Mainstream Media is a Weapon


Active Member
Feb 4, 2024
I will post a brief excerpt from an article titled "Mainstream Media is a Weapon". Basically it talks about how the mainstream media has been weaponized, and is now a force to brainwash the viewers, instead of informing them. This has been going on for many years now but it really came to a head during the pandemic.

This is from an article titled, "Mainstream media is a weapon". I found it on the site of, a Canadian-based newspaper. Even though the paper is based in Canada, it nevertheless reaches a global audience. So if you are American, it's still relevant to you.


Covid showed us that doing research has become necessary, if not crucial. Corporate media—local, national, and international—all pushed identical “news,” hammering the phrases “all scientists agree” and “safe and effective” which functioned to squash questions and doubt. As one protestor accurately put it, “Of course all scientists agree when you censor the ones who don’t.” As for “safe and effective,” pharmaceutical companies weren’t telling.

Blackout clauses were built into their contracts. Before American courts forced them to do so, vaccine makers didn’t have to provide any clinical trial data for 75 years! And they are legally protected from liability. How is this possible? Gun manufacturers can be sued for manufacturing defects but vaccine manufacturers cannot. Harming or killing consumers with spoiled food, a dangerous toy or even a car, is a serious crime, but harming or killing people with a vaccine isn’t?

People have begun collapsing and dying on camera. Professional athletes dropping on soccer fields, tennis pros dropping on the court, TV hosts falling out of the camera frame, lecturers toppling like trees, and performers staggering sideways and crumpling into a heap on stage, causing audiences to gasp, unsure if what they’re seeing is part of the performance. The young and healthy are dying, all-cause mortality numbers climbing, miscarriages increased, chronic disease increased, and alarming stats pouring in. (1) (2)

Scientists with courage and backbone who sounded the alarm on shoddy clinical trials were rapidly silenced and de-platformed. (Later, after Elon Musk bought Twitter—now called X—censorship lifted.) The few brave doctors who blew the whistle were ruined; nurses who refused to vaccinate or go along with Covid emergency protocols were ostracized, fired or laid off and denied Employment Insurance benefits.

Funeral home embalmers are finding sinewy white strings in the blood of cadavers, some as thick and long as a pencil. They, too, feared speaking out, though one eventually did at the National Citizens Inquiry. (3) Dissenting voices of all kinds, professional and layman, all were silenced and crushed. And you wouldn’t have known any of this unless you were researching or listening to others doing research—many of whom are on X.

If your primary source of official “health” information during Covid was the TV news, especially CBC, you were totally brainwashed. I know because I was one of them. Despite my instincts telling me not to do it, despite not understanding mRNA, despite being repelled by the words “new technology” in the same sentence as “vaccine” I decided to get the first dose of Moderna.

“I’ll take one for the team, I told myself.”

Four months later, my heart suddenly went wonky—irregular heartbeat, dizzy spells, blood pressure so high my doctor was alarmed. By then, reports were starting to come in about deaths from the AstraZeneca jab. The UK and other countries were stopping its use. With some bitterness, I listened as my doctor told me she didn’t think my symptoms were related. How was she so sure when up until that point, I had no health issues? Then I had to go on heart medication normally given to the very elderly. I’ll be on it for the rest of my life.

When you realize you’ve been profoundly conned it’s very destabilizing. At first, I was gripped with self-loathing for being so stupid, then shame, then rage. The rage turned into determination to expose the health cons and I began monitoring mainstream media far and wide for any reports on sudden deaths or the myriad of vax injuries. Nothing. Complete blackout. Instead, they kept pummelling us with propaganda and lies until families fractured, friendships severed, and affiliations fell apart. Not to mention all the rest of the damage.

Many people were turned into proto-Nazis who called for the quarantine and shunning of the unvaxxed; hysteria and hatred spread like black mould. Those who chose body autonomy over an untested, experimental drug had their lives turned into a nightmare. Canada was being marched into fascism—no food, no life, no school, no travel, no services, no gatherings. And the fans of MSM were happy to show their papers: proof of vax status wasn’t tyranny writ large, it was “doing the right thing.”

The unvaxxed—and those like me who became anti-vaxxers—hunkered down in defense mode and worked on exposing and debunking the absurdity, lies and corruption. Researching became the order of the day; it was the only way to light the path forward. People from across the political spectrum became resisters: if you lose the rights of the few, you end up losing the rights of the many; those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities (Voltaire).

In 2021, when PM Trudeau dove into the hate game and used a divide and conquer strategy for his re-election campaign, Canada’s bought-off press helped him every step of the way.

Former veteran CBC reporter, Rodney Palmer, testifying before the National Citizens Inquiry:


If the link doesn't work, kindly go to, then go to "Read" at the top. Then "By subject", then, "Censorship", and then look for the article titled "Mainstream media is a weapon".

