What Trump is doing...

What he is doing is throwing one outrage after another for the left. Who talks about his taxes, the Mexican Wall, the pipeline, De Vos, Obamacare and so on and so on?

It's like a batter getting several pitches simultaneously. He's not going to hit a thing.

The left is going in circles so fast, they almost literally can't tell their heads from their asses.

Friggin brilliant!

He has been doing that for months.. It's a LBJ stratagems
Exactly. The similarities between Trump and LBJ and FDR are amazing. LBJ was a chameleon like Trump. LBJ could make the Southern conservatives believe he was a conservative, and liberals believe he was a liberal.

FDR was known for making shit up on the fly. That is also how he won the Presidency. It must be a New Yorker thing.

However, LBJ was a brilliant legislative strategist. Trump is not. That's why I keep saying it is Paul Ryan who is in the catbird seat.
That's why I don't see the left's outrage. Yeah the guy's a POS, but everyone knows. But policywise this is about Ryan and what the gop senators tell McConnell they want. And of course the Supreme Court will remain in conservative hands .. perhaps for another generation.
Must be why his approval numbers are so low
He's obviously so concerned with that. After all, he's only got about 1400 days til he's re-elected.
His party is awfully concerned, or don't you follow the part of the news. Slowly but surely they are turning against him
Just the RINO's (Rubio, Graham, Ryan, et al) who were kicked to the curb last election
Hard to imagine that your kind is on this board also, the means I am gone
I remember kicking your ass around on Yahoo, hit the bricks, punk!
go phyuck yourself, sweetie
He's obviously so concerned with that. After all, he's only got about 1400 days til he's re-elected.
His party is awfully concerned, or don't you follow the part of the news. Slowly but surely they are turning against him
Just the RINO's (Rubio, Graham, Ryan, et al) who were kicked to the curb last election
Hard to imagine that your kind is on this board also, the means I am gone
I remember kicking your ass around on Yahoo, hit the bricks, punk!
go phyuck yourself, sweetie
thought you left.
He's obviously so concerned with that. After all, he's only got about 1400 days til he's re-elected.
His party is awfully concerned, or don't you follow the part of the news. Slowly but surely they are turning against him
Just the RINO's (Rubio, Graham, Ryan, et al) who were kicked to the curb last election
Hard to imagine that your kind is on this board also, the means I am gone
I remember kicking your ass around on Yahoo, hit the bricks, punk!
go phyuck yourself, sweetie
What he is doing is throwing one outrage after another for the left. Who talks about his taxes, the Mexican Wall, the pipeline, De Vos, Obamacare and so on and so on?

It's like a batter getting several pitches simultaneously. He's not going to hit a thing.

The left is going in circles so fast, they almost literally can't tell their heads from their asses.

Friggin brilliant!
Must be why his approval numbers are so low
He's obviously so concerned with that. After all, he's only got about 1400 days til he's re-elected.
His party is awfully concerned, or don't you follow the part of the news. Slowly but surely they are turning against him

Who McCain and Graham, they always have been against Trump. They are the king RINOS. I voted for McCain only because of Palin.

Keep up
Mccain and Graham are the tip of the iceberg, more are going to be following quite soon. You do need, very badly, McCain and Graham if you are going to secure a supreme court justice

Yeah yeah. They vote no on the supreme court, they will never be elected again and they know.it.

So who else? I cant wait for the names.
What he is doing is throwing one outrage after another for the left. Who talks about his taxes, the Mexican Wall, the pipeline, De Vos, Obamacare and so on and so on?

It's like a batter getting several pitches simultaneously. He's not going to hit a thing.

The left is going in circles so fast, they almost literally can't tell their heads from their asses.

Friggin brilliant!

He has been doing that for months.. It's a LBJ stratagems
Exactly. The similarities between Trump and LBJ and FDR are amazing. LBJ was a chameleon like Trump. LBJ could make the Southern conservatives believe he was a conservative, and liberals believe he was a liberal.

FDR was known for making shit up on the fly. That is also how he won the Presidency. It must be a New Yorker thing.

