Want to remind everyone how William Jefferson (I did not have sexual relations with that woman) Clinton, subverted the US by giving China missile tech


Diamond Member
May 6, 2015
Floor E Da
Flashback: Bill Clinton gave China missile technology
As president, Bill Clinton essentially wiped out any strategic advantage the U.S. had by selling advanced U.S. missile technology to our enemy, the People’s Republic of China.
That “administration’s voluntary release of all the secrets of America’s nuclear tests, combined with the systematic theft of the secrets that were left as a result of its lax security controls, effectively wiped out America’s technological edge,” David Horowitz writes in the recently published, The Black Book of the American Left Volume 7: The Left in Power: Clinton to Obama.
The Marxists/Demofascists of this board keep saying that President Trump is a traitor to the country, had tried to cause an insurrection(that never happened) and provide aid to our enemies through the espionage act. Every time you look at what actually Demofascists/Marxists have done to provide technology to China that allowed them to put a missile accurately on any US city, that is the true enemy of the United States, and Slick Willie still walks free today. If a mushroom cloud shows up at a major city, thank Bill and Hillary for that one.

The Marxists/Demofascists of this board keep saying that President Trump is a traitor to the country, had tried to cause an insurrection(that never happened) and provide aid to our enemies through the espionage act. Every time you look at what actually Demofascists/Marxists have done to provide technology to China that allowed them to put a missile accurately on any US city, that is the true enemy of the United States, and Slick Willie still walks free today. If a mushroom cloud shows up at a major city, thank Bill and Hillary for that one.

Um, everyone wanted China to have that technology because they wanted to put satellites up in the sky cheaply.

China only has 422 nukes compared to our 5244

Yes, as a matter of fact, that was the whole reason that the establishment press concentrated so much on that Lewsinky scandle, because, yes, both sides were selling the nation out.. . .

"Already done & done. China has already reverse engineered our 5th generation fighters, they don't need to even bother with the 4th gen anymore.
(previous post.)
The whole thing was done by the CFR press, and the CFR republicans, to distract the public from the very real, and very consequential campaign finance scandal. That scandal? Amounted to essentially treason, but the deep state, and corporate elites, which buy off pols in both parties, wanted that type of corruption to continue, and did not want the electorate to focus on it.

It was a snow job, and a distraction, a bone thrown to partisans, for the TRUE CRIME, the treasonous corruption that the Trilaterals were engaged in, the same bullshit they have been doing with that Covid GoF and the WEF.


The technology transfers started back in the seventies. . . .

It really went full tilt when they used that Lewinsky trial as a distraction to cover for Chinagate. Then they had the US fund that GoF research, which funded the virus. . . and, well, that covered for the whole purposeful controlled demolition of the global economy and subversion of the American civil institutions.

Why do you think American oligarchs have been selling China all the technology they need for a confrontation with America for the past forty years?



Clinton Approves Technology Transfer to China

China's American Arsenal

For instance, here's the Shenyang J-31, China's fifth generation stealth fighter:

And here's the good ol' Lockheed Martin F-35B Lightning II:

Or compare the Chinese Lijian Sharp Sword Unmanned Combat Air Vehicle:

To the Northrop Grumman X-47B Unmanned Combat Air Vehicle:

Or take the Sunward SVU-200 Flying Tiger unmanned helo:

And play a game of "spot the similarities" with Northrop Grumman's very own MQ-8 Fire Scout unmanned helo:

Flashback: Bill Clinton gave China missile technology The Marxists/Demofascists of this board keep saying that President Trump is a traitor to the country, had tried to cause an insurrection(that never happened) and provide aid to our enemies through the espionage act. Every time you look at what actually Demofascists/Marxists have done to provide technology to China that allowed them to put a missile accurately on any US city, that is the true enemy of the United States, and Slick Willie still walks free today. If a mushroom cloud shows up at a major city, thank Bill and Hillary for that one.

He and Chretien were both in office at the same time. Go search for "Operation Sidewinder". Kudos to China for buying favour with our PM, they did their job well.
He and Chretien were both in office at the same time. Go search for "Operation Sidewinder". Kudos to China for buying favour with our PM, they did their job well.
We were sold out, but what really got me was the commercial that came out a little later. Back when it came out, there was not one person who would of believed it. Now just 7 years away, this could actually happen, with the traitors who sold US out.

Yes, as a matter of fact, that was the whole reason that the establishment press concentrated so much on that Lewsinky scandle, because, yes, both sides were selling the nation out.. . .

Actually, the reason why they concentrated so much on that was because that's what people would pay attention to.

A scandal about how Hughes Aerospace got exemptions to export laws so that they could give rocket tech to China to meet the world's demand for new satellites... most people's eyes would glaze over about that.

