Zone1 what happens after death?

I see right through you.

You don't see the priest lift up a matzo, hear him say "This is the body of Christ" or see the congregation fall to their knees in the deranged adoration of a lifeless matzo that they eat for spiritual life even though it cannot see, hear, speak, or walk, has no life, and is not God.

And someone is supposed to believe that you see anything? If scripture is true, you are dead.

Don't take it too hard. Some people out there actually 'believe" that Trump is a new messiah.....

This false teaching of the afterlife has been and still is a huge problem to society, that has caused much pain and suffering and abusive control through promises of paradise in death.

Nepes the word used in translation as soul actually means breath. You take ear plugs, blind folds, put on oven mits on the dog or yourself and neither can feel, hear, or see outside of one's processor (the vessel body).
Once your brain (memory processor) goes, then all memory and breath (nepes)dies and as Psalms says, no more memory in death.
What do you think the Judaic concept of Resurrection was about?
We teach Creators creation (God) Life worship, that the reward is in returning to life in a future paradise hence Olam Habah means
"world to come", other faiths teach adversary life (death worship)and opposite having "lived" (devil) worship=power of death, where we have no more breath or memory, no more creators creation(thus furthest from God). Do I have to do a Monty Python's dead parrot skit to get you to understand what death is?
Common reasoning, science, computer technology teaches us that memory and thought processes and the conveying energy all requires a processor.
Our processor brain and vessel body once gone is liken to the computer hardrive and motherboard burning out.
There's no more thought, memory until you place that back in a new fresh vessel.
The Judaic teaching of Resurrection is to be able to see and be rewarded for what your good deeds brought a more perfected (paradise) in life, not in death.
This perceived experience afterlife which was proven in labs to be the result lack of oxygen in the brain, would still require a processor and processes (everything has a process).

There still needs to be a place, a beginning, a secret you've yet to figure out yet are in a rush to claim existed in beginning of all time and in the clouds and exists in death. This is called the death cult of hades teachings and Egyptian underworld beliefs opposite the Judaic belief of world to come in resurrection back into life -
not expressed in death. That big difference is why the world has so many death worshipers murders and wars fought for their kings with promises of reward in death the kings are in no hurry to enter themselves.
All for that ignorant teaching that paradise sits in death, Ezekiel warns the false soul flying life ideology.
Psalms and elsewhere says no more rememberance or thoughts in death.
So according to your logic, God would require a body and brain?
I never saw my father as every extant attribute of reality.

My dad always provided for our needs when I was growing up. When it come to anything beyond that, it was quite rare. My dad became disabled when he was in his fourties. My dad never had an opinion of his own. He always agreed with my mother. He couldn't do anything or even think. My mom always did everything for him even thinking. There was a time when I was a kid he used to impress my friends. We would open the Bible at random and read it. My dad would finish the verse and the next verse. He wasn't dumb but he always strove to be viewed as dumb. Now I am taking care of him because my mom passed. He can't even eat a bowl of beans unless I put the beans in a bowl for him. This isn't because he is physically incapable. It is because he has convinced himself that somebody, anybody must do things for him.

Am I naturally inclined to view God in the same way I view my dad? If so, I have quite the hurdle to overcome to be convinced that having God in my life provides anything but disappointment and frustration. This God thing isn't for me even if He does exist which I am quite skeptical of. Maybe one day someone will convince me but you have only given me one thing that makes sense in all our time talking here. For that I am grateful but it wasn't evidence of God's existence. I'm not sure why you are intrigued by convincing people that God exists. Nobody in the history of mankind has ever been able to do that. Why are you so confident that you can?
It's really odd that you would admit that you have transferred your power to me.
You have no power. You are dead. Your soul "burst at the seams". Remember? No? Go figure!

I will tell you something. Try to hear.

I am just using you to reveal to others the wisdom of God in giving the law which prohibits eating the defiling and contaminating flesh of vile and loathsome creatures, swine that do not ruminate, by your generous demonstration of the death consequent to setting that clear instruction aside.

