Waco a stark reminder of the murderous intent of dictatorial administrations


Senior Member
May 22, 2012
By Suzanne Eovaldic
March 24th, 2013

Twenty years ago at this time we were in the midst of the federal government’s 51 day siege on a compound of Bible worshippers who with their 12 children were all snuffed out in a raid. “That’s torturing babies,” a U.S. Representative bemoaned at the Congressional hearings investigating the Waco siege during which CS gas vapor was spewed down a long arm of an armored tank onto the roof, into the rooms, and ultimately wafted down into the windowless tower where some of the women and their children were hiding in the Mount Carmel Church compound of the David Karesh (Vernon Howell) followers! “Gas masks don’t fit on babies,” one investigator in Washington, D.C. observed. So as former Attorney General Janet Reno suffers from Parkinson’s Disease in Stuart, FL, a lengthy, outstanding online video entitled “Waco-The Rules of Engagement (William Gazecki)” (1) reminds us just what can happen when a federal government-gone-wild destroys citizens. Footage of Reno leaving to attend a speech while the Waco outrage was going on is a poignant reminder of the Democrat Presidency of William Jefferson Clinton.

The federal government’s siege on Waco began on February 28, 1993, and ended 51 days later during the orgy of gassing children, women, the elderly, and most of their congregation. “We put massive gas in there,” you can hear one agent acclaiming! “My skin was melting. . . (in) the mass of flames. . .horrible way to die,” says a crying man who lived only by diving at a hole in the otherwise pitch darkness of screaming voices.” Hard to watch toward the end of the long ordeal is the photo of the crisp charred body of a little 12 year old girl who died when the effects of the deadly gas back bowed her muscles and collapsed her entire frame. During negotiations with FBI agents, who got the handoff of the mission from the BATF, David Karesh is heard saying, “only one fire extinguisher in the building.” Former FBI forensic photographer Farris Rookstool calls the attempt to brand the Karesh followers victims of mass suicide “most irresponsible.” “Many of the residents were HOMICIDE victims,” he says. ( at 2:07:56 video time line)


Read more:
Waco a stark reminder of the murderous intent of dictatorial administrations « Coach is Right

SOURCE: (1) Twenty Years Since Waco | Liberty.com - also this link
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/embed/uCfzLFIT5QM?rel=O]Waco - The Rules of Engagement (William Gazecki) - YouTube[/ame]​
Waco shows what happens when you kill federal agents. You stop being a bunch of bible worshipers and start being a bunch of wanted killers
By Suzanne Eovaldic
March 24th, 2013

Twenty years ago at this time we were in the midst of the federal government’s 51 day siege on a compound of Bible worshippers who with their 12 children were all snuffed out in a raid. “That’s torturing babies,” a U.S. Representative bemoaned at the Congressional hearings investigating the Waco siege during which CS gas vapor was spewed down a long arm of an armored tank onto the roof, into the rooms, and ultimately wafted down into the windowless tower where some of the women and their children were hiding in the Mount Carmel Church compound of the David Karesh (Vernon Howell) followers! “Gas masks don’t fit on babies,” one investigator in Washington, D.C. observed. So as former Attorney General Janet Reno suffers from Parkinson’s Disease in Stuart, FL, a lengthy, outstanding online video entitled “Waco-The Rules of Engagement (William Gazecki)” (1) reminds us just what can happen when a federal government-gone-wild destroys citizens. Footage of Reno leaving to attend a speech while the Waco outrage was going on is a poignant reminder of the Democrat Presidency of William Jefferson Clinton.

The federal government’s siege on Waco began on February 28, 1993, and ended 51 days later during the orgy of gassing children, women, the elderly, and most of their congregation. “We put massive gas in there,” you can hear one agent acclaiming! “My skin was melting. . . (in) the mass of flames. . .horrible way to die,” says a crying man who lived only by diving at a hole in the otherwise pitch darkness of screaming voices.” Hard to watch toward the end of the long ordeal is the photo of the crisp charred body of a little 12 year old girl who died when the effects of the deadly gas back bowed her muscles and collapsed her entire frame. During negotiations with FBI agents, who got the handoff of the mission from the BATF, David Karesh is heard saying, “only one fire extinguisher in the building.” Former FBI forensic photographer Farris Rookstool calls the attempt to brand the Karesh followers victims of mass suicide “most irresponsible.” “Many of the residents were HOMICIDE victims,” he says. ( at 2:07:56 video time line)


Read more:
Waco a stark reminder of the murderous intent of dictatorial administrations « Coach is Right

SOURCE: (1) Twenty Years Since Waco | Liberty.com - also this link

THis should please the muslims ands the atheists.
No D's let alone libs or progressives will admit to the torture and slaying of innocents on American soil.