But the president got a blow job from an intern? That's interesting.

The whole thing was done by the CFR press, and the CFR republicans, to distract the public from the very real, and very consequential campaign finance scandal. That scandal? Amounted to essentially treason, but the deep state, and corporate elites, which buy off pols in both parties, wanted that type of corruption to continue, and did not want the electorate to focus on it.

You see, when you start talking about the CFR, Bilderbergers, Trilateralists, Illuminati, Lizard People, that's when you get into the realm of crazy. The problem with most conspiracy theorists is that if conspiracies were effective, you'd never know about them.

It really went full tilt when they used that Lewinsky trial as a distraction to cover for Chinagate. Then they had the US fund that GoF research, which funded the virus. . . and, well, that covered for the whole purposeful controlled demolition of the global economy and subversion of the American civil institutions.

Why do you think American oligarchs have been selling China all the technology they need for a confrontation with America for the past forty years?

Right, because there is absolutely no way the Chinese could have figured out how to do these things themselves!
What a relief, the communists only have enough nuclear bombs to completely destroy the USA
We also have the edge on China in the aircraft carrier dept. They have 3 and we have 20. Obviously, our military is built for offense. Because we have friendly neighbors and large bodies of water protecting us, we need to go looking for wars.
Flashback: Bill Clinton gave China missile technology The Marxists/Demofascists of this board keep saying that President Trump is a traitor to the country, had tried to cause an insurrection(that never happened) and provide aid to our enemies through the espionage act. Every time you look at what actually Demofascists/Marxists have done to provide technology to China that allowed them to put a missile accurately on any US city, that is the true enemy of the United States, and Slick Willie still walks free today. If a mushroom cloud shows up at a major city, thank Bill and Hillary for that one.

You're 100% correct.

Prior to President Clinton, the Chinese could not hit the Pacific Ocean with their rockets. Now they have reliable, pinpoint accurate rocket systems. They have used them to take out satellites.

Clinton shifted approval for such sales to a less secure bureaucracy. Legally, our rocket motors and guidance systems could be sold to China. The rest is history.

President Carter put an end date for our occupation of Panama. That time lapsed during the Clinton administration. The Clinton administration took bids for control of the ports at the hugely enlarged Panama Canal. Clinton made it happen that China won that bid and now controls both ends of that canal.

It gets much worse.
We also have the edge on China in the aircraft carrier dept. They have 3 and we have 20. Obviously, our military is built for offense. Because we have friendly neighbors and large bodies of water protecting us, we need to go looking for wars.
For years now they have been cranking out both diesel and nuclear-powered submarines They are capable of launching nuclear ICBMs.

They have a submarine port which is built inside a mountain with only an underwater entrance. So we really don't know how many they have or where they are at any time.

China's Submarine Fleet Is So Strong - Nation World News​


The military is arming itself powerfully: China's submarine fleet is so ...​


62 submarines
China has a submarine fleet of 62 submarines, both nuclear-powered and diesel-electric. The fleet is expected to grow to 70 by the end of the 2020s, with eight nuclear weapons carriers. The most modern submarines are the Type-093A Shang-II Class, which are similar in size to some of the latest Western submarines. China's submarines serve strategic functions such as gathering intelligence and asserting territorial claims in the South China Sea and East China Sea.

Flashback: Bill Clinton gave China missile technology The Marxists/Demofascists of this board keep saying that President Trump is a traitor to the country, had tried to cause an insurrection(that never happened) and provide aid to our enemies through the espionage act. Every time you look at what actually Demofascists/Marxists have done to provide technology to China that allowed them to put a missile accurately on any US city, that is the true enemy of the United States, and Slick Willie still walks free today. If a mushroom cloud shows up at a major city, thank Bill and Hillary for that one.


For communication satellite???

We also have the edge on China in the aircraft carrier dept. They have 3 and we have 20. Obviously, our military is built for offense. Because we have friendly neighbors and large bodies of water protecting us, we need to go looking for wars.

And here's the thing. We tried to project military strength all over the world, while China is engaging in something called the "Belt and Road" initiative, where they go into third world countries, and help them build infrastructure to move their products around.

We antagonize the rest of the world by bombing it... China gains favor by helping it.

The other part of our relationship with China is that we look at Taiwan, Hong Kong, TIbet and the Uyghurs in terms of human rights and democracy. China looks at those regions through the lens of national sovereignty, and how the only reason why these places aren't fully under Beijing's control is that in the past foreign powers infringed on China's sovereign control of these regions.

Hong Kong became a British colony because of the Concessions forced on China in the Opium Wars. (You know, where the British Empire went to war for the right to sell addictive drugs to the Chinese people!) Despite that, China did not roll into Hong Kong in 1949 when the British Empire was in its death throes. It waited until the lease ran out and allowed it a certain level of autonomy.

