‘We Need To Investigate BLM, Antifa’:


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

‘We Need To Investigate BLM, Antifa’:

Greene Sounds Off On House Floor

18 May 2021 ~~ By Martin Walsh
Georgia GOP Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene delivered a blistering speech on Tuesday from the U.S. House floor.
In her remarks, Greene has joined GOP opposition to a partisan commission to investigate the Capitol mayhem from Jan. 6.
“The question that comes to mind is this: What about all the riots that happened during the summer of 2020 after the death of George Floyd? What about the damage caused to federal buildings, churches, people’s businesses, and innocent people that were killed? … Is that not an insurrection?” Greene asked.
Greene also said those who took part in the Capitol protests have been “abused” in jail and “held for 23 hours a day in solitary confinement.”
She also called for “justice” for the killing of Ashli Babbitt, who was fatally shot by a U.S. Capitol Police officer on Jan. 6.
“And lastly, when will the witch hunt of Donald J Trump come to an end and all of those who support him?” she said.

Arizona GOP Rep. Paul Gosar claimed during a congressional hearing last week that “outright propaganda and lies are being used to unleash the national security state against law-abiding US citizens, especially Trump voters.”
Gosar described those who took part on Jan. 6 as “peaceful patriots” and Babbitt as a “veteran wrapped in the American flag” and “executed.”
The “real” insurrection, he claimed, was the FBI’s investigation into “Russia, Russia, Russia” following the 2016 elections.

Hmm...., How many in Congress and the Media will have the backbone to stand with her on the truth?
I’m not hopeful.
Indeed, 'Mostly Peaceful' BLM marchers, rioters, looters, arsonists, thugs and murderers have terrorized America, and caused billions in damages.
Yet BLM got $93 mill in donations last year not including the money they received from Soros and Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat supporters. Not ONE PENNY was paid to any 'victims', their families, black-owned businesses destroyed. All that money went into BLM owner's pockets.
We only have our thin blue line of 2 mill cops to shield us. Act for yourself, your loved ones, your communities and your country.
Our beloved leader Joey Xi Bai Din told us not to dare compare the mostly peaceful protests by BLM righteously protesting the vile treatment of blacks in America since its founding in 1619, and the activities of Antifa, more of just an idea rather than a movement, really, with the attempted insurrection that occurred at the Capitol on January 6, which as we all know was the 'greatest threat to American democracy since perhaps the Civil War'.
I have no doubt the Marjorie Taylor Greene will face attempts to discipline her for her remarks today.
It's no wonder the Quisling Media and PM/DSA Democrat Left try to lie about her and demonize her. She calls them out.
In her remarks, Greene has joined GOP opposition to a partisan commission to investigate the Capitol mayhem from Jan. 6.

It is a bi-partisan commission made up of equal amounts of Repubs and Dems...
Hmm...., How many in Congress and the Media will have the backbone to stand with her on the truth?

GOD BLESS Marjorie Taylor Greene. People like her are the backbone, hope and future of the GOP. I'd write and thank her personally, but I'm not from within her state or representative district. Whoa be unto all in the GOP who are any less than her, or do not back her up 1000% She is the female Donald Trump and the hope, prayers and future for our nation.

Is this originating from Straight-Jacket Marjorie?

When a racist partisan idiot like you attacks a good woman like this, a brave, selfless woman good as gold, for no other reason than to detract from her credibility, intelligence and message, I know that her message must be incredibly SPOT ON.

All intelligent, conscientious people have to do to help our country get back on track is to look at what the dregs of the left like you say we need to do, look at whom they say to avoid, and then, simply---- ----

Is this originating from Straight-Jacket Marjorie?

When a racist partisan idiot like you attacks a good woman like this, a brave, selfless woman good as gold, for no other reason than to detract from her credibility, intelligence and message, I know that her message must be incredibly SPOT ON.

All intelligent, conscientious people have to do to help our country get back on track is to look at what the dregs of the left like you say we need to do, look at whom they say to avoid, and then, simply---- ----

She's a racist bully who hides behind her vagina.
Is this originating from Straight-Jacket Marjorie?

