Was Jesus Gay?

So far, I have been seeing a lot of comments that are: making sarcastic remarks, making personal attacks, or attempting to discredit her due to her sexual orientation and philosophy.

Comments like:

Was Jesus devoid of sexuality? In that case, was he truly human? How do we know anything of the sexuality of Jesus?

We don't know much. We only know he loved John in a special way.


What is your "proof"?

Where is your proof he was heterosexual? His last words direct John, the one who he loved, to care for his mother.

Sound's like a gay marriage to me.


The Da Vinci Code is FICTION, sky, FICTION.

So, let me get this straight: Sky, a poster who lets all know as often as she can that she rejects Christianity. And, she also lets folks know she is a lesbian.

Yet, she so desperately needs to think Jesus Christ was gay so she can be validated.

So, not surprising, she is conflicted about both her rejection of Christianity AND being a lezbo.

How sad for her that self-acceptance is so difficult.

What is your "proof"?

Where is your proof he was heterosexual? His last words direct John, the one who he loved, to care for his mother.

Sound's like a gay marriage to me.

I'd say it's open to speculation. There is nothing in the Christian Scriptures (New Testament) which specifically identifies Jesus' sexual orientation.

Marriage isn't mentioned. All it says is take care of her. Speculate all you want, but don't call it "proof". These are the Holy Scriptures you're playing with, not the National Enquirer. Ponder that for a while.

The evidence, on the other hand, that he may have been what we today call gay is very strong.

Except it isn't, but hey, what ever helps you sleep at night.

I don't have an investment in the outcome.
Oh, I don't believe that for a minute.

You WANT to believe that which you reject is just like you so that somehow you are validated as a person.

I don't understand why self-acceptance is so very difficult for you. It makes me sad for you because self-acceptance is so very easy.

Did Jesus ever take a crap or a piss:?

If it isn't in the Bible, it never happened.

If Jesus was human then he crapped and pissed.

The bible doesn't say he did so why would you think he did? See how silly this is. This is about all we can expect from the unbelievers who twist scripture to fit their agenda instead of altering their minds to the Word of God.

Was Jesus devoid of sexuality? In that case, was he truly human? How do we know anything of the sexuality of Jesus?

We don't know much. We only know he loved John in a special way.

Is big fat Buddha gay? I mean we really don't know, do you? I am sure in your diseased head he is.

"When Jesus saw his mother and the disciple whom he loved standing near, he said to his mother, 'Woman behold your son!' Then he said to the disciple. 'Behold your mother!' And from that hour the disciple took her to his own home."

That disciple was John whom Jesus, the gospels affirm, loved in a special way.
All the other disciples had fled in fear. Three women but only one man had the courage to go with Jesus to his execution. That man clearly had a unique place in the affection of Jesus.

John 19: 17-30

Is this proof that Jesus approved gay marriage? These are his last words and he sends his mother to live with John. Heterosexual, bisexual, homosexual: Jesus could have been any of these. There can be no certainty which. The homosexual option simply seems the most likely. The intimate relationship with the beloved disciple points in that direction. Whether Jesus was gay or straight in no way affects who he was and what he means for the world today. Spiritually it is immaterial.
Daily Reading and Meditation

Yes sky Jesus was gay.. a total queen..and Mary a bull dyke lesbo..and the donkey she road in on...you don't even want to know...Now they have all been outed can we put this issue to bed for once and for all ?

Yet, there are barely any comments that have actually attempted to rule out the possibility of Jesus being a homosexual.

Yet, she does not say that Jesus is gay... she's merely questioning the possibility of it. In my personal opinion, I do not care (because it is obvious we cannot know for certain and it doesn't effect me in anyway), but it is clear to me that there are those of you who do care. If you do care, then please make an attempt to rule out this option.

However, I would like to know this: Sky, what is your motive behind making this thread?

Two of the gospels were written by the apostles Matthew and John, men who knew Jesus personally and traveled with him for over three years. The other two books were written by Mark and Luke, close associates of the apostles. These writers had direct access to the facts they were recording. The early church accepted the four gospels because they agreed with what was already common knowledge about Jesus' life."

Who Wrote the Bible - Is the Bible Reliable?

