What kind of horrible, dangerous places do these people live that hey have to go out armed?

The results of any competition have no bearing on the comparative skills of the average gun nut or the average cop. Preparation for competition makes them different from the average.

Incorrect. One of the oldest adages in the military is "you fight the way you train".

The average gun nut doesn't do much training for that type situation. Even if they are an avid hunter and go to the gun range regularly, which most don't, that isn't training for a confrontational situation.
Marksmanship is like riding a bike… Start off young as possible and it’s always there.

Target shooting is not the same as a gun fight dumb ass.
Anyone that is truly a second amendment supporter will go out of their way for any type of firearm practice, marksmanship, hunting and shooting whatever it may be.
The fact remains Americans are buying guns and ammo… Making America great

Yes. A few gun nuts are buying lots of guns.
The whole good guy with a gun thing misunderstood

What you fail to understand is that no civilian has the obligation to stop a crime.

Shit the fucking cops don't have to respond to a call from a citizen

A good guy with a gun commits no crime with his gun or without therefore law abiding people who own and carry guns are not a factor in crime and murder stats

Gun nuts and the NRA consider an armed thug on the way to his first armed robbery to be a good guy with a gun right up until the second he robs the store.

That's stupid.

Of course it is, but gun nuts and the NRA have never been very smart anyway.
Sayes a politically correct moron

The NRA chose Ted "crap your pants" Nugent for one of their officers. That's pretty dumb.
No doubt Ted Nugent was a draft dodger, much like slick Willy.
Ted Nugent does not speak for Anyone other than himself, but he sure does piss you little bedwetters off… LOL
Incorrect. One of the oldest adages in the military is "you fight the way you train".

The average gun nut doesn't do much training for that type situation. Even if they are an avid hunter and go to the gun range regularly, which most don't, that isn't training for a confrontational situation.
Marksmanship is like riding a bike… Start off young as possible and it’s always there.

Target shooting is not the same as a gun fight dumb ass.
Stay in your lane, bud

Again. MAKE ME.
You have no credibility on the subject you just made that obvious
Gun nuts are the ones that have an irrational fear of them. It is an inanimate object. It holds no power until someone USES It. Fear the bad guys that use guns illegally. Punish them.

People who fancy or appreciate guns are a nut.

People who want to spend trillions of dollars because they think man can control the environment are not nuts.

Go figure.
You need to look up what nuts is

|nət| noun

3 informal: a crazy or eccentric person.

• [ with modifier ] a person who is excessively interested in or enthusiastic about a specifiedthing: a football nut.

So I guess you on the left are gun nuts as well, only on the opposite side. You are also abortion nuts, environmental nuts, racist nuts, and gender nuts.
What do you call someone who hordes guns and ammunition for the day he has to take up arms against the Gubmint?

I don't think there are many people like that. Yes, we are armed in case something like that should ever happen, but that's not the sole reason anybody collects guns and ammunition.

I know people that collect cars. I know people that collect coins. I know people that collect guitars. I know one guy who collects hats from trucking companies. Collecting is a hobby and enjoyment. It's not indicative of mental instability.

If you never went shooting before, you have no idea how expensive that can be. You could spend hundreds of dollars shooting for a half-day. So people who like to go shooting a lot look for deals on ammunition. When they find those deals, they buy hundreds if not thousands of rounds. I have a close friend who does that. I haven't talked to him in a while, but I would bet anything he has over 10,000 rounds in his house. He's not looking to fight the government, he's looking for ways to save money.
Incorrect. One of the oldest adages in the military is "you fight the way you train".

The average gun nut doesn't do much training for that type situation. Even if they are an avid hunter and go to the gun range regularly, which most don't, that isn't training for a confrontational situation.
Marksmanship is like riding a bike… Start off young as possible and it’s always there.

Target shooting is not the same as a gun fight dumb ass.
Anyone that is truly a second amendment supporter will go out of their way for any type of firearm practice, marksmanship, hunting and shooting whatever it may be.
The fact remains Americans are buying guns and ammo… Making America great

Yes. A few gun nuts are buying lots of guns.
Actually all walks of life are buying more firearms lately... And it does make America great
No. I said gun nuts and the NRA consider those thugs to be a good guy. A thug is a thug. We need background checks to point that out to gun sellers.

So you should have a background check before you have kids too.

When it gets to where my kid can accidentally go off and kill you in Walmart, we can talk about background checks for kids.
You like to dig into people’s personal lives apparently, It doesn’t get any more personal than firearm ownership.
You need to mind your own fucking business, your weasel like behavior betrays you

You gonna caps lock me into submission?
Mind your own business, other fire ownership is none of your business... That’s what the Second Amendment is for, telling you creepy motherfuckers is to stay out of peoples personal lives. Lol

It is my business if you put my life at risk to make a fashion statement.
So you should have a background check before you have kids too.