You are just a corpse strapped to a gurney being dissected in an open arena to reveal the cause of death, as it has been revealed, for the benefit of students and dedicated health professionals.
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My dad always provided for our needs when I was growing up. When it come to anything beyond that, it was quite rare. My dad became disabled when he was in his fourties. My dad never had an opinion of his own. He always agreed with my mother. He couldn't do anything or even think. My mom always did everything for him even thinking. There was a time when I was a kid he used to impress my friends. We would open the Bible at random and read it. My dad would finish the verse and the next verse. He wasn't dumb but he always strove to be viewed as dumb. Now I am taking care of him because my mom passed. He can't even eat a bowl of beans unless I put the beans in a bowl for him. This isn't because he is physically incapable. It is because he has convinced himself that somebody, anybody must do things for him.

Am I naturally inclined to view God in the same way I view my dad? If so, I have quite the hurdle to overcome to be convinced that having God in my life provides anything but disappointment and frustration. This God thing isn't for me even if He does exist which I am quite skeptical of. Maybe one day someone will convince me but you have only given me one thing that makes sense in all our time talking here. For that I am grateful but it wasn't evidence of God's existence. I'm not sure why you are intrigued by convincing people that God exists. Nobody in the history of mankind has ever been able to do that. Why are you so confident that you can?
I think we are shaped by our experiences but we don't have to be. So while it may be human nature to do so, that doesn't mean we can't overcome our human nature.
Which god do you believe in?
Which god? A trinity, a mangod, a god whose greatest prophet was a pedophile. They aren't god

There is only one God, the Father of Jesus. The only living God ever in existence.

Would you like to meet him? It won't cost you a dime. You won't have to climb a mountain or go to a special school for decades. And you don't even need more than a second grade education!

You just need some balls to clear out the crap that has accumulated in your mind like malware.

Can you handle that?
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Which god? a trinity, a mangod, a god whose greatest prophet was a pedophile. They are not gods

There is only one God, the Father of Jesus. The only living God ever in existence.

Would you like to meet him?
This should be good. :popcorn:
Why is it you believe a bunch illiterate superstitious people from the Iron Age who didn't even know the earth was round?
Humans actually knew the earth was round as early as 2500 years ago. Eratosthenes calculated the circumference of the planet to an astounding accuracy of around 99%. Other civilizations, like the Chinese and Indians were already speculating that the Earth was spherical.
Humans actually knew the earth was round as early as 2500 years ago. Eratosthenes calculated the circumference of the planet to an astounding accuracy of around 99%. Other civilizations, like the Chinese and Indians were already speculating that the Earth was spherical.
When it says in the Bible that "In the beginning" the world was flat it was a metaphor indicating that the people were all equal, just former slaves in Egypt. There were no rich or poor, judges or judged, cop or criminal, sinner or saint, everyone was on equal standing until the Law was given, light was spoken into existence, and heaven and earth were created by division separating day and night, clean and unclean, good and evil, right and wrong, life and death, sanity and insanity
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Which god? A trinity, a mangod, a god whose greatest prophet was a pedophile. They aren't god

There is only one God, the Father of Jesus. The only living God ever in existence.

Would you like to meet him? It won't cost you a dime. You won't have to climb a mountain or go to a special school for decades. And you don't even need more than a second grade education!

You just need some balls to clear out the crap that has accumulated in your mind like malware.

Can you handle that?

Sure. Send Him on over.
He likes atheists better than Catholics so you two might be friends.
I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt. I'll meet his god. I'll talk to any god really. All they have to do is contact me. Some of them may not have my contact information. The one you worship is omniscient though. He has my number. I'm only willing to give my contact information to the gods that do not possess omniscience.
I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt. I'll meet his god. I'll talk to any god really. All they have to do is contact me. Some of them may not have my contact information. The one you worship is omniscient though. He has my number. I'm only willing to give my contact information to the gods that do not possess omniscience.
You must be really important.
You must be really important.
We will see. His god might flake out. He said his god was the Father of Jesus. The only living God ever in existence.

Have you ever heard of his god? This might be the god I learned about as a kid. It sounds promising.
We will see. His god might flake out. He said his god was the Father of Jesus. The only living God ever in existence.

Have you ever heard of his god? This might be the god I learned about as a kid. It sounds promising.
You mean the one you prayed to by saying, “OK, listen up God, I need you to do this, this and this.”

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