"Some people have the idea that the New Testament has been translated "so many times" that it has become corrupted through stages of translating. If the translations were being made from other translations, they would have a case. But translations are actually made directly from original Greek, Hebrew and Aramaic source texts based on thousands of ancient manuscripts.
For instance, we know the New Testament we have today is true to its original form because:
1. We have such a huge number of manuscript copies -- over 24,000.
2. Those copies agree with each other, word for word, 99.5% of the time.
3. The dates of these manuscripts are very close to the dates of their originals "



Those copies agree with each other, word for word, 99.5% of the time..all that means is that the flaws and mistakes were copied faithfully not corrected... (cue buzzer) thanks for playing!
Dr. Ravi Zacharias, a visiting professor at Oxford University, also comments: "In real terms, the New Testament is easily the best attested ancient writing in terms of the sheer number of documents, the time span between the events and the documents, and the variety of documents available to sustain or contradict it. There is nothing in ancient manuscript evidence to match such textual availability and integrity."6"
Who Wrote the Bible - Is the Bible Reliable?
Yes, it seems like a bait thread. That is why I questioned her motive behind making it.

However, regardless of her motive, the thread still presents a question dealing with a possibility. If you believe that Jesus was not gay, then the logical way at going about this is to either (a) ignore the thread or (b) attempt to rule out that possibility... Not resort to antagonizing and condescension (which never really helps in the end).
It's a bait thread, it's what she does.

PS..I know that Christ wasn't homosexual.
really? any objective evidence to prove that or just some stories that can't be vaildated.
unless you jumped in the way back machine or are 2000 years old.. you can't KNOW that.
you have however convinced yourself that believing is the same as knowing...and that's false..
So far, I have been seeing a lot of comments that are: making sarcastic remarks, making personal attacks, or attempting to discredit her due to her sexual orientation and philosophy.

Comments like:

"When Jesus saw his mother and the disciple whom he loved standing near, he said to his mother, 'Woman behold your son!' Then he said to the disciple. 'Behold your mother!' And from that hour the disciple took her to his own home."

That disciple was John whom Jesus, the gospels affirm, loved in a special way.
All the other disciples had fled in fear. Three women but only one man had the courage to go with Jesus to his execution. That man clearly had a unique place in the affection of Jesus.

John 19: 17-30

Is this proof that Jesus approved gay marriage? These are his last words and he sends his mother to live with John. Heterosexual, bisexual, homosexual: Jesus could have been any of these. There can be no certainty which. The homosexual option simply seems the most likely. The intimate relationship with the beloved disciple points in that direction. Whether Jesus was gay or straight in no way affects who he was and what he means for the world today. Spiritually it is immaterial.
Daily Reading and Meditation

Yes sky Jesus was gay.. a total queen..and Mary a bull dyke lesbo..and the donkey she road in on...you don't even want to know...Now they have all been outed can we put this issue to bed for once and for all ?

Yet, there are barely any comments that have actually attempted to rule out the possibility of Jesus being a homosexual.

Yet, she does not say that Jesus is gay... she's merely questioning the possibility of it. In my personal opinion, I do not care (because it is obvious we cannot know for certain and it doesn't effect me in anyway), but it is clear to me that there are those of you who do care. If you do care, then please make an attempt to rule out this option.

However, I would like to know this: Sky, what is your motive behind making this thread?

There is also the possibility that Jesus was a lesbian dwarf from Mars. We should not rule that possibility out..
It's a bait thread, it's what she does.

PS..I know that Christ wasn't homosexual.
really? any objective evidence to prove that or just some stories that can't be vaildated.
unless you jumped in the way back machine or are 2000 years old.. you can't KNOW that.
you have however convinced yourself that believing is the same as knowing...and that's false..

Do you know you have a brain or do you believe it?
So far, I have been seeing a lot of comments that are: making sarcastic remarks, making personal attacks, or attempting to discredit her due to her sexual orientation and philosophy.

Comments like:

Yes sky Jesus was gay.. a total queen..and Mary a bull dyke lesbo..and the donkey she road in on...you don't even want to know...Now they have all been outed can we put this issue to bed for once and for all ?

Yet, there are barely any comments that have actually attempted to rule out the possibility of Jesus being a homosexual.

Yet, she does not say that Jesus is gay... she's merely questioning the possibility of it. In my personal opinion, I do not care (because it is obvious we cannot know for certain and it doesn't effect me in anyway), but it is clear to me that there are those of you who do care. If you do care, then please make an attempt to rule out this option.

However, I would like to know this: Sky, what is your motive behind making this thread?

There is also the possibility that Jesus was a lesbian dwarf from Mars. We should not rule that possibility out..

Thank you for proving my point.
So far, I have been seeing a lot of comments that are: making sarcastic remarks, making personal attacks, or attempting to discredit her due to her sexual orientation and philosophy.