However, LBJ was a brilliant legislative strategist. Trump is not. That's why I keep saying it is Paul Ryan who is in the catbird seat.
That's why I don't see the left's outrage. Yeah the guy's a POS, but everyone knows. But policywise this is about Ryan and what the gop senators tell McConnell they want. And of course the Supreme Court will remain in conservative hands .. perhaps for another generation.
I'm okay with the Supreme Court moving to the Right. I'm glad it will be.

The real action, though, is going to take place in Congress. The corporate lobbyists are creaming in their pants in anticipation of all the regulatory loopholes they will now be able to get passed, for just a few dollars of donations to the right Republicans.
Must be why his approval numbers are so low
He's obviously so concerned with that. After all, he's only got about 1400 days til he's re-elected.
His party is awfully concerned, or don't you follow the part of the news. Slowly but surely they are turning against him

Who McCain and Graham, they always have been against Trump. They are the king RINOS. I voted for McCain only because of Palin.

Keep up
Mccain and Graham are the tip of the iceberg, more are going to be following quite soon. You do need, very badly, McCain and Graham if you are going to secure a supreme court justice

Yeah yeah. They vote no on the supreme court, they will never be elected again and they know.it.

So who else? I cant wait for the names.
try google, its all right there. As it is, we really don't even need them to vote no, Trumps nomination isn't going to pass
What he is doing is throwing one outrage after another for the left. Who talks about his taxes, the Mexican Wall, the pipeline, De Vos, Obamacare and so on and so on?

It's like a batter getting several pitches simultaneously. He's not going to hit a thing.

The left is going in circles so fast, they almost literally can't tell their heads from their asses.

Friggin brilliant!

He has been doing that for months.. It's a LBJ stratagems
Exactly. The similarities between Trump and LBJ and FDR are amazing. LBJ was a chameleon like Trump. LBJ could make the Southern conservatives believe he was a conservative, and liberals believe he was a liberal.

FDR was known for making shit up on the fly. That is also how he won the Presidency. It must be a New Yorker thing.

However, LBJ was a brilliant legislative strategist. Trump is not. That's why I keep saying it is Paul Ryan who is in the catbird seat.
That's why I don't see the left's outrage. Yeah the guy's a POS, but everyone knows. But policywise this is about Ryan and what the gop senators tell McConnell they want. And of course the Supreme Court will remain in conservative hands .. perhaps for another generation.

Who cares we have been trying to figure out Trump for months..

He is a Lbj
Just think, last week Trump had the stupid Moon Bats parading around in their silly pink pussy hats and this week he has them crying about not letting more asshole Muslims come into the country.

What is hilarious is that the stupid Moon Bats don't even know how stupid and out of touch with reality they look.

They don't have a clue why Trump won, do they?
What he is doing is throwing one outrage after another for the left. Who talks about his taxes, the Mexican Wall, the pipeline, De Vos, Obamacare and so on and so on?

It's like a batter getting several pitches simultaneously. He's not going to hit a thing.

The left is going in circles so fast, they almost literally can't tell their heads from their asses.

Friggin brilliant!

He has been doing that for months.. It's a LBJ stratagems
Exactly. The similarities between Trump and LBJ and FDR are amazing. LBJ was a chameleon like Trump. LBJ could make the Southern conservatives believe he was a conservative, and liberals believe he was a liberal.

FDR was known for making shit up on the fly. That is also how he won the Presidency. It must be a New Yorker thing.

However, LBJ was a brilliant legislative strategist. Trump is not. That's why I keep saying it is Paul Ryan who is in the catbird seat.
That's why I don't see the left's outrage. Yeah the guy's a POS, but everyone knows. But policywise this is about Ryan and what the gop senators tell McConnell they want. And of course the Supreme Court will remain in conservative hands .. perhaps for another generation.
I'm okay with the Supreme Court moving to the Right. I'm glad it will be.

The real action, though, is going to take place in Congress.
Yeah. I don't much care about the Court. The real question is whether as the gop eviscerates regulations, like the limits on banking, whether they actually will do what they say to replace the regs. If we want decentralized deregulated banking, they need to put more capital behind risk, and real capital not bonds base on more debt.
What he is doing is throwing one outrage after another for the left. Who talks about his taxes, the Mexican Wall, the pipeline, De Vos, Obamacare and so on and so on?

