What should John Hinckley Jr name his new band?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 22, 2013
'The Assassins'?
'Jodie's Jr's'?

Attempted Reagan Assassin John Hinckley Jr. Is Starting a Band and Looking for Musicians​

The man who attempted and failed to assassinate then-President Ronald Reagan in 1981 is starting his own band and calling on fellow musicians to join him.

Just think of all the trouble that could have been saved if Hinckley had known that Foster is a lesbian.
Just think of all the trouble that could have been saved if Hinckley had known that Foster is a lesbian.
Follow the Money, Especially Daddy's Money, or You'll Be Misled by Make-Believe

I doubt if the attempted assassination had anything to do with that obsession, but it was an effective excuse for the anti-victim insanity plea.

Hinckley's Daddy owns an oil company; Reagan threatened OPEC in order to lower the price of oil and decrease the petrocrats' profits. So Hinckley wanted to impress his Daddy and get even for lowering the value of his trust fund.
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Hinkley was as sane as you and me but a good lawyer and a bad prosecutor (and media pressure?) got him off on an insanity charge for attempting to kill the President of the United States and ultimately causing the death of the press secretary and now he walks among us a free man. Mark Chapman was probably insane when he killed Beatle John Lennon but he is still doing time in Attica. Somethin ain't right.
The Brady Bunch? (too soon?)
That may be a winner!

I also like Lithium Bunnies; Hinky & three 12 year old girls with blond polyester wigs.

He sings "You talkin' to me?"

They sing "NO!" and pull out guns to shoot him.

The audience will go wild!

Possibly with confusion...
I swear to you....you can not make this up!

life is crazier than fiction.:rolleyes:

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