Comments like:

Yet, there are barely any comments that have actually attempted to rule out the possibility of Jesus being a homosexual.

Yet, she does not say that Jesus is gay... she's merely questioning the possibility of it. In my personal opinion, I do not care (because it is obvious we cannot know for certain and it doesn't effect me in anyway), but it is clear to me that there are those of you who do care. If you do care, then please make an attempt to rule out this option.

However, I would like to know this: Sky, what is your motive behind making this thread?

There is also the possibility that Jesus was a lesbian dwarf from Mars. We should not rule that possibility out..

Thank you for proving my point.

And thank you for proving mine.
What are those standards? Who set them? When?

People who are educated, knowledge of Scripture, and intelligent. People who aren't liberals.
:lol::lol::lol: don't count yourself as one of those.

The Bible's Ungodly Origins

by Robert L. Johnson

Many rank and file Christians sincerely believe the Bible is a direct communication from God to man. I know I used to believe it was when I was a Christian. And from recent conversations with many sincere Christians I know this is currently true for many believers. Once it is proven to our God-given reason that the Bible is strictly a man-made collection of mythology the mind loses yet another shackle of "revelation" and is soon on its way to full freedom and progress.

The Bible was not handed to mankind by God, nor was it dictated to human stenographers by God. It has nothing to do with God. In actuality, the Bible was VOTED to be the word of God by a group of men during the 4th century.

According to Professor John Crossan of Biblical Studies at DePaul University the Roman Emperor Constantine the Great (274-337 CE), (a bust of Constantine is pictured below) who was the first Roman Emperor to convert to Christianity, needed a single canon to be agreed upon by the Christian leaders to help him unify the remains of the Roman Empire. Until this time the various Christian leaders could not decide which books would be considered "holy" and thus "the word of God" and which ones would be excluded and not considered the word of God.

Emperor Constantine, who was Roman Emperor from 306 CE until his death in 337 CE, used what motivates many to action - MONEY! He offered the various Church leaders money to agree upon a single canon that would be used by all Christians as the word of God. The Church leaders gathered together at the Council of Nicaea and voted the "word of God" into existence. (I wish to thank Brian Show for pointing out in his rebuttal to this article that the final version of the Christian Bible was not voted on at the Council of Nicaea, per se. The Church leaders didn't finish editing the "holy" scriptures until the Council of Trent when the Catholic Church pronounced the Canon closed. However, it seems the real approving editor of the Bible was not God but Constantine! This fact is revealed in the second counter-rebuttal to Brian Show's first rebuttal to this article. This counter-rebuttal makes the following important statement and backs it up with FACTS - "Therefore, one can easily argue that the first Christian Bible was commissioned, paid for, inspected and approved by a pagan emperor for church use." Of course, I'd like to express my deep appreciation to fellow Deist Peter Murphy for the great research work he did in order to write such a great counter-rebuttal!

The Ungodly Origins of the Bible

Btw...Robert L Johnson is a "Prod" Deist...
Which doesn't surprise me...

"Anti-Religious Words of Bigotry by Robert L. Johnson a Prod Deist"

The gospel of Mary Magdalene. LOL. HUNDREDS of gospels, hahahaha...

Keep it up. Really. I love pop scholars.

Obviously you're ignorant about your own faith. Actually, that's not uncommon among Christians (especially Western Christians) and almost a requiremnet of Catholics.. Do you even know the purpose of the Council of Nicea? Go look it up. Then try to figure out

No, silly, they're talking about Magdalene, I think.

This is all "Da Vinci Code" scholarship.

LOL! Yes I would think even Warrior102 might have figured that out - especially with the later reference to Mary Magdalene. But I frequently over-estimate his intellect and he's obviously suffering from feelings of impotency which have displayed themselves in his constant need to scream and yell at strangers who he feels are superior to him. Sad little guy. I feel sorry for him.

This is not just Dan Brown mythos. Are you not familiar with the Biblical writings from the Library at Nag Hammadi? The Gospel of Mary Magdelene?
There are literally hundreds of Gospels, Histories, Epistles and Apocrypha that most people have never seen. What you have seen, was passed down ORALLY for hundreds of years before the first book (Job) was ever written. Then it was translated again and again. Then a bunch of guys who wanted to make sure they had power (and women didn't!), picked the books they liked best. And so on.

After all that, there are people who think their belief is better than that of another.
Hell, most Christians believe that jesus came with the intent of starting a new religion.
Interesting, eh?

The Gospel of Mary is not accepted in Christianity asswipe.


