We Were Wrong.....


PROUD Tea Party Member
Dec 5, 2012
Damn...I guess Montana newspapers have finally come to their senses...

Newspaper: ‘We Were Wrong’ To Endorse Obama; He’s Even Worse Than George Bush

The Billings Gazette, a Montana newspaper that endorsed Barack Obama over John McCain in 2008, admitted Friday that it was wrong. It appears that the unraveling of Iraq is the proverbial straw that broke the camel’s back.
Obama, the paper said, is even worse than George W. Bush:
“[W]e were wrong. We said things couldn’t get much worse after the sub-par presidency of George W. Bush. But, President Barack Obama’s administration has us yearning for the good ol’ days when we were at least winning battles in Iraq.”
Here’s what the paper wrote about Obama in 2008:
“At this extremely challenging time, America needs a uniter, not a divider. In this economic turmoil, America needs a thoughtful, cool-headed optimist who envisions a bright future for all citizens.
After several years in which worldwide respect for America has been diminished, our great nation needs a new leader who can inspire confidence at home and abroad.”
A “uniter, not a divider” who could restore “worldwide respect for America”? LOL.
“Obama is that leader. As Gen. Colin Powell said last week, Obama is the president America needs now ‘ecause of his ability to inspire, because of the inclusive nature of his campaign, because he is reaching out all across America, because of who he is and his rhetorical abilities. … He has both style and substance.’”
After painting his opposition as “enemies” for 5 ever-more polarizing years, it’s clear that this couldn’t be any further from reality.
If you’re one of the people who voted for Obama in 2008, 2012 or both and now regret it, The Billings Gazette officially feels your pain. Finally.
Damn...I guess Montana newspapers have finally come to their senses...

Newspaper: ‘We Were Wrong’ To Endorse Obama; He’s Even Worse Than George Bush

The Billings Gazette, a Montana newspaper that endorsed Barack Obama over John McCain in 2008, admitted Friday that it was wrong. It appears that the unraveling of Iraq is the proverbial straw that broke the camel’s back.
Obama, the paper said, is even worse than George W. Bush:
“[W]e were wrong. We said things couldn’t get much worse after the sub-par presidency of George W. Bush. But, President Barack Obama’s administration has us yearning for the good ol’ days when we were at least winning battles in Iraq.”
Here’s what the paper wrote about Obama in 2008:
“At this extremely challenging time, America needs a uniter, not a divider. In this economic turmoil, America needs a thoughtful, cool-headed optimist who envisions a bright future for all citizens.
After several years in which worldwide respect for America has been diminished, our great nation needs a new leader who can inspire confidence at home and abroad.”
A “uniter, not a divider” who could restore “worldwide respect for America”? LOL.
“Obama is that leader. As Gen. Colin Powell said last week, Obama is the president America needs now ‘ecause of his ability to inspire, because of the inclusive nature of his campaign, because he is reaching out all across America, because of who he is and his rhetorical abilities. … He has both style and substance.’”
After painting his opposition as “enemies” for 5 ever-more polarizing years, it’s clear that this couldn’t be any further from reality.
If you’re one of the people who voted for Obama in 2008, 2012 or both and now regret it, The Billings Gazette officially feels your pain. Finally.

Why do we want to be winning battles in Iraq? We should never have invaded that country to begin with.
Damn...I guess Montana newspapers have finally come to their senses...

Newspaper: ‘We Were Wrong’ To Endorse Obama; He’s Even Worse Than George Bush

The Billings Gazette, a Montana newspaper that endorsed Barack Obama over John McCain in 2008, admitted Friday that it was wrong. It appears that the unraveling of Iraq is the proverbial straw that broke the camel’s back.
Obama, the paper said, is even worse than George W. Bush:
“[W]e were wrong. We said things couldn’t get much worse after the sub-par presidency of George W. Bush. But, President Barack Obama’s administration has us yearning for the good ol’ days when we were at least winning battles in Iraq.”
Here’s what the paper wrote about Obama in 2008:
“At this extremely challenging time, America needs a uniter, not a divider. In this economic turmoil, America needs a thoughtful, cool-headed optimist who envisions a bright future for all citizens.
After several years in which worldwide respect for America has been diminished, our great nation needs a new leader who can inspire confidence at home and abroad.”
A “uniter, not a divider” who could restore “worldwide respect for America”? LOL.
“Obama is that leader. As Gen. Colin Powell said last week, Obama is the president America needs now ‘ecause of his ability to inspire, because of the inclusive nature of his campaign, because he is reaching out all across America, because of who he is and his rhetorical abilities. … He has both style and substance.’”
After painting his opposition as “enemies” for 5 ever-more polarizing years, it’s clear that this couldn’t be any further from reality.
If you’re one of the people who voted for Obama in 2008, 2012 or both and now regret it, The Billings Gazette officially feels your pain. Finally.

