WELL...this is interesting: Brian Williams (NBC newscaster) admits lying

NBC has been lying for so long that they don't even get how bad this works. They think that if they say the story is 'conflated' then it's all just 'misremembered.' Williams didn't report in 03 that his helicopter took fire cos he knew he'd get called out. Then later, seeing an opportunity for glory, he boldfaced lied. If this is what NBC thinks passes for integrity, then have at, Haws.
liberal media will sweep it under the rug. MSNBC and NBC have no fucking integrity as media outlets. if you watch either you are an idiot.

A comment by one of the willfully ignorant. Given his work on this message board, calling anyone an idiot is arrogance to the extreme.
Calling you an idiot is not arrogance. Please lets not confuse the truth with your socialist beliefs. Didn't i spank you last argument we had on this board? I dunno, can't remember. You retorts must have bored me so I forgot.
“I was instead in a following aircraft. We all landed after the ground fire incident and spent two harrowing nights in a sandstorm in the Iraq desert,” Williams said Wednesday.

Wow; even in Lyin' Bryan's pre-written apology, he decided that he should paint his experience as 'harrowing.' What an egoist.
Just the start....there are soooo many!

liberal media will sweep it under the rug. MSNBC and NBC have no fucking integrity as media outlets. if you watch either you are an idiot.

A comment by one of the willfully ignorant. Given his work on this message board, calling anyone an idiot is arrogance to the extreme.
Calling you an idiot is not arrogance. Please lets not confuse the truth with your socialist beliefs. Didn't i spank you last argument we had on this board? I dunno, can't remember. You retorts must have bored me so I forgot.

You must be taking writing lessons from PoliticalChic, or else you too are challenged by reality - likely both. You've never posted anything I've read that made a scintilla of sense. All of your posts which I have read are echos of conservative propaganda, framed in name calling, very childish indeed.
I hate to say it but American sniper and hero to the wing nutistas :blsmile:, Chris Kyle, told more fibs in his autobiography than Brian Williams ever dreamed of...Kyle lied about punching out Jesse Ventura :blahblah:; He lied about killing thirty US citizens in New Orleans from the rooftop of the Stadium :blahblah:; he lied about shooting two would be robber on a highway in the US:blahblah:...all of it bogus but that don't make no never mind to the wing nuts does it...:banghead: :biggrin:
I hate to say it but American sniper and hero to the wing nutistas :blsmile:, Chris Kyle, told more fibs in his autobiography than Brian Williams ever dreamed of...Kyle lied about punching out Jesse Ventura :blahblah:; He lied about killing thirty US citizens in New Orleans from the rooftop of the Stadium :blahblah:; he lied about shooting two would be robber on a highway in the US:blahblah:...all of it bogus but that don't make no never mind to the wing nuts does it...:banghead: :biggrin:

You were there, right Pussypussy....tell us all about what YOU saw!:cuckoo::cuckoo:
“I was instead in a following aircraft. We all landed after the ground fire incident and spent two harrowing nights in a sandstorm in the Iraq desert,” Williams said Wednesday.

Wow; even in Lyin' Bryan's pre-written apology, he decided that he should paint his experience as 'harrowing.' What an egoist.

Wow...watch between 2 and 3 minute mark. Lyin' Bryan is even lying about the two nights in the desert. He lied during his apology about lying.....What an enormous deuche...

I hate to say it but American sniper and hero to the wing nutistas :blsmile:, Chris Kyle, told more fibs in his autobiography than Brian Williams ever dreamed of...Kyle lied about punching out Jesse Ventura :blahblah:; He lied about killing thirty US citizens in New Orleans from the rooftop of the Stadium :blahblah:; he lied about shooting two would be robber on a highway in the US:blahblah:...all of it bogus but that don't make no never mind to the wing nuts does it...:banghead: :biggrin:

Well then, Lyin' Bryan should continue to be the face of NBC because he didn't lie as much as Chris Kyle. Although, dead bodies floating through NO, babies getting raped, two harrowing nights in the desert, getting fired upon, having drank rain water that gave Williams dissentry are just some of the lies that we know about that might throw your warped case off the track.
On my way to work, I was listening to the morning show on the so-called world famous K-ROQ, which is owned by Clear Channel. Clear Channel is a major business partner of NBC (google it). So, instead of talking about Brian Williams lies, they were discussing this youtube piece from 8 months ago:

Meh to that. But this was kinda good all the same:

Isn't it amazing how hysterical Vigilante and the rest of the crazy right wing get when red meat is tossed their way? Arrogant assholes such as Vigilante have an emotional catharsis whenever a Democrat fucks up, and they never forget them.

