What do people have against


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 22, 2004
Living within our means? Is there seriously something so wrong about not spending more money than we take in?
Income inequality helps explain our savings deficiency which will tie directly to our statist/corporatist policies.

This is another good discussion that rw kooks can challenge me on.
The difference between a Progressive Liberal and a Neocon is.... nothing. The goal of both parties is to grow Government and repeal nothing after you ran on repealing the other party’s evil expansions.
That is why neither party will “live within its means.” How many Dems here though when Obama was elected that he would be 1 of the biggest war presidents in US history? How many Republicans thought Bush would be a war president?

They both ran on anti war platforms.
Please point out the people who are saying that they have anything against living within their means? Raising the Debt Ceiling is about paying the debts we have already incurred. Holding that hostage for the sake of FUTURE spending is what people are "against".

Cutting social safety nets while ignoring the corporate tax breaks and loopholes is what people are "against". Decimating these programs while ADDING to our military budget is what people are "against".

What people aren't "against" is a balanced approach that looks at cuts AND revenues.

You know, liberals aren't in favor of big government, they favor GOOD government.

When people say they are "against the government", it is important to point out that what they are really saying is that they are against "we the people" for that is what American government is comprised of.
I don't have a problem living within my means. I also Pay my bills, and I don't take a pay cut when I know I have to make my car payment etc.
I don't have a problem living within my means. I also Pay my bills, and I don't take a pay cut when I know I have to make my car payment etc.

LOL...certainly not a voluntary one. And I wouldn't cut the food (SS and Medicare) bill first...I'd maybe not buy so many high priced toys (military budget)
what the OP is talking about is people living within their own means.

For some Americans that means they would die because what they can manage to earn is below what they need to survive.

The right pretends this isnt true but many of those people have fought wars for us.
I don't have a problem living within my means. I also Pay my bills, and I don't take a pay cut when I know I have to make my car payment etc.

Oh, you make car payments? You are living beyond your means.
I don't have a problem living within my means. I also Pay my bills, and I don't take a pay cut when I know I have to make my car payment etc.

Oh, you make car payments? You are living beyond your means.

Or a mortgage or a credit card and on and on.

As has been said before, America isn't broke and the Boehner is a moron for saying it is.
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I don't have a problem living within my means. I also Pay my bills, and I don't take a pay cut when I know I have to make my car payment etc.

Cutting spending isn't taking a pay cut.

Nor does incurring more debt help get you out of debt
Living within our means? Is there seriously something so wrong about not spending more money than we take in?

Conversely, what is wrong with paying taxes which aid those who can't live within their limited means? Or, punishing those who exploit labor by providing too few hours for their staff to qualify for benefits, which, btw, results in State or county government subsidizing employers by providing taxpayer funded emergency healthcare to their employees?

The world is not as simple as you conservatives make it out to be. It's easy to blame the working poor, but unconsciounable for conservatives to blame business owners.
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Who knows what our means will be in 5 years?

Hence why we live in our means today. So 5 years from now we have the flexbility to adjust our budget without the obligations we experience with debt.

“Interest never sleeps nor sickens nor dies; it never goes to the hospital; it works on Sundays and holidays; it never takes a vacation. … Once in debt, interest is your companion every minute of the day and night; you cannot shun it or slip away from it; you cannot dismiss it; it yields neither to entreaties, demands, or orders; and whenever you get in its way or cross its course or fail to meet its demands, it crushes you.” (J Reuben Clark Jr)

It's wise to pay our obligations as soon as possible.

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