It's like a batter getting several pitches simultaneously. He's not going to hit a thing.

The left is going in circles so fast, they almost literally can't tell their heads from their asses.

Friggin brilliant!

He has been doing that for months.. It's a LBJ stratagems
Exactly. The similarities between Trump and LBJ and FDR are amazing. LBJ was a chameleon like Trump. LBJ could make the Southern conservatives believe he was a conservative, and liberals believe he was a liberal.

FDR was known for making shit up on the fly. That is also how he won the Presidency. It must be a New Yorker thing.

However, LBJ was a brilliant legislative strategist. Trump is not. That's why I keep saying it is Paul Ryan who is in the catbird seat.
That's why I don't see the left's outrage. Yeah the guy's a POS, but everyone knows. But policywise this is about Ryan and what the gop senators tell McConnell they want. And of course the Supreme Court will remain in conservative hands .. perhaps for another generation.
Who is going to get enough votes for SC judge? No one that Trump appoints
SPONSOR: Resolved, no entity will be able to sell a credit default swap to another entity without an insurable interest on the part of the buyer.

SEN. FLACK: Mr. Chairman, on behalf of the broker/dealers who broke the entire planet, I would like to propose an amendment to the honorable Senator's bill. To wit, "...except on business days ending in the letter Y."
What he is doing is throwing one outrage after another for the left. Who talks about his taxes, the Mexican Wall, the pipeline, De Vos, Obamacare and so on and so on?

It's like a batter getting several pitches simultaneously. He's not going to hit a thing.

The left is going in circles so fast, they almost literally can't tell their heads from their asses.

Friggin brilliant!

He has been doing that for months.. It's a LBJ stratagems
Exactly. The similarities between Trump and LBJ and FDR are amazing. LBJ was a chameleon like Trump. LBJ could make the Southern conservatives believe he was a conservative, and liberals believe he was a liberal.

FDR was known for making shit up on the fly. That is also how he won the Presidency. It must be a New Yorker thing.

However, LBJ was a brilliant legislative strategist. Trump is not. That's why I keep saying it is Paul Ryan who is in the catbird seat.
That's why I don't see the left's outrage. Yeah the guy's a POS, but everyone knows. But policywise this is about Ryan and what the gop senators tell McConnell they want. And of course the Supreme Court will remain in conservative hands .. perhaps for another generation.
I'm okay with the Supreme Court moving to the Right. I'm glad it will be.

The real action, though, is going to take place in Congress.
Yeah. I don't much care about the Court. The real question is whether as the gop eviscerates regulations, like the limits on banking, whether they actually will do what they say to replace the regs. If we want decentralized deregulated banking, they need to put more capital behind risk, and real capital not bonds base on more debt.

What ever.. Trump is a new LBJ..

A damn Daily.. That's who he is.
What he is doing is throwing one outrage after another for the left. Who talks about his taxes, the Mexican Wall, the pipeline, De Vos, Obamacare and so on and so on?

It's like a batter getting several pitches simultaneously. He's not going to hit a thing.

The left is going in circles so fast, they almost literally can't tell their heads from their asses.

Friggin brilliant!
Must be why his approval numbers are so low
Rasmussen has him at +53% today (59% 4 days ago) What polls are you watching? Is the clinton Foundation doing polls now?
What he is doing is throwing one outrage after another for the left. Who talks about his taxes, the Mexican Wall, the pipeline, De Vos, Obamacare and so on and so on?

It's like a batter getting several pitches simultaneously. He's not going to hit a thing.

The left is going in circles so fast, they almost literally can't tell their heads from their asses.

Friggin brilliant!
Must be why his approval numbers are so low
Rasmussen has him at +53% today (59% 4 days ago) What polls are you watching? Is the clinton Foundation doing polls now?
Rasmussen is a right leaning pollster.
He has been doing that for months.. It's a LBJ stratagems
Exactly. The similarities between Trump and LBJ and FDR are amazing. LBJ was a chameleon like Trump. LBJ could make the Southern conservatives believe he was a conservative, and liberals believe he was a liberal.

FDR was known for making shit up on the fly. That is also how he won the Presidency. It must be a New Yorker thing.