The Great Irony of this is they can't seem to recall the any faux pas every made by a right wing public figure, but will always remind us of those by Democrats or liberals, even years after the event.

George W. Bush never made a foolish comment, nor did Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachmann, or Todd (ligitimate rape) Akin, at least in the memory of Vigilante; how about it Vigilante, do you recall Gov. Perry and the Executive Department he wanted to eliminate, but couldn't remember its name, or despicable treatment Sandra Fluke received for simply speaking her mind.

Self-aggrandizing only harms the speaker, some of the comments made by the Republicans noted above defamed others simply because they disagreed with their opinions but couldn't form an intelligent rebuttal (much like the right wing nuts who post here).
Wow, Lyan Bryan's apology gave me the impression that they were following another chinook that was getting fired upon. Turns out, they just crossed paths with the dang copter:

Luke said it was “misleading” for Williams to say his aircraft was following the stricken Chinook. Luke told Stars and Stripes that Williams’ Chinook was headed south, back toward Kuwait, when it passed another formation from a separate aviation company flying north.

After the two formations passed each other, Luke’s crew heard on the radio that a northbound aircraft had been hit by RPG and small-arms fire, presumably from gunmen in a white pickup truck they had seen minutes earlier. Soon after the attack, Luke said his helicopter and the one carrying Williams were forced to change course because of the sandstorm and land near a makeshift supply camp — Objective Rams — where the stricken helicopter had also put down.

Brian Williams apology draws mixed reviews from mission vets - U.S. - Stripes

Yea, just fire his ass and get over it. Fire meaning coming to a mutual buyout; cos that's how TV royalty gets treated after all. But seriously, give up the proverbial ghost. This guy has no credibility. And its not like the next guy will have an ounce more of credibility; but the point is you have to at least sell the illusion of credibility.
Isn't it amazing how hysterical Vigilante and the rest of the crazy right wing get when red meat is tossed their way? Arrogant assholes such as Vigilante have an emotional catharsis whenever a Democrat fucks up, and they never forget them.

The Great Irony of this is they can't seem to recall the any faux pas every made by a right wing public figure, but will always remind us of those by Democrats or liberals, even years after the event.

George W. Bush never made a foolish comment, nor did Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachmann, or Todd (ligitimate rape) Akin, at least in the memory of Vigilante; how about it Vigilante, do you recall Gov. Perry and the Executive Department he wanted to eliminate, but couldn't remember its name, or despicable treatment Sandra Fluke received for simply speaking her mind.

Self-aggrandizing only harms the speaker, some of the comments made by the Republicans noted above defamed others simply because they disagreed with their opinions but couldn't form an intelligent rebuttal (much like the right wing nuts who post here).

Q: Isn't it amazing that you're here throwing out your aspersions?

A: No, that's what you do every thread.
Isn't it amazing how hysterical Vigilante and the rest of the crazy right wing get when red meat is tossed their way? Arrogant assholes such as Vigilante have an emotional catharsis whenever a Democrat fucks up, and they never forget them.

The Great Irony of this is they can't seem to recall the any faux pas every made by a right wing public figure, but will always remind us of those by Democrats or liberals, even years after the event.

George W. Bush never made a foolish comment, nor did Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachmann, or Todd (ligitimate rape) Akin, at least in the memory of Vigilante; how about it Vigilante, do you recall Gov. Perry and the Executive Department he wanted to eliminate, but couldn't remember its name, or despicable treatment Sandra Fluke received for simply speaking her mind.

Self-aggrandizing only harms the speaker, some of the comments made by the Republicans noted above defamed others simply because they disagreed with their opinions but couldn't form an intelligent rebuttal (much like the right wing nuts who post here).