Fuck the Billings Gazette and the rest of the media. While I am no big fan of the President, I am even less of a fan of the media that all but refused to take a good deep look at Obama when he was a candidate.
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What a stupid newspaper editorial staff. Iraq was an illegal invasion of a sovereign nation - why is that so hard to accept? Is Montana now becoming another one of America's stupid states? Excellent piece below, and check out the veteran's op.

The Philosopher's Stone: IRAQ -- PART ONE

"With Iraq's Sunni insurgents taking over increasing amounts of territory, and with splits among Shiite factions in the country, I called up Thomas E. Ricks, the Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter who became well known for his work covering the war in Iraq. Over the course of numerous newspaper articles and two books, Ricks traced the conflict from its beginning all the way until the American withdrawal. Currently the National Security advisor at the New America Foundation, he also writes the blog The Best Defense for Foreign Policy magazine."
An Interview With Tom Ricks on the Crisis in Iraq: How Bad Can It Get? | New Republic

"The Wikipedia says Operation Iraqi Freedom started on the 20th of March, 2003, which is just another reason why you shouldn’t believe anything you read in the Wikipedia (don’t, just don’t). That’s not correct, the war began a day earlier. See, I was there on the night the war really started, at precisely 2200 hours, on the 19th of March in the Northern Arabian Gulf. I was there when US Navy SEALs and Polish GROM stormed the MABOT and KAAOT oil terminals a full day before Saddam Hussein discovered that his time was finally up. In point of fact, I had arrived there four months before, a few days before Christmas in December of 2002. From the day of my arrival (and before that really) to the day the war started, and for months after, I was a Navy intelligence officer working in support of the invasion force. There’s not much I don’t know about the events leading up to war and the aftermath of the invasion.
Absolutely Nothing: A Veteran’s Savage Indictment of the Iraq War | Americans Against the Tea Party
Damn...I guess Montana newspapers have finally come to their senses...

Newspaper: ‘We Were Wrong’ To Endorse Obama; He’s Even Worse Than George Bush

The Billings Gazette, a Montana newspaper that endorsed Barack Obama over John McCain in 2008, admitted Friday that it was wrong. It appears that the unraveling of Iraq is the proverbial straw that broke the camel’s back.
Obama, the paper said, is even worse than George W. Bush:
“[W]e were wrong. We said things couldn’t get much worse after the sub-par presidency of George W. Bush. But, President Barack Obama’s administration has us yearning for the good ol’ days when we were at least winning battles in Iraq.”
Here’s what the paper wrote about Obama in 2008:
“At this extremely challenging time, America needs a uniter, not a divider. In this economic turmoil, America needs a thoughtful, cool-headed optimist who envisions a bright future for all citizens.
After several years in which worldwide respect for America has been diminished, our great nation needs a new leader who can inspire confidence at home and abroad.”
A “uniter, not a divider” who could restore “worldwide respect for America”? LOL.
“Obama is that leader. As Gen. Colin Powell said last week, Obama is the president America needs now ‘ecause of his ability to inspire, because of the inclusive nature of his campaign, because he is reaching out all across America, because of who he is and his rhetorical abilities. … He has both style and substance.’”
After painting his opposition as “enemies” for 5 ever-more polarizing years, it’s clear that this couldn’t be any further from reality.
If you’re one of the people who voted for Obama in 2008, 2012 or both and now regret it, The Billings Gazette officially feels your pain. Finally.

Fuck the Billings Gazette and the rest of the media. While I am no big fan of the President, I am even less of a fan of the media that all but refused to take a good deep look at Obama when he was a candidate.

Good point, those writing for the paper were jackasses then there is not reason to think that has changed.
Damn...I guess Montana newspapers have finally come to their senses...

