Want to see Mueller's findings earlier....???


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2015
Let's face it, given the WH, a loyalist SCOTUS and a scared shitless and inept Senate, Mueller's important findings could be held up until Trump leaves offices in January 2021.....

However, if we wanted to see (hear, really) those findings earlier, the quickest way would be for Whitaker or Trump to fire Mueller.....

How (and why)???

Simple......want to guess who would be the FIRST witness before the House Judiciary committee early next year???

(I'm almost hoping that Trump fires Mueller soon.).......lol
Yes, I do want to see them sooner. I am thinking Trump dumped Sessions because he knew the findings are coming out sooner (and he didn't want a potato sack in the AG's seat). I hope they do come out soon. It is considered protocol not to put out any findings right before a big election (ask Comey, right?), but it is also protocol for ex-Presidents not to remain in politics (ask Obama, right?).

But anyway - maybe now that the midterms are over he will release them as soon as the Dems take control in January anyway.
Let's face it, given the WH, a loyalist SCOTUS and a scared shitless and inept Senate, Mueller's important findings could be held up until Trump leaves offices in January 2021.....

However, if we wanted to see (hear, really) those findings earlier, the quickest way would be for Whitaker or Trump to fire Mueller.....

How (and why)???

Simple......want to guess who would be the FIRST witness before the House Judiciary committee early next year???

(I'm almost hoping that Trump fires Mueller soon.).......lol
Muellers got nothing linking Trump to Russia, even after shredding attorney client privilege.
Let's face it, given the WH, a loyalist SCOTUS and a scared shitless and inept Senate, Mueller's important findings could be held up until Trump leaves offices in January 2021.....

However, if we wanted to see (hear, really) those findings earlier, the quickest way would be for Whitaker or Trump to fire Mueller.....

How (and why)???

Simple......want to guess who would be the FIRST witness before the House Judiciary committee early next year???

(I'm almost hoping that Trump fires Mueller soon.).......lol

You stupid, the damn prime witnesses testified a long time ago..

Let's face it, given the WH, a loyalist SCOTUS and a scared shitless and inept Senate, Mueller's important findings could be held up until Trump leaves offices in January 2021.....

However, if we wanted to see (hear, really) those findings earlier, the quickest way would be for Whitaker or Trump to fire Mueller.....

How (and why)???

Simple......want to guess who would be the FIRST witness before the House Judiciary committee early next year???

(I'm almost hoping that Trump fires Mueller soon.).......lol
That's always been your hope.
Mueller is acting an ass, abusing his office, giving Trump reasons to fire him......and so your only hope is that he fires the prick so the House can sell the idea that impeachment is justified.
I still think they're gonna try to impeach him even if he doesn't fire Mueller.
That will destroy their chances for 2020.....and Trump will win re-election.
Yes, I do want to see them sooner. I am thinking Trump dumped Sessions because he knew the findings are coming out sooner (and he didn't want a potato sack in the AG's seat). I hope they do come out soon. It is considered protocol not to put out any findings right before a big election (ask Comey, right?), but it is also protocol for ex-Presidents not to remain in politics (ask Obama, right?).

But anyway - maybe now that the midterms are over he will release them as soon as the Dems take control in January anyway.

Too funny. Trump was ready to dump Sessions in March 2017.
5th post
Mueller's report will be out as soon as he figures out an easy way to tell Democrats that he didn't find anything.
Let's face it, given the WH, a loyalist SCOTUS and a scared shitless and inept Senate, Mueller's important findings could be held up until Trump leaves offices in January 2021.....

However, if we wanted to see (hear, really) those findings earlier, the quickest way would be for Whitaker or Trump to fire Mueller.....

How (and why)???

Simple......want to guess who would be the FIRST witness before the House Judiciary committee early next year???

(I'm almost hoping that Trump fires Mueller soon.).......lol
If Mueller had anything, it would have been leaked long ago.

He is down to andectotal stuff. Just enough, just enough to keep panties damp, but no more. That's why even the chattering classes have let this go.
Let's face it, given the WH, a loyalist SCOTUS and a scared shitless and inept Senate, Mueller's important findings could be held up until Trump leaves offices in January 2021.....

However, if we wanted to see (hear, really) those findings earlier, the quickest way would be for Whitaker or Trump to fire Mueller.....

How (and why)???

Simple......want to guess who would be the FIRST witness before the House Judiciary committee early next year???

(I'm almost hoping that Trump fires Mueller soon.).......lol
If Mueller had anything, it would have been leaked long ago.

He is down to andectotal stuff. Just enough, just enough to keep panties wet but no more. That's why even the chattering classes have let this go.
Mueller is now examining backgrounds to find anything he could prosecute. If he can't find anything maybe a misstatement will do.
I really think the reason he is taking so long is because Mueller wants to finish the swimming pool he is building..