Q: Isn't it amazing that you're here throwing out your aspersions?

A: No, that's what you do every thread.

That's your opinion, unsubstantiated, lacking examples, and being a logical fallacy (ad hominem); something I expect from the right. My aspersions are in the public domain, and really do not need further ado. Do you claim they are false, that I'm being mendacious? I can post a number quotes from youtube as evidence - but first you post every thread which I have posted which attack others not justified by facts.

Do I call Vigilante an arrogant asshole, yep, and the body of his work is probative of the fact. Since I have no record of you until now, I'll reserve judgment. Post a rebuttal, posts something sagacious, sans a smart ass personal attack and I'll rethink my first impression.
Isn't it amazing how hysterical Vigilante and the rest of the crazy right wing get when red meat is tossed their way? Arrogant assholes such as Vigilante have an emotional catharsis whenever a Democrat fucks up, and they never forget them.

The Great Irony of this is they can't seem to recall the any faux pas every made by a right wing public figure, but will always remind us of those by Democrats or liberals, even years after the event.

George W. Bush never made a foolish comment, nor did Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachmann, or Todd (ligitimate rape) Akin, at least in the memory of Vigilante; how about it Vigilante, do you recall Gov. Perry and the Executive Department he wanted to eliminate, but couldn't remember its name, or despicable treatment Sandra Fluke received for simply speaking her mind.

Self-aggrandizing only harms the speaker, some of the comments made by the Republicans noted above defamed others simply because they disagreed with their opinions but couldn't form an intelligent rebuttal (much like the right wing nuts who post here).

Q: Isn't it amazing that you're here throwing out your aspersions?

A: No, that's what you do every thread.

That's your opinion, unsubstantiated, lacking examples, and being a logical fallacy (ad hominem); something I expect from the right. My aspersions are in the public domain, and really do not need further ado. Do you claim they are false, that I'm being mendacious? I can post a number quotes from youtube as evidence - but first you post every thread which I have posted which attack others not justified by facts.

Do I call Vigilante an arrogant asshole, yep, and the body of his work is probative of the fact. Since I have no record of you until now, I'll reserve judgment. Post a rebuttal, posts something sagacious, sans a smart ass personal attack and I'll rethink my first impression.

Those of us who have been around have seen your lame game. You're an aspersion machine. And you constantly engage in logical fallacies of this sort. The rest of this post, is for everyone else:

Isn't it amazing how hysterical Vigilante and the rest of the crazy right wing get when red meat is tossed their way? Arrogant assholes such as Vigilante have an emotional catharsis whenever a Democrat fucks up, and they never forget them.

The Great Irony of this is they can't seem to recall the any faux pas every made by a right wing public figure, but will always remind us of those by Democrats or liberals, even years after the event.

George W. Bush never made a foolish comment, nor did Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachmann, or Todd (ligitimate rape) Akin, at least in the memory of Vigilante; how about it Vigilante, do you recall Gov. Perry and the Executive Department he wanted to eliminate, but couldn't remember its name, or despicable treatment Sandra Fluke received for simply speaking her mind.

Self-aggrandizing only harms the speaker, some of the comments made by the Republicans noted above defamed others simply because they disagreed with their opinions but couldn't form an intelligent rebuttal (much like the right wing nuts who post here).

Q: Isn't it amazing that you're here throwing out your aspersions?

A: No, that's what you do every thread.

That's your opinion, unsubstantiated, lacking examples, and being a logical fallacy (ad hominem); something I expect from the right. My aspersions are in the public domain, and really do not need further ado. Do you claim they are false, that I'm being mendacious? I can post a number quotes from youtube as evidence - but first you post every thread which I have posted which attack others not justified by facts.

Do I call Vigilante an arrogant asshole, yep, and the body of his work is probative of the fact. Since I have no record of you until now, I'll reserve judgment. Post a rebuttal, posts something sagacious, sans a smart ass personal attack and I'll rethink my first impression.

Those of us who have been around have seen your lame game. You're an aspersion machine. And you constantly engage in logical fallacies of this sort. The rest of this post, is for everyone else:


I see my first impression was spot on. By the way, your overuse of the same word is telling.

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