Thank you Janet. Thank you Holder. Complicit in the deaths of so many. I hope and I really do hope that Reno hears the childrens screams dying by the fire she unleashed on the compound as she descends into hell.
Waco shows what happens when you kill federal agents. You stop being a bunch of bible worshipers and start being a bunch of wanted killers

I like you a lot. Not on this one though. We'll have to disagree.

This is a study in madness from the government. I watched it daily.

You know what it looked like? Have you ever seen Road Warrior? That's what it looked like.

All they do is swarm till they can find one way in.
No D's let alone libs or progressives will admit to the torture and slaying of innocents on American soil.

Thank you Janet. Thank you Holder. Complicit in the deaths of so many. I hope and I really do hope that Reno hears the childrens screams dying by the fire she unleashed on the compound as she descends into hell.

Thanks for this reminder about Reno.

Here's more:

1. Attorney General Reno’s military-style attack on a religious sect in Waco, Texas led to the greatest number of US civilians ever killed by the government in the history of the United States. Clearly, Reno felt that the presence of a weird cult rose to the level of a threat to the domestic tranquility of the nation. Kent State, 4 killed; Haymarket prosecutions, 4 executed; Three Mile Island, zero.

2. While Dade County state attorney, Reno persecuted the most decorated police officer in the history of South Miami PD with a totally fabricated “repressed memory child molestation” conviction. He served 12 years before the Supreme Court threw it out.

3. “On Aug. 19, 1991, rabbinical student Yankel Rosenbaum was stabbed to death in Crown Heights by a black racist mob shouting "Kill the Jew!" as retaliation for another Hasidic man killing a black child in a car accident hours earlier.

In a far clearer case of jury nullification than the first Rodney King verdict, a jury composed of nine blacks and three Puerto Ricans acquitted Lemrick Nelson Jr. of the murder -- despite the fact that the police found the bloody murder weapon in his pocket and Rosenbaum's blood on his clothes, and that Rosenbaum, as he lay dying, had identified Nelson as his assailant…. It took two years from Nelson's acquittal to get Reno to bring a civil rights case against him.”

And who selected Reno as the best possible choice for the job?
Oh...right, the rapist.
Waco shows what happens when you kill federal agents. You stop being a bunch of bible worshipers and start being a bunch of wanted killers

The children who were murdered were killers?

They were the only reason the compound was not swarmed 54 days earlier. It is a shame they were used by their parents as human shields. The children could have been released from the compound at any time
Waco a stark reminder of the murderous intent of dictatorial administrations

Actually not.

It’s a stark reminder of the dangers of religious extremism and the propensity of the right to contrive a controversy where none exists, and how the right has no shame by attempting to exploit the deaths of both law enforcement and suspects for some perceived political, partisan gain.
I vividly remember the incident at the Branch Davidian Compound. I have to disagree with my conservative brothers and sisters on this one. It would have ended much differently if it weren't for the actions of their leader and many of the adults in the compound. The feds gave them plenty of opportunity to end it peacefully.
Waco a stark reminder of the murderous intent of dictatorial administrations

Actually not.

It’s a stark reminder of the dangers of religious extremism and the propensity of the right to contrive a controversy where none exists, and how the right has no shame by attempting to exploit the deaths of both law enforcement and suspects for some perceived political, partisan gain.

Gee whiz.....another liberal less than incensed by the thuggery of the Left.

And another:

“Nearly ten years ago Friedman stated his real motives for all the world to read. For the record, Tom Friedman is walking excrement. Let’s not forget how he responded to the thuggish actions of Billy Jeff and Janet Waco with their attack on the Constitution and common decency:

“Yup, I gotta confess, that now-famous picture of a U.S. marshal in Miami pointing an automatic weapon toward Donato Dalrymple and ordering him in the name of the U.S. government to turn over Elian Gonzalez warmed my heart.”- Thomas Friedman , April 2000
Infidel Bloggers Alliance: Tom Friedman: Standard Issue Liberal Fascist
Waco a stark reminder of the murderous intent of dictatorial administrations

Actually not.

It’s a stark reminder of the dangers of religious extremism and the propensity of the right to contrive a controversy where none exists, and how the right has no shame by attempting to exploit the deaths of both law enforcement and suspects for some perceived political, partisan gain.

What law did the innocents break that made the American government decided on a "kill".

Please tell me.

What law did the inhabitants of that compound break? Please tell me.
I vividly remember the incident at the Branch Davidian Compound. I have to disagree with my conservative brothers and sisters on this one. It would have ended much differently if it weren't for the actions of their leader and many of the adults in the compound. The feds gave them plenty of opportunity to end it peacefully.

