a group Obama has all but tied their hands so they can not stop aiding and abetting illegals to come into the US.

As a result of Obama's refusal to secure our borders, provide for the safety of US citizens, directly putting them in jeopardy by providing criminals weapons, and of refusing to enforce US law while BREAKING US law, many Americans have fallen victim to his Illegal hoard - a lot of dead Americans because Obama has chosen to embrace criminals / illegals, break the law, and make illegals a higher priority than American citizens.

Before Libs falsely scream 'BS', maybe they should read the names of a few of the Americans who have died at the hands of illegals Obama has helped bring into this country:

Victims of Illegal Aliens Memorial

there should be a memorial for victims of white christian supremacist terrorists.
Who are mostly liberals.
After taking an oath to protect and defend the Constitution and enforce the Rule of Law, President Obama has done anything BUT do those things, at the cost of American lives.

Obama refuses to enforce immigration law, weakened - not secured - the border, engaged in human trafficking to bring illegals here, dumped them al lover the US without warning local and state authorities, was found in Contempt of Court for refusing to divulge those locations, ordered illegals committing crimes below the level of a 'Felony' NOT be arrested / convicted, has let violent arrested illegals out of jail - refusing to deport them, protects criminal federal law-violating US Sanctuary Cities that provide safe haven to violent illegals who prey upon US citizens, refused to sign Kate's Law, armed Mexican Drug Cartels who are responsible for the deaths of over 500 people, to include 2 US citizens and a US Border Patrol Agent, a group Obama has all but tied their hands so they can not stop aiding and abetting illegals to come into the US.

As a result of Obama's refusal to secure our borders, provide for the safety of US citizens, directly putting them in jeopardy by providing criminals weapons, and of refusing to enforce US law while BREAKING US law, many Americans have fallen victim to his Illegal hoard - a lot of dead Americans because Obama has chosen to embrace criminals / illegals, break the law, and make illegals a higher priority than American citizens.

Before Libs falsely scream 'BS', maybe they should read the names of a few of the Americans who have died at the hands of illegals Obama has helped bring into this country:

Victims of Illegal Aliens Memorial

there should be a memorial for victims of white christian supremacist terrorists.
Who are mostly liberals.

you know, loony liar.... you really need to stop lying through your teeth. :cuckoo:

the white christian supremacists are yours. own them. embrace them.

but stop lying about who they are loony toon.
After taking an oath to protect and defend the Constitution and enforce the Rule of Law, President Obama has done anything BUT do those things, at the cost of American lives.

Obama refuses to enforce immigration law, weakened - not secured - the border, engaged in human trafficking to bring illegals here, dumped them al lover the US without warning local and state authorities, was found in Contempt of Court for refusing to divulge those locations, ordered illegals committing crimes below the level of a 'Felony' NOT be arrested / convicted, has let violent arrested illegals out of jail - refusing to deport them, protects criminal federal law-violating US Sanctuary Cities that provide safe haven to violent illegals who prey upon US citizens, refused to sign Kate's Law, armed Mexican Drug Cartels who are responsible for the deaths of over 500 people, to include 2 US citizens and a US Border Patrol Agent, a group Obama has all but tied their hands so they can not stop aiding and abetting illegals to come into the US.

As a result of Obama's refusal to secure our borders, provide for the safety of US citizens, directly putting them in jeopardy by providing criminals weapons, and of refusing to enforce US law while BREAKING US law, many Americans have fallen victim to his Illegal hoard - a lot of dead Americans because Obama has chosen to embrace criminals / illegals, break the law, and make illegals a higher priority than American citizens.

Before Libs falsely scream 'BS', maybe they should read the names of a few of the Americans who have died at the hands of illegals Obama has helped bring into this country:

Victims of Illegal Aliens Memorial

there should be a memorial for victims of white christian supremacist terrorists.
Who are mostly liberals.

you know, loony liar.... you really need to stop lying through your teeth. :cuckoo:

the white christian supremacists are yours. own them. embrace them.

but stop lying about who they are loony toon.
Most of the mass shooters are progressives...
After taking an oath to protect and defend the Constitution and enforce the Rule of Law, President Obama has done anything BUT do those things, at the cost of American lives.

Obama refuses to enforce immigration law, weakened - not secured - the border, engaged in human trafficking to bring illegals here, dumped them al lover the US without warning local and state authorities, was found in Contempt of Court for refusing to divulge those locations, ordered illegals committing crimes below the level of a 'Felony' NOT be arrested / convicted, has let violent arrested illegals out of jail - refusing to deport them, protects criminal federal law-violating US Sanctuary Cities that provide safe haven to violent illegals who prey upon US citizens, refused to sign Kate's Law, armed Mexican Drug Cartels who are responsible for the deaths of over 500 people, to include 2 US citizens and a US Border Patrol Agent, a group Obama has all but tied their hands so they can not stop aiding and abetting illegals to come into the US.

As a result of Obama's refusal to secure our borders, provide for the safety of US citizens, directly putting them in jeopardy by providing criminals weapons, and of refusing to enforce US law while BREAKING US law, many Americans have fallen victim to his Illegal hoard - a lot of dead Americans because Obama has chosen to embrace criminals / illegals, break the law, and make illegals a higher priority than American citizens.

Before Libs falsely scream 'BS', maybe they should read the names of a few of the Americans who have died at the hands of illegals Obama has helped bring into this country:

Victims of Illegal Aliens Memorial

there should be a memorial for victims of white christian supremacist terrorists.
Who are mostly liberals.

you know, loony liar.... you really need to stop lying through your teeth. :cuckoo:

the white christian supremacists are yours. own them. embrace them.

but stop lying about who they are loony toon.
You need to check the facts which I know that's hard for you, but most of mass shootings are done by liberals.
After arming terrorists who for years from Libya had hired Jihadists to go to Afghanistan and Iraq to kill Americans, Obama dragged the United States into the middle of a civil war, supporting terrorists over a dictator, using our military without Congressional approval to help AL QAEIDA - the perpetrators of 9/11/01, who killed thousands of Americans - take over their own country...resulting in the needless deaths of 4 Americans due to a failed attempt to maintain the false perception of truth regarding Obama's re-election year lies that 'Al Qaeida is on the run' and 'The war on terror is over'.

Your delusions are sad. If I gave a shit, I'd feel sorry for you. Luckily I don't.

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