Newspaper: ‘We Were Wrong’ To Endorse Obama; He’s Even Worse Than George Bush

The Billings Gazette, a Montana newspaper that endorsed Barack Obama over John McCain in 2008, admitted Friday that it was wrong. It appears that the unraveling of Iraq is the proverbial straw that broke the camel’s back.
Obama, the paper said, is even worse than George W. Bush:
“[W]e were wrong. We said things couldn’t get much worse after the sub-par presidency of George W. Bush. But, President Barack Obama’s administration has us yearning for the good ol’ days when we were at least winning battles in Iraq.”
Here’s what the paper wrote about Obama in 2008:
“At this extremely challenging time, America needs a uniter, not a divider. In this economic turmoil, America needs a thoughtful, cool-headed optimist who envisions a bright future for all citizens.
After several years in which worldwide respect for America has been diminished, our great nation needs a new leader who can inspire confidence at home and abroad.”
A “uniter, not a divider” who could restore “worldwide respect for America”? LOL.
“Obama is that leader. As Gen. Colin Powell said last week, Obama is the president America needs now ‘ecause of his ability to inspire, because of the inclusive nature of his campaign, because he is reaching out all across America, because of who he is and his rhetorical abilities. … He has both style and substance.’”
After painting his opposition as “enemies” for 5 ever-more polarizing years, it’s clear that this couldn’t be any further from reality.
If you’re one of the people who voted for Obama in 2008, 2012 or both and now regret it, The Billings Gazette officially feels your pain. Finally.

Why do we want to be winning battles in Iraq? We should never have invaded that country to begin with.

I am trying to understand why liberals who supposedly stand up for the tortured, oppressed and down trodden always seem to wish saddam was still around.

This country did not "invade Iraq" and I am still waiting for liberals to explain to me why Obama never called for an independent investigation into Bush and Cheney. Liberals, like you, always say Bush is as guilty as hitler. Get that? Guilty as hitler. One liberal (rightwinger) said the reason Obama did not conduct an investigation was the same reason Gerald Ford did not conduct one into Nixon. That means to rightwinger, the spying on a handful of democrats is akin to mass murder. Which, liberals not only say Bush is as guilty as hitler, they also say he targeted Iraqi civilians and killed millions.

Do you follow that? I doubt it.

So, let us know when Bush gets charged with high war crimes by the UN (who independently investigated Iraq and determined they violated at least 17 resolutions and voted unanimously to LIBERATE Iraq from saddam.)

Too bad so sad for the morons on the left who insist it is so obvious Cheney and Bush cooked up all of this terrorism stuff for oil. Hell, we already know the morons on the left are truthers.

They still think Bush started TWO unwarranted wars. I think they still think the war on terror is a myth. For the ones that supposedly don't, they were stupid enough to believe the war on terror was isolated getting one person and one organization. Osama and al aqeda.

Have those morons noticed that bin laden has been dead for nearly 3 years, and al qaeda is on the run (according to obama...remember) and there are still mass terror killings?

Oh never mind. Liberals will not get it. They will stick with their bullshit and all of the irrational rantings with out proof.
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Damn...I guess Montana newspapers have finally come to their senses...

Newspaper: ‘We Were Wrong’ To Endorse Obama; He’s Even Worse Than George Bush

The Billings Gazette, a Montana newspaper that endorsed Barack Obama over John McCain in 2008, admitted Friday that it was wrong. It appears that the unraveling of Iraq is the proverbial straw that broke the camel’s back.
Obama, the paper said, is even worse than George W. Bush:
“[W]e were wrong. We said things couldn’t get much worse after the sub-par presidency of George W. Bush. But, President Barack Obama’s administration has us yearning for the good ol’ days when we were at least winning battles in Iraq.”
Here’s what the paper wrote about Obama in 2008:
“At this extremely challenging time, America needs a uniter, not a divider. In this economic turmoil, America needs a thoughtful, cool-headed optimist who envisions a bright future for all citizens.
After several years in which worldwide respect for America has been diminished, our great nation needs a new leader who can inspire confidence at home and abroad.”
A “uniter, not a divider” who could restore “worldwide respect for America”? LOL.
“Obama is that leader. As Gen. Colin Powell said last week, Obama is the president America needs now ‘ecause of his ability to inspire, because of the inclusive nature of his campaign, because he is reaching out all across America, because of who he is and his rhetorical abilities. … He has both style and substance.’”
After painting his opposition as “enemies” for 5 ever-more polarizing years, it’s clear that this couldn’t be any further from reality.
If you’re one of the people who voted for Obama in 2008, 2012 or both and now regret it, The Billings Gazette officially feels your pain. Finally.