When a racist partisan idiot like you attacks a good woman like this, a brave, selfless woman good as gold, for no other reason than to detract from her credibility, intelligence and message, I know that her message must be incredibly SPOT ON.

All intelligent, conscientious people have to do to help our country get back on track is to look at what the dregs of the left like you say we need to do, look at whom they say to avoid, and then, simply---- ----

She's a racist bully who hides behind her vagina.

Really? Must be one helluva vagina!!!
Is this originating from Straight-Jacket Marjorie?

When a racist partisan idiot like you attacks a good woman like this, a brave, selfless woman good as gold, for no other reason than to detract from her credibility, intelligence and message, I know that her message must be incredibly SPOT ON.

All intelligent, conscientious people have to do to help our country get back on track is to look at what the dregs of the left like you say we need to do, look at whom they say to avoid, and then, simply---- ----

She's a racist bully who hides behind her vagina.
Kind of like her counterparts.... Omar, Talib and AOC.

‘We Need To Investigate BLM, Antifa’:

Greene Sounds Off On House Floor

18 May 2021 ~~ By Martin Walsh
Georgia GOP Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene delivered a blistering speech on Tuesday from the U.S. House floor.
In her remarks, Greene has joined GOP opposition to a partisan commission to investigate the Capitol mayhem from Jan. 6.
“The question that comes to mind is this: What about all the riots that happened during the summer of 2020 after the death of George Floyd? What about the damage caused to federal buildings, churches, people’s businesses, and innocent people that were killed? … Is that not an insurrection?” Greene asked.
Greene also said those who took part in the Capitol protests have been “abused” in jail and “held for 23 hours a day in solitary confinement.”
She also called for “justice” for the killing of Ashli Babbitt, who was fatally shot by a U.S. Capitol Police officer on Jan. 6.
“And lastly, when will the witch hunt of Donald J Trump come to an end and all of those who support him?” she said.

Arizona GOP Rep. Paul Gosar claimed during a congressional hearing last week that “outright propaganda and lies are being used to unleash the national security state against law-abiding US citizens, especially Trump voters.”
Gosar described those who took part on Jan. 6 as “peaceful patriots” and Babbitt as a “veteran wrapped in the American flag” and “executed.”
The “real” insurrection, he claimed, was the FBI’s investigation into “Russia, Russia, Russia” following the 2016 elections.

Hmm...., How many in Congress and the Media will have the backbone to stand with her on the truth?
I’m not hopeful.
Indeed, 'Mostly Peaceful' BLM marchers, rioters, looters, arsonists, thugs and murderers have terrorized America, and caused billions in damages.
Yet BLM got $93 mill in donations last year not including the money they received from Soros and Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat supporters. Not ONE PENNY was paid to any 'victims', their families, black-owned businesses destroyed. All that money went into BLM owner's pockets.
We only have our thin blue line of 2 mill cops to shield us. Act for yourself, your loved ones, your communities and your country.
Our beloved leader Joey Xi Bai Din told us not to dare compare the mostly peaceful protests by BLM righteously protesting the vile treatment of blacks in America since its founding in 1619, and the activities of Antifa, more of just an idea rather than a movement, really, with the attempted insurrection that occurred at the Capitol on January 6, which as we all know was the 'greatest threat to American democracy since perhaps the Civil War'.
I have no doubt the Marjorie Taylor Greene will face attempts to discipline her for her remarks today.
It's no wonder the Quisling Media and PM/DSA Democrat Left try to lie about her and demonize her. She calls them out.

Wow, is rep. gosar making a run at fellow texas rep louie gomerht for being the dumbest House member.
There is nothing to investigate like White Domestic Terrorists who is organized and BLM and Antifa are nothing but an ideology. DHS Report Says White Supremacist Groups Are Deadliest US Terror Threat and always have been since the end of slavery.
There is nothing to investigate like White Domestic Terrorists who is organized and BLM and Antifa are nothing but an ideology. DHS Report Says White Supremacist Groups Are Deadliest US Terror Threat and always have been since the end of slavery.

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