Voters debate possible Trump-Biden rematch: 'My life was better when Trump was president'


OR, you are the dumb one trying to foist lies over others.

It was not a political stunt, other presidential candidates had promised the change but never made the change. President Trump did.

President Trump did NOT pardon Kwame Kilpatrick; he had his sentence commuted.
A major difference, son.
If you liked the Trump experiment, that scares me. It troubles me. It bothers me. But I didn't understand Bush supporters either so whatever.

Why did Trump pardon Roger Stone? The guy who stopped the Florida recount in 2000? I bet Roger helped him try to steal 2020. I know he was a go between for Trump and Proud Boys.

What change did you get that you loved so much? That made such a difference? You know, this morning they showed a video of where the wall ended and just as I suspected,that's where the illegals are getting in. Like I said, if you aren't going to patrol a wall, why bother? So build a wall is bullshit. Patrol the fucking border. If you want to put up some more wall somewhere, do it. But you got to patrol it. Neither Trump or Biden have a plan to patrol the wall. If they did, then you don't need a wall. Patrol the fucking border.

But I see why you liked his talk about a wall. I don't like illegal employers either. They are the draw. Did Trump go after them? He was one!!!
Your life was better before Covid? No shit.

And if you don't like how things are now, you certainly can't use that as a reason to vote for Trump

Ron DeSantis and Chris Christie Call Out Trump for Adding to Federal Debt​

"He owes it to you to defend his record where they added $7.8 trillion to the debt that set the stage for the inflation that we have."​

Vote for Nikki, Ron or Chris. But not Trump.
Obuthole added more
My life is better without Covid in it, and Trump could have done far, far better.
All of us are better when we aren't sick than when we are. The leftyvirus scam was a purposeful attack on our economy and the election. If you can't tell that and use that knowledge in the next election, you shouldn;t vote.
Romney was a good candidate, and if Christie was not making Obama looking presidential the last week of the election, Romney would have won.

Trump earned his solid defeat in the fairest election in history,

His number will be in the twenties by May of next year, and so be it.
Where will you move when Trump wins looneybin?
And Romney has a RINO tatoo on his pelosi.
You fall for right wing media and theater. It's like any jew who votes for Trump because of that political stunt he pulled in Jeruselum. Or for a black to vote for him because he pardoned Kwame Kilpatrick. The most corrupt mayor in US history. That was a political move to win support from stupid people who don't pay close attention.
Are you smoking crack ? What does supply chain problems and Trump being harder on Russia have to do with this?
The most corrupt President in history is the one in the White House that has gotten a pass for the last 48 years.
The good for nothing racist career politician that has lied 1000's of times. Joseph Robinette Biden.
For a group that used to preach self responsibility conservatives sure suck and making their lives better without the government. My life, however, is much better now.
Government gets in the way of me making my life better. Progs are the ones who want government to make their lives better, not conservatives. We want government to leave us the hell alone.
In what way?

Trump had $2 gas, 1% inflation, and zero foreign wars.

By the numbers he was the best president in 80 years.
We had cheaper gas before Trump, lower inflation before Trump. Trump had wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Somalia.

You're forgetting that things were going just fine before Trump took office.
We had cheaper gas before Trump, lower inflation before Trump. Trump had wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Somalia.

You're forgetting that things were going just fine before Trump took office.

Before Trump took office, Obama started FIVE foreign wars.

And before him, there was W and WMD.

Trump did not start any wars, and he got us out of a few.

If you like peace, Trump is a much better choice than Neo-Libs or Neo-Cons.
No debating the validity of this debate. It happened. Debates are interesting. Debates are not like polls. Watch it.
Interesting comments, and really life was better when Trump was president as they say in this debate.

This argument gets so old. Just because your life was better when Trump was president doesn’t mean that Trump was responsible for your life being better. The world was in a different place and if you want to be completely honest you’d need to include Trumps last year in which nobody’s life was better.

Before Trump took office, Obama started FIVE foreign wars.

And before him, there was W and WMD.

Trump did not start any wars, and he got us out of a few.

If you like peace, Trump is a much better choice than Neo-Libs or Neo-Cons.
He didn't pull out of Afghanistan. He didn't pull out of Iraq. He didn't pull out of Somalia.

Trump accelerated bombings and killings.

It's a myth he was peaceful. He was anything but.

Things were going fine before he took office.
We had cheaper gas before Trump, lower inflation before Trump. Trump had wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Somalia.

You're forgetting that things were going just fine before Trump took office.
Those were low key actions in those nations compared to outright wars. Once we got involved in the middle east with George Senior, it cursed us to endless excursions. Over 30 years easily and countless trillions of dollars. Part of it to protect Israel. American soldiers coming home in caskets, without parts of their bodies and psychological issues for what. The neo cons are trying mightily to get us involved again. Selling it to us though as we are paying more attention is an issue. Still, they gave away part of the store to Ukraine. And the middle east war is on the docket.
This argument gets so old. Just because your life was better when Trump was president doesn’t mean that Trump was responsible for your life being better. The world was in a different place and if you want to be completely honest you’d need to include Trumps last year in which nobody’s life was better.
My life was better every year when Trump was President.
January 20, 2025, my life will get even better.
I stated a thread saying this is what you just said to me. And you think 51% of Americans are going to vote with you? Fuck that.

It's a strategy though. I don't think it's a good one, but it's really the only strategy you guys have at this point. Full on Nazis. Good luck.

LOL! ^^^The guy who supports Hamas and every anti-Semitic DemoKKKrat in the country is calling someone else a Nazi.

Can't make it up...

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