What a very few African Americans would like to see happen...


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Again I preface.. "a VERY FEW" because the VAST majority are reasonable, logical people that are working hard to have a better life and certainly UNDERSTAND the gross repercussions that the following objective might bring.
$5,900,000,000,000 to $14,200,000,000,000 for reparations due to the below.
But in a new paper, published in the journal Social Science Quarterly, Craemer makes the case that there are other examples of historical reparations paid many decades later after “damages” were incurred. He also has come up with what he says is the most economically sound estimate to date of what reparations could cost: between $5.9 trillion and $14.2 trillion.

Craemer came up with those figures by tabulating how many hours all slaves—men, women and children—worked in the United States from when the country was officially established in 1776 until 1865, when slavery was officially abolished. He multiplied the amount of time they worked by average wage prices at the time, and then a compounding interest rate of 3 percent per year (more than making up for inflation). There is a range because the amount of time worked isn’t a hard figure.

Slavery Reparations Could Cost Up to $14 Trillion, According to New Calculation

Assuming a middle figure of $10 trillion was agreed on.
How would that figure be paid for?
Who would be eligible?
Certainly NOT all African-Americans as not all can trace their lineage back to slaves.
Certainly not all African-Americans who are wealthy? Is that fair?
And so just these preliminary questions of distribution alone shows the enormity of the problem even IF there was total acquiescence on the part of "White people" that can trace their lineage back to slave owners as it would be totally unfair to force"white people" with NO slave owners in their lineage to pay for the sins of the slave owners.

So this is the dilemma facing those advocates of "Slavery Reparations".

But to the point of the thread topic not only would a vast majority of African-Americans not find this a worthy effort, but they would be grossly offended in that all that they have acquired and worked for was not worthy their efforts! They would be as I would be offended and insulted to think that a few people trying to assuage THEIR own distorted and skewed sense of responsibility would want to take away their property i.e. because if they couldn't trace their lineage they too are responsible!

Monday 28 August 2017 03.00 EDT
The west’s wealth is based on slavery. Reparations should be paid
The west’s wealth is based on slavery. Reparations should be paid | Kehinde Andrews
This is NOT something that is going away!
Solutions the above author suggests:
In many ways the calls for reparatory justice do not take go far enough.
Caricom includes a demand to cancel third world debt,
and the Movement for Black Lives for free tuition for African Americans.
We would need to perfect the mechanism for delivering this wealth transfer.
(NOTE: All African Americans... but remember NOT all African Americans can trace lineage to slaves!)

So for all you people that are in favor of this "WEALTH TRANSFER"... consider what will happen.
The GDP, for the time period mentioned, for the entire continent of
Africa was around a $1.98. They just need to be thankful that their
ancestors got a couple of meals a day.

Their beef should be with the folks that initially enslaved them and then
sold them.
But to the point of the thread topic not only would a vast majority of African-Americans not find this a worthy effort, but they would be grossly offended in that all that they have acquired and worked for was not worthy their efforts!
You know what a vast majority of blacks think and feel, eh?

How do you know this?
I'm so grateful healthmyths took the time to inform all of us of the black community's consensus. I don't know how else we could have found out, except by tuning in Fox News or something.
Those bastard Romans enslaved my people, where's my reparations?

HEY... I'm part American Indian! I want a portion of my ancestral land BACK just like these Indians are doing!
Tribe Sets up Encampment on Brown University Land
Members of a Native American tribe and their supporters have set up an encampment on Brown University land, saying it was illegally taken from them hundreds of years ago.
Reparations are already paid in the form of The War on Poverty in which we have spent $22 Trillion on already.

The War on Poverty Has Cost $22 Trillion
Good point! The only issue is more whites receive welfare then Blacks. Now as a percentage of their demographic YES blacks received more then whites.

And your point is, that Poor White People don't need help?

So you want Welfare for the Poor of which a disproportionate percentage goes to minorities, and on top of that, you also want reparations, but only for black Americans when we have already spent 22 Trillion Dollars helping "disadvantaged people"

Not only that, all the laws that have been written and money spent implementing them, like Affirmative Action, The Rooney Rule, Title IX. That also is a form of Reparations.

I think this is another Leftist Scam trying to get A Socialist Program called "Guaranteed Incomes" implemented, through letting The Reparations camel get his head in The Tent.

This is more deficit spending on top of a $22 Trillion Dollar Debt.
But to the point of the thread topic not only would a vast majority of African-Americans not find this a worthy effort, but they would be grossly offended in that all that they have acquired and worked for was not worthy their efforts!
You know what a vast majority of blacks think and feel, eh?

How do you know this?

I didn't know! I was just trying to be "politically Correct"... NOT to offend the majority of blacks on this forum.
I was assuming they are intelligent, rational human beings FIRST! I was trying to be "politically correct"! WRONG!

I WAS WRONG about the "vast Majority"!
I should have done my research FIRST.

I apologize for that erroneous politically correct assumption!