When it gets to where my kid can accidentally go off and kill you in Walmart, we can talk about background checks for kids.
You like to dig into people’s personal lives apparently, It doesn’t get any more personal than firearm ownership.
You need to mind your own fucking business, your weasel like behavior betrays you

You gonna caps lock me into submission?
Mind your own business, other fire ownership is none of your business... That’s what the Second Amendment is for, telling you creepy motherfuckers is to stay out of peoples personal lives. Lol

It is my business if you put my life at risk to make a fashion statement.
You’re delusional, you need to go find you a safe space if you feel that way.
People kill people not firearms
Gun nuts and the NRA consider an armed thug on the way to his first armed robbery to be a good guy with a gun right up until the second he robs the store.

That's stupid.

Of course it is, but gun nuts and the NRA have never been very smart anyway.
Sayes a politically correct moron

The NRA chose Ted "crap your pants" Nugent for one of their officers. That's pretty dumb.
No doubt Ted Nugent was a draft dodger, much like slick Willy.
Ted Nugent does not speak for Anyone other than himself, but he sure does piss you little bedwetters off… LOL

The dirty diaper fool spoke for the NRA.
That's stupid.

Of course it is, but gun nuts and the NRA have never been very smart anyway.
Sayes a politically correct moron

The NRA chose Ted "crap your pants" Nugent for one of their officers. That's pretty dumb.
No doubt Ted Nugent was a draft dodger, much like slick Willy.
Ted Nugent does not speak for Anyone other than himself, but he sure does piss you little bedwetters off… LOL

The dirty diaper fool spoke for the NRA.
See I told you so, he does sure make you bedwetters wet the bed...
The average gun nut doesn't do much training for that type situation. Even if they are an avid hunter and go to the gun range regularly, which most don't, that isn't training for a confrontational situation.
Marksmanship is like riding a bike… Start off young as possible and it’s always there.

Target shooting is not the same as a gun fight dumb ass.
Stay in your lane, bud

Again. MAKE ME.
You have no credibility on the subject you just made that obvious

You're the one making threats you can't back up.
When it gets to where my kid can accidentally go off and kill you in Walmart, we can talk about background checks for kids.
You like to dig into people’s personal lives apparently, It doesn’t get any more personal than firearm ownership.
You need to mind your own fucking business, your weasel like behavior betrays you

You gonna caps lock me into submission?
Mind your own business, other fire ownership is none of your business... That’s what the Second Amendment is for, telling you creepy motherfuckers is to stay out of peoples personal lives. Lol

It is my business if you put my life at risk to make a fashion statement.
You’re delusional, you need to go find you a safe space if you feel that way.
People kill people not firearms

Gun nuts kill people with guns.
Of course it is, but gun nuts and the NRA have never been very smart anyway.
Sayes a politically correct moron

The NRA chose Ted "crap your pants" Nugent for one of their officers. That's pretty dumb.
No doubt Ted Nugent was a draft dodger, much like slick Willy.
Ted Nugent does not speak for Anyone other than himself, but he sure does piss you little bedwetters off… LOL

The dirty diaper fool spoke for the NRA.
See I told you so, he does sure make you bedwetters wet the bed...

Not really, but he wet his pants by choice. He nasty..
Marksmanship is like riding a bike… Start off young as possible and it’s always there.

Target shooting is not the same as a gun fight dumb ass.
Stay in your lane, bud

Again. MAKE ME.
You have no credibility on the subject you just made that obvious

You're the one making threats you can't back up.
Buy more guns and ammo... make America great

It seems you are the one that is not backing up your talk, the second amendment is not going anywhere, too bad for you apparently I don’t know what you’re scared of... bed wetters are hard to figure...
You like to dig into people’s personal lives apparently, It doesn’t get any more personal than firearm ownership.
You need to mind your own fucking business, your weasel like behavior betrays you

You gonna caps lock me into submission?
Mind your own business, other fire ownership is none of your business... That’s what the Second Amendment is for, telling you creepy motherfuckers is to stay out of peoples personal lives. Lol

It is my business if you put my life at risk to make a fashion statement.
You’re delusional, you need to go find you a safe space if you feel that way.
People kill people not firearms

Gun nuts kill people with guns.
The vast majority of violent crime in this country is in progressive controlled urban areas, by repeat offenders.
We obviously have no criminal control, people kill people not firearms.
No amount of frivolous gun control laws will save a single soul... Your political correctness has made you fucking retarded
Sayes a politically correct moron

The NRA chose Ted "crap your pants" Nugent for one of their officers. That's pretty dumb.
No doubt Ted Nugent was a draft dodger, much like slick Willy.
Ted Nugent does not speak for Anyone other than himself, but he sure does piss you little bedwetters off… LOL

The dirty diaper fool spoke for the NRA.
See I told you so, he does sure make you bedwetters wet the bed...