Tibet- China allowed the corrupt Lama class to have control of the region and the British exploited it, until they moved in and the Dalai Lama fled. Contrary to what the Dalai Lama tells Richard Gere, their rule of Tibet was cruel and life was pretty miserable for most Tibetans.

Taiwan- Illegally taken from China by Japan, the US protected the remnants of Chiang Kai-shek's corrupt regime to set up there and they were a fascist dictatorship we supported all the way up to the 1990's.

As for the Uyghurs - The Russians moved into that region and supported their semi-independence, and then withdrew when China went Communist. The Uyghers have cooperated with various international Islamist terrorist groups, including Al Qaeda.

In short, China is NOT our enemy, and there are people in Washington (both parties) that are unnecessarily antagonizing them over non-issues.
For communication satellite???

And like a good little Marxist/Demofascist, you actually believe it is only for satellites?
And here's the thing. We tried to project military strength all over the world, while China is engaging in something called the "Belt and Road" initiative, where they go into third world countries, and help them build infrastructure to move their products around.

We antagonize the rest of the world by bombing it... China gains favor by helping it.

The other part of our relationship with China is that we look at Taiwan, Hong Kong, TIbet and the Uyghurs in terms of human rights and democracy. China looks at those regions through the lens of national sovereignty, and how the only reason why these places aren't fully under Beijing's control is that in the past foreign powers infringed on China's sovereign control of these regions.

Hong Kong became a British colony because of the Concessions forced on China in the Opium Wars. (You know, where the British Empire went to war for the right to sell addictive drugs to the Chinese people!) Despite that, China did not roll into Hong Kong in 1949 when the British Empire was in its death throes. It waited until the lease ran out and allowed it a certain level of autonomy.

Tibet- China allowed the corrupt Lama class to have control of the region and the British exploited it, until they moved in and the Dalai Lama fled. Contrary to what the Dalai Lama tells Richard Gere, their rule of Tibet was cruel and life was pretty miserable for most Tibetans.

Taiwan- Illegally taken from China by Japan, the US protected the remnants of Chiang Kai-shek's corrupt regime to set up there and they were a fascist dictatorship we supported all the way up to the 1990's.

As for the Uyghurs - The Russians moved into that region and supported their semi-independence, and then withdrew when China went Communist. The Uyghers have cooperated with various international Islamist terrorist groups, including Al Qaeda.

In short, China is NOT our enemy, and there are people in Washington (both parties) that are unnecessarily antagonizing them over non-issues.

If the media was honest they would have speculated why the Bubba shipped nuclear technology to N.K.

We also have the edge on China in the aircraft carrier dept. They have 3 and we have 20. Obviously, our military is built for offense. Because we have friendly neighbors and large bodies of water protecting us, we need to go looking for wars.
The USA looks for wars, I agree, time to get rid of Biden and the Democratic Party. It is terrible, corrupt, how the democratic party is always getting us into wars.
And here's the thing. We tried to project military strength all over the world, while China is engaging in something called the "Belt and Road" initiative, where they go into third world countries, and help them build infrastructure to move their products around.

We antagonize the rest of the world by bombing it... China gains favor by helping it.

The other part of our relationship with China is that we look at Taiwan, Hong Kong, TIbet and the Uyghurs in terms of human rights and democracy. China looks at those regions through the lens of national sovereignty, and how the only reason why these places aren't fully under Beijing's control is that in the past foreign powers infringed on China's sovereign control of these regions.

Hong Kong became a British colony because of the Concessions forced on China in the Opium Wars. (You know, where the British Empire went to war for the right to sell addictive drugs to the Chinese people!) Despite that, China did not roll into Hong Kong in 1949 when the British Empire was in its death throes. It waited until the lease ran out and allowed it a certain level of autonomy.

Tibet- China allowed the corrupt Lama class to have control of the region and the British exploited it, until they moved in and the Dalai Lama fled. Contrary to what the Dalai Lama tells Richard Gere, their rule of Tibet was cruel and life was pretty miserable for most Tibetans.

Taiwan- Illegally taken from China by Japan, the US protected the remnants of Chiang Kai-shek's corrupt regime to set up there and they were a fascist dictatorship we supported all the way up to the 1990's.

As for the Uyghurs - The Russians moved into that region and supported their semi-independence, and then withdrew when China went Communist. The Uyghers have cooperated with various international Islamist terrorist groups, including Al Qaeda.

In short, China is NOT our enemy, and there are people in Washington (both parties) that are unnecessarily antagonizing them over non-issues.
The Tibetan monks enjoyed bringing youngsters to visit their mountain top monasteries where they could do with them as they pleased.

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