The strongest evidence is that He was married to Mary.

Jesus was married to Mary?

Dear God - that was his mother, you ignorant fuck


Wow - stupidity supreme!!

Do you have a TV show on Comedy Central assbrain??


Different Mary. Didn't you know that?

LOL! Yes I would think even Warrior102 might have figured that out - especially with the later reference to Mary Magdalene. But I frequently over-estimate his intellect and he's obviously suffering from feelings of impotency which have displayed themselves in his constant need to scream and yell at strangers who he feels are superior to him. Sad little guy. I feel sorry for him.

This is not just Dan Brown mythos. Are you not familiar with the Biblical writings from the Library at Nag Hammadi? The Gospel of Mary Magdelene?
There are literally hundreds of Gospels, Histories, Epistles and Apocrypha that most people have never seen. What you have seen, was passed down ORALLY for hundreds of years before the first book (Job) was ever written. Then it was translated again and again. Then a bunch of guys who wanted to make sure they had power (and women didn't!), picked the books they liked best. And so on.

After all that, there are people who think their belief is better than that of another.
Hell, most Christians believe that jesus came with the intent of starting a new religion.
Interesting, eh?

The Gospel of Mary is not accepted in Christianity asswipe.


Why not?

The Gospel of Mary is not accepted in Christianity asswipe.

You're REALLY fascinated with men's asses, aren't you? You wouldn't by any chance be a Catholic, would you?

Why not?
It's dated as into the 2nd century. Obviously, not written by any Mary alive at the time of Christ.

Well Genesis wasn't written until after having been passed from one generation to the next orally, for at least four hundred years. Does that mean that no one in the pentatuch existed? None of the Gospels were written for at least 50 to 100 years after the crucifixion. The average life expectancy was less than 50 back then. Oops. I suppose you think that Matthew, Mark Luke and John were written by disciples who were actually there? Wrong. I suppose you think they were written by people named Matthew, Mark, Luke and John?
Do you know why Mark does not contain Jesus' Lineage? No. Why John contains no Virgin Birth or a single parable? No. Do you know why Jesus told us "He who does not hate his mother and father cannot follow Me."? No. You don't.

Funny - I've been a Catholic for 50+ years - never heard, "The Gospel According to Mary."
Where's this happening -
A snake charmer/heathen church?

Ahhhh. A Catholic. Well OOPS!
So this explains part of the reason why you know so little of your own faith - as the Catholic Church has always preferred laypeople rely solely on the clergy.

Okay so basics for you and the KosherGirl.
Jesus was all the rage. Even bigger than Elvis! So there were TONS of books and writings about Him. People wrote about Him for generations. So a Roman emperor who used to be a pagen, btw, decided that since he was the Supreme Ruler on Earth, he and his buddues should get to pick what went in the Bible and what didn't. Any books they didn't like, would be ruled illegal by the emperor, heresy by the Pope and possession of such books would be punishable by death.
You're not curious why they were so afraid of those books?
Google Council of Nicea. Google 2nd Council. Kosher, if there hadn't been more books, why would a council have been gathered to pick which ones they liked best?
So while you OMG and LOL girl, you kinda make a fool of yourself. A skill you seem particularly adept at.
But the church (and especially the Catholic Church) has always been about power and control.
Google John Wyclyffe excommunicated. Apparently, putting the Bible in English took power away from those friendly priest, who could say the Bible said anything.
I mean, unless you could read the Latin Vulgate, how you dispute them?
In Jesus' day, the religious people used their religion for hate and anger and judgment of others. They used religion for political influence and power. They became furious with anyone who disputed their own beliefs in any way. They were called Pharisees and Sadduceess and Jesus referred to them as snakes.
Aren't we all glad we don't have people like that around today?
Last edited:

The gospel of Mary Magdalene. LOL. HUNDREDS of gospels, hahahaha...

Keep it up. Really. I love pop scholars.

Obviously you're ignorant about your own faith. Actually, that's not uncommon among Christians (especially Western Christians) and almost a requiremnet of Catholics.. Do you even know the purpose of the Council of Nicea? Go look it up. Then try to figure out

The Gospel of Mary is not accepted in Christianity asswipe.


It's dated as into the 2nd century. Obviously, not written by any Mary alive at the time of Christ.