Not really, but he wet his pants by choice. He nasty..
Like I said draft dodgers like him represent himself and only himself much like slick Willy also a draft dodger...
So very often I see conversations such as these:

Astonishing that you cant go for a walk without taking your gun.Its like living in a prison.
You have to wonder what kind of horrible, dangerous places do these people live that hey have to go out armed.
The obvious response:
The same places where we're told gun-violence is -so- bad that we need to further restrict the law abiding in their exercise of the right to keep and bear arms.
If gun violence is indeed that bad, how is it unreasonable to carry a gun for self-defense?

Why is the people who ask this question never want to discuss the answer?
How is it gun violence can be so bad that we need more gun control laws, but people who want to carry a gun to protect themselves are nuts?
What's nuts is people too stupid to understand why there's gun violence in cities in such as Chicago in spite their firearm regulatory measures.

What's nuts is buying into the "good guy with a gun" lie.

What's nuts is buying into the lie that citizens carrying concealed firearms helps to "reduce crime."

What's nuts is buying into the lie that mythical "gun-free zones" contribute to mass shootings.

What's nuts is opposing perfectly appropriate and constitutional firearm regulatory measures.

What's nuts is the slippery slope fallacy of "gun confiscation."

Read the news sometime and you will see they are trying to confiscate one step at a time. A new regulation here, a new regulation there, and before you know it, all those regulations will add up to it being virtually impossible to own a firearm. That's why the cancer has to be stopped at first detection.

Democrats are like terrorists. They use increments to reach their ultimate goal and are plenty patient.

New Mexico's Democrat Gov. Signs Bill to Criminalize Private Gun Sales

Do you mean if I vote for a Democrat I immediately must want to confiscate your firearms? Only if you are a danger to Society and yourself. And then only if a Judge rules for your guns to be temporarily removed either by a Law Enforcement or another Family Member. And then, only until the condition either passes or it becomes necessary to have you committed. But before those guns can be removed, you MUST have your time in court to state your case. Welcome to Colorado.

Wrong. Democrats all over the country are trying to make guns illegal baby step by baby step. In the past they have made suggestions on ways to disarm the public without going too far that would involve a Supreme Court ruling.

If it's not private sales background checks, it's taxes on ammunition. If it's not taxes on ammunition, it's magazine capacity. If it's not magazine capacity, it's semi-automatic weapons. The list goes on and on.


Democrats propose $10,000 fine for gun owners who don’t have insurance

NY Gun Confiscation - Citizens Told to Turn in Firearms
New York City confiscating rifles and shotguns

Targeted? Gun sellers’ ‘high risk’ label from feds cuts banking options, hurts business

Senate Dems, Led by Feinstein, Introduce Assault Weapons Ban

New Jersey Declares War On Its Residents: Plans Door-To-Door Gun Confiscation Campaign
I support the Constitutional right of Americans to keep and carry arms 100%, but it does strike me as a little spineless if someone is too frightened to step foot outside if not packing.
Someone around here has gone so far as to say he’s too scared to go get his mail without a gun. That’s all the way to chickenshitville.
Whether anyone carries or not it’s no one else’s business whatsoever and certainly none of the federal governments business. Firearm ownership is as personal as it gets... Why do you want to get yourself involved in the most personal of peoples lives?

Who said I wanted to? Read first, then post.
The NRA chose Ted "crap your pants" Nugent for one of their officers. That's pretty dumb.
No doubt Ted Nugent was a draft dodger, much like slick Willy.
Ted Nugent does not speak for Anyone other than himself, but he sure does piss you little bedwetters off… LOL

The dirty diaper fool spoke for the NRA.
See I told you so, he does sure make you bedwetters wet the bed...

Not really, but he wet his pants by choice. He nasty..
Like I said draft dodgers like him represent himself and only himself much like slick Willy also a draft dodger...
No he wasn't. He had legitimate deferments for college and then was in Oxford as a Rhodes Scholar.
Incorrect. One of the oldest adages in the military is "you fight the way you train".

The average gun nut doesn't do much training for that type situation. Even if they are an avid hunter and go to the gun range regularly, which most don't, that isn't training for a confrontational situation.
Marksmanship is like riding a bike… Start off young as possible and it’s always there.

Target shooting is not the same as a gun fight dumb ass.
Stay in your lane, bud

Again. MAKE ME.

What are you, 8 years old?
/----/ Using your logic - if you drive a car and if you drink alcohol the presumption is you are a drunk driver and must be tossed in jail.

No. If you have a history of breaking driving laws, you should not be allowed to legally drive. If you have a history of being a thug, you should not be able to legally buy a gun. We only do background checks for drivers, not gun purchasers.

Stop backpedaling

You said a person is a "good guy" right up until they commit a crime

So that applies to you too and you should have your rights curbed because it's only a matter of time before you commit a crime

No. I said gun nuts and the NRA consider those thugs to be a good guy. A thug is a thug. We need background checks to point that out to gun sellers.

So you should have a background check before you have kids too.

When it gets to where my kid can accidentally go off and kill you in Walmart, we can talk about background checks for kids.

But you must be an abusive parent in waiting after all no one is a criminal until they are one. That;s your logic right?

We should just have DCF take your kids now

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