Was the Kansas referendum fraudulent?

An advice to Republicans: if you're going to pretend that the other party steals election via the voting machines, you have to be consistent and not take a break like you did yesterday.
I don't see Donald Trump or big Republicans figures saying that the Kansas referendum was stolen. And there are voting machines there you know. Why would Democrats skip stealing an abortion referendum?

How about the dead voters? Did the alleged dead voters decide to abstain yesterday?

Maybe they are disappointed with inflation or something.

Or could it be that Republicans are losing too much money in those frivolous lawsuits accusing voting machine companies of fraud?
The election was stolen back in 2020 because we all know that Democrat Policies dont get votes. So they have to LIE, STEAL, and CHEAT their way to victory. Maybe that the Republicans are on to the Democrats and wont allow the dead, pets or illegal votes to count anymore.

An advice to Republicans: if you're going to pretend that the other party steals election via the voting machines, you have to be consistent and not take a break like you did yesterday.
I don't see Donald Trump or big Republicans figures saying that the Kansas referendum was stolen. And there are voting machines there you know. Why would Democrats skip stealing an abortion referendum?

How about the dead voters? Did the alleged dead voters decide to abstain yesterday?

Maybe they are disappointed with inflation or something.

Or could it be that Republicans are losing too much money in those frivolous lawsuits accusing voting machine companies of fraud?

Give them time, it is sure to come
Funny how the Dems did a complete 180 on the fraud from voting machines right before the 2020 elections. It's almost like a light came on when they realized those vulnerabilities were the way forward for the party of voting fraud...

Those were warnings. They pushed for states to secure their voting systems, and pretty much all of them did.

Think of it like all the Y2K warnings. It was to the point people though the world would end, with planes dropping out of the sky at midnight. But nearly everybody was prepared, and in the end, it was a big nothingburger.

Just like election machine vulnerabilities from cyberattack.
1. After the last election everyone is looking for inconsistencies and stealing.

2. If you have one bullet, your main weapon to shoot a target, you're going to pick the most important target and in as busy of an area as possible.
Kansas, compared to the entire country, is a small 'venue', & the Mid Terms / Presidential election are much, much bigger, preferable targets.

Actually it's like the republicans debuting their first "Dobbs" model.
And like when Bill Gates debuted windows 95, it crashed and burned, with the blue screen of death.
These lefties are too dumb to understand most people think there can be limited use for abortions, early stages and rape cases only, while still having massive restrictions on late term abortion or abortion-on-demand.

They want to pretend this means they all support abortion up to 9mo birth.
And yet red states are trying to ban ALL abortions for any reason
That's because republicans have been using all kinds of methods from gerrymandering, to playing the pro-slavery electoral college bias, to win, without getting a mandate (more votes).
Democrats created gerrymandering—they must own it
Gerrymandering--like the Ku Klux Klan, segregation of the Armed Forces, ending of Reconstruction, Jim Crow, current-day voting restrictions, and the list goes on--are all creations of, you guessed it, the Democrat Party.
Harry Reid – Nuclear Option proliferator
Harry Reid was the first to use the Nuclear Option, on November 21, 2013, when under his direction the bare majority of Democrats in the Senate removed the ability to filibuster for judicial nominees below the U.S. Supreme Court level.

You fuckers never know when to shut the fuck up. You created all the rules for playing dirty, and when those same rules are used against you, you whine like little pussy, progressive pajama boys, who want to take your ball and run away. Grow some fucking nuts and man up, you start the shit, now deal with it.
You make such charming contradictions.
That's because I don't see any foul play by Dominion Voting Machines but there was tons of shady shit going on in 2000 Florida and 2004 Ohio so yea, I can see how you'd see that.

So we both don't trust electronic voting machines. Maybe we should do away with them.

Remember what Rudy said. We have NO evidence but TONS of theories. That should tell you all you need to know about the 2018 election.

The only way Republicans got fucked is Democratic governors in swing states sent everyone a ballot. Because of the pandemic. So a lot of lazy people who never go vote, filled out their ballots and sent them in. Makes me think we should let everyone vote that way. Why not? Check my signature. Make sure I'm an eligible voter. They come in early you got time to very.

Let's make it easier for all Americans to vote. Republicans hate that idea.
That's because I don't see any foul play by Dominion Voting Machines but there was tons of shady shit going on in 2000 Florida and 2004 Ohio so yea, I can see how you'd see that.

So we both don't trust electronic voting machines. Maybe we should do away with them.

Remember what Rudy said. We have NO evidence but TONS of theories. That should tell you all you need to know about the 2018 election.

The only way Republicans got fucked is Democratic governors in swing states sent everyone a ballot. Because of the pandemic. So a lot of lazy people who never go vote, filled out their ballots and sent them in. Makes me think we should let everyone vote that way. Why not? Check my signature. Make sure I'm an eligible voter. They come in early you got time to very.

Let's make it easier for all Americans to vote. Republicans hate that idea.
Why can't you understand we share our distrust in electronic voting machines? Rather than you get all pissy about me calling the 2000 and 2004 elections rigged because we proof, just accept that we both don't trust those machines. So together let's do away with them.

We don't have to argue over 2000, 2004 and 2018. Fact is, we both don't trust those shady hackable voting companies.

I happen to know one of the partners of Dominion Voting Machines. They sued Republicans who slandered them. Diebold Machines if you do your history had a lot of shady shit going on. I believe the owner was the head of the 2004 Ohio Re Elect George Bush campaign. Nothing shady about that.
Why can't you understand we share our distrust in electronic voting machines? Rather than you get all pissy about me calling the 2000 and 2004 elections rigged because we proof, just accept that we both don't trust those machines. So together let's do away with them.

We don't have to argue over 2000, 2004 and 2018. Fact is, we both don't trust those shady hackable voting companies.

I happen to know one of the partners of Dominion Voting Machines. They sued Republicans who slandered them. Diebold Machines if you do your history had a lot of shady shit going on. I believe the owner was the head of the 2004 Ohio Re Elect George Bush campaign. Nothing shady about that.
Why can't you understand we share our distrust in electronic voting machines? Rather than you get all pissy about me calling the 2000 and 2004 elections rigged because we proof, just accept that we both don't trust those machines. So together let's do away with them.

We don't have to argue over 2000, 2004 and 2018. Fact is, we both don't trust those shady hackable voting companies.

I happen to know one of the partners of Dominion Voting Machines. They sued Republicans who slandered them. Diebold Machines if you do your history had a lot of shady shit going on. I believe the owner was the head of the 2004 Ohio Re Elect George Bush campaign. Nothing shady about that.
That distrust in voting machines lead to the current paper ballot system which can be readily checked for accuracy

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