FACT:YouGov | Overwhelming opposition to reparations for slavery and Jim Crow
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But to the point of the thread topic not only would a vast majority of African-Americans not find this a worthy effort, but they would be grossly offended in that all that they have acquired and worked for was not worthy their efforts!
You know what a vast majority of blacks think and feel, eh?

How do you know this?

I didn't know! I was just trying to be "politically Correct"... NOT to offend the majority of blacks on this forum.
I was assuming they are intelligent, rational human beings FIRST! I was trying to be "politically correct"! WRONG!
You weren't trying to be politically correct. You were making assumptions based on an amazingly ignorant false dichotomy.

How do you know most blacks do not agree that America's wealth was built on their backs? Where did you get this idea?

Fox News? Rush? Breitbart?

Reparations are already paid in the form of The War on Poverty in which we have spent $22 Trillion on already.

The War on Poverty Has Cost $22 Trillion
Good point! The only issue is more whites receive welfare then Blacks. Now as a percentage of their demographic YES blacks received more then whites.

And your point is, that Poor White People don't need help?

So you want Welfare for the Poor of which a disproportionate percentage goes to minorities, and on top of that, you also want reparations when we have already spent 22 Trillion Dollars helping "disadvantaged people"

Not only that, all the laws that have been written and money spent implementing them, like Affirmative Action, The Rooney Rule, Title IX. That also is a form of Reparations.

No you grossly misread my "point" which is the REALTY is more dollars go to Whites as there are MORE POOR whites than blacks.
BUT as a % of the black population it is a HIGHER percentage meaning as a group they are more prone to sitting back and waiting for the welfare check.
I am NOT in favor of Reparations.
Reparations are already paid in the form of The War on Poverty in which we have spent $22 Trillion on already.

The War on Poverty Has Cost $22 Trillion
Good point! The only issue is more whites receive welfare then Blacks. Now as a percentage of their demographic YES blacks received more then whites.

And your point is, that Poor White People don't need help?

So you want Welfare for the Poor of which a disproportionate percentage goes to minorities, and on top of that, you also want reparations when we have already spent 22 Trillion Dollars helping "disadvantaged people"

Not only that, all the laws that have been written and money spent implementing them, like Affirmative Action, The Rooney Rule, Title IX. That also is a form of Reparations.

No you grossly misread my "point" which is the REALTY is more dollars go to Whites as there are MORE POOR whites than blacks.
BUT as a % of the black population it is a HIGHER percentage meaning as a group they are more prone to sitting back and waiting for the welfare check.
Damn those lazy negroes!
But to the point of the thread topic not only would a vast majority of African-Americans not find this a worthy effort, but they would be grossly offended in that all that they have acquired and worked for was not worthy their efforts!
You know what a vast majority of blacks think and feel, eh?

How do you know this?

I didn't know! I was just trying to be "politically Correct"... NOT to offend the majority of blacks on this forum.
I was assuming they are intelligent, rational human beings FIRST! I was trying to be "politically correct"! WRONG!
You weren't trying to be politically correct. You were making assumptions based on an amazingly ignorant false dichotomy.

How do you know most blacks do not agree that America's wealth was built on their backs? Where did you get this idea?

Fox News? Rush? Breitbart?


HERE since you obviously didn't read my reply I'll do it again!
I didn't know! I was just trying to be "politically Correct"... NOT to offend the majority of blacks on this forum.
I was assuming they are intelligent, rational human beings FIRST! I was trying to be "politically correct"! WRONG!

BUT I WAS WRONG about the "vast Majority"!
I should have done my research FIRST.

I apologize for that erroneous politically correct assumption!

FACT:YouGov | Overwhelming opposition to reparations for slavery and Jim Crow
If you are receiving government aid, you are "sitting back and waiting for the welfare check".

That is, lazy.

And darkies are far more lazy than the white people who built this country.

I know how these people think!
Reparations are already paid in the form of The War on Poverty in which we have spent $22 Trillion on already.

The War on Poverty Has Cost $22 Trillion
Good point! The only issue is more whites receive welfare then Blacks. Now as a percentage of their demographic YES blacks received more then whites.

And your point is, that Poor White People don't need help?

So you want Welfare for the Poor of which a disproportionate percentage goes to minorities, and on top of that, you also want reparations when we have already spent 22 Trillion Dollars helping "disadvantaged people"

Not only that, all the laws that have been written and money spent implementing them, like Affirmative Action, The Rooney Rule, Title IX. That also is a form of Reparations.

No you grossly misread my "point" which is the REALTY is more dollars go to Whites as there are MORE POOR whites than blacks.
BUT as a % of the black population it is a HIGHER percentage meaning as a group they are more prone to sitting back and waiting for the welfare check.
Damn those lazy negroes!

And once again you jump to conclusions.
And the social biological answer for WHY those "lazy negroes' lies in breeding.
Back when slave owners were breeding slaves what kind of slave would YOU want? A strong but ignorant slave. Why would you want a smart weak slave?
So from that perspective the African American genetically was breed for with body muscle priority and brain muscle less so.

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