Zone1 Weird religious rituals and beliefs


Diamond Member
Sep 27, 2012
The Hindu will marry animals to bring rain or ward off evil spirits
The Jews have kaparot. They hold a chicken, move their head around and pass their sins to the chicken, that is then killed and given to a poor person
Mormons baptize the dead using a living person
Muslims believe yawning is from satan
The Abwoi(african) will kill a male who tells his wife what their god looks like
Many black Hebrews are anti-semites
Christians eat crackers and drink grape juice and pretend they are eating a 2k year old dead guys flesh and blood

Please add more! :)
Madagascars day of the dead includes people digging up their dead relatives and dancing with them
The religion of statism dictates that the state can birth you, clothe you, feed you, educate you, house you, comfort you in psychological stress, protect you, make you well when sick, provide you a job, give you meaning beyond yourself, take care of you in old age and all sorts of stuff.
Most fundie faiths consider a female's hair as her 'crowning glory ' & mandating it be covered is an age old means of subjugating her.
The religion of statism dictates that the state can birth you, clothe you, feed you, educate you, house you, comfort you in psychological stress, protect you, make you well when sick, provide you a job, give you meaning beyond yourself, take care of you in old age and all sorts of stuff.

They can even fuck you.
Give JoBu rum...cigar...he come. Take fear from bats.

Christians use Jesus supposed foreskin as a religious relic. They used to rub blind peoples eyes with it.
My favorite is the cannibalism in Christianity. Eat the body
and drink the blood of Christ. Wtf?

Snake handling. Demonstrate your love for Jesus by holding a venomous snake. If you get bit, don’t treat it with medicine - just pray. If you die, that just means God was calling you.

Speaking in tongues. I have no idea what this is supposed to be, something about the devil escaping your body or something? It just looks really, really stupid.
Unique burial rituals in the Philippines:
  • The Tinguian people dress the deceased in the fanciest of clothes and sit the body on a chair, often placing a lit cigarette in the lips
  • Benguet people blindfold their dead before placing them in chairs at the entrance of the home.
  • The Cebuano people dress children attending funerals in red to lessen the chance that they will see ghosts.
  • The Sagada region features coffins hung from cliffs, bringing the souls of the dead closer to heaven
  • People in Cavite often entomb the deceased vertically in a hollowed-out tree chosen by the person before death.
My favorite is the cannibalism in Christianity. Eat the body a
nd drink the blood of Christ. Wtf?

Snake handling. Demonstrate your love for Jesus by holding a venomous snake. If you get bit, don’t treat it with medicine - just pray. If you die, that just means God was calling you.

Speaking in tongues. I have no idea what this is supposed to be, something about the devil escaping your body or something? It just looks really, really stupid.

i think that practice is related to the bible story about the tower of babel
( that's where the term ' what are you babbling about? ' comes from )

& in that story, a tower is built to more or less replace god & god created confusement among the men building it by making them babble & so they couldn't understand each other & the tower was never built. so somehow speaking in tongues is related to that. & probably was satan's idea to build that tower
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Someone needs to explain better than I can The reason and meaning of the Lord's supper and speaking in tongues.
I have done the Lord's supper many times and spoke in tongues when baptized by the Holy Spirit.
The Hindu will marry animals to bring rain or ward off evil spirits
The Jews have kaparot. They hold a chicken, move their head around and pass their sins to the chicken, that is then killed and given to a poor person
Mormons baptize the dead using a living person
Muslims believe yawning is from satan
The Abwoi(african) will kill a male who tells his wife what their god looks like
Many black Hebrews are anti-semites
Christians eat crackers and drink grape juice and pretend they are eating a 2k year old dead guys flesh and blood

Please add more! :)
when Jesus washes the Apostles feet: kinda gay or weird
Most satanists dont believe in satan. Rather, they believe each person is a god and worship individuality.
Ironically, this is probably the least weird so far.

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