What will happen when Republicans overturn a woman's right to control her own body?


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
The new GOP nominee said birth control is "abortion in a pill".

Birth Control didn't become legal for married couples until the late 1960's.

Birth Control didn't become legal for single people until the 1070's.

When abortion was illegal, women died going to what was called "backstreet butchers".

Today's women are NOT the women of the 1950's.

I believe Republicans will manage to overturn Roe vs Wade. Even if they don't actually overturn the law, they will put so many restrictions on the law, it will basically be overturned.

Then what? Will it stay overturned forever?

Will women be thankful that old white men control their bodies?
My guess is women will not stand for it.

You know if old white men could get pregnant this wouldn't even be an issue.
The new GOP nominee said birth control is "abortion in a pill".

Birth Control didn't become legal for married couples until the late 1960's.

Birth Control didn't become legal for single people until the 1070's.

When abortion was illegal, women died going to what was called "backstreet butchers".

Today's women are NOT the women of the 1950's.

I believe Republicans will manage to overturn Roe vs Wade. Even if they don't actually overturn the law, they will put so many restrictions on the law, it will basically be overturned.

Then what? Will it stay overturned forever?

Will women be thankful that old white men control their bodies?
It will become the Old "Bitch, moan, groan".
Will women be thankful that old white men control their bodies?

They seem to be ...

Take the libertarian solution, as with most issues it's usually the correct approach, "I won't tell you what to do with your body as long as you don't expect me to pay for your decisions".
What will happen when Republicans overturn a woman's right to control her own body?

Isn't that just a roundabout way of asking what will happen when fetuses are finally recognized as having a fundamental RIGHT TO LIFE, Deanturd? And which is more important, a right to life or control of one's own body after the fact which the woman obviously failed at to begin with? Worse, it isn't HER body we are concerned with but the body of ANOTHER she carries within her!
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So many outdated stereotypes. Unbeknownst to people like deanrd, more and more young people are becoming prolife. Probably because they grew up in a time where ultrasounds clearly show the humanity of the pre-born.

But do go on with those tired old stereotypes like only "old white men" are prolife, yada yada yada.
The new GOP nominee said birth control is "abortion in a pill".

Birth Control didn't become legal for married couples until the late 1960's.

Birth Control didn't become legal for single people until the 1070's.

When abortion was illegal, women died going to what was called "backstreet butchers".

Today's women are NOT the women of the 1950's.

I believe Republicans will manage to overturn Roe vs Wade. Even if they don't actually overturn the law, they will put so many restrictions on the law, it will basically be overturned.

Then what? Will it stay overturned forever?

Will women be thankful that old white men control their bodies?

The Republicans don't want to do that. The Republicans want to keep a woman from killing an innocent human being. Try to be accurate when you are lying.
Maybe they will start using birth control! What a novel idea, huh?
How many couples would be so grateful that they finally could have the child they always wanted but unable to have?

But those women carrying the child would lost their waistline for months. They put their priorities in line. Its more important to look sexy instead of saving a life.
The new GOP nominee said birth control is "abortion in a pill".

Birth Control didn't become legal for married couples until the late 1960's.

Birth Control didn't become legal for single people until the 1070's.

When abortion was illegal, women died going to what was called "backstreet butchers".

Today's women are NOT the women of the 1950's.

I believe Republicans will manage to overturn Roe vs Wade. Even if they don't actually overturn the law, they will put so many restrictions on the law, it will basically be overturned.

Then what? Will it stay overturned forever?

Will women be thankful that old white men control their bodies?
Just when did the woman give up control of her body? She had sex without protection. Now don't make the baby die for her mistake.
The new GOP nominee said birth control is "abortion in a pill".

Birth Control didn't become legal for married couples until the late 1960's.

Birth Control didn't become legal for single people until the 1070's.

When abortion was illegal, women died going to what was called "backstreet butchers".

Today's women are NOT the women of the 1950's.

I believe Republicans will manage to overturn Roe vs Wade. Even if they don't actually overturn the law, they will put so many restrictions on the law, it will basically be overturned.

Then what? Will it stay overturned forever?

Will women be thankful that old white men control their bodies?
i give up dean....what will happen?....
The new GOP nominee said birth control is "abortion in a pill".

Birth Control didn't become legal for married couples until the late 1960's.

Birth Control didn't become legal for single people until the 1070's.

When abortion was illegal, women died going to what was called "backstreet butchers".

Today's women are NOT the women of the 1950's.

I believe Republicans will manage to overturn Roe vs Wade. Even if they don't actually overturn the law, they will put so many restrictions on the law, it will basically be overturned.

Then what? Will it stay overturned forever?

Will women be thankful that old white men control their bodies?
AH, the PC looking glass logic, women will have complete 100% control over their bodies if roe v wade were overturned [I hope it is not but really no concern of mine], the only time old white men have control over a womens body is when the abortionist is removing her child, the rest of the time she decides what her body is doing...as for the pretend concern for "what will happen if roe v. wade is overturned?" there will be an increase in the American population if women want it or nothing will change if the word "responsibility" is actually something they really want.
The new GOP nominee said birth control is "abortion in a pill".

Birth Control didn't become legal for married couples until the late 1960's.

Birth Control didn't become legal for single people until the 1070's.

When abortion was illegal, women died going to what was called "backstreet butchers".

Today's women are NOT the women of the 1950's.

I believe Republicans will manage to overturn Roe vs Wade. Even if they don't actually overturn the law, they will put so many restrictions on the law, it will basically be overturned.

Then what? Will it stay overturned forever?

Will women be thankful that old white men control their bodies?
Most states will continue to recognize a woman’s right to privacy.

In states that don’t continue to recognize that right and enact measures which compel a woman to give birth against her will through force of law, the issue will move to the political realm, where advocates of privacy rights will work to remove from office state lawmakers hostile to privacy rights.

Indeed, Republican state lawmakers will be exposed to a political backlash should they support measures compelling women to give birth against their will.

In 40 or 50 years the right to privacy will likely be again recognized in all 50 states, the consequence of either Republican lawmakers voted out of office with measures hostile to privacy rights repealed, or by a future Supreme Court with a majority of justices appointed by Democratic presidents.

Yes, authoritarian conservatives will succeed in denying women their right to privacy – allowing for more government and bigger government to interfere in citizens’ personal lives – but ultimately conservatives will fail, defeated by the American people and their desire to possess their comprehensive rights and protected liberties.

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