Well Genesis wasn't written until after having been passed from one generation to the next orally, for at least four hundred years. Does that mean that no one in the pentatuch existed? None of the Gospels were written for at least 50 to 100 years after the crucifixion. The average life expectancy was less than 50 back then. Oops. I suppose you think that Matthew, Mark Luke and John were written by disciples who were actually there? Wrong. I suppose you think they were written by people named Matthew, Mark, Luke and John?
Do you know why Mark does not contain Jesus' Lineage? No. Why John contains no Virgin Birth or a single parable? No. Do you know why Jesus told us "He who does not hate his mother and father cannot follow Me."? No. You don't.

Funny - I've been a Catholic for 50+ years - never heard, "The Gospel According to Mary."
Where's this happening -
A snake charmer/heathen church?

Ahhhh. A Catholic. Well OOPS!
So this explains part of the reason why you know so little of your own faith - as the Catholic Church has always preferred laypeople rely solely on the clergy.

Okay so basics for you and the KosherGirl.
Jesus was all the rage. Even bigger than Elvis! So there were TONS of books and writings about Him. People wrote about Him for generations. So a Roman emperor who used to be a pagen, btw, decided that since he was the Supreme Ruler on Earth, he and his buddues should get to pick what went in the Bible and what didn't. Any books they didn't like, would be ruled illegal by the emperor, heresy by the Pope and possession of such books would be punishable by death.
You're not curious why they were so afraid of those books?
Google Council of Nicea. Google 2nd Council. Kosher, if there hadn't been more books, why would a council have been gathered to pick which ones they liked best?
So while you OMG and LOL girl, you kinda make a fool of yourself. A skill you seem particularly adept at.
But the church (and especially the Catholic Church) has always been about power and control.
Google John Wyclyffe excommunicated. Apparently, putting the Bible in English took power away from those friendly priest, who could say the Bible said anything.
I mean, unless you could read the Latin Vulgate, how you dispute them?
In Jesus' day, the religious people used their religion for hate and anger and judgment of others. They used religion for political influence and power. They became furious with anyone who disputed their own beliefs in any way. They were called Pharisees and Sadduceess and Jesus referred to them as snakes.
Aren't we all glad we don't have people like that around today? :eusa_whistle:

:lol::lol::lol: don't count yourself as one of those.

The Bible's Ungodly Origins

by Robert L. Johnson

Many rank and file Christians sincerely believe the Bible is a direct communication from God to man. I know I used to believe it was when I was a Christian. And from recent conversations with many sincere Christians I know this is currently true for many believers. Once it is proven to our God-given reason that the Bible is strictly a man-made collection of mythology the mind loses yet another shackle of "revelation" and is soon on its way to full freedom and progress.

The Bible was not handed to mankind by God, nor was it dictated to human stenographers by God. It has nothing to do with God. In actuality, the Bible was VOTED to be the word of God by a group of men during the 4th century.

According to Professor John Crossan of Biblical Studies at DePaul University the Roman Emperor Constantine the Great (274-337 CE), (a bust of Constantine is pictured below) who was the first Roman Emperor to convert to Christianity, needed a single canon to be agreed upon by the Christian leaders to help him unify the remains of the Roman Empire. Until this time the various Christian leaders could not decide which books would be considered "holy" and thus "the word of God" and which ones would be excluded and not considered the word of God.

Emperor Constantine, who was Roman Emperor from 306 CE until his death in 337 CE, used what motivates many to action - MONEY! He offered the various Church leaders money to agree upon a single canon that would be used by all Christians as the word of God. The Church leaders gathered together at the Council of Nicaea and voted the "word of God" into existence. (I wish to thank Brian Show for pointing out in his rebuttal to this article that the final version of the Christian Bible was not voted on at the Council of Nicaea, per se. The Church leaders didn't finish editing the "holy" scriptures until the Council of Trent when the Catholic Church pronounced the Canon closed. However, it seems the real approving editor of the Bible was not God but Constantine! This fact is revealed in the second counter-rebuttal to Brian Show's first rebuttal to this article. This counter-rebuttal makes the following important statement and backs it up with FACTS - "Therefore, one can easily argue that the first Christian Bible was commissioned, paid for, inspected and approved by a pagan emperor for church use." Of course, I'd like to express my deep appreciation to fellow Deist Peter Murphy for the great research work he did in order to write such a great counter-rebuttal!

The Ungodly Origins of the Bible
Wow. I'm impressed. A blog.



i'm glad you are...the info is correct blog or not..and that's what matters.
It sure takes an intellectual genius to recognize the genius of arguing a faith with no proof of either position.

So far, I have been seeing a lot of comments that are: making sarcastic remarks, making personal attacks, or attempting to discredit her due to her sexual orientation and philosophy.