Why do we want to be winning battles in Iraq? We should never have invaded that country to begin with.

You're wrong. Saddam paid those who murdered American citizens double what he paid for them to murder Israelis. George W. Bush made the correct call, and don't you forget it. :evil:
Print media is almost dead. No one cares who newspapers endorse anymore, do any of you care? Does it effect your vote? Screw these "journalists" who somehow have no grasp of recent history or the fact that Obama is not president of the middle east.
I see once again that any critique of Obama turns into a diatribe about Iraq. OK, we got it, you don't think that removing a sadistic dictator like Saddam was worth it in Iraq but you do in Syria, Libia, and of course the Balkans. You don't think that the freeing millions of Iraqis so they too can have the freedom to vote is worth it, got ya. You didn't much care about Saddam's sons and their torture chambers, OK then. You think it was all about oil yet I don't see where we stole a drop, should have, didn't.

That said, I would have voted no for war but what the hell do I know? I am glad that the war didn't cause a huge disruption in the world economy. If anything it stimulated the US economy. Had we bombed the crap out of Saddam he would have done what he did in Kuwait and blew up his oil fields, and quite frankly I am addicted to oil, I like the stuff and I don't want to mortgage my house to be able to drive to work.
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Damn...I guess Montana newspapers have finally come to their senses...

Newspaper: ‘We Were Wrong’ To Endorse Obama; He’s Even Worse Than George Bush

The Billings Gazette, a Montana newspaper that endorsed Barack Obama over John McCain in 2008, admitted Friday that it was wrong. It appears that the unraveling of Iraq is the proverbial straw that broke the camel’s back.
Obama, the paper said, is even worse than George W. Bush:
“[W]e were wrong. We said things couldn’t get much worse after the sub-par presidency of George W. Bush. But, President Barack Obama’s administration has us yearning for the good ol’ days when we were at least winning battles in Iraq.”
Here’s what the paper wrote about Obama in 2008:
“At this extremely challenging time, America needs a uniter, not a divider. In this economic turmoil, America needs a thoughtful, cool-headed optimist who envisions a bright future for all citizens.
After several years in which worldwide respect for America has been diminished, our great nation needs a new leader who can inspire confidence at home and abroad.”
A “uniter, not a divider” who could restore “worldwide respect for America”? LOL.
“Obama is that leader. As Gen. Colin Powell said last week, Obama is the president America needs now ‘ecause of his ability to inspire, because of the inclusive nature of his campaign, because he is reaching out all across America, because of who he is and his rhetorical abilities. … He has both style and substance.’”
After painting his opposition as “enemies” for 5 ever-more polarizing years, it’s clear that this couldn’t be any further from reality.
If you’re one of the people who voted for Obama in 2008, 2012 or both and now regret it, The Billings Gazette officially feels your pain. Finally.

Well this is what happens when people buy cars because of their color. Black is in, white is so yesterday. Hell white folks don't have a 6 inch vertical leap, they are useless. Take those of color out of major league sports and what do you have left? The ball boy and those guys that hold the yard line sticks, whatever they are called.

So they bought an Obama because the radio worked really well, the color was right and it rode smoothly. They thought they bought an Cadillac and got a Hugo, too bad for US.

But in retrospect I can hardly blame them. The MSM and liberals had spent the last two years of GWB's term vilifying him and ignoring him because they took over congress. Hell they even created a housing crash which they were able to blame GWB. So people were looking for change and quite frankly McCain wasn't it. I really believe if she would have had more time to be prepared Palin would have done better in the general election then McCain. I was going to sit out the election until she was his running mate. As usual I didn't get a meaningful vote in the Primary. If they defended Obama today then I would say they were really out of touch and just a partisan rag. Nothing Obama talked about has gotten better. We are more divided then ever, the economy is still in the mud, education isn't better, and the border is being flooded with illegal CHILDREN. For crying out loud they are sending their CHILDREN across the border, abandoning their CHILDREN and the administration applauds them. We have really sunk as a nation.
I see once again that any critique of Obama turns into a diatribe about Iraq. OK, we got it, you don't think that removing a sadistic dictator like Saddam was worth it in Iraq but you do in Syria, Libia, and of course the Balkans. You don't think that the freeing millions of Iraqis so they too can have the freedom to vote is worth it, got ya. You didn't much care about Saddam's sons and their torture chambers, OK then. You think it was all about oil yet I don't see where we stole a drop, should have, didn't.