However, LBJ was a brilliant legislative strategist. Trump is not. That's why I keep saying it is Paul Ryan who is in the catbird seat.
That's why I don't see the left's outrage. Yeah the guy's a POS, but everyone knows. But policywise this is about Ryan and what the gop senators tell McConnell they want. And of course the Supreme Court will remain in conservative hands .. perhaps for another generation.
I'm okay with the Supreme Court moving to the Right. I'm glad it will be.

The real action, though, is going to take place in Congress.
Yeah. I don't much care about the Court. The real question is whether as the gop eviscerates regulations, like the limits on banking, whether they actually will do what they say to replace the regs. If we want decentralized deregulated banking, they need to put more capital behind risk, and real capital not bonds base on more debt.

What ever.. Trump is a new LBJ..

A damn Daily.. That's who he is.

Shit.. Shit shit..
You elected another LbJ/richard m daily
What he is doing is throwing one outrage after another for the left. Who talks about his taxes, the Mexican Wall, the pipeline, De Vos, Obamacare and so on and so on?

It's like a batter getting several pitches simultaneously. He's not going to hit a thing.

The left is going in circles so fast, they almost literally can't tell their heads from their asses.

Friggin brilliant!

He has been doing that for months.. It's a LBJ stratagems
Exactly. The similarities between Trump and LBJ and FDR are amazing. LBJ was a chameleon like Trump. LBJ could make the Southern conservatives believe he was a conservative, and liberals believe he was a liberal.

FDR was known for making shit up on the fly. That is also how he won the Presidency. It must be a New Yorker thing.

However, LBJ was a brilliant legislative strategist. Trump is not. That's why I keep saying it is Paul Ryan who is in the catbird seat.
That's why I don't see the left's outrage. Yeah the guy's a POS, but everyone knows. But policywise this is about Ryan and what the gop senators tell McConnell they want. And of course the Supreme Court will remain in conservative hands .. perhaps for another generation.
Who is going to get enough votes for SC judge? No one that Trump appoints

then they may have to wait til the new Congress is sworn in in 2019, when they won't need any Dem votes.
He's obviously so concerned with that. After all, he's only got about 1400 days til he's re-elected.
His party is awfully concerned, or don't you follow the part of the news. Slowly but surely they are turning against him

Who McCain and Graham, they always have been against Trump. They are the king RINOS. I voted for McCain only because of Palin.

Keep up
Mccain and Graham are the tip of the iceberg, more are going to be following quite soon. You do need, very badly, McCain and Graham if you are going to secure a supreme court justice

Yeah yeah. They vote no on the supreme court, they will never be elected again and they know.it.

So who else? I cant wait for the names.
try google, its all right there. As it is, we really don't even need them to vote no, Trumps nomination isn't going to pass

Really who is his nominee?
His party is awfully concerned, or don't you follow the part of the news. Slowly but surely they are turning against him

Who McCain and Graham, they always have been against Trump. They are the king RINOS. I voted for McCain only because of Palin.

Keep up
Mccain and Graham are the tip of the iceberg, more are going to be following quite soon. You do need, very badly, McCain and Graham if you are going to secure a supreme court justice

Yeah yeah. They vote no on the supreme court, they will never be elected again and they know.it.

So who else? I cant wait for the names.
try google, its all right there. As it is, we really don't even need them to vote no, Trumps nomination isn't going to pass

Really who is his nominee?
Doesn't matter, we know it will be a right wing reactionary
He's obviously so concerned with that. After all, he's only got about 1400 days til he's re-elected.
His party is awfully concerned, or don't you follow the part of the news. Slowly but surely they are turning against him

Who McCain and Graham, they always have been against Trump. They are the king RINOS. I voted for McCain only because of Palin.

Keep up
Mccain and Graham are the tip of the iceberg, more are going to be following quite soon. You do need, very badly, McCain and Graham if you are going to secure a supreme court justice

Yeah yeah. They vote no on the supreme court, they will never be elected again and they know.it.

So who else? I cant wait for the names.
try google, its all right there. As it is, we really don't even need them to vote no, Trumps nomination isn't going to pass

The filibuster?

You guys are gonna whip that one out? Please do.
Omg I couldnt be happier if you do that.

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