With all due respect, I watched every second of it that I could put into my soul. Round the clock. I was horrified that the in the beltway Washington was going to wipe out this compound.

I'm not pulling a left or right here.

They circled the dwellings with armored vehicles. (oh and by the way I thought that was illegal)

They tormented day after day after day.

I still want Reno up on charges. She made the call that killed all those babies.
No D's let alone libs or progressives will admit to the torture and slaying of innocents on American soil.

Thank you Janet. Thank you Holder. Complicit in the deaths of so many. I hope and I really do hope that Reno hears the childrens screams dying by the fire she unleashed on the compound as she descends into hell.

I hope far worse for her but that will do if it is all she gets. Liberals and Democrats are absolute tyrants by nature. Which is why they should never be in power positions above that of city dog catcher.
Waco shows what happens when you kill federal agents. You stop being a bunch of bible worshipers and start being a bunch of wanted killers

The children who were murdered were killers?

They were the only reason the compound was not swarmed 54 days earlier. It is a shame they were used by their parents as human shields. The children could have been released from the compound at any time

Smart as a brick you are. Those children were never used as human shields. They were murdered by the Federal government you sap.
I vividly remember the incident at the Branch Davidian Compound. I have to disagree with my conservative brothers and sisters on this one. It would have ended much differently if it weren't for the actions of their leader and many of the adults in the compound. The feds gave them plenty of opportunity to end it peacefully.

So that is what you call murdering them? No true Conservative holds that position......
Show me your card , comrade.
The children who were murdered were killers?

They were the only reason the compound was not swarmed 54 days earlier. It is a shame they were used by their parents as human shields. The children could have been released from the compound at any time

Smart as a brick you are. Those children were never used as human shields. They were murdered by the Federal government you sap.

Nobody was murdered and each had ample opportunity to peaceably surrender
Waco shows what happens when you kill federal agents. You stop being a bunch of bible worshipers and start being a bunch of wanted killers

Gee, and all the while here I was under the impression that the ATF screwed the pooch. We now know that Reno was advised by Holder during this debacle and he lied then as he is lying today in F&F.
Was WACO butchery by the Libs on religion. You can bet your booty it was. Libbies cry today about 20 kids killed in Conn, while they hide the facts about the 28 children massacred in WACO.
I certainly never read about restricting guns to the ATF or the FBI after the massacre of 82 men, women and children at WACO.
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Waco shows what happens when you kill federal agents. You stop being a bunch of bible worshipers and start being a bunch of wanted killers

Gee, and all the while here I was under the impression that the ATF screwed the pooch. We now know that Reno was advised by Holder during this debacle and he lied then as he is lying today in F&F.
Was WACO butchery by the Libs on religion. You can bet your booty it was. Libbies cry today about 20 kids killed in Conn, while they hide the facts about the 28 children massacred in WACO.
I certainly never read about restricting guns to the ATF or the FBI after the massacre of 82 men, women and children at WACO.

I watched it daily.

It was unreal. The government used every tactic possible till they finally killed them all.

Oh Lord almighty it was crazy.
Waco shows what happens when you kill federal agents. You stop being a bunch of bible worshipers and start being a bunch of wanted killers

Gee, and all the while here I was under the impression that the ATF screwed the pooch. We now know that Reno was advised by Holder during this debacle and he lied then as he is lying today in F&F.
Was WACO butchery by the Libs on religion. You can bet your booty it was. Libbies cry today about 20 kids killed in Conn, while they hide the facts about the 28 children massacred in WACO.
I certainly never read about restricting guns to the ATF or the FBI after the massacre of 82 men, women and children at WACO.

Butchery is a solid word for what they did.
Waco shows what happens when you kill federal agents. You stop being a bunch of bible worshipers and start being a bunch of wanted killers

Gee, and all the while here I was under the impression that the ATF screwed the pooch. We now know that Reno was advised by Holder during this debacle and he lied then as he is lying today in F&F.
Was WACO butchery by the Libs on religion. You can bet your booty it was. Libbies cry today about 20 kids killed in Conn, while they hide the facts about the 28 children massacred in WACO.
I certainly never read about restricting guns to the ATF or the FBI after the massacre of 82 men, women and children at WACO.

I remember the conservative reaction during the Waco standoff. I did not hear any voices raised in defense of the brave citizens in Waco. What I heard from conservatives was how inept the Clinton administration was. How these cop killers were allowed to openly flaunt the law while Clintons justice department stood idly by.
When they finally made a move after 50 days and the compound caught fire it became how Clinton had murdered these innocent souls

Talk about Monday morning quarterbacking from the right

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