That said, I would have voted no for war but what the hell do I know? I am glad that the war didn't cause a huge disruption in the world economy. If anything it stimulated the US economy. Had we bombed the crap out of Saddam he would have done what he did in Kuwait and blew up his oil fields, and quite frankly I am addicted to oil, I like the stuff and I don't want to mortgage my house to be able to drive to work.

The president of Iraq wanted us out, made a big deal of it, we left to give our puppet some legitimacy, he thanks us for setting him up by fanning the flames of sectarian conflict and now he wants us back. Fuck him, and fuck anyone who wants to help him retain power.
What a stupid newspaper editorial staff. Iraq was an illegal invasion of a sovereign nation - why is that so hard to accept?

Since you made this declarative statement can you produce what world body is charging Bush with "illegal" invasion? I realize that the left loves wars that can be waged like COD from a bunker in Nevada. A place where with a joy stick people can be killed. So, if you are claiming that Bush was a criminal because he waged war against a sovereign country that he actually did go to the UN and the Congress for approval then what does that make Obama, honestly in your eyes, for killing Americans in ally sovereign countries? I won't ask about the brown skinned people he has killed, both innocent and guilty, because in reality who really cares? Certainly not the Obama supporters.
I see once again that any critique of Obama turns into a diatribe about Iraq. OK, we got it, you don't think that removing a sadistic dictator like Saddam was worth it in Iraq but you do in Syria, Libia, and of course the Balkans. You don't think that the freeing millions of Iraqis so they too can have the freedom to vote is worth it, got ya. You didn't much care about Saddam's sons and their torture chambers, OK then. You think it was all about oil yet I don't see where we stole a drop, should have, didn't.

That said, I would have voted no for war but what the hell do I know? I am glad that the war didn't cause a huge disruption in the world economy. If anything it stimulated the US economy. Had we bombed the crap out of Saddam he would have done what he did in Kuwait and blew up his oil fields, and quite frankly I am addicted to oil, I like the stuff and I don't want to mortgage my house to be able to drive to work.

The president of Iraq wanted us out, made a big deal of it, we left to give our puppet some legitimacy, he thanks us for setting him up by fanning the flames of sectarian conflict and now he wants us back. Fuck him, and fuck anyone who wants to help him retain power.

That is your opinion and that is fine. We have a volunteer army that can take care of the situation. I do find it quite fascinating that no matter how bad the decision made by Obama somehow someway someone else is accused of being the problem, not Obama. Really quite remarkable.
The Billings Gazette is correct

They were wrong to endorse Obama. McCain said he would keep us in Iraq for 50 years. If McCain were President, we would still have troops in Iraq. We would be losing 4-5 soldiers a week, but Iraq would be policed.

If that is what you wanted, you would be better off with McCain/ Palin
Fuck the Billings Gazette and the rest of the media. While I am no big fan of the President, I am even less of a fan of the media that all but refused to take a good deep look at Obama when he was a candidate.

The media was going to get him elected -- and some have admitted it -- and that's that. He had the right skin color and gave really cool speeches. His was/is the first cult of personality presidency. His status is a reflection of a culture that makes celebrities out of people with no discernible talents. Look at all the reality teevee shows that have made stars out of people who can barely put a sentence together.

The decay continues.

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What a stupid newspaper editorial staff. Iraq was an illegal invasion of a sovereign nation - why is that so hard to accept?

Since you made this declarative statement can you produce what world body is charging Bush with "illegal" invasion? I realize that the left loves wars that can be waged like COD from a bunker in Nevada. A place where with a joy stick people can be killed. So, if you are claiming that Bush was a criminal because he waged war against a sovereign country that he actually did go to the UN and the Congress for approval then what does that make Obama, honestly in your eyes, for killing Americans in ally sovereign countries? I won't ask about the brown skinned people he has killed, both innocent and guilty, because in reality who really cares? Certainly not the Obama supporters.
It's still the Bush doctrine of killing terrorists no matter where they are, what's the matter? Is the glory of personal human combat missing? Does the enemy's death not taste as sweet?
The last time we played world police it cost us a trillion dollars and thousands of lives yet some people want more while also making the claim that we do not have enough money to feed our own. Want to link a re-invasion of Iraq to a tax hike equal to the cost? Didn't think so.

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