Needs the funds

It is a brilliant strategy btw..

Just milk the clock for years .I wonder if he is in a Union?

Let's face it, given the WH, a loyalist SCOTUS and a scared shitless and inept Senate, Mueller's important findings could be held up until Trump leaves offices in January 2021.....

However, if we wanted to see (hear, really) those findings earlier, the quickest way would be for Whitaker or Trump to fire Mueller.....

How (and why)???

Simple......want to guess who would be the FIRST witness before the House Judiciary committee early next year???

(I'm almost hoping that Trump fires Mueller soon.).......lol
If Mueller had anything, it would have been leaked long ago.

He is down to andectotal stuff. Just enough, just enough to keep panties wet but no more. That's why even the chattering classes have let this go.
Mueller is now examining backgrounds to find anything he could prosecute. If he can't find anything maybe a misstatement will do.
You mean a set up or perjury trap? Nawwwww He would never do that..... Wait... He's a globalist and a democrat so... Yes he would!
Yes, I do want to see them sooner. I am thinking Trump dumped Sessions because he knew the findings are coming out sooner (and he didn't want a potato sack in the AG's seat). I hope they do come out soon. It is considered protocol not to put out any findings right before a big election (ask Comey, right?), but it is also protocol for ex-Presidents not to remain in politics (ask Obama, right?).

But anyway - maybe now that the midterms are over he will release them as soon as the Dems take control in January anyway.

No. There is nothing to release or they would have been released in October this year. So now I think that they will just keep it going and release it partially in October 2019..late enough to where there is no response possible from Trump. And then they will close it up and go home empty handed.
Yes, I do want to see them sooner. I am thinking Trump dumped Sessions because he knew the findings are coming out sooner (and he didn't want a potato sack in the AG's seat). I hope they do come out soon. It is considered protocol not to put out any findings right before a big election (ask Comey, right?), but it is also protocol for ex-Presidents not to remain in politics (ask Obama, right?).

But anyway - maybe now that the midterms are over he will release them as soon as the Dems take control in January anyway.

No. There is nothing to release or they would have been released in October this year. So now I think that they will just keep it going and release it partially in October 2019..late enough to where there is no response possible from Trump. And then they will close it up and go home empty handed.
No. with Rosenstein out of the picture, thy're going to have to cash in their chips soon.
Yeah his problem will be proving the trap he set to an unbiased jury. Rudy won’t let them seat a single dimshit that ever spoke harshly about Trump. He would be tried by a bunch of real people and found completely innocent. Then mule face will be shown to be the dimshit’s buffoon he is.
Yes, I do want to see them sooner. I am thinking Trump dumped Sessions because he knew the findings are coming out sooner (and he didn't want a potato sack in the AG's seat). I hope they do come out soon. It is considered protocol not to put out any findings right before a big election (ask Comey, right?), but it is also protocol for ex-Presidents not to remain in politics (ask Obama, right?).

But anyway - maybe now that the midterms are over he will release them as soon as the Dems take control in January anyway.

No. There is nothing to release or they would have been released in October this year. So now I think that they will just keep it going and release it partially in October 2019..late enough to where there is no response possible from Trump. And then they will close it up and go home empty handed.
No. with Rosenstein out of the picture, thy're going to have to cash in their chips soon.

Ahh well I was just speculating. Since there is nothing there...and since they operate freely with no oversight...I just assume they get better politics from the mystery.
Trump was ready to dump Sessions in March 2017.
And was met with with threats of impeachment by his own party. Then, this past August, they rescinded those threats and opened the door, asking Trump to wait until after the election.

He forced Sessions out the day after the election.
and Trump will win re-election.

Now......just how damn much of a cult member can you be........You really expect Trump to win a re-election? Sometime I really wonder how fucking stupid his base has become.

Do idiots like you really expect to AGAIN win such states as PA, WI, and MI.....
Do idiots like you really expect to continue ro carry a half-dozen swing states after this oval office scourge's behavior???

Well, one "good thing" about this thread is this.......It allows Trump cult members to tell one another that drinking that orange kool-aid is excellent therapy and that fooling themselves that they're still in the "majority" will get them through another day of delusion.
and Trump will win re-election.

Now......just how damn much of a cult member can you be........You really expect Trump to win a re-election? Sometime I really wonder how fucking stupid his base has become.

Do idiots like you really expect to AGAIN win such states as PA, WI, and MI.....
Do idiots like you really expect to continue ro carry a half-dozen swing states after this oval office scourge's behavior???

Yes. Trump will win re-election. The Dems were weak in the mid-term and are bereft of message or leadership. It's almost a done deal.

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