Comments like:

"When Jesus saw his mother and the disciple whom he loved standing near, he said to his mother, 'Woman behold your son!' Then he said to the disciple. 'Behold your mother!' And from that hour the disciple took her to his own home."

That disciple was John whom Jesus, the gospels affirm, loved in a special way.
All the other disciples had fled in fear. Three women but only one man had the courage to go with Jesus to his execution. That man clearly had a unique place in the affection of Jesus.

John 19: 17-30

Is this proof that Jesus approved gay marriage? These are his last words and he sends his mother to live with John. Heterosexual, bisexual, homosexual: Jesus could have been any of these. There can be no certainty which. The homosexual option simply seems the most likely. The intimate relationship with the beloved disciple points in that direction. Whether Jesus was gay or straight in no way affects who he was and what he means for the world today. Spiritually it is immaterial.
Daily Reading and Meditation

Yes sky Jesus was gay.. a total queen..and Mary a bull dyke lesbo..and the donkey she road in on...you don't even want to know...Now they have all been outed can we put this issue to bed for once and for all ?

Yet, there are barely any comments that have actually attempted to rule out the possibility of Jesus being a homosexual.

Yet, she does not say that Jesus is gay... she's merely questioning the possibility of it. In my personal opinion, I do not care (because it is obvious we cannot know for certain and it doesn't effect me in anyway), but it is clear to me that there are those of you who do care. If you do care, then please make an attempt to rule out this option.

However, I would like to know this: Sky, what is your motive behind making this thread?
Here's a thought: Perhaps some of us don't care what sexual orientation Jesus Christ was.

Oh, and congrats on your mastery of the quote function.

Here's a thought: Perhaps some of us don't care what sexual orientation Jesus Christ was.

Oh, and congrats on your mastery of the quote function.


It's seems to me that you do care. You have posted quite a few comments on this thread and were clearly offended by the idea that Jesus might have been gay. This evidenced by your lashing out at Sky Dancer (usually done in a sarcastic or mocking manner), exhibited in these posts:
What is your "proof"?

Where is your proof he was heterosexual? His last words direct John, the one who he loved, to care for his mother.

Sound's like a gay marriage to me.


So, let me get this straight: Sky, a poster who lets all know as often as she can that she rejects Christianity. And, she also lets folks know she is a lesbian.

Yet, she so desperately needs to think Jesus Christ was gay so she can be validated.

So, not surprising, she is conflicted about both her rejection of Christianity AND being a lezbo.

How sad for her that self-acceptance is so difficult.

Was Jesus queer? We don't know. But it is a possibility that cannot be ruled out. One version of St. Mark's gospel - which is still the subject of academic dispute - alludes to Jesus having a homosexual relationship with a youth he raised from the dead.

According to the US Biblical scholar, Morton Smith, of Columbia University, a fragment of manuscript he found at the Mar Saba monastery near Jerusalem in 1958, showed that the full text of St. Mark chapter 10 (between verses 34 and 35 in the standard version of the Bible) includes the passage:

"And the youth, looking upon him (Jesus), loved him and beseeched that he might remain with him. And going out of the tomb, they went into the house of the youth, for he was rich. And after six days, Jesus instructed him and, at evening, the youth came to him wearing a linen cloth over his naked body. And he remained with him that night, for Jesus taught him the mystery of the Kingdom of God".

The veracity of this manuscript is hotly contested by other Biblical scholars. This comes as no surprise. The revelation of a gay Jesus would undermine some of the most fundamental tenets of orthodox Christianity, including its rampant homophobia.

But even if the text is genuine, does this ambiguous, elliptical passage offer evidence of Jesus's homosexuality? It is hard to say. The precise nature of the relationship between Christ and the youth is not spelled out. Sexual relations are suggested but not explicitly stated.

The Morton Smith document is, in fact, irrelevant to the vexed issue of Christ's sexual orientation. What we can say for certain is that the standard, accepted Biblical narrative gives us no information at all about Jesus's sexuality.

This absence of firm information does not, of course, mean that we can take it for granted that Christ was heterosexual. Far from it! The lack of information about his erotic inclinations begs more questions than it answers.

In the absence of any evidence - let alone proof - that Jesus was heterosexual, the theological basis of Church homophobia is all the more shaky and indefensible. How can established religion dare denounce homosexuality when the founder of its faith was himself a man of mysterious, unknown sexuality who could, for all we know, have been homosexual?

Peter Tatchell: Was Jesus Gay?
Sky found a blog with a bunch of links and she is not interested in discussing anything she found.



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