You know, I have to say this whole Covid thing really made me question the credibility of edifices like the CDC and important public figures such as Fauci. I still remember their trying to change the definition of vaccine so that the covid "vaccines" would fit the definition of one. It also really made me question the trustworthiness of the mainstream media. And I still remember the big tech's various campaigns to get people to get vaxxed. I tried to say something on online forums, but I was silenced each time by moderators who took it upon themselves to censor their fellow citizens. I felt so alone and without a voice. I feel that something is deeply wrong but I can't put my finger on it.

Anyway, enough about me. Just throwing my opinion out there in order to attract better ones. Let's start discussing!
MSM is a weapon, normally for the good, particularly when it comes to MAGA and Trump.

And MAGA, of course, has weaponized their media long ago.
Sorry Komrade, the only "good" served by the Leftist-Marxist MSM is the furtherance of the current USA version of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, very similar to the original, blueprint version seen in CCP China during 1966-1976. May not be waving "Chairman Mao's Little Red Book", but likely applying some of the adages that it contained.

For more information;
Sorry Komrade, the only "good" served by the Leftist-Marxist MSM is the furtherance of the current USA version of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, very similar to the original, blueprint version seen in CCP China during 1966-1976. May not be waving "Chairman Mao's Little Red Book", but likely applying some of the adages that it contained.
stryder50 is a fascist born in Germany.
John Edgar Slow Horses is a social & economic parasite; a communist, and Hellspawn born in Hades.
BTW, interesting to see your racism and ethnicism extends to Germany. Clearly you aren't current on history of the past 79 years.
Wow :) What a write up. Stryder is one of the nihilist fascists glomming on to MAGA to try to destroy America. I was born in a hogan on the rez by three dogs, two goats, and four sheep. Plus Mom's sister and their aunt. Dinétah probably has never had one of the People ever espouse communism. I have traveled the capitalistic path and have done exceptionally well. Anyone who supports Hitler and German fascism is an enemy of God and mankind.
Wow :) What a write up. Stryder is one of the nihilist fascists glomming on to MAGA to try to destroy America. I was born in a hogan on the rez by three dogs, two goats, and four sheep. Plus Mom's sister and their aunt. Dinétah probably has never had one of the People ever espouse communism. I have traveled the capitalistic path and have done exceptionally well. Anyone who supports Hitler and German fascism is an enemy of God and mankind.
I'm curious where you have seen/read that I support Hitler or fascism, German or otherwise.
My people were the victims of Hitler and German fascism. Also of Islamic jihad fascism.
This is the internet and you can claim anything without proof.
You don't present as one "who traveled the capitalist path" or as a supporter of free enterprise economics.
So far, this is you;
Wow :) What a write up. Stryder is one of the nihilist fascists glomming on to MAGA to try to destroy America. I was born in a hogan on the rez by three dogs, two goats, and four sheep. Plus Mom's sister and their aunt. Dinétah probably has never had one of the People ever espouse communism. I have traveled the capitalistic path and have done exceptionally well. Anyone who supports Hitler and German fascism is an enemy of God and mankind.
BTW, Ronald Reagan used "Make America Great Again" about 35+ years before Trump did.
Those opposed to the concept are clearly enemies of the USA, Free Enterprise, Human rights, and "Life, Liberty, Prosperity".
MAGAitry and fascism are lies and delusions.
"Fascism" is what we get from you pseudo-liberal, Leftist, socialist-communist, thugs whom are economic parasites & leeches, and want to plunder our nation further while seeking to force your one-party rule upon the USA.

Like most of the tripe that comes from the Left, you and they are the source of the lies and delusions.

If it wasn't for the damage done to this nation during the past fifty+ years of Leftist sabotage, we wouldn't need to consider Make America Great Again.

This nation wouldn't be so far behind and focused upon rebuild and renew of what we once had.
Trump wants to be a dictator and destroy the Constitution, BasicHumanUnit says, "I no doan' care."

Stop trollin me ya butt licker.
You chase me around this forum adding your Commie crap propaganda like a whiny 2 year old.

Everyone here knows you're sittin in Bejing.

Im just gonna put you on Igg Nore so I just won't have to see your stupidity :abgg2q.jpg:
Stop trollin me ya butt licker.
You chase me around this forum adding your Commie crap propaganda like a whiny 2 year old.
Everyone here knows you're sittin in Bejing.Im just gonna put you on Igg Nore so I just won't have to see your stupidity :abgg2q.jpg:
You put out shit azz commentary as if it means something. It doesn't. You won't stop peeking around Ignore because